
Vol 10 Chapter 27: Linzhi Tianmai

Chapter 27—The Immortal Veins

"Hong ~~~~ Jun ~~~~!" Shouted the sage with an inexplicable emotion.

Everyone didn't realize that their expressions were condensed, but Mi Tian called for the virtual shadow in the solid heavenly path. The old man condensed by the virtual shadow is Hong Jun?

The solid heaven runs through the heavens and earth, and Hong Jun's ghost image is extremely high.

The vast giant looks full of ancient and long-lasting breath.

Mi Tian stared at Hong Jun's shadow and stopped at his feet, obviously hesitant.

"Sacred saints, advise the king not to make mistakes, the heavens, even the saints, must not be presumptuous, please come back!" Said the emperor Shen Sheng.

Mi Tian stared at the ghost of Hong Jun for a while and looked at the Emperor again. There was a slight change in emotion: "Hong Jun is dead. At best, this ghost is the mark of the past left by his mana. How can it have me?"

During the conversation, the saint saint stepped out again.

But at this step, Hong Jun moved above the solid sky.

Hong Jun's virtual shadow stood upright, with his right hand on his chest.

"Pro ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Suddenly, a loud noise suddenly occurred throughout the solid heaven.

With the sound of "Pro", the four major continents that were shaking were suddenly quiet. The landslide stopped, the river and the sea are quiet!

This voice is heard everywhere in the four continents.


In the vastness, this ‘Pro’ seemed to reach everyone ’s hearts, so that all the panic people just now had a peace of mind! It seems like the peace from the depths of the soul.

With a lot of practitioners, this ‘pro’ is like breaking through the 桎梏 多年 that has n’t been broken for many years, and the spiritual realm is rising rapidly. Xiu Wei also took the opportunity to break through.

Da Niu Yin Temple, West Niu Hezhou.

Amitabha looked at the direction of heaven with the Buddhas. As soon as the voice of Lin came out, the Amitabha Buddha was facing the direction of heaven, giving a slight gift!

Beiju Luzhou, Holy Corpse Mountain!

卅 Looking at the direction of Tianting, when the voice of Lin came out, He stretched out his arms as if to feel the sound of 'Pro'. Around him, there seemed to be a lot of white mist. Then the white mist slowly retracted into the body.

Further north, Lujiang!

Confucius looked at the direction of heaven, and a sound of "Pro" spread across the four continents, as if it were passed into Confucius' ears.

"Tianmai? Pro soldiers are all going forward in an array? Pro?" Confucius's tone flashed with excitement.

East of the East China Sea, the Holy Capital of Xianyang in the Great Qin Dynasty.

I stood in front, with Guiguzi in a black robe standing beside him.

"Pro? Really Pro!" Shen Shen cried.

"The nine heavenly veins of the Yangtze River, the combat soldiers are all moving forward in an array. Hong Jun has already won the vein of the 'Pro'. No wonder, no wonder he dared to change the number of days in the past." Guiguzi Shen said.

"Hong Jun, worthy of being the first saint of the year!" Nodded his head.

"As soon as the heavens come out, there will be no peace in the four major continents!" Guiguzi said lightly.

"The four major continents have always been the focus, but if there is no rest, then it may not be!" He shook his head.

-------------------------------------------------- -----------

In heaven.

A ‘pro’ sound of Hongjun ’s virtual shadow in the solid heavenly path, the four major continents are suddenly silent, not just as quiet, as if all the vibrations were gathered to the heavenly saint.

The place where the saints of the heavens stand is suddenly white and generous, but the strange thing is that the space is not broken, but the saints of the heavens can be seen as a trembling.

For a full ten breaths, this tremor stopped slowly.

The step that the saints of the heavens have just taken back again, looking with horror at the vast solid heavenly path.

"Lin? This is not only heaven, but also the vein of heaven? Lin's vein of heaven? Hongjun, what a good Hongjun!" Saint Saint Mi Tian said with a hint of hatred.

The heavenly saint did not expect that the dead Hong Jun could even threaten his living one.

If before, the heavenly saint absolutely scoffed, but now, Hong Jun did it.

Just now, there was nothing in the eyes of outsiders, but the saints of the heavens felt the power of that terrible vein. It's definitely not inferior to yourself, even stronger than your own breath.

In the sun, there are nine pulses in the sky, just like there are only nine saints. It is a fixed number and an inviolable number. Hong Jun actually mastered the veins of Lin Tian in that year. No wonder he dared to rebel against the number of days.

The number of days is irreversible, and the saints of the heavens entered the Xiaoqian world because they deeply remembered this, but the saints of the heavens did not know that Hong Jun had mastered the veins of Lin Tian, ​​otherwise they might have decided otherwise.

"Mitian? Do you dare to take another step?" Yudi said coldly.

The heavenly saint looked at the Jade Emperor, and was slightly silent. Obviously, the Jade Emperor already had the capital against him, and he was no longer an ant in his eyes! But Hongjun was dead after all. This is just the seal of Hongjun and the veins of Lin, right now?

The heavenly saint is gone!

Just as the heavenly saints met, a white light flashed through the sky.

Another figure of the white robe descended from the sky, where the figure of the white robe fell was the side of the emperor.

The Jade Emperor's expression remained unchanged, and the Great Emperor Chen, the Great Emperor Ziwei, and the Great Emperor Zhenwu were slightly puzzled, and then a little respect appeared on his face.

