
Vol 12 Chapter 5: Kitakami Ice Shrine (first)

Chapter V Northbound Ice Temple (first)

"Two years? Ceremony of sacrifice? Ice Temple?" Zhong Shan took a breath.

"Why do you offer sacrifices, and who do you choose to sacrifice? Do these clans know?" Zhongshan asked again.

"That Jingwu has just become an elder, and hasn't experienced it yet. As for the other dozen crystal families, they are not qualified to know it!" Yi Yan shook his head.

"Once every ten thousand years? The sacrifice hall of Bingshen Palace actually invites the crystal family. It seems unusual!" Zhongshan thought contemplatively.

"Yes, not only the crystal clan, but also the Xuanwu clan of Beizhou, is also the main member of each participation. At the same time, some strong people in the world will be invited to go." Yi Yan said.

"Well, the Xuanwu family of Beizhou has heard of it. The Xuanwu family is located in Beizhou, but it is extremely low-key. The turtle is in the extremely northern place, and like the Crystal family, it is very exclusive. The situation? "Zhongshan asked.

"Some, in the far north, there are only three forces, the Crystal, Xuanwu and Ice God Palace!" Yi Yan said.

"Huh!" Zhong Shan motioned Yi Yan to continue.

"There are four pillars there! Dominate the sky. The Holy King must have heard of it, too?" Yi Yan said.

"I've heard that the four Tianzhus are located at the edge of the sky, but do you know the origin?" Zhongshan asked.

"No, I sent a sentry detective. In the far north, I couldn't detect it at all. I only knew that it suddenly appeared more than a million years ago. As for the origin, it seems that it was erased by someone who cares. People know. "Yi Yan shook his head.

"More than a million years ago?" Zhong Shan thought for a while.

Four Tianzhu that appeared more than a million years ago? Who wants to hide it intentionally?

"However, in the mortal world, Chen Da heard a legend, and it is still the legend of our Fengzuo territory, but it is not credible!" Yi Yan said.

"Oh? There are no legends in the north, but we have legends here?"

"Yes, because the legend is that the four celestial pillars were what the son-in-law did."

"You continue to say."

"It is rumored that Beizhou originally had the world's first high mountain, not Zhoushan, but later collapsed due to co-operation and Zhu Rong fighting. After Zhoushan was connected between heaven and earth, after the collapse, the sky broke down, the mountains and rivers were broken, the souls were coated with charcoal. , To cast Qiankunding, refining the five-color **** stone to make up for the sky. In the end, it was to cut off a **** turtle's four legs to support the patched sky. And the four pillars are the four legs of the **** turtle. .

"God tortoise with four feet?" Zhong Shan's eyes narrowed.

"How can there be such a strong tortoise? Besides, the world is broken and its own heavens make up for it. How can it be made up? Perhaps it is just a legend!" Yi Yan laughed.

But Zhong Shan shook his head, because this story seems to have known each other. By the way, Earth. Zhong Shan has heard this story on earth, and it is exactly the same, son-in-law making up for the sky? Fold the four poles to support the four poles? Level floods, kill fierce beasts, and benefit the people?

If only the territory of the wind mound is spread, it may be the good wishes of people, but why is the same rumor about where the earth is?

"Holy King, do you think this is true?" Yi Yan was slightly surprised. This is obviously unrealistic.

"It may not be true. Why did the Xuanwu tribe guard it there for generations? The four Tianzhu and the Xuanwu tribe are definitely related. Why the crystal tribe is not born, maybe it is also related. It seems that I have to go north again!" Zhongshan Shen said.

"Holy King, the ice god's sacrifice is not necessarily a queen. The holy king can send other people to it. It is not appropriate to risk by himself." Yi Yan said.

Shaking his head, Zhongshan said: "Ice Shrine is in Beizhou. Speaking of it, I should have gone, but I have been busy with government affairs. At that time, I handed the green silk to the Ice God Palace. Naturally, I will pick it up. You do not need to advise Since the Ice God Palace is in Beizhou, it is not very far away, and it will definitely arrive in a year. "

"Yes!" Yi Yan nodded.

Since the mind of the Holy King has been decided, it is useless to persuade.

"Mr. Corpse is still retreating?" Zhong Shan asked.

"Mr. Zombies is still in retreat, and may not be able to follow the Holy King, and Wang Skull is back to Skull DJI at this moment." Yi Yan said immediately.

The meaning of Zhongshan is obvious. Now that you are going to go to the north, all you have to do now is to be slick.

Mr. Zhong will follow almost every time Zhongshan travels. This time, it's a pity.

"Well, anyway." Zhong Shan nodded.

"What about the Crystal family in prison?" Yi Yan asked.

"It's closed for now! You should know how to do it," Zhong Shan said.


After Yi Yan left, Zhong Shan recruited another person.

A young boy in white has a sense of arrogance in his expression, but when he saw Zhongshan, he was very respectful.

"Chen tortoise and snake, meet the Holy King!" Said the boy with great respect.

Juveniles are turtles and snakes. At that time, when the Xiaoqian world was the master of the basalts, he led a large number of basalts to rebellious supremacy, and gave up the celestials and chose Dasao.

Sure enough, everything didn't disappoint the turtles and snakes. The development of Dasao was too fierce. Many holy courts in the longevity world, Taisui heaven, and even the world of the thousand could not stop Dasao's footsteps, and the development of the underworld was even more rapid.

Not long ago, the turtles and snakes even saw a large number of courtiers introduced by Dasao, and the turtles and snakes all felt like dreaming.

