
Vol 10 Chapter 34: Cupola feast

Chapter 34 The Grand Banquet

The black dragon-shaped column heaven disappeared. The gate of the cupola is wide open!

"Welcome to the Holy King to go out, and the Holy King Yongshou has no boundaries!" Li Si took the lead.

"Welcome to the Holy King to go out, and the Holy King Yongshou has no boundaries ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Ministers congratulate, congratulate with the concubine.

After chanting, everyone waited.

In the dark hall, the sound of steps slowly sounded.

Alas, stepped out step by step, at the entrance to the roof of the sky, a ray of sunlight hit him, letting Ai stop slightly.

Looking up, I looked at the sky slightly.

Wearing a black dragon emperor's robe and wearing a Mo Yuping celestial crown, the cymbal looked indifferent, adding a profound mistiness. Obviously this time, the realm has been raised again.

Looking at the sky, I slowly looked at the Quartet.

The first is the Qin Qin ministers. As far as the eyes go, Da Qin's ministers are all on one knee.

Li Si, Lu Buwei, Wang Yan and other ministers all paid homage to the worship.

"Long live the Holy King!" The ministers shouted.

He said nothing, but continued to look around and saw the thousands of big Qin noble guests.

"The Great King of the Qin Dynasty, the immortal blessing will last forever, and life is in harmony with the sky!" Thousands of noble guests solemnly said.

"The King of the Great Qin Dynasty, the immortal blessing, and life and Qi Qi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!" Within the Holy City of Xianyang, congratulations came from all the guests.

I nodded!

In the end, I looked at Xiangshan and four others. This most distinguished guest.

The four of them all looked at him with a smile, and He nodded.

He then looked again at an old **** wearing a black robe.

"Zhao Gao, let's get started!" Chan said indifferently.

"From the feast ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!

Zhao Gao shouted politely.

Suddenly, the entire Xianyang Shengdu heard the ‘banquet up’ everywhere. Together with the Quartet, the Xianyang Sandu suddenly showed an extremely lively scene.

Outside the tower, the guards in the distance quickly set up a large number of banquet tables.

For mortals, this is a tedious thing, but for the people in the court, it can be easier, with a wave of hands, a large number of banquet tables are set up.

The VIPs who received invitations from Daqin are all in the Chongtian Temple Square, and they can see you at a close distance, but the higher the invitation level, the closer they are to You.

Zhongshan and his party were naturally the closest to Yu.

The feast is just above the Chongtian Temple Square, and the sloppy Kowloon chair is placed in front of the Chongtian Temple.

Zhongshan and his party, such as Rulai, Bodhi and Lan, had four tables on both sides in front of the uncle.

Bodhi is first in the left column, Rulai is second in the left column, blue is first in the right column, and Zhongshan is second in the right column.

People brought by Zhong Shan naturally sat at the vice table behind Zhong Shan.

I looked at the Quartet and took a glass of wine. Almost all the guests in the Quartet were staring at the puppet, and when they saw the puppet's movements, they all closed their mouths naturally.

I solemnly said, "I am so happy today, congratulate the great Qin! Thank you all again!"

After I finished speaking, I drank a drink.

"The King of the Qin Dynasty, there is no end to life!" The other guests raised their wine in return.

I nodded. Then he stopped looking at the remaining guests and turned to Zhongshan.

This group of people is very strange, such as Lai, Bodhi and Lan, each sitting at a table, only Zhongshan table, sat two people, in addition to Zhongshan, there are Hao beautiful.

Seeing this scene, I looked slightly moved. I knew that Zhong Shan was a man, and it was impossible for a woman to sit beside him at this time without reason.

And this woman, I also know.

"This is the princess of heaven?" Although Hao asked, she looked at Zhongshan.

"The Jade Emperor is inconvenient to come, send me to Qin, I wish Da Qin Yongshou has no boundaries!" Hao Mei said generously.

Zhongshan nodded aside.

"Haotian? He is inconvenient to come, but since I'm sending you here, then naturally it's also my big Qin guest, open another table!" Xu said.

"Yes!" Zhao Gao responded immediately.

"No need, I'll sit next to Zhongshan, this is good!" Hao Meimei called immediately.

嬴 Look at Hao Meimei, and finally nodded, after all, these are the last days. Opening another table is just in the face of Jade Emperor.

"Ego Avenue, Heilong Panzhu, hey, you've reached that point!" Lan suddenly said.

Black Dragon Pan Zhu, Zhongshan knows, that is the black dragon surrounded by Tao just that day, but what is the road of self?

Zhong Shan didn't understand, but it didn't prevent him from listening. He didn't have a socket at the moment.

Both Rulai and Bodhi looked at you.

"The heavenly court is not so well-cast, otherwise only the heavenly court of Haotian for hundreds of thousands of years?" Qi Dan smiled.


Zhongshan heard the smell aside, and he wanted to make another heaven, Daqin heaven?

Is it necessary to have a way of ego for casting heaven?

Blue nodded.

I looked at the Bodhi ancestor.

"Mr. Guiguzi's calculations, I hope you did not make the calculations wrong!" 嬴 solemnly said.

The ancestor of Bodhi nodded and said, "Whether right or wrong, Bodhi remembers it in his heart. Guiguzi has lost his vitality for this reason. He will not let go of it until he is tested by Gu Guzi, and then he will make up for the loss of Mr. Gui Guzi!"

