
Vol 11 Chapter 143: Zuxian Double Sky

Chapter 143 The Zuxian Double Sky

Zulong's secret, the original Youlan dojo.

After the blue sage gave up the throne, Yuan Shi Hongjun battled, and most of them were razed to the ground. The strong men did not stay too long, and left as many as possible because there was nothing to be concerned about.

But not far away, a valley surrounded by a group of peerless powerhouses.

Beyond the valley, there are big brothers and sisters.

In a palace.

Jin Peng asked Mr. Shi slightly curiously: "Mr. Shi, is that really the first queen of Dasao? Isn't that the first queen or mortal? Why can't I see the queen's cultivation?"

Mr. Shi gave a slight glance at Jin Peng and said, "General Jin, there are some things that shouldn't be managed, so don't ask more!"

Jin Peng's face changed, thinking that Mr. Corpse was perfunctory him, but then Jin Peng thought of the cause.

The first queen, that is the wife of the holy king. Regardless of the first queen's cultivation, that is also the housework of the holy king. He is a courtier and can only participate in the affairs of the Holy Kingdom. If the state affairs and family affairs are not clear, he will suffer sooner or later.

Taking a deep breath, Jin Peng bowed slightly to Mr. Corpse: "Thank you for your mention!"

Mr. Nod nodded. Mr. Zou did not have the slightest dislike for the big brothers and sisters. Since joining the big brother, he can make good friends.

"Om ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Suddenly, a powerful breath radiated from the valley not far away. In all directions, the endless trees are folded, the sky is changing colors, and it spins quickly around the valley. And that valley is exactly where Zhongshan stays.

"The smell of Zu Xian's metamorphosis? It's strong!" Said Swordsman Tu who was teaching some ancient immortals not far away.

In a palace. Jian Ao's long sword is placed on both knees, practice with closed eyes.

Suddenly, a strong breath came under pressure, and the sword on both knees trembled, and Jian Ao's eyes suddenly opened. The whole body gown was spontaneous without wind, and drifted away. In turn, Jian Ao turned to the valley.

Jian Ao's eyes brightened, and a war of thought shot out from his eyes.

"It really didn't disappoint me!" Jian Ao took a deep breath.

After that, Jian'ao's clothes stopped swinging, Jian'ao closed his eyes and continued to practice.

The breath is too strong, and the ancient immortals who are so strong on the periphery suddenly feel that they can't lift their heads. It is not only the ancestral immortal power, but also a powerful imperial majesty, a majesty to rule the world.

"An enemy attack!" An ancient fairy exclaimed.

After screaming, the ancient fairy immediately flew into the sky, a group of ancient immortals resisted the oppression, and quickly rose into the sky.

"Come back!" There was a choke from not far away.

It is the voice of Shen Gongbao.

The ancient immortals a little. But he stopped forcibly.

"It's the breath of the Holy King. Don't be nervous, do a good defense of the Quartet!" Shen Gongbao solemnly said.

"Holy, holy king?" The first ancient fairy who flew up was startled.

It seems like a chain reaction, all ancient immortals are showing surprise, this, this is impossible!

The breath of the Holy King? Ancestor transformation? Upgrade Zuxian? Holy King upgrade ancestor? how can that be? All ancient immortals revealed extreme disbelief.

In the hearts of everyone, the strength of the Holy King has already reached an incredible level, and the mobilization of heaven and the Tao has also come out in batches. His ancestors are also a large group. Such a powerful and powerful person, he was an ancient immortal before? Cai Guxian?

Just like myself, is it ancient?

All the ancient immortals were stunned at this moment, and Zhongshan hit everyone so hard, it was incredible. But this breath is indeed the Holy King.

The Holy King has just been promoted to Zuxian?

"Mr. Shen, the Holy King was only an ancient fairy?" Said an ancient fairy.

"Yes, Mr. Shen, the Holy King is so strong, how could it be an ancient fairy?" Another ancient fairy said inconceivably.

"This is the difference between the Holy King and you." Shen Gongbao just said.

And this sentence is enough. This is the difference between Zhongshan being a prince and a prince. In a simple sentence, everything is said.

"Yes!" Everyone accepted this fact bitterly.

However, bitterness was quickly replaced by an excitement, ancient fairy? The Holy King was so strong when he was only ancient immortal. Now that he has reached the ancestral fairyland, wouldn't he ...

Some ancient cents trembled with excitement.

"Well, do your defense, don't let people disturb the Holy King!" Shen Gongbao said.

"Yes!" A group of ancient immortals answered immediately.

After arranging the ancient fairy, Shen Gongbao was also sighing and looking towards the valley.

Mr. Corpse and Jin Peng also stepped out of the hall and looked at the direction of the valley. Jin Peng showed a pleasant surprise, while Mr. Corpse showed a hint of relief, as if he was sure about his original decision.

Wang Shou walked out of the hall with Youshan, Youshui and Youquan, looking at the direction of the valley. Youshan said, "Wang, his subordinates are really convinced of Wang this time."

"Where are you?" Wang Shou looked at Youshui and Youquan.

"The king brought the skeletons to join the grandmother, and respected Zhongshan as the sacred king and willing to be the minister. His subordinates were really dissatisfied at the time. Not only the subordinates, but almost all the skeletons were dissatisfied. In the underworld, we are a large race Now I'm only a minister of the court. I'm naturally uncomfortable waiting. Now it seems that Wang can look far ahead. "Youshui said.

