Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 989: breakout

Magical changes are still taking place in this lake.

The light in the tree demon's eyes became brighter and brighter, and finally dazzled like a star.

Yu Mo had stopped casting spells and looked straight at the tree demon.

Suddenly, the two rays of light exploded in the eyes of the tree demon, a gust of wind blew, and a huge wave broke out on the lake, and the leaves shook more and more violently.

Ye Qianqian woke up like a dream, looking at the leaves swaying around, it seemed that the leaves would shoot at her in the next second.


The tree demon laughed wildly, and his eyes returned to normal, but it gave people a completely different feeling.

Yu Mo knew that the activation of Lingzhi was successful.

This tree demon has a human-like intelligence, and the road of cultivation in the future will be smoother.

The tree demon's giant eyes stared at Yu Mo and said, "So this is what it feels like to fully open up your intellect. You humans are so lucky, you were born to open up your intellect. You really didn't lie, you can really open up your intellect."

"Of course, I always tell the truth. Let her go now."


The Dryad replied.

A snake tail wrapped Ye Qianqian and flew towards Yu Mo.

Ye Qianqian secretly rejoiced in his heart, this time he finally got out of trouble. Although the tree demon looked terrifying, he still kept his promise.

Yu Mo didn't let his guard down, watching Ye Qianqian get closer.

Suddenly, a gleam of light flashed in the Dryad's eyes.

Yu Mo noticed it immediately, his heart skipped a beat, and he shouted, "You don't keep your promises."

"Haha, it's too late for you to know." The tree demon grinned, and the wind was blowing.

Ye Qianqian immediately screamed, the snake tail was tightening rapidly, and she felt that her body was about to be crushed.

"You don't keep your word, ah!" Ye Qianqian also screamed, his voice was very painful.

Yu Mo looked at the **** mouth swooping down towards him, and said, "However, I had already expected this, otherwise, because, I've already been fooled once."

With the experience of the Thousand-Eyed Octopus King, Yu Mo had to beware of the tree demon.

Monster Beast Kings are completely different from ordinary monsters. Monster Beast Kings have a part of their intelligence, they already have wisdom, and their character has been formed. Therefore, once they activate their intelligence, their actions cannot be controlled.

"What's the use of what you expected, both of you will be buried here." The tree demon said murderously.

"Really? Not necessarily!"

Yu Mo hurriedly ducked to the side, dodging the **** mouth dangerously and dangerously.

At the same time, a sword cry sounded in the air.

With a flash of blood, the blood blade was cut from the air.

I don't know when, the blood blade has been hidden in the air, the tree demon's attention has been on Yu Mo and the others, and he didn't notice the blood blade at all.

The blood blade whistled on the tail of the snake.


The tail of the snake snapped, and Ye Qianqian got out of trouble and fell straight to the surface of the water.

"Ah, how dare you do this to me!" The tree demon roared angrily, being offended by Yu Mo's backhand.

The tree demon really didn't expect Yu Mo to have a backer.

"You all die for me!" The tree demon roared, and the terrifying momentum enveloped the two of them.

Yu Mo was indifferent, flew directly to Ye Qianqian who was falling, and said, "Don't worry, I will protect you."

Ye Qianqian was originally worried, but after hearing this sentence, he seemed to be reassured, and the fear disappeared.

Yu Mo hugged Ye Qianqian, stopped on the lake, and the blood blade flew into his hands.

And the terrifying murderous intent is coming, and there is simply no room for the two to say a word.

Whoa whoa whoa!

A snake's tail flew out from the water and attacked the two.

At the same time, vines hung down from the canopy, and they attacked the two of them together, and they were bound to die.

"Hold me tight."

Yu Mo roared loudly.

Ye Qianqian hugged Yu Mo subconsciously.

Only to hear Yu Mo roar: "Jiejian!"

Whoosh whoosh!

In an instant, the four-stroke robbery swordsmanship was displayed, and the sword light changed, turning into a strange sound, appearing on the lake, and the sky was killing the tree demon.


The Dryad roared, attacking up and down.

Boom boom boom!

Bloody storms, snake-tailed vines flying all over the sky.

But more and more snake tails splashed out, as if endless, not giving them a chance to escape to shore.

Yu Mo looked at the lake shore in the distance, his heart stunned, trying to break through the attack of the tree demon, it was difficult to reach the sky.

He looked down, his eyes fell on the water, and he had an idea. He said in his heart that it would not work, so he would walk out of the water.

He has dragon energy, and there is no difference between underwater and on the ground.

"Inhale, hold your breath!"

Yu Mo hurriedly shouted at Ye Qianqian.

Ye Qianqian was startled suddenly, without thinking much, he quickly inhaled and held his breath according to his instructions.


Yu Mo hugged Ye Qianqian, a fierce boy, and plunged directly into the lake, making all attacks fail.

The tree demon didn't seem to have expected that Yu Mo would dare to enter the water, and said with a wicked smile: "Hahaha, there is a way to heaven and you don't go, and there is no way to **** if you break in, then I will fulfill you, underwater is my world, you will never again There's no way to escape."

Immediately, there were waves on the surface of the water.

After Yu Mo and Ye Qianqian entered the water, they immediately saw a terrifying scene.

Under the surface of the water, white bones covered the bottom of the lake. Among them, the bones of those giant pythons were the most conspicuous. In addition, there were human bones.

The two were startled, and only then did they realize that the tree demon is not a good kind, and in fact, they never planned to let them go from beginning to end.

The tree demon is bloodthirsty, so so many creatures have suffered from its poisonous hands.

"It's hidden deep enough, we can't see the underwater situation at the surface, and we were almost deceived by you." Yu Mo thought.

Like a fish in water, he carried Ye Qianqian and swam to the shore of the lake, at a speed no slower than on the water.

However, the good times did not last long, and snake tails swam from all directions, murderous.


A golden light floated on Yu Mo's body, and a terrifying dragon's might was released outwards.

Snake tail was stunned suddenly, and stopped the offensive.

Yu Mo took the opportunity to cut out a sword, and the sword light flew in all directions, and there was a trace of golden light on the sword light. After encountering water, its power increased greatly, and the water seemed to become a part of the sword light, and it slashed fiercely. To those snake tails.

Puff puff!

Blood flowed!

A gap appeared in front of the two of them.


Like arrows from the string, the two rushed directly through the gap, and in the blink of an eye, they came to the shore, broke out of the water, and landed on the shore.

Looking back, the lake has been stained red with blood.

The tree demon roared hysterically: "Ah, how dare you do this to me! No, there is Longwei in the attack just now, yes, Longwei, you have dragon energy in your kid, I must eat you!"

"Hahaha, you are really a treasure, God helps me too, you can't escape."

Yu Mo and Ye Qianqian stood on the shore and looked at the tree demon. Ye Qianqian's face was ashen, and he said, "It can't get to the shore, right?"

Yu Mo's face was dignified. He just used the water of the lake to increase the power of the sword to the extreme with the help of the dragon energy. Only then can he break through the siege. However, this also exposed his dragon energy.

Unexpectedly, this tree demon actually recognized the dragon energy, and also coveted his dragon energy.

It's staring at him.

Before he could answer Ye Qianqian's question, the scene in front of him had already answered it for him.

Boom boom boom!

The huge waves in the lake rolled, and the tree demon came to the shore.

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