The next day, Liu Ang did not come to class, and no one knew about the grove and the road. After all, the school and the road were two worlds.

No one knew that because of Yu Mo, the earth-shaking changes had taken place outside.

As the party concerned, Yu Mo didn't even care about these matters. He was immersed in his studies all day. Of course, Yuan Feifei was very uneasy.

Although she didn't know about Xiao Shulin, she also realized what happened, because Liu Ang didn't even go to her last night.

This is a very unusual thing.

In order to prevent Liu Ang from making her scandal public, she finally had no choice but to agree to Liu Ang's request and dedicate herself to him.

In the past few days, Liu Ang has tasted the sweetness, and he keeps asking for it every night, as if to make up for everything he didn't get before.

Yuan Feifei wanted to refuse but dared not refuse, so she could only force a smile to satisfy Liu Ang.

Yuan Feifei also seemed to accept her fate, and gradually got used to it, but she went to the place agreed by the two last night, and Liu Ang was not seen coming.

After dialing Liu Ang's mobile phone, he waited for a long time to connect, but the voice changed greatly, and it did not hide from Yuan Feifei's ears.

But no matter how she asked, Liu Ang kept his mouth shut, and finally hung up her phone with a snap.

Such an abnormal behavior made Yuan Feifei realize what happened, so she kept looking at Yu Mo today, but seeing that he was the same as usual, she couldn't help but be more puzzled.

But she didn't have the courage to question what happened to Yu Mo, and only hoped that Liu Ang would never come to her and end that nightmare.

Night fell again, and after everyone fell asleep, Yu Mo quietly dug out of the villa. It was raining heavily last night, so he didn't go to the back mountain to practice, and he felt very guilty.

Cultivation is a matter of sailing against the current. If he is lazy, he will retreat if he does not advance. Therefore, he has been urging himself not to be lazy.

He didn't want to go back to the old days.

As soon as his feet landed, suddenly, he felt a sense of alertness for no reason in his heart, as if he was being stared at.

This feeling is very strange.

He couldn't help frowning and looked into the darkness, but there was nothing.

The back mountain has been surrounded by a fence, preventing ordinary people from entering, but there is no way to prevent Yu Mo from turning over.

This time, he didn't rush to turn over, but looked left and right, as if he wanted to see a clue.

However, it was dark all around, and there was no clue at all.

"It seems that I met those nasty guys yesterday and became suspicious."

He shook his head, temporarily suppressing the doubts in his heart, and his toes rose into the air without a run-up at all, and he easily climbed over the fence of more than two meters.

His figure disappeared into the woods, completely unaware that there were eyes in the dark to see it all.

At the top of the back mountain, he found another rock.

After the last experience, he became extra careful and stopped using rocks to test, otherwise he would make too much noise and attract the attention of others, and then he would not be able to come to the back mountain.

He sat cross-legged, his chest heaving up and down, like a big ball that inflates and deflates later.

The eyes in the dark stared at this scene in amazement, and it seemed that it was difficult to move away from the undulating chest, and the shock was self-evident.


Yu Mo let out a long breath, which was like a cloud of white mist, which was 30 centimeters away.

Immediately, the only trace of calm in his eyes in the darkness disappeared, and an exclaimed voice jumped out of his throat: "How did he do it?"


Yu Mo's eyes suddenly opened, his eyes were full of light, staring at the darkness, shouting: "Who is it?"

There was no answer in the dark.

Yu Mo's hair stood up and he was on guard.

Even in the face of dozens of Zhang Meng people, he can still talk and laugh without taking it seriously, but this time he just heard a voice, and he was like a bird in shock.

Indeed, he had to be shocked. He could already conclude that the feeling of being stared before was not because he thought too much, but was really stared at.

But after looking left and right for a long time, I didn't find any clues. From this, it can be seen that the opponent's strength is absolutely no trivial matter.


He immediately had this judgment in his mind.

The first real expert I have met since I started cultivating.

Since the other party stared at him for so long, and even followed him to the top of the mountain, it was definitely aimed at him, whether it was a friend or an enemy, and it was impossible to say.

But he was more inclined to be the enemy. After all, he had only taught Zhang Meng a lesson yesterday, and it was not ruled out that he invited helpers to deal with him.

Now the person he has offended, only Zhang Meng has this ability.

The other party didn't answer, but Yu Mo couldn't sit still, locked in one direction, put his palms on the stone, and with a swish, his figure flashed, and he rushed into the darkness.


With a loud bang, the palms slammed into each other.

Yu Mo withdrew from the darkness, and there was an exclamation in the darkness. It seemed that there were footsteps rubbing backwards, and then he bumped into a tree before stopping.

Yu Mo was shocked. His palm didn't break the opponent, and the opponent took it. You must know that the strength of this palm is more than 500 kilograms. That's a lot of power. The gravel not far away is The best proof.

It can be seen that his guess is true, and the other party is really a master.

However, he didn't know that the other party was even more terrified. In the darkness, his palm trembled slightly, and the severe pain spread from the palm to the bones, as if it was about to break his arm.

Yu Mo never gave the opponent a chance to breathe, and went into darkness step by step. This time, he didn't attack rashly. The enemy was too powerful, and he absolutely couldn't make any mistakes.

Although he is a novice, the sophistication shown at this moment is extremely incompatible with his age, especially the look in his eyes is enough to make one's heart tremble.

Yu Mo didn't notice that he was different, he just focused on his opponent.

"Stop!" Suddenly, another voice sounded, which was completely different from the previous voice, obviously another person.

Yu Mo's heart trembled again, and he didn't realize that there was a second person in the darkness. This is... an unforgivable mistake.

He hurriedly turned his head and looked in the direction of the source of the sound.

Under the moonlight, a man walked out of the darkness. If he hadn't come out by himself, he and the darkness would have become one body.

Even if you stare at it without blinking, you will never find someone in the dark.

"Who are you?" Yu Mo asked cautiously.

His spine arched slightly, like a long bow drawn into a crescent.

The robbery force runs in the meridians, and it may be stimulated from the fingers at any time, flying out like a bullet.

He raised his palm, aimed at the opponent, and could launch the Cloud Turning Palm at any time.

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