
Vol 3 Chapter 41: Little wolf disaster

Chapter 41—The Little Wolf was Disaster

At the mouth of the valley, the big red wolf stopped and gently leaned his head on the ground for the little wolf to land smoothly.

The little wolf ran in front happily, running down the head of the big wolf, and Zhongshan followed him.

The little wolf moaned twice at the big wolf, and the big wolf nodded and turned away.

Only Zhongshan and Little Wolf were left.

It was dark, but the excitement of the little wolf had not yet dissipated, and he continued to run with Zhong Shan in front, as if he wanted to take Zhong Shan to see its treasure.

The previous scene has made Zhongshan feel dreamy, and the military parade, Zhongshan felt that the countless big wolves before it were an army, and then the little wolf carried himself to a large military parade.

Following the little wolf, he ran towards the valley quickly, full of expectations in his heart. What strange things happened in the glowing valley?

Before the thousands of wolves spit fireworks, in the quiet night, the sky on that side was bright and colorful.

In a valley, the emperor of the Yinyue Dynasty, Mr. Corpse, General Thunder and others frowned at the sky with a lot of fireworks.

The eyes are full of incredible.

"Your Majesty, here, those ..." General Thunder curiously.

"Don't worry about the wolf tribe," the emperor said immediately.

Everyone looked at the distance with great curiosity. After all, the scenery in the distance was so gorgeous that even everyone felt a shock.

"Your Majesty, Qing Yunlang will not be back yet. I'll take a look." General Thunder said excitedly.

"It's important to wait for Qingyun Wolf, and besides, Qingyun Wolf will say, don't go north." The emperor frowned.

"Your Majesty, it's okay. Qingyun Wolf will only say that there are young masters of the wolf tribe there, afraid that we will disturb it. I'll be careful, I will come back and tell you after I have a look." General Thunder was extremely excited.

The emperor frowned, apparently hesitated, why was there sorcery there?

"Your Majesty, I'll take a look with Thunder and come back soon," said another.

"Your Majesty, I'll take a look." The other said.

Everyone seemed very curious and wanted to see it.

The emperor looked at the crowd, frowning slightly: "No, stay and wait for the Qingyun wolf general, um, Thunder, you go alone, be careful not to offend any of the wolves here."

"Ah ~~~" General Thunder was extremely excited.

Others were envious. But the emperor had already made a decision, and it was hard for others to say much.

With an excitement, General Thunder rose up into the sky and headed farther north.

Under the leadership of the little wolf, Zhongshan stepped into the shiny valley.

Entering the valley, Zhongshan finally saw what the light was.

This is a peculiar valley with a pond occupying most of the valley below. The light is caused by the flowers around the valley, which will glow. Even more, this kind of flower still grows underwater in the pond, which makes the whole pond beautiful and beautiful.

The valley is full of flowers, and most of them are different in shape and light, and a refreshing scent rushes into Zhongshan's mind instantly, which makes Zhongshan suddenly feel refreshed and extremely comfortable.

The flowers are bright, and the water is set against the water. It looks like a fairyland. Occasionally, one or two glowing dandelion-like flying flots look more magical.

Not to mention the little wolf will like it, even Zhongshan is extremely lamented about the beauty here.

Although Zhongshan was a little fascinated, he knew the bright flowers in the valley. There is a record in Qizhenge. The flowers in this valley, speaking of them, just grew from a rhizome.

It's called ‘Guanglu Baihua’. Much more precious than his own flame fruit.

There are hundreds of different flowers on a rhizome, and there are hundreds of different flowers on one rhizome. They absorb light during the day and light at night.

In addition, among such flowers and dew, there is a strange dew.

It will be in a transparent flower in the center, and the dew will pass through the rhizome, collect some essence into the transparent flower, and then merge into a cup of dew.

This cup of floral water has a magical effect and is a holy medicine for healing and health.

The most rare thing is that as long as it is not rainy, you can collect a cup every day.

When Zhongshan entered the valley, he quickly found the transparent flower, not far from a corner.

The little wolf walked in front, and there was a long rhizome above the pond, like a single wooden bridge. The little wolf led Zhongshan to walk slowly across the 'only wooden bridge', watching the pond shine brightly. Zhongshan always sighed that the valley is so beautiful, it's no wonder that the little wolf put his schedule behind the fireworks of ten thousand wolves.

