
Vol 3 Chapter 37: Mysterious Mud Bodhisattva

Chapter 37 Mysterious Mud Bodhisattva

In the northeast of Wolf District, in a forest, Zhongshan and Beiqingsi raced in the forest.

Ten days ago, the two left the wolf area, and the group of red men who originally rounded up the sad blue silk also completely withdrew. The individual strength of this group of people is not very strong, but the organization is infinitely powerful. Even if the sad blue silk had a blood lineage, it almost died in their hands.

Although Zhong Shan guessed that they had retreated, the two still shuttled in the forest to reduce their targets for safety reasons. Although they were a little slower, they were absolutely safe.

"Cross the mountain and you're here." Sad blue silk pointed to the road ahead.

"En" Zhongshan nodded and took a deep breath. After all, in order to complete the master's order, please get mud bodhisattva.

The two climbed up to the last mountain. Standing on the top of the mountain, sad blue silk pointed to a circular valley in the distance.

"It's in the valley," said Bei Qingsi.

"Well," Zhong Shan nodded slightly.

"Let's go!" Bei Qingsi cried again.

"Wait" Zhongshan suddenly surprised.

"Uh?" Bei Qingsi looked at Zhongshan in doubt.

However, Zhong Shan found that on the mountain body he was stepping on, at this moment two vigorous and powerful characters were raised and raised.


Renshen? Above this mountain, the word Renshen is bulging at the moment, looking towards the mountain next to it, and the word 'jiwei' is also bulging at the moment on the mountain next to it, no, it is not the mountain next to it, but beyond The valley is the center, a circle, a large circle, above each mountain, there are two words embossed.

Two different words.

What's more, Zhongshan also knows that this is the 'sixty-nine dragon' that records the position. The words "Xin Wei" and "Ding Wei" are preceded by "Wei", and the words "Heaven", "People", "Father" and "Earth" are bulging ahead.

Suddenly, Zhongshan saw it, and the surrounding mountains were all embossed with words. Moreover, the mountains here were very deliberate, and they circled around the valley in the distance to the outside.

This, this geographical appearance, looks like a huge compass.

A super compass, the valley in the distance is the Tianchi in the center of the compass, and then the outer circle corresponds to gossip, nine stars, sky stars, twenty-fourth place, seventy-two, twelve points, sixty-nine dragons, Zhou Tianxing Wait a total of eighteen laps.

That's right, it's a compass, a compass with mountains and rivers. Is this naturally formed or artificial?

"What's wrong?" Bei Qingsi looked at Zhongshan in doubt.

Zhongshan took a deep breath and said, "Let's go, it's just a shock."

"En" sad Qingsi nodded.

The two continued to head towards Tianchi, the center of the mountain compass.

Walking beyond the circular valley, Zhongshan confirmed his guess again.

Tianchi, above Tianchi, is a circular valley. Above the valley is covered with white clouds. Baiyun is also a very magical eighteen circle, a huge compass pattern.

However, this Baiyun Compass is not like the surrounding mountains and rivers. The eighteen rounds of Baiyun of this Baiyun Compass are moving around their trajectory, slowly spinning, as if they are interpreting heaven and earth.

"The younger generation is sad, and meets the older generation." Bei Qingsi cried immediately inside the valley, without trespassing.

"Who are you?" There was a faint voice of a man's reply in the valley.

The sound was a little deep, and it sounded full of a feeling of vicissitudes of the sea, a kind of indifference to the world, and a clear view in this faint reply.

"My father was sad and breezy, and was victimized by the treacherous man. He left a thing and asked his predecessor to keep it, and urged the senior man to return me to help me avenge my father." Bei Qingsi said immediately.

"Drip a drop of blood into Tianchi." The man's voice came again in the valley.

"Yes" Sad Qingsi immediately responded.

The finger was slightly forced, a drop of sperm blood emerged from the finger, and a bounce of the finger, the drop of sperm blood was directly injected into the center of Baiyun Compass Tianchi.

A drop of blood was injected, and the entire Baiyun compass suddenly appeared as if stained by countless blood, and suddenly, it became red.

And the speed of the eighteen rounds of the compass rose suddenly more than doubled, as if relying on a drop of fine blood in Tianchi, what was estimated.

Zhong Shan stared with wide eyes, because it was also the first time that Zhong Shan had seen such a magical thing.

The huge red cloud compass rotated for a while, slowly, in the center of Tianchi, a string of words emerged out of thin air.

"Geng Yin, Jia Shen, Renchen, Guiyi"

The eight characters, the eight golden characters, floated vertically above Tianchi.

Seeing these eight words, Bei Qingsi's eyes stared, her eyes were full of surprise.

"The predecessors were supernatural, and the younger ones admired them extremely." Bei Qingsi immediately respectfully said.

"Yes, this birthday character is the birthday character that should be born after the tragic breeze. Things can be entrusted to you, come in." There was a man's voice again in the valley.

After a word, the red cloud originally stained with blood faded red again and returned to white, but in Tianchi, a little bit of red mist evaporated, apparently the drop of essence blood that was just sad blue.