In the distance, Mi Tian looked at the sudden white robe figure.

"Too ~~~~ 上 ~~~~~~ ??” Mi Tianshen said.

The sudden appearance of the white robe was exactly the former saint who had gone to the Eight Views Palace too.

"Would you like me to send you?" Too lightly.

There was another silence in the sky. You don't need to guess that the saint of the heavens is in a bad mood at this moment.


With a cold hum, the sage of the heavens turned into a white light, and then disappeared.

Too much? At this time, the gods also came back.

"I've seen it too!" Said the gods slightly.

Too nodded.

The Jade Emperor looked at the direction in which the Saint Saint left, and his face was slightly heavy, without the joy of retreating from the enemy. With one wave of hands, forty-nine heavenly roads slowly disappeared around the court. Then resumed before.

Turning his head, the Jade Emperor looked at the solid heavenly path, that is, the heavenly path of Linzhi.

Tai Shang saw Hong Jun's phantom, and gave a little gift to that phantom! Obviously, Tai Hong is very respectful of Hongjun.

The solid veins slowly disappear. Hongjun Xingying also faded away.

But then, a lot of white energy overflowed from the heavenly veins.

Some rushed to the Jade Emperor, some rushed to Taishang, and some eccentrically rushed to Luo Xingchen!

After half an hour, the pulse of Lin Zhi disappeared completely, as if it had never been before.

Tai Shang was the first to wake up, followed by the Jade Emperor, and finally everyone looked at the falling star dust!

Everyone frowned slightly when they saw the falling star dust.

Tai Shang and the Jade Emperor slowly walked towards Zhongshan.

The gods stopped at the place where the Jade Emperor waved.

When approaching, Luo Xingchen also opened his eyes, revealing a hint of blue light like the eyebrow sapphire.

"Time magic? Like the teacher, did you receive a trace of time magic?" Tai Shang said gently.

The sound of Tai Shang is not loud, but it has a feeling like a spring breeze, which makes people unconsciously relax.

Luo Xingchen did not speak, but looked at Zhongshan!

Zhong Shan nodded, and Luo Xingchen said, "Back to Tai Shang, it's a trace of time's magical inheritance!"

Seeing Xingchen's attitude too, he just nodded, and finally turned his attention to Zhongshan.

"The dispute in heaven just made King Zhongsheng laugh!" The Jade Emperor slowly said.

"The Jade Emperor is mighty, Zhongshan admires it, and the vast heavenly court, is there a gift of" seeing a smile "?" Zhongshan shook his head.

"A few days ago, the‘ Taiqing Liangyi Crushing Dust Array ’was broken, so that Taishang could return early, thanks to King Zhong Sheng.” Yudi said.

"It's just a coincidence!" Zhong Shan shook his head.

"Coincidence by chance? Since Zhong Shengwang said so, let's be a coincidence, but I will not owe the human relationship for too long. What is the need of Zhong Shengwang? I can consider it for you!" Jade Emperor Solemnly said.

Jade Emperor would like to thank Zhongshan, but did not speak to say death, consider? Do what you can. It is impossible for Zhongshan to give whatever he says.

Zhongshan looked at the two, and knew the attitude of the Jade Emperor, and he was not arrogant. He said directly: "Zhong has no requirements. He only hears that there is an array of tactics that are arrogant to the world. If he does not give up, he will give pointers My courtier, ten days later, Zhong Xingxing left the court of heaven for ten days? "

Zhongshan does not demand too much! Never thought about it too much.

Yudi and Taishang looked at each other, and the two did not expect Zhong Shan's request to be so simple.

In the end, Tai Shang said: "Even if you give pointers, you can break through the Taiqing Liangyi Crushing Array. The method of the formation method has reached its peak. Some insights are just for you! "

"Thank you!" Zhongshan solemnly said.

After finishing speaking, he turned his hands up and took out a piece of jade Jane, the white light in his hand shone. Record a lot of matrix methods.

Detective handed out.

Although Nangong Sheng was enthusiastic, he did not step forward, but was taken over by Zhong Shan and handed to Nangong Sheng.

"Just to meet the enemy saints, the heaven court will need two people to deal with, Zhongshan will not bother, temporarily staying in the eight princess's house, and leave ten days later!" Zhongshan said.

"Huh!" The two nodded.

Zhong Shan with a curious look of Hao beautiful exited the Ling Xiao Baodian area and walked back to the Eight Princess Palace.

However, Taishang and the Jade Emperor watched Zhongshan and his party, and looked at each other with a little surprise in their eyes, and then turned to appease the heavenly gods.

Eight Princess House!

Zhongshan just sat down!

"Holy King, just now ..." Luo Xingchen seemed to be saying something.

However, Zhong Shan waved his hand, shook his head, and prevented Xingchen from continuing to say. Falling Stardust understands, no more to say.

Soothing everyone, Zhong Shan returned to a quiet room alone, digesting everything he had seen before.

Above the holy court, there really is a supreme fortune, heaven!

Heavenly Emperor?

There is only one heavenly court left in the middle of the sun. Has that ever happened before?

Have! In the words of Mi Tian, ​​Zhong Shan heard one place, Da Zhou Tian Ting! That is also heaven.

The world is not as simple as it seems! How many secrets have been deposited in ancient times! The group of holy dancing. The world will be chaotic.

There are two possibilities for the chaos in the world, one is the big boom, and the other is the big decline.


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