At the start of the day, there was no big immortal, and Daxun became the weakest holy court in history. Now, there are dozens of ancestors, and Zhongshan also attaches great importance to some veteran characters. Just like his turtle and snake, The power has never disappeared, even if he has not made much achievements, but still holds the power of one party, as for the Xuanwu tribe, Zhong Shan is extremely trusted to take care of himself without any intervention.

How can such a holy king not allow the turtle and snake to be loyal?

"Well, turtles and snakes have grown a lot over the years!" Zhong Shan laughed.

"Although the minister has worked hard, he is far worse than the sage king and the big master, and the minister has just reached the ancient wonderland!" The turtle snake was somewhat ashamed.

In the Xiaoqian World, the Xuanwu clan has great power, and it also greatly assists Daxu. But in the Daqian world, the help is not great. The ancient immortal Xuanwu clan is only one person. Had it not been for the Holy King to read the old feelings, his power would have been occupied by countless rising stars.

"Sometimes hard work is not the best way. Traveling at the right time may lead to unexpected opportunities!" Zhong Shan said.

"Yes, Chen remembered, Xie Shengwang gave instructions!" Turtle snake said immediately.

"Large demon monsters, wolves, dragons, phoenixes, tigers, and turtles. Your tribe and tiger tribe are not developing fast!" Zhong Shan said lightly.

The wolf has Emperor Xianxian, and has conquered countless wolf races.

The dragon has little gold, and countless dragons gather.

Feng has little red and little Suzaku, where the Phoenix tribe comes to protect one after another, and is naturally extremely powerful.

Only Xuanwu and Tigers haven't made great progress.

"The minister will work hard!" Turtle thought that Zhong Shan was blaming him and immediately stated.

"Oh, you don't need to be nervous, I don't blame you, just to help you analyze why your family is not developing fast enough?" Zhongshan asked.

"Because of Beizhou, there is a larger basalt force, the extreme north, Xuanwu Supreme! The basalt of Beizhou, or unruly, is unwilling to join any forces, and if anyone is willing to join, it is also preferred Xuanwu clan power in the land! "The turtle snake sighed.

"Are you unwilling?" Zhong Shan asked with a smile.

"I'm not willing to do anything, I can only work hard to strengthen myself, and when I surpass that Xuanwu Supreme Xuantianzong, I will be eligible to compete with it!" Said Gui Snake.

"I remember, your blood, like Xianxian, is also very advanced, right?" Zhongshan asked.

"Yes, although Chen is not the top basalt blood, but Chen's blood is extremely pure and belongs to the second generation of blood." Turtle affirmed.

"Second Generation Bloodline?"

"Yes, except for the ancestor of Xuanwu, the blood of the minister is the highest." Turtle affirmed.

"Okay, go get ready, and after three days, follow the north." Zhong Shan nodded.

"Go north?" Turtle and snake eyes lightened.

"What kind of character Xuan Tianzong is, we will meet him after all. Go!" Zhong Shan said.

"Yes!" Tortoise said slightly excitedly.

Turtle snake trembled slightly, guessing something in his heart. But Zhili retreated.

The turtle and snake left, Zhongshan grabbed a writing brush and wrote on a piece of rice paper.

"Tortoise and Snake, Jinpeng, Dao Ren Tu, Luo Xingchen, Youshan, Youshui, Youquan, Ziyang Jinghong, Youlan, Nangong Sheng!"

Ten names were written in a row.

"Is this your list of far north places?" A female voice came suddenly.

"Fantasy? Didn't you go out with Kwai'er, Ling'er, Youyou, and Haomei to conquer the Dragon Clan? How come back?" Zhongshan suddenly said unexpectedly.

Since Haomei conquered the Underworld Dragons, a group of queens have no idea what to do, and they have met to help out. The power of a group of maidens is extremely vast. Wherever they go, no grass is born. After all, none of Zhongshan's queens is a simple character. Zhongshan also arranged a large number of ancestors to accompany him, and was near Daxu.

Even Dixianxian started to act as a guide because he had once cleared the wolf tribe. It's even more fun to play.

"It was Sister Kwai who asked me to come back." Huan Ji said, and her face was slightly red.

"Kuier?" Zhong Shan was slightly surprised.

Then, Zhong Shan smiled bitterly and understood Kwai'er's meaning.

"For a while, I remember, it seems that I came from the extreme north. It was also called the source of all evil in the extreme north. Maybe I can help you there too. Let me go with you. "Said Magic Hime.

"Well, okay, let's leave in three days!" Zhong Shan responded immediately.

Far north? Zhongshan became more and more curious. Crystal, Xuanwu, Ice God Palace? And that the magical prince was also from the far north? What's the secret there?

Zhongshan has a hunch that this trip to the extreme north may be the key for Daxun to dominate Beizhou. Therefore, Zhong Shan chose a group of experts to go north this time with great caution.

Three days later in the evening.

In front of Tianyuan Pavilion, Turtle Snake, Jinpeng, Dao Ren Tu, Luo Xingchen, Youshan, Youshui, Youquan, Ziyang Jinghong, Youlan, Nangong Sheng and Huan Ji have been in place.

"Xuaner, during the absence of Ziyang Jinghong, Yang, you should pay more attention, especially the peak of the world!" Zhongshan solemnly addressed Zhong Xuandao.

"Yes, the baby must live up to his father's expectations!" Zhong Xuan said immediately.

"Huh!" Zhong Shan nodded.

Turning his head to the crowd, Zhong Shan said, "Okay, let's go!"

"Yes!" The ministers answered.

Then, a group of twelve people rose up and flew towards the north.

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