He nodded, and took another meaningful look at the Bodhi ancestor.

No one could hear anything, but they could feel the significance of what they said.

Zhongshan didn't ask much, just remembered in his mind, Gu Guzi's calculation? But he got the congenital gossip picture, Fuxi's usurping technique, and even then, it was a great loss of vitality? So what is the calculation?

After greeting Bodhi, I looked at Ruyi again.

"If the Buddha is here, I don't know what the attitude of Daleiyin Temple is?" He asked.

"Same way as Seoul!" Rulai said lightly.

"What do you mean?" I stared at Rulai.

"It's my meaning, it's also the meaning of Amitabha!" Rulai nodded solemnly.

"Okay!" Yelled cheerfully.

Rulai nodded.

Finally, I looked at Zhongshan.

"King Saint King, the grand feast of You, you can come, I ’m very fortunate, listen to Mr. Gui Guzi's push, the former Nvwa world battle, the biggest gain is not You, not Mr. Gui Guzi, but your Zhongshan, You never I missed you, I respect you! "He raised the filled wine channel.

This is the first glass of wine I have toasted alone!

Almost everyone stared at Zhongshan. Most of the thousands of VIPs didn't know Zhongshan. At this moment, when they saw the attitude of He, they were all surprised. Does it mean that Bodhi has to be taken seriously? Otherwise, why didn't he respect other individuals and respect Zhongshan first?

Rulai and Bodhi ancestors were curious about Zhongshan, and Sun Shen's face was ugly for the vice table behind Bodhi's ancestors.

Although Sun Shen and Zhong Shan don't have much intersection, they have a memory in their minds from the time of Xiao Qianshi. From the beginning of dementia Gu Xuan, to Qi Tianhou Gu Xuan, to Monkey Supreme Shen Qitian, and finally to himself now, it seems that he has never been in the hands of Zhong Shan. Even at the beginning, Zhong Shan's ant-like position actually stepped on his head step by step.

This makes Sun Shen's heart very unpleasant, and he has more resentment against Zhong Shan.

As for the last blue, Lan looked curiously at Zhongshan! Lan knew that He was a man. Even when the saints were fighting for something, even the saints might not be pleased. Hearing the last time the son-in-law realm, He took Fu Xi's congenital gossip map from the three saints. But even if it is so harvested, it is not as good as the immortal in front of it? This person is really not simple.

"Just luck!" Zhong Shan toasted.

Zhongshan did not deny, after all, denying is meaningless. Although Zhongshan doesn't get much, it is only Zhongshan who knows. After the surface, Zhongshan has a lot of gains beyond the congenital gossip chart, such as the fox world? For example, the territory of the wind mound? There are other hidden things.

The two drank down!

He paid homage to Zhongshan alone, and then respected Lan, Bodhi ancestor and Rugao Buddha in order.

After a lap, he said to Zhao Gao: "Get it!"

"Yes!" Zhao Gao Ying said.

I looked at the crowd and solemnly said, "You can come to Daqin, and remember in your heart, of course, you can't let everyone come. Next, I will show you something to help your interest."

At this time, Zhao Gao brought a large number of guards and slowly carried a huge thing ten feet high, which was covered by a black cloth. Can't see clearly inside.

Things that are ten feet tall are cylindrical and have a diameter of ten feet.


The cylinder was placed in the square, and as soon as Zhao Gao waved his hand, the guard quickly lifted the black cloth, and immediately exposed a golden and bright cylinder, just like gold, a golden and bright one, and the golden light shone and beautiful.

Most people don't understand what this is. All eyes are curious.

The ancestors of Lan, Bodhi, and Rugao Buddha looked dignified.

"Well, a big pen." Lan suddenly said.

"Nine thousand years old, only once!" Xu shook her head and smiled.

Zhongshan didn't understand anything, but he could feel that the energy of this Jincancan cylinder was huge, that is, the eight-pole Tianwei in the mud pill palace. At this moment, he was also instinctively exposed.

Just as Zhong Shan was studying, the voice of Mr. Zhe came from his ear.

"Holy King, this is the ban of qi number, with qi number as the wall, banning some spirits in the ancient times." Mr. Shi explained.


Indeed, Jin Chancan's seems to be the qi number, but the qi numbers that Zhongshan saw before are all spherical, like a little sun. At first sight, the cylindrical ones did not respond.

"Some of the ancient spirits, such as a fleeting one, can only appear for a short time and cannot be saved. Therefore, this kind of ancient spirits sealed with Qi number appeared and kept! No matter what kind of spirits were blocked by Qi number It's a first-class existence in the world, "Mr. Shi explained.

Obviously, for some knowledge of ancient times, Mr. Zombie has a better understanding.

"Kaifeng!" 嬴 solemnly said.

"Yes!" Zhao Gao Ying said.

At this moment, almost everyone's mind is attracted by the central object. What is in it?

Zhao Gao approached, flashing golden light in his hand, and pointed towards the cylinder.


It was as if the cylinder was extremely fragile. With a loud noise, the dazzling golden light shot in all directions and hit all the guests' bodies.


Someone screamed in horror, but the next moment, there was no imaginary harm, but extremely comfortable. Qi counts into the body and purifies the body. How could it hurt? The burst of so much qi is also the first gift I gave to everyone.

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