Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 970: a blessing in disguise

But the crowd didn't plan to let Yan Qiude, and they all asked loudly, "Master Yan, you keep saying that Yu Mo is a puppet, what else can you say now?"

"Yes, is the puppet so powerful? You are clearly misleading us."

The crowd was indignant, and he wanted to escape, but there was no way to escape. He looked at the crowd anxiously, and glanced at the river surface. He never saw Feng Wujiang appear, and his heart was even more flustered.

He faltered and couldn't say anything.

Seeing this scene, Sect Master Tang really wanted to laugh three times.

This group of people tried to die, but instead they fulfilled Yu Mo and let the world witness Yu Mo's strength, so naturally no one would dare to question him again.

A blessing in disguise is not a bad thing.

"The first evil is Feng Wujiang, he is an accomplice, and it is useless for you to ask him. Since then, the Tianxing Sword Sect Wuyan has walked in the rivers and lakes." Tang Sect Master said firmly.

Everyone gave up the questioning and asked for morality, and nodded one after another: "That's right, how can the Tianxing Sword Sect still have the face to walk in the rivers and lakes."

There is something they haven't said yet. The Tianxing Sword Sect's secret technique, Tianxing Swordsmanship, has been made public. The disciples of the Tianxing Sword Sect don't need to follow words to seek virtue. Moreover, it's a loss to follow him. reputation.

The corners of Yan Qiude's mouth twitched fiercely, and he knew this, but he had no choice but to bow his head in resignation.

He was annoyed in his heart, if Feng Wujiang had not forced him to do so, he would not have ended up like this.

However, when he thought of Yu Mo's words, his heart froze again. In the final analysis, he deserved what he deserved, because he was virtuous, so he was in sympathy with Feng Wujiang.

Yu Mo looked around on the river, and he knew that Feng Wujiang did not escape, but escaped into the water and hid.

He was deeply afraid that Yu Mo would really kill him and kill him.

After all, the two have stated in advance that the sword has no eyes, and it does not matter whether it is killed or injured.

"Feng Wujiang, just be a tortoise with a shrunken head. It's best that you always come out." Yu Mo yelled at the river, but still didn't respond at all.

Yu Mo walked back to the river bank as if walking on the ground. When his feet stepped on the river bank, the mirror that blocked the river shattered and turned into a rushing river, and the river was restored to its original state.

Everyone watched this scene helplessly, pale with astonishment.

When they saw Yu Mo approaching, everyone subconsciously parted ways.

Neither sad nor happy, Yu Mo walked up to the Tang Sect Master and several others.

Sect Master Tang couldn't hide his joy, and said sincerely, "Good job."

Yu Mo smiled lightly, as if he didn't think it was such a big deal.

Tang Jing shook his fist excitedly and said, "Brother Mo, you are too good, that Feng Wujiang's nose is upside-down, and the bull is not good, isn't he still your defeated general?"

Yu Mo smiled knowingly and said, "So, don't be arrogant in everything, arrogant soldiers will be defeated."

Saying that, he deliberately glanced at Zhuang Yushu.

Zhuang Yushu experienced a trip to Penglai Island, his skills increased greatly, and he became famous at a young age. He was afraid that Zhuang Yushu would be complacent. As a master, he was naturally obliged to teach him.

Therefore, his words were aimed at Zhuang Yushu.

Zhuang Yushu has a clever mind, and immediately understood the master's good intentions, and nodded his head: "Master, the disciple has been taught."

Disciple, master?

The others were shocked when they heard the conversation.

At a young age, Yu Mo even had an apprentice, but when he thought about Yu Mo's performance just now, he felt it was right, not surprising.

Therefore, the eyes of everyone looking at Zhuang Yushu are intriguing.


They can't wait to worship Yu Mo's sect. It is a supreme honor to have such a master.

Many people's minds are alive.

Since Yu Mo opened the door to accept disciples, can he also worship him?

Everyone knows that after the next battle, everyone knows that Yu Mo will soar into the sky, and his fame will be so high that he will reach an unprecedented height.

If you don't worship at his door at this time, you will wait.

However, after all, there is still the necessary restraint under the watchful eyes of the public, so no one immediately knelt down to worship the teacher.

"Go up the mountain." Yu Mo said.

"Yes, go up the mountain, the hero meeting is not over yet, how can the hero meeting be ruined by just a few people." Tang Clan head was full of enthusiasm and walked side by side with Yu Mo.

The group went up the mountain. When Yu Mo passed Qingcheng and the Buddha, he nodded slightly to the two of them, and the two returned their salutes without saying a word.

Yu Mo was in front, and the others followed in his footsteps, only to see a mighty team behind him, and he was the leader.

After a while, he returned to Qingyang Palace.

The Qingyang Palace was empty. Everyone went down the mountain to enjoy the battle, but three people didn't go down the mountain. They were lying on stretchers and couldn't take care of themselves.

Ren Jingyun, Fairy Miaoyin and Yan Fei were lying on the stretcher, Ren Jingyun almost fainted, while Fairy Miaoyin and Yan Fei stretched their necks and looked towards the door, full of anticipation.

They witnessed Yu Mo and Feng Wujiang's first move, but they couldn't see the battle behind them, they were worried, and they really wanted to know the result quickly.

Of course, they already had a result in their hearts, Yu Mo was definitely defeated, Feng Wujiang was sure to win, they just wanted to see Yu Mo's defeat and revenge, and it was not worth their sacrifice.

When I think of the injuries on my body, it seems that both the wound and the heart hurt even more.

There are scars on Fairy Miaoyin's face, as if the fire is burning. Since then, he has fallen from the fairy to the world and turned into an ugly woman.

But in order to survive, people had to bow their heads under the eaves. She knew very well how ruthless her master was. If she didn't obey and cooperated with him in acting, she would be better off dead than life.

Only by looking forward to seeing Yu Mo's tragic appearance can she heal the pain a little.

dong dong dong!

A burst of footsteps came from outside the Qingyang Palace, and several people were shocked and raised their heads, their eyes were full of anticipation, and they didn't dare to blink, hoping to see Yu Mo's miserable appearance.

However, instead of seeing the expected scene, they saw Yu Mo high-spirited, and Qi Yu walked in proudly.

The others followed behind him with smiling faces, as if they didn't remember their previous accusations and accusations against Yu Mo.


Their heads suddenly became bigger, and they didn't understand what was going on.

"Where's Master?" Fairy Miaoyin asked in a trembling voice.

"Where's my dad?" Yan Fei didn't see Yan Qiude in the crowd.

Words and virtues have become the target of public criticism, how dare you follow up the mountain.

They searched the crowd for a long time, but they didn't see the person they wanted to see. Immediately, the hearts of the two were completely panicked, and their faces were horrified, because they thought of a terrible thing.

Yu Mo won and Feng Wujiang suffered a fiasco.

Only in this way can all this be explained, and those people can change their faces and follow behind Yu Mo.

When Yu Mo entered the door, he saw the three people on the stretcher, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, a move in his heart and an idea.

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