
Vol 10 Chapter 42: Kong Xuan vs Confucius

Chapter 42—Confucius vs Confucius

"Really? Si Laoyou, have you forgotten the rules of the Kong family?"

With a sound, the faces of the four elders changed slightly.

The elder who came before the Seven-colored Divine Light suddenly stopped and moved on.

A flash of unbelief flashed across the faces of the four elders, which turned into a complex one.

"Whoa!" At the center of the battlefield, suddenly a green robe man appeared out of thin air.

With arrogance and healing, Kong Xuan suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

The sudden appearance of Kong Xuan made the Quartet's battlefield suddenly stop, as if it was an appointment, whether it is Confucianism, Daxian, or Daqin generals, whether it is Lan or the other's ancestor!

For a time, Kong Xuan seemed to have become the protagonist, focusing on the eyes of almost everyone.

There was a gleam of crystal light in the blue eyes, a slight smile, and the big sleeves flew back, taking the two subordinates back to the Chongtian Temple Square.

Seeing Kong Xuan, he nodded slightly and retreated.

The generals of the Daqin looked at this scene, as if they had been arranged by Qian, and returned to the Chongtian Temple Square.

The people in the holy capital of Xianyang are boiling. Who is this? Suppressing the two-party war just by showing up?

A large number of Confucian disciples had a large number of frowns staring at Kong Xuan.

The four elders looked at Kong Xuan complicatedly, but did not know how to speak.

Kong Xuan's identity was destined to be the focus at the moment. Kong Xuan did not bother about the Confucianism and Daxian, nor did he care about the Hongru Avenue. But look at the four elders!

"Four old wives, are you the elders of the Confucian family or the elders of the Confucian?" Kong Xuanhan cried.

The four old puppets suddenly showed a hint of shame. Under Kong Xuan's aggressive momentum, he didn't know how to respond.

"The four elders, seeing the scepter like seeing the owner, quickly rescue Brother Zilu, have you heard?" Shouted anxiously.

Kong Xuan shook his head, staring at an extremely fierce gaze, and the fierce gaze swept away, killing me instantly like falling into an ice cellar.

"Home, homeowner!" The elder who flew out earlier had a complex look.

Homeowner? Is Kong Xuan the owner of the Kong family? What happened to the scepter of the owner who slaughtered me?

Almost everyone looked at the elder in surprise.

"We thought you were dead!" The elder said ugly.

"Think I'm dead? The owner can give it to anyone casually?" Kong Xuanlen said.

The four parents of Kong were obviously still in a trance. Just now the elder recognized Kong Xuan, but the other three did not mention it.

"Can you forget the rules of the Kong family?" Kong Xuanzhi asked.

Under the persecution of Kong Xuan, the four elders did not know how to speak.

"I think it's you who forgot Kong's rules!"

In the void, there was a sudden bang, and the thoroughfare of Hongru Avenue suddenly dispersed, and then in the other direction, under the shroud of endless white light, a man wearing a robe appeared.

The man couldn't see his face clearly, but as long as he saw him, it was like an irresistible oppression. The people in Xianyang bowed their heads and did not dare to look directly at them.

The endless spirit of righteousness spreads from this side to all directions!

"See you, Master!"

"Meet the First Saint!"

The Confucians immediately worshiped.

In the distance, Zhongshan frowned. Is this man Confucius?

Kong Xuan actually forced Confucius out?

Detective's move, the scepter in my hand fell into the hands of Confucius. Confucius looked at the holy capital of Xianyang under protection.

"Time and space protect the people? Well, you really have a lot of treasures!" Confucius said lightly.

I didn't speak, just watching. Not even a look.

Kong Xuan looked coldly at Confucius. This junior is now a saint?

"Homeowner!" Cried the three elders who had previously refused to call Kong Xuan.

Homeowner? Two homeowners?

"Kong Qiu, you deserve to be a homeowner too?" Kong Xuan Leng said.

"The Confucius scepter is the owner, do you forget the rules of the Confucian family?" Confucius finally spoke.

Kong Xuan gave a cold glance at Confucius and inspected the four elders.

"Four old men, do you think so?" Kong Xuan coldly said.

The four elders were silent for a while, not knowing how to speak.

"Well, during my absence, the Confucian family was no longer in shape. Is it still the Confucian family? Confucian family, now a branch of Confucianism!" Kong Xuan Leng said.

After Kong Xuan spoke, the four elders suddenly lifted up, and the pride of the Kong family was that no one would abandon them. But what does Kong Xuan mean by this?

The four elders are not stupid. The words of Kong Xuan make the elders seem to realize something. But he did not want to admit it.

"Confucius didn't come before. A little Confucian disciple can order you? Those Confucian ancestors will be fine. Who are you? You are the four elders of the Confucian family. When can a small Confucian disciple command? Are you? In the years I have been away, has the Confucian family forgot the pride of the past? Is only the Confucianist sitting up in front of you? "Kong Xuanhan said.

The faces of the four elders were ashamed, and then they gave me a severe glance and slaughtered me. Then the elder near Kong Xuan shook his head and said, "Today is special! This is also the first time."

"Special? The first time? If I don't come today, and the second time and the third time, starting today, you are ready to step into the Confucianism? Are the four elders gathered together?" Kong Xuannu said.

During the conversation, Kong Xuan gave a cold glance at Confucius.

