Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 940: Enemy road is narrow

Hearing the exclamation, several people were startled, and Uncle Jian rushed out.

His duty is to protect Ye Qianqian. If she has three strengths and two weaknesses, how can he deal with it?

The three of Yu Mo also hurried away.

I saw that Uncle Jian had already protected Ye Qianqian's third daughter, and confronted several people with a gloomy expression.

Suddenly, Yu Mo's pupils shrank, and he found two familiar figures in the crowd.

Fairy Miaoyin and Young Master Yan!

There was another man in his thirties beside them, Qi Yuxuan, exuding a fierce aura.

Others first noticed Fairy Miaoyin and Young Master Yan, but Yu Mo's attention was on this man, who had a sword intent on his body, which was the breath of a master swordsman.

Tang Jing and Zhuang Yushu rushed to help, but were stopped by Yu Mo.

Uncle Jian and Ye Qianqian are both local snakes, let them come forward first, not to mention, Uncle Jian holds Jian Zong so high that they think they are exaggerating.

In this case, let Uncle Jian handle it and see how he resolves all this.

Moreover, they are nearby, and in a critical moment, they can take action in time without major problems.

Uncle Jian did not recognize the other party, but he also knew that the other party was from the Jianghu. He cupped his hands and said cheerfully, "Everyone, what's going on here, is there any misunderstanding?"

Fairy Miaoyin's face was ashen, and her eyes seemed to breathe fire.

Young Master Yan looked at the three girls greedily and said, "Hmph, old thing, misunderstanding? I tell you, there is no misunderstanding! Those two little girls, don't think that I can't recognize you just by looking at you. You are That kid who is with us, dare to treat us like that, this time you are alone, and you will be left with nothing to eat."

Of course Yu Yue and Ling Yao recognized them, and Yu Yue said indignantly, "You hit our car first, so you have the nerve to accuse us."

"Yes, you don't put other people's lives in your eyes. It's reasonable for others to take care of you." Ling Yao said with the hatred.

Ye Qianqian was confused and asked inexplicably, "Yaoyao, Yue'er, what the **** is going on? This is the capital of Shu. If anyone dares to harm you, hmph, I will definitely make them pay the price."

After all, Ye Qianqian is the daughter of the Ye family. After getting really angry, the heroic spirit between the eyebrows is compelling and has its own momentum.

"Hey, what a big tone." Young Master Yan looked at Ye Qianqian up and down, his eyes were very aggressive and very uncomfortable.

Ye Qianqian glared at him angrily: "What are you looking at?"

"Tsk tsk, she's another top-notch beauty, and there are beauties in the capital of Shu. That's true." Master Yan exclaimed.

Mr. Yan's speech was inappropriate and the air was flowing. Uncle Jian couldn't help it. He took a step forward, narrowed the distance with Mr. Yan, and said sternly, "Young man, you better keep your mouth clean."

Young Master Yan raised his head and said disdainfully, "Old man, what if I were like this? What can you do to me? Hmph, old man, go back to your coffin board, and don't come out and be ashamed."

Obviously, he didn't take Uncle Jian in his eyes at all.

Uncle Jian was furious: "If you speak unkindly, I will teach you a lesson for your elders."

Uncle Jian's big hand probed and grabbed, and Young Master Yan quickly dodged, but he was Uncle Jian's opponent. Uncle Jian had rich experience and could defeat the enemy with one move.


Young Master Yan took a move in his chest, causing a sharp stinging pain. He almost didn't catch his breath and sat on the ground in a state of embarrassment.


Fairy Miaoyin and the man shrank their pupils and looked at Uncle Jian in surprise. Fairy Miaoyin said angrily, "Who are you, who dare to oppose Jianzong?"

Sword Sect?

Uncle Jian was startled and looked at each other in disbelief.

Just now, he hated the iron and blamed Yu Mo, but now, he actually had a conflict with Jianzong, and the situation changed too fast.

Uncle Jian looked towards the crowd.

At this moment, this conflict has gathered a lot of onlookers, and the three of Yu Mo are hiding in the crowd. Seeing Uncle Jian looking over, Yu Mo blinked at him with a meaningful smile.

Uncle Jian froze in his heart, looked at Fairy Miaoyin and the man, and asked, "Are you from the Sword Sect?"

After hearing Uncle Jian's tone, Fairy Miaoyin was relieved, and finally there was someone who was not ignorant. After all, there were not many ignorant people in this world like that stinky boy.

Fairy Miaoyin said triumphantly: "Exactly, I am Fairy Miaoyin, the descendant of Sword Sect, and this is my senior brother Ren Jingyun."

Uncle Jian was dumbfounded. He really said Cao Cao. When Cao Cao arrived, he had never thought that the other party was Fairy Miaoyin, and more importantly, another person.

He turned out to be Ren Jingyun, the eldest disciple of Jianzong.

This person is the candidate for the next Sword Sect Sect Master, and the status of the general Sword Sect descendant is so different that one dare not ignore it.

Uncle Jian's heart became anxious, and he looked at the crowd, but he couldn't see Yu Mo at all.

He felt bitter in his heart, knowing that this was Yu Mo hiding on purpose to see how he would deal with it.

He gritted his teeth, stopped his waist, and said, "It turned out to be a descendant of Jianzong, disrespectful. Then this is more of a misunderstanding. We are from the Ye family in the capital of Shu, so why don't we expose this misunderstanding?"

Uncle Jian didn't know the specific details of the conflict between Yu Mo and Fairy Miaoyin, so he didn't know its seriousness.

Fairy Miaoyin heard the words and said disdainfully, "What is the Ye family in Shu capital, isn't it just relying on Tangmen? Now you dare to challenge our sword sect? What are you guys!"

Fairy Miaoyin suffered a big loss, and when she came to the capital of Shu, she couldn't wait to buy clothes, trying to sweep away the bad luck, but unexpectedly met an enemy again.

How can she give up?

This is nowhere to break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it. Naturally, she will not miss this great opportunity for revenge.

What's more, she was accompanied by her senior brother, and even if the kid showed up, she was not afraid at all.

As for the so-called Ye family, in her anger, she really didn't take the other party to heart.

However, as soon as her remarks came out, the surroundings became dead silent. Even ordinary people knew the power of the Ye family in the capital of Shu, not to mention this was the capital of Shu. Where is the reputation?

Uncle Jian looked around and saw this question on the faces of the onlookers. His heart skipped a beat, both angry and in a dilemma.

Jianzong can't be provoked, but Jianzong is so aggressive and swept the face of the Ye family, and he can't blame him.

But he couldn't back down, he could only bite the bullet and cup his hands, saying, "Fairy Miaoyin's words are not good. You are all guests from afar, and you don't know the specific situation, so there are these misunderstandings. It's better for me to be the host, please have a drink. Fan, let go of the past, how about it?"

After listening to Uncle Jian's words, Fairy Miaoyin not only did not restrain herself, but instead became more domineering. Pointing at the three girls, she said gloomily, "You want to let go of the past, don't you? Leave them to us, and I can naturally let go of it."

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