"The subordinates also think so. The step of the grandma is too fast, and the pace of the holy king is too fast. It is incredible. Such a fast pace is unheard of. The king can seize the opportunity. I wait and admire!" You Quan nodded.

"Huh!" Wang Shou nodded.

Luo Xingchen and Ziyang Jinghong were together.

Luo Xingchen felt this breath, and a sigh flashed in his eyes. He had inherited Houyi's inheritance before he reached the ancestral god, but the holy king came up step by step. The ancestor was defeated by the holy king. Absolutely not wrong.

Ziyang looked at the direction of the valley in horror, and his fingers quickly calculated.


As soon as half of the calculation was made, his finger was popped open by a huge force, Ziyang Jinghong stubbornly calculated for several times.

"Papapapap .........!"

Several times in a row, the calculation was forcibly stopped just after the calculation, and the fingers trembled for a while, and the pain could not be calculated anymore. Ziyang breathed a long, shocked breath.

"Father, you mean, Zhong Shan just reached Zuxian?" Youjing wondered.

You Lan is also in shock.

"Should be!" You Lan is now as if in a dream.

"This, how is that possible?" Quiet heart screamed like a cat with a tail on it.

"Meditation!" Youlan drank the meditation.

"Father, but ... this is too difficult to accept." Quiet anxiously.

Zhong Shan's strength has long been overwhelmed by loneliness, but he was suddenly out of breath, but now he suddenly discovered that Zhong Shan Xiuwei was not as tall as himself. This blow was unacceptable to anyone, too fake, too fake. !!

"Name your father" meditation ", I just hope that you can be calm and calm when you are in trouble, but your kung fu is still too poor. Regardless of the cultivation of the King, his strength is not something you can touch. Don't just look at the surface, the magic of the world, from these days you should be able to see some. Wait and see! "You Lan said.

"Yes!" Quiet nodded.

The closest place to the valley was the residence of Huan Ji, feeling the breath coming from the valley. He looked at it for a while, and there was a hint of complexity and a smile on his face. Then he sat silently in a small pavilion, watching the trail at the valley exit, as if waiting for something.

In the valley. There are some small houses. There is also a mountain spring pond.

The style of the house is exactly the same as Zhongshan's Zhongfu before he started his practice.

In Zhongshan's room, above the big bed, only Zhongshan was sitting cross-legged.

Zhong Shan was naked, and his clothes were neatly stacked on the bed, as if he hadn't got up yet.

Zhongshan sank into his body.

Zu Xian, finally Zu Xian! In the past ten days or so, because of Kun Ding's Kuier, Zhongshan could have hit the ancestors long ago, but Zhongshan was forced to upgrade until the eight-pole Tianwei completely digested the explosive beast.

Struggling together!

Just after lingering with Kui'er for a while, when he saw Kuier's deep sleep, Zhongshan began to blast, and his hair was thick and thin. Even with the wide root bone, he broke through the imprisonment and headed for the ancestral wonderland.

It was because of sufficient preparation that they rushed directly to the Zuxian Double Sky.

The ancestral fairyland, according to Zhongshan's understanding, is similar to the mortal celestial realm. The mortal celestial realm is twelve-fold. From the ninth, it can be ascended to immortality, but the ninth ascension is the human immortal, and the tenth ascension is the mysterious. Immortal, the eleventh is the earth immortal, and the twelfth is the heaven immortal.

Ancestral Wonderland, the Nine Emperor Genius is qualified to become a saint and win the throne under the favor of heaven and earth. The higher the cultivation, the stronger the sage is, just like Hong Jun and Mi Tian, ​​both of them are saints, but the strength cannot be the same.

The twelfth heaven of the ancestral wonderland is a universal cognition, but Mr. Zom told Zhongshan that on the twelfth heaven, there is the thirteenth heaven, which is exactly what Mozi mentioned on that day, Daqian World No one has been able to achieve the great completion of Zuxian. Perhaps, in the eyes of Zhu Qiang, Zuxian Thirteenth Heaven is the so-called Zuxian great consummation.

Zhongshan entered the ancestral fairyland, and also entered the ranks of the most powerful.

Ancestor double sky.

In the ancient centuries, Zhongshan began to simulate the avenue of self. Now, the ancestors, the avenue can be honed, and will be displayed in front of people in the near future.

Underworld, runner territory, shadow body Zhongshan also came in retreat during this period.

Outside the hall of immortality, the heroes guard. Suddenly a huge breath emanated from the hall.

"Holy King, long live!" The ministers shouted.

At this moment, everyone understands that the Holy King has become the ancestor. For more than a thousand years, this is only a thousand years.

"Holy King, the sun and the moon are the same, Shou and Tian Qi!" The people in Changjing shouted.

The Holy King succeeded the ancestors, what fear is there in Beizhou? Who can stop Dasao's strong footsteps?

The sky over the Ling Xiao heaven court, the sea of ​​luck clouds tumbling for a while, as if to explain to the heavens the strength of the King of the Great God.

Vaguely, a dragon head flashed into the sea of ​​clouds, and the head of the dragon's brows had a cinnabar. After feeling the roar of Qi Yun's sea of ​​clouds, his brows frowned slightly.

In the peak of the world.

In the original retreat, Tenjinzi suddenly opened his eyes. In the internal grotto, other people in the tattered black robe also opened their eyes together, and everyone frowned slightly, and finally looked at Tenjinzi.

"Be quiet, don't be impatient, big things will happen, don't have extravagant branches!" Tian Shenzi said lightly.

"Yes!" The tattered black robes nodded, and then everyone closed their eyes and rested like a living dead again.

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