At this time, the four elders suddenly understood why Confucius asked them to come, even if they came to see that they were forced to cast their names?

the Kongs? Confucianism?

Which is bigger?

The four elders were suddenly shocked, looking at Confucius together, and staring at Confucius with a questioning look.

"I am the head of the Confucian family, and I am also the head of Confucianism. Is there a difference?" Confucius Shen said.

"A joke, is there no difference? The Confucian family will always only be the Confucian family. No matter how great the Confucian family is, it can only be a branch of the Confucian family. No matter how great your Confucius is, you are a member of the Confucian family. It's part of the Kong family! "Kong Xuan rebuked.

After Kong Xuan spoke, the four elders nodded.

Confucianism, Confucianism? The Confucian family must be the main source.

Confucius looked at Kong Xuan and said, "I admit that you are the owner of the previous generation. However, you must not forget the rules of the Confucian family. I am the Confucian family owner. I am the Confucian family unless you are no longer a Confucian family member!"

Confucius This is to drive Confucius out of the door.

The four elders didn't know what to say. One is the previous owner, and the other is the current owner.

"Who gave the home scepter to Kong Qiu?" Kong Xuan sneered at the four elders.

"We gave it after consultation. At that time, we thought you were dead at that time, and Kong Qiu became a saint. No matter the status of the Confucian family or the degree of influence in the world, it reached its peak. For the prosperity of the Confucian family, we will use a scepter. Gongqiu! "The elder nearby thought for a while.

"Why did I give you the scepter? How did you explain it?" Kong Xuanlen said.

"The Confucian family owed the favor of the former emperor 'Jijun', and in order to return the emperor's favor, he promised to protect the descendants of Emperor Jun with the owner's slavery and protect the businessmen with due diligence until the fortune of the descendants of Emperor Jun So far, when you served as the chief soldier of Jinjiling of Dashang, when Dashang collapsed, and the moment King Di Xin died, my Confucian family's gratitude to the former emperor Tian Jun was also exhausted. The owner went to Dashang for Before slavery, hand over the scepter to me and four others, and let me wait for the four to keep the scepter and wait for the owner to return gracefully! "Said a Confucian parent.

"Do you remember? What did you do? After I left, what did the Confucian family do for you? Already reduced to the Zongmen branch? Um ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kong Xuan stared.

The oppression of the former homeowners was enormous. After Kong Xuan had finished speaking, the parents of all Kongs were ashamed for a long time.

"Kong Qiu is a sage after all, and you did not have any news at that time. You were hunted down by countless strong men, and we all thought you were dead! Otherwise, we would not ........." said the elder who was close.

"What's wrong with the sage? Which one is heavier than the Confucian family? Which one is bigger? Haven't I had a sage in the Confucian family before?" Kong Xuan shouted.

Kong Xuan kept training the four elders, and the four elders were like children doing wrong things at the moment. Despite the reprimand, Kong Xuan's last sentence surprised everyone.

Have the Confucians been saints before? Impossible, why don't we know?

After watching for a while, Confucius said, "Do you still remember the Confucian family? The rules of the Confucian family, you also forgot? The life and death of the first family owner is unknown. The elders of the four great lineages have also ordered the family owner. Haven't they? Similarly, the rules of the Confucian family were appointed by the four elders who inherited the scepter. The scepter is the owner. Kong Xuan, do you want to violate the Confucian family rules? "

Confucius said that the four elders, who had been ashamed, looked slightly better.

Kong Xuan sneered at Confucius and shook his head, "I don't mind the Confucian homeowner. After all, who made me disappear for so many years? I also recognized the owner, even hundreds of years ago. I have acknowledged you as the owner of the Confucian family, but I never imagined that you are such a man of the city! "

After Kong Xuan finished speaking, the four elders frowned, and a number of Confucian disciples looked at each other with anger, and they slandered Confucius as their enemy.

Kong Xuan ignored them at all, but looked at Confucius: "I never thought that I was besieged by a large number of strong men in the past, but it was from your handwriting, and even my multiple whereabouts were exposed by you. If it wasn't for the Confucian family, I would have cut off my ties with the Confucian family, and I may now be completely history. At that time, you have been planning for the Confucian family owner for a long time! "

"What?" The elder near Kong Xuan stared, wondering.

The four elders were incredible. Among the ancestors, two were disciples of Confucianism, the others were Confucian ancestors, and they were all shocked at the moment.

The old owner was murdered by the new owner?

"Nonsense!" Confucius said coldly.

"I know you don't admit it. I have the confession of your disciple Zigong here. You won't be able to hide it for a long time, and the secret has leaked!" Kong Xuanshen said.

The detective took out some scrolls and Jade Jane and threw them to the elders.

After the elders looked at each other, their faces slightly changed.

Confucius did not rob, because robbing is the destruction of evidence, so he sat down with the fact that Confucius was persecuted.

"If you want to add the crime, there is nothing wrong with it. The original homeowner was so disappointing!" Confucius said lightly.

Confucius was still calm and disdainful.

Seeing the attitude of Confucius, the elders were confused.

"These are not important. The most important thing is the Confucian family. You have no family in your hands. This is also the purpose of my coming out today! You! Not worthy of being a homeowner!" Kong Xuan faced Confucius.

you! Not worthy of being a homeowner!

In a word, he clearly understood the purpose of Kong Xuan, and Kong Xuan wanted to retake the position of owner.

***: Watching chess has been written till now, typing is slow, there is no way, please ***!

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