
Vol 11 Chapter 118: God bless

Chapter 118

A few years later, Hades, Changjing!

Auntie is in a conference hall.

Zhong Shan sat at the main table, holding a tea bowl, and savored the fragrant tea with a light expression.

On the two sides below, there are major officials such as Wang Jingwen, Yi Yan, and Bodhisattva.

On the other side, it was a man in white.

The man is very handsome, with a luxurious atmosphere between his hands and feet. Standing behind him are five or six servants. As guests, he is indifferent to the situation and is not surprised.

"King Sheng Sheng, Dingdong Territory, three months ago, I have arranged for handover. Presumably with the power of Dasao, three months is enough to hand over it safely!" The man in white smiled at Zhongshan.

"Mr. Gu, the matter of this Xinjiang region is left to Wang Jingwen to deal with. The specific matters are still unclear!" Zhong Shan put down the tea bowl and smiled lightly.

At the same time, Zhong Shan stared at Mr. Bai Yigu. Want to see Mr. Gu's reaction.

Mr. Gu was not in a hurry, but turned to Wang Jingwen instead.

"Mr. Wang, what do you think?" Mr. Gu asked with a smile.

"Dingdong territory, after all, is a territory with vast land. Three months, where is enough!" Wang Jingwen shook his head to cooperate with Zhongshan Road.

Where is enough This is obviously a shirk. It even feels like a trick.

"That's not an anxiety. That's the case. I just feel that it is too hastily here. Many beautiful sceneries can't be appreciated. Take this time and I just appreciate some time!" Mr. Gu said indifferently.

Above the main seat, Zhong Shan's eyes were slightly condensed, and then he suddenly laughed: "Mr. Gu was overly concerned. Since March, would Mr. Gu's character be ignorant? Although Dingdong Territory has not been transferred well, I believe that it is Soon after, when I go back, thank me for the world! "

"Sure!" Mr. Gu nodded.

"Which is so, then the five people I'm facing ...?" Mr. Gu laughed again.

"Papa!" Liu Wushuang standing on the side was afraid of the palm.

Soon, five people, including the gorgeously dressed Jun Moli, were brought in.

Looking at the five people, there was no restraint at all, but the panic revealed in their eyes deeply betrayed their current appearance.

panic? Zuxian panic?

The magistrates looked at Liu Wushuang, and it took a lot of horrible torture to make Zuxian like this.

"Mr. Gu!" Jun Moli said excitedly.

"Thank you King Zhongsheng!" Mr. Gu paid no attention to Jun Moli, but looked at Zhongshan Road.

"Mr. Gu is polite!" Zhongshan said lightly.

"That being the case, leave without interruption, leave!" Mr. Gu got up.

"Well, I'll see you!" Zhong Shan nodded.

Mr. Gu nodded, and as Zhongshan walked out of the hall, Jun Moli and the other five were supported by Mr. Gu's servants. Still afraid to say more. In particular, Liu Wushuang approached, a little big immortal, giving all the ancestors a bit of cold.

"King Saint King stayed away!" Mr. Gu finally said.

"If you have time, Mr. Gu welcomes Mr. Gu at any time!" Zhong Shan said.


After speaking, Mr. Gu waited for a cloud under his feet, and slowly carried the crowd out of Changjing, passing by without stopping.

Looking at the back of Mr. Gu's departure, Zhong Shan's face sank.

"How about this person?" Zhong Shan asked.

"It is not weaker than a minister!" Yi Yan sighed slightly.

"The reincarnation holy court has such a talent, it's not easy. Just Daxian Xiuwei, with a few Tianxian servants, dare to go into my Dachang Changjing, really brave!" Wang Jingwen sighed slightly.

"Mud Bodhisattva, what did you remind me of before?" Zhong Shan asked lightly.

"Qi Sheng Sheng Wang, here is a reason to persuade Mr. Wang Fanggu to leave nature for a reason." Mu Bo said.


"Mr. Gu entered Dazhu with the body of a great immortal, is he courageous? I don't think so!" Mu Bo said to Wang Jingwen.


"Chen Xiufeng, the sense of Fengshui's dragon veins is beyond ordinary people. Although this ancient man is just a great immortal, his body is full of the breath of dragon veins. Heavenly blessing, we can't kill you!" Mud Bo Shen said.

"Heavenly blessing?" Zhong Shan cried.

"Yes, Hao Meimei can curse people without cursing. She is also a **** blessing, but her **** blessing is not as good as this ancient man. Hao Meimei can only be regarded as a man of heaven. After cursing, most It's the God of Heaven's blessing, but this ancient man is a God of Heaven's blessing. This kind of person hasn't appeared for millions of years, maybe even longer! "Mud Bodhisattva solemnly said.

"Heavenly blessed person? Hasn't appeared for millions of years? What's so special about him?" Liu Wushuang asked immediately.

"Special? If you are not good for Hao Mei, what will you do?" Mu Bo asked.

"Uh?" Liu Wushuang was startled. Not good for Hao Mei? Then unlucky things will follow.