Taking a deep breath, Zhong Shan and Bei Qingsi looked at each other and slowly fell towards the valley. Baiyun did not stop the two. And when the two fell into the valley, Baiyun actually slowly dispersed.

The white clouds of the compass slowly dispersed, and a large amount of sunlight shone down. There was a small waterfall in the northwest of the valley. A large number of mountain springs fell from the top into a puddle, and then flowed from the southwest. To the east is a bamboo forest, and in the center is a hut, a very humble hut.

In front of the hut was a bamboo bed, with a sloppy body sitting cross-legged, who was just talking.

Mud Buddha?

Mud Bodhisattva is wearing a set of gray linen with his head lowered, looking at a phantom-like compass in his hand. This compass is not flat, like a three-dimensional one. It has eighteen turns around the center and flips up and down like a The sphere is average.

After the two fell into the valley, the mud Buddha turned his hands back and his ghost compass disappeared suddenly.

Zhong Shan and Bei Qingsi approached respectfully.

Raising his head slightly, the mud Buddha looked at the two.

The moment Mud Buddha raised his head, Zhong Shan was surprised to find that Mud Buddha's face actually had such a large amount of abscesses, occupying the small half of his right face. It looks terrible.

"Senior." Bei Qingsi kneeled respectfully at the mud Buddha.

However, Zhong Shan was on the side, and he did not kneel. Mud Bodhisattva only looked at the sad blue silk, and a sigh flashed in his eyes, "I knew already the death of your father. The road was chosen by him, and I also I ca n’t change my life against the sky. Besides, I am a mud bodhisattva and my life has not been repaired yet. How can I save him, knowing that he is going to die, but he cannot save it? It is also my sorrow. "

"Qing Si didn't blame his predecessors. My father knew that he was going to die, so he divided the collected evidence into three. Qing Si has got two copies and there is still one." Sad Qing Si said sincerely.

Looking at the sad blue silk, Mud Bodhi nodded gently and said, "Yes, this time, it is also an opportunity for you to return. Do n’t waste your father's hard work."

"Senior, what does this mean?" Bei Qingsi looked up at Mu Bo immediately without understanding.

However, Mud Bodhisattva did not say much, but turned over and took out a book similar to the one that was too empty to give me sad blue silk.

Gently got up, and Sui's body seemed to be suddenly upright. The thin body showed a tendency to disdain the sky, and gently handed it to the sad blue silk.

"Thank you senior." Bei Qingsi immediately took the book excitedly.

However, Zhong Shan looked aside without much joy. Having the book meant that Qing Qingsi was leaving.

"Get up, you set off early, don't miss the opportunity," Mud Boss said softly.

"Yes" Bei Qingsi immediately got up, flipped the book slightly, and quickly closed it.

"Well, you go." Mud Boss said again.

"Senior," Zhong Shan called immediately.

Hearing Zhong Shan's call, there was a slight accident above the horrible face of Mud Bodhisattva, originally thinking that Zhong Shan was only accompanied by the sad blue silk. Is it difficult?

At the moment, Zhong Shan was reassuringly secretive. From the mud bodhisattva playing the Zen machine secretly, Zhong Shan felt that this person was too mysterious. Now it seems that the mystery is only one aspect, not everything.

"Teacher Tian Xingzi." Zhong Shan said immediately.

"Sky star?" Mud Boss frowned at Zhongshan, a flash of impatience flashed in his eyes. Obviously, there is no good feeling in the sky.

"The master died, Master urged the seniors to come out and find the killer." Zhong Shan immediately respected.

"What?" Mud Boss stared at him with unbelief in his eyes.

"The master died, Master urged the seniors to come out and find the killer." Zhong Shan said again.

"Don't worry about death? Impossible, impossible." Mud Bodhisattva swayed for a while, obviously the shock of this sentence was too great.

"Senior," Zhong Shan called immediately.

Mud Bodhisattva has a certain body shape, revealing a green light staring at Zhongshan in his eyes, but Zhongshan is open-minded and naturally different.

Taking a deep breath, Mud Bodhis stared hard at Zhong Shan, turned his hand to the deep lake not far away, and flung his sleeves.

"嘭 ~~"

A pool of water soars into the sky, and the mountain spring waterfall also follows the current and rises up, and with the waterfall, it seems that it affects the external Quartet mountain pattern.

"Booming ~~"

There was a huge roar from the outside. Zhongshan looked at the sad blue silk, and a kind of surprise flashed in his eyes. This sound was like the mountains moving around.

At this time, from the inside of the deep lake, a card issued slowly.

A woman with a crest carved out issued a card. The hairpin flew out of the deep pool and went straight into the hands of the mud Buddha.

Holding the card, the three-dimensional compass before Mud Bodhisattva suddenly appeared, trapping the card in Tianchi, and gradually, a cloud of black air emerged from Tianchi.

Mud Buddha looked at the black gas blankly, his eyes were full of unbelief, and he was stagnant for three breaths. Suddenly, Mud Buddha looked cold, and his eyes shot a cold light, the pus on his face The sore also suddenly increased a few times, and the chest was full of anger.

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