
Vol 11 Chapter 64: sinister

Chapter 64 Insidious

In the sky, the power of thousands of disaster stars suddenly erupted, emitting a dazzling light, just as they were about to carry the immense momentum, and with the sound of a crackling sound, the disaster stars suddenly lost their strength and withered. The red light flickered, and it turned into an ordinary star. It was chopped by tens of thousands of sky axes and smashed into pieces.

In the second round, the axe wins!

The sky axe soared into the sky, and the space swaying at high altitude gradually calmed down.

Below, Yinghuo is now in the shock of being shaken by the tail of Zhenlong. Although it ’s just the Fa phase, the Fa phase is not enough.

The saint was beaten up, and an old mouth was thrown away by an ancient fairy. This scene, not to mention the late comer, is absolutely no ancient one. Since ancient times, which saint has been slapped by someone?

No, no sage has been slapped by the fairy, and enchantment is the first.

Although it is beaten everywhere on the body, but a person's face is a person's image, even dignity, sacred and inviolable, and the face of the saint is so dignified that it is so dignified To the extent that the saint's face is damaged, this sacred and inviolable saint's face was actually thrown an old slap by Zhong Shan today.

An extremely loud slap, the crisp sound is earth-shattering.

From now on, Zhongshan's name will surely ring through the world, and a cow who dares to spit the saint's mouth, who can be better than him?

No wonder, at this moment, almost everyone has a dumbfounded feeling.

Staring at the sky one by one, the eyes are unwilling to blink, as if blinking, they will miss infinite excitement.

At the same time, everyone also understands that Zhong Shan and Ying Hao's enemies are endless from this moment on.

The ancestors who watched for a while were drooling, trying to get down the stone, and also thought that it was over, and they thought that Zhongshan was so mad that he provoked the three saints. As if dreaming, some ancestors even forgot about the plan just now.

In the void pavilion, Mo Zi and Mi Tian were stiffened there, and the two did not expect this to happen. Who would have thought that Zhong Shan dared to throw Yingying's mouth away? Mouth, who would have thought that this slap was really thrown?

Mo Zi and Mi Tian looked at this scene in shock, and at the same time felt a shame for the confusion of being thrown out of your mouth. You are too tragedy.

In the void, tens of thousands of sky axes defeated thousands of disaster stars.

The silver light on the side of the true dragon of Zhongshan also disappeared abruptly, staring at the true dragon staring at the opposite side of the enchanting method, with an angry anger, until now he could not really look at the true dragon.

Was slapped?

What a ridiculous fight? It's just the second round, and the sage of his church was slapped? No, it shouldn't.

"You ........." Ying confused for a moment, only shouting a word. Zhentian's wrath brewed in the heart of confusion.

Never die, never die!

In the sky above Yinghuo, an endless cloud of fire suddenly appeared, just like the cloud formed by the fire, Yinghuo was angry and completely angry.

"Ang ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Zhong Shan was not afraid of a dragon yin, and the dragon stared at the opposite staring with confusion, and a rush of gas rushed out from the stubborn dragon head.

Bewitching began as a saint. No, from childhood to age, he has never been slapped. In the past, even if he was severely injured, even if his face was attacked, they would add each other's fists. There was never this simple slap.

"Miscellaneous ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Yinghuo roared, and finally Yingguo erupted.

I saw Yingchao stepping into her own "Star Road", leaving only the Fa phase in the outside world. Suddenly a phantom appeared in the hands of the Fa phase, which is exactly what the former magic weapon 'Tian Kong' looked like.

It is another sky hole, but this sky hole is not the other sky hole, because that one has poured endless hard work into fascination. This one is just recently refining, and it is not as good as the old magic weapon. However, the sage refining magic weapon is all that moves the heaven and earth. Exercising, the power is naturally extraordinary.

All this is just the beginning. I saw countless stars floating on the avenue of disaster stars, and in the outer space, strange red dots suddenly appeared, and the red dots became larger and larger, turning into one. Stars, endless stars emerge out of thin air. Slowly, the golden stars were everywhere.

Countless stars floated in all directions and quickly rotated in the high air, causing the entire high-altitude space to shake strongly.

These countless stars also wrapped up the soldier's heavenly path and Zhongshan true dragon. During the rapid rotation, the vacillation became stronger and stronger, and then, the endless stars ran down from all directions with anger of anger, toward the central soldier's heavenly veins Hit hard.


The first star hit the veins of the soldier. The soldier's veins trembled slightly.


When another star collided with the true dragon, Zhongshan's claws grabbed it, and one claw broke the star, but Zhongshan's claw was a great tremor.

These are two, with tens of thousands around, endless stars crashing, like a tide, whistling.

Zhongshan quickly mobilized the power of the soldier's heavenly veins, and a large amount of white light was suddenly formed around the body, but this white light only blocked part of the impact of the stars, and most of it was still filled on the true dragon.

The horrible stars collided, one after another. These stars were much smaller, but their strength did not decrease.

Shock! Shock! Shock!

For a while, the real dragon was hit by stars in many places. The powerful impact blasted out a huge black hole on the side of the real dragon. The real dragon seemed to be devastated for a while.


On the occasion of Dragon Yin, a large number of sky axe rushed out, but after all, the power of sky axe was not as good as these stars.