"Although the God-blessed person has no earth-shattering power, he is no less weak than the saints. He is a very strange person. Such a god-blessed person is so wise and proud. Holy blessing! "Mud Buddha shook his head.

"How to deal with such people?" Zhong Shan asked lightly.

"The holy king need not worry, because it is not a disaster for the holy king!" Mud Bodhisattva said.


"He is a god-blessed person, and a heaven-sage sage is also a god-blessed person. When the true dragon of the holy king is more solidified, he can slaughter the heavenly court. Similarly, the true dragon is more solid than the dragon veins of Mr. Gu, and the holy king can also slaughter He. "Mud Buddha said.

"Huh!" Zhong Shan nodded.


Mr. Gu quickly flew away from the grandmother with the five great ancestors.

Soon after flying out of the big salamander, everyone came to the nearby territory.

There, the king is waiting.

"Mr. Gu, it's hard this time!" Jun Tianxia said.

"Worried the Holy King!" Mr. Gu said politely.


"Holy King!"

Cried the five ancestors excitedly.

Jun Tian's brow frowned slightly, and a probe shot, five beams of light hit the unmanned body.


"嘭 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The seals of the five were suddenly released.

There was a ecstasy on the faces of the five people, and then, with a shame on their faces, "Holy King, I am incompetent, we are ashamed of the Holy King!"

"Forget it, when you deal with Dasao, do your best!" Jun Tian sank in a low voice.

However, the five people's faces were bitter.

"What? Grandma has polished your courage for a while?" Jun Tian's face sank.

"Revenge, we also want to, but ..." Jun Moli said ugly.

"But what?"

"However, we were forced to take a poison oath, and we must not be hostile to Dasao for life. At that time, Dasao also had a curse master who determined the poison oath with a spell contract. We ...!" Ugly.

Jun Tian's face turned black.

"Come on!" Jun Tian sank.

"Yes!" Five people Zuxian helpless for a while.

Who would have thought that Dasao would do such a great job?

"Holy King, Dingdong Territory, when was the transfer completed?" Mr. Gu asked.

"Two months ago!" Jun Tianxia said.

"Two months ago, that is, it took only one month for Dasao to master Dingdong's territory? It seems that I still underestimated Dasao." Mr. Gu said in a deep voice.

"Mr. Gu, how does it feel to be here?" Jun Tianxia looked at Mr. Gu.

"Unfathomable!" Mr. Gu shook his head.

"Unfathomable?" Jun Tianxia's pupil narrowed.

"Yes, Da'ao has a lot of counselors. Although there is not much contact, Chen thinks that there are several who are not weaker than Chen!" Mr. Gu shook his head.

Jun Tian sank.

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Zhongshan sent away Mr. Gu and his party, and demobilized all the ministers. At this moment, a guard came.

"Holy King, Mr. Tanuki, please!" A guard said respectfully.

"Oh? Bring him to see you!" Zhong Shan nodded.

Soon, a man in a white robe came quickly.

Mr. Tanuki, the younger brother of Su Rouniang, the owner of Jiuwei County. After Su Mei Niang and Su Rou Niang entered the world of foxes, Mr. Tanuki also directly joined the grandma and took the road of imperial examinations. She became the grand champion of the session with her true skill. Now she is a director in Yangjian. Senior officials of Sanpin.

"Chen Su Tan, meet the Holy King!" Mr Tan Tan respectfully said.

"Mr. Tanuki, please!" Zhong Shan nodded.

"Thank the King! Holy King, the minister has important news to report to the Holy King!" Mr. Tanuki looked around nervously.

Zhong Shan beckoned, and the guards quickly retreated.

"Say!" Zhongshan asked.

"Holy King, Minister, and Minister just recently received the message from the Fox World. It was sent by the sister's fox family secret method. Only the relatives can feel it." Mr Tanuki was a little excited.

"Oh?" Zhong Shan said unexpectedly.

"The Rou Niang said, Rou Niang said that they found the crux of the matter. With the help of the enchanting and Qiankun bags, they found a way to break the fox's curse." Mr. Tanuki was excited, the fox's curse will always be the pain in Mr. Tanuki's heart. .

"What way?" Zhongshan asked.

"To be precise, the source of the curse of the cursed fox tribe was found. The people who practice curse spells have four divine scriptures, the curse book, the book of life and death, the book of demons, and the book of extinction! That curser is from extinction. A book of pulses, as long as you find the person in that vein, or get an extinction book, can help the foxes lift the curse. "Mr Tanuki was slightly excited.

"Holy King, my elder sister has limited information, but my sister said that as long as the holy king finds the extinction book and breaks the fox's curse, the fox is willing to join the grandmother, and my sister is willing to follow the command of the holy king!" Said Tanuki.

At your command? Is that willing to enter the Zhongshan Harem?

Zhong Shan stared deeply at Mr. Tan, and did not speak for a long time. And at this moment Mr Tanuki was a little stunned. Extinction book, how could it be so easy to find?

"I know this, I will look for someone, you go down!" Zhong Shan said.

"Yes!" Mr Tanuki stepped back immediately.

Back to the study. This matter, Zhongshan must think about it.

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