The little wolf bounced, ran in front, and ran back again, and stunned Zhongshan, as if he was showing off his treasure. Generally, he was not allowed to come at all. This was his private territory.

However, perhaps Zhongshan's strength is too large. Under a sigh, Zhongshan slipped at the foot of the mountain, and the little wolf slid with it.

"噗通" "噗通"

One man and one wolf fell into this dreamy pond.

A lot of pool water sprang up, but the little wolf was even more excited, beating cheerfully in the pond, and his mouth was making a very happy ‘whine’ sound.

Watching the little wolf excited, Zhong Shan held up a hand of water and splashed it on the exposed head of the little wolf. The little wolf was splashed with water and immediately excitedly splashed water with two little paws against Zhong Shan.

One person and one wolf, so excited with some excitement.

General Thunder flew to the place where Wanlang casts, but found that Wanlang had begun to disperse, and he no longer sprayed fireworks on the sky. My heart was slightly depressed, but seeing the tens of thousands of wolves gathering still filled General Thunder's heart with shock.

After watching it for a while, suddenly, the red wolf who just left was condensed, turned his head and stared at General Thunder.

"Woohoo ~~~"

The wolf grunted a few times, and his voice went straight into the sky. For General Thunder, it is very unwelcome.

General Thunder nodded immediately, indicating that he would quickly retreat without interruption. General Thunder didn't want to meet the wolves here. There are many wolves here, even in the infant stage. They are not unable to fly, but they do not want to fly. And attacking it, even His Majesty cannot save himself.

With a cold sweat, General Thunder receded to the side.

Retreat until there are no wolves.

Suddenly, where there were no wolves, General Thunder saw a light, a light valley?

Thunder thundered, what was that?

The curiosity trend caused General Thunder to fly quickly to the valley.

Flying out of the valley, General Thunder also saw the light source.

Flowers, a lot of shiny flowers, the flowers of this valley can even shine? What are these flowers?

"Hahaha, hahaha." There was a hearty laughter inside the valley.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosshy" a little wolf's excited cry.

Hearing the voice of the little wolf, General Thunder was okay, but when he heard Zhong Shan's hearty laughter, General Thunder's pupils shrank, a feeling of familiarity suddenly permeated his mind.

Is that bug? It's really nowhere to step through the iron shoes. It took no effort, and I was met here by myself.

A scrutiny revealed that Zhong Shan was splashing water with a young wolf who had just entered the inborn.

He used to be very young and calm, but now he looks like a child without a mind? This man is really saved, playing with a beast?

But there is no danger.

The figure slowly dropped.

"Ha ha ha ha, bug, meet again." General Thunder, slowly flying down, shouted happily.

Hearing the abrupt sound, Zhong Shan and the little wolf were both in a sudden meal. Quickly, Zhong Shan took out the big knife 'nightmare', picked up the little wolf and flew up.

Because Zhongshan already heard who it was.

With a hint of anxiety, hugging the little wolf, he was about to escape from the valley.

"Hum ~~~"

General Thunder throbbed, and the powerful momentum of the Yuan Infant suddenly burst out, and the overwhelming momentum pressed the Zhongshan and the little wolf without reservation.

"Slap ~~~"

Zhongshan was dropped from above the flying knife by the powerful momentum on the bank of the pond. Falling down, Zhong Shan hugged the little wolf to prevent the little wolf from being injured.

"Hahahaha, I see where you are going today." General Thunder thought he was holding the win and was extremely excited.

"Roar ~~"

Feeling the hostility of General Thunder, the little wolf stood up quickly, yelling at General Thunder with his teeth grinning, as if to scare the powerful General Thunder with his thin body.

"Ha ha ha ha, the little beast dare to stop me?" General Thunder was very happy in his chest, and it was funny to see the little wolf hostile to himself.

Between the hands, a thunderbolt struck at hand and shot directly at the little wolf.

Seeing this scene, Zhong Shan leapt into a figure and rushed to the little wolf.

"Boom ~~~"

A thunderbolt struck Zhongshan's back, and a large number of thunders crackled.

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