"Booming ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The black hole on the side of the true dragon has not been filled, and the enchantment shot with anger, and the stars washed like a storm.

The fascinating method is waving ‘Tian Kong’. When Tian Kong waved, the square hole in the center of Tian Kong shot a cyan light curtain. The cyan light curtain passed, and the surrounding space was blasted. It was intense blasting. It was blasting. Within a time, within a million miles, the space was shattered.

A huge black hole covers everything.

Among the black holes, a catastrophic heavenly path emits a dazzling red light, and the fascinating method uses the sky hole to shoot a powerful blue light directly across the true dragon.

The true dragon couldn't fit into the heavenly path. At this moment, it was just sticking on the veins of the soldiers to spur some power. The violent stars around him had tired him from protection. His body was constantly being hit by the stars. When the light hit, Zhong Shan suddenly felt a lethal threat.

The figure rushed down.

Qingguang hit the veins of the soldier.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The pulse of the soldiers shook violently.

During Zhongshan's avoidance, he was hit by a large number of stars again. The stars were devastating, and they were extremely painful when they hit him. Even if Zhongshan turned into a real dragon, it would not be possible for a long time.

"呲 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The lower body of Zhongshan true dragon is above the veins of the soldiers, and the power of the veins of the soldiers is better mobilized, while the upper body is detached from the veins of the soldiers, suspended in the air, in the nineteen claws, four of which are dragon claws. Suddenly, each of them came out with a magic sword in the Qiqi pole. Four fairy swords, purple fairy sword, **** killing fairy sword, green trap fairy sword, black absolute fairy sword.

As soon as the four handles of the Excalibur came out, they danced quickly. The fierce might of the Four Swords of the Immortal was already well-known in the world. Although it did not return to its peak, its effect was extremely powerful.

The power of mobilizing the heavenly veins of soldiers formed a large amount of silver light, which blocked part of the power of the stars. Next, the weakened stars were quickly chopped by the four swords of the fairy.

For a time, Zhongshan seemed to resolve the star crisis. However, the sky hole in the hands of the enchanted masters hit the sky of the soldier again and again, making the sky of the soldier shake more than once.

However, as long as Zhongshan tried his best to avoid it, he was able to avoid it. It was only a moment when Zhongshan became extremely embarrassed. After all, it was due to the fierce attack.

Does the onslaught of enchanting stop there?

Zhong Shan was hiding from himself in the wolf howling, and suddenly saw within the scourge of the avenue of starry, his eyes dazzled a little.

"Bad!" Zhong Shan was startled.

What went wrong?

The next moment, Zhongshan knew that above the veins of the soldiers that he was relying on for protection, a place suddenly hit by the sky ’s blue light suddenly suddenly sunk a cave, and the cave suddenly burst into red. The next moment, the cave was filled, but it was a star, a kind of star on the avenue of disasters, a kind of disaster.

The heavens of soldiers, parasitized by the disaster star?

Parasitic into the heavens that others have, is this the power of fascination?

Zhongshan felt more and more difficult to mobilize the strength of the soldiers 'veins, and the silver light emitted by the soldiers' veins gradually became smaller.

Because there are more and more scourges on the soldier's veins. The silver soldiers 'veins that were originally silver are now densely packed with countless pits. The terrible disaster stars are like red stains on the soldiers' veins.

"嘭 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Suddenly, the heavens of the soldiers were not under the control of Zhongshan and exploded.

The strength of the powerful soldier's veins has lapsed?

Zhongshan knew that it was mainly because he had too little control over the soldiers' pulse and he couldn't fit in with the Tao, so he was so easily confused by the fire.

Losing the soldier's veins, the surrounding stars roared again, and were more menacing, more horrifying than just now.

Wuxian's four swords can only chop off part of the stars, but more stars hit Zhongshan Zhenlong's body like a heavy rain.

"Boom, boom, boom .........!"

Under a series of shocks, Zhong Shan was suddenly hit like never before, and the real dragon's body was wobbled and constantly swayed.

For a moment, the stunned star and Tian Kong immediately suppressed Zhongshan, making Zhongshan unable to resist. More importantly, at this time, Yinghao will never let Zhongshan recruit the soldiers again. Yingyou will use this momentum to destroy Zhongshan to death!

The people of Da'ao ca n’t see the scenery in the sky, because at this moment, more and more disaster-stricken stars in the sky are attacking Zhongshan more and more quickly. Within a radius of ten thousand miles, there are huge black holes. There are few people.

Below, Mr. Corpse showed a hint of worry.

"Mr. Corpse, what did you see?" Yi Yan asked immediately.

Mr. Shake shook his head without saying more.

In the distance, in the void pavilion.

"It seems that Yinghuo does not need to mobilize the power of the heavens and the earth, and it is enough to destroy Zhongshan to death, Zhenlong? Unfortunately, he is still too weak." Mitian was extremely satisfied.

"Zhongshan was so angry that Yingchao was so violently shocked. Zhongshan really had a brilliant mind!" Mozi sighed suddenly.

"Checkmate, what is your mind? No, you mean that Zhong Shan deliberately angered Ying Huo and deliberately made Ying Huo attack so violently? He, Zhong Shan was so insidious!" Mi Tian suddenly responded and called.

***: On the first day of going out, please ***! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to *** (***. ***) to vote for recommendation, ***, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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