
Vol 12 Chapter 44: Capture the world of Beizhou

Chapter 44 Attacking the World in Beizhou

"Dalian Holy Court, Jinyiwei Qianhu, Wu Xu, meet the 13th Army Commander!" Wu Xu solemnly said.

"Uh?" Yi Lanyi and the three of them were slightly different.

Both Yi Lan's father and ancestor were suddenly fooled by Wu Xu's appellation, or Yi Lan's first reaction.

"Dalian Saintly Court? Jinyiwei Qianhu?" Yi Lanying said in a deep voice.

Zhuangzi has several disciples. Each disciple has a lineage inherited from one of them, but Wu Xu's lineage is passed down from the other. In the past, because Zhuangzi's disciples were not harmonious, different lines were hostile to each other.

Although Wu Xu hasn't entered Zhuangzi's dojo for a short time, he has already made a name, and he is even more at odds with Yijia. Is he actually a minister of the grandma? Jin Yiwei? Thousand households?

Although Yi Lanyi knew that Zhong Shan was very ambitious, he was shocked by the scene in front of him. Has Zhong Shan started to work on Zhuangzi Dojo?

"The following is indeed Dayi Jinyiwei. The letter from the commander of the Thirteenth Army has been received by the Holy King. Three hundred years ago, the villain was sent here. These years are directed at the memory of the family. No wonder. "Wu Xu said immediately.

"General manager in the past, you are not wrong. Since you are Dayi Jinyiwei, I will not blame you, just what is the 13th Army Commander you said?" Yi Lanyi asked immediately.

"Thank you for your understanding. The thirteenth army commander was just sealed by the Holy King yesterday. It is also the King ’s love for the adults. The villain is responsible for delivering the letter. Only after the adults get a clear reply, the villain reports to the Queen. Coming soon! "Wu Xu said.

"Yi Lanyu *** God's gratitude!" Yi Lanyu solemnly salutes the South.

Seeing that Yi Lan entered the state immediately, Wu Xu sighed with envy. Captain? what is that? In Da'ao, there is no specific rank and title of the regiment leader, but look at who are the first 12 regiment leaders? Yi Lanji won this reward. If the magistrates were to know, how many people would be jealous.

"In the future, I still hope to be accompanied by adults!" Wu Xu said immediately.

"Wu Qianhu is polite. He is also working as a grandmother, and he will be a colleague in the future!" Yi Lanxi smiled.

"Yes, I will report to the King first, and then come to disturb the Lord in the next day!" Wu Xu said.

"it is good!"

Wu Xu was sent away, and there was a moment of silence in the hall, and the other two recovered from the shock.

"Hey, what did Wu Xu say just now? We are already the grandfather's minister?" The ancestor frowned.

Yi Lanyu took a deep breath and rejoiced, "Father, ancestor, you have also seen that the people of Da'ao have infiltrated the Zhuangzi Dojo. If we didn't choose to join Da'ao, other people would have done the work of Zhongshan. Properly! "

"Different, how can Wu Xu be compared with Tonger?" Yi Lanyu's father shook his head immediately.

Yi Lanying shook her head and said, "Father, don't underestimate Wu Xu!"


"He's been at odds with my Yi family all these years, why?" Yi Lanyi said in a deep voice.

"Zhongshan has to deal with Yi family?" The ancestor frowned.

"No, it is not Zhongshan who is going to deal with my memory, but Wu Xu, in order to be more stable in the Zhuangzi Dojo, is stepping on the upper level, and being stepped on by me to remember the family, he is valued by his superiors, and he keeps following It's just his feet. Looking at it, he has already succeeded. "Yi Lanyan took a deep breath.

"Wu Xu?" The two frowned.

"More importantly, even when Wu Xu's intelligence is not enough, he is backed by his concubine to ensure that he is not wrong. Didn't you hear that? He said that Zhongshan, the leader of the Thirteenth Army yesterday, was yesterday, yesterday! "Yi Lanyan sucked in his breath.

"How is that possible? Zhongshan is impossible in Zhuangzi dojo, and Wu Xu must not have gone out. How to send a message?" Yi Lanyi's father said.

"This, I will know it later, father, ancestor, remember, from now on, we are the people of the Dalai Shengting, and our family's destiny is tied to the Dalai Shengting!" Yi Lan's brows stretched out. Road.

"Well, but we dormant, Zhongshan hasn't given you official title or title?" Yi Lanyi's father frowned.

"Official? Jazz? Father, you forgot the rules of this court of justice? Everything depends on merit. Official positions and knighthoods, as long as you have enough merit to your grandma, will be there, but what the child did not expect is that Zhong Shan was so generous, the head of the Thirteenth Army. The head of the army! "Yi Lanhua said with great emotion.

"What's wrong with the head of the army? It's just a vanity!" Yi Lanying's father shook his head.

"Fake name? Oh, father, you may not know, Dalai Shengting. For the name of the army commander, I don't know how many people are willing to give up all titles in exchange for Dazhi Li until now, plus only 13 of me. Top 10. Two, which is not under one person, but above ten thousand people? "Yi Lanying thanked.

"Just a few!" The ancestor frowned.

"No, the ones we see now are just a few in Yangjian, and the others are in Hades. With the name of the chief of the army, I remember the rise of the family, that is absolutely inevitable!" Yi Lanyi was extremely firm.


At this moment, Yi Lan's whole body trembled. Yellow light is slightly released.

"Well, what's wrong with you?" Yi Lanxi's father called immediately.

"Don't move, it's Daqi Qiyun, Yier is suffering from Daqi Qiyun's coming!" The ancestor immediately stopped Yi Lanji's father.

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Daxun Holy Court, Lingxiao Heavenly Court. A hall.

"Long Guang, meet King Zhongsheng!"

"Hefei, meet King Zhongsheng!"

"Li Yan, meet King Zhongsheng!"

Three well-dressed men worshiped Zhongshan respectfully.

"Three people please hurry up." Zhong Shan immediately stepped forward and lifted up.

"I'll wait to join Dasao, I wonder why King Zhongsheng?" Long Guang said first.

"The three joined Zhongshan, Zhongshan is very honored and welcomes them wholeheartedly. In the past, Zhongshan has heard about it, but has never been able to see it. It has always been regrettable to meet the three today. Zhongshan knows that Dashan must Tim Liangchen. "Zhong Shan said immediately.

"Meet the Holy King!" The three said immediately.

In the hall, Zhong Shan was conquering the three territorial masters, emperors, and corporal lords who were willing to surrender, and it was time for the three to come.

When Dasao wants to conquer the world on the northern continent, he will inevitably kill. Under this atrocity, suddenly the landlord surrenders, which is undoubtedly a signal to the world, Dasao is a signal of the division of righteousness.

Although atrocities and benevolence are only two empty terms, their role in war is extremely great. It is not enough to just fight for military achievements and reward. The righteousness of righteousness also needs to be used as a foil, because with ‘righteousness’, our army will multiply its power while the enemy ’s will is weakened.

The three ancestors got the attention they wanted, and Zhongshan got everything they wanted.

The monarch and the minister spoke cheerfully.

After conquering the three ancestors, Zhongshan also started early as promised.

After the end of the normal pilgrimage. Okay, the First Army Corps leader.

"Qi Sheng Sheng Wang!" Lin Xiao said.

"The prince and his entourage were far northward, and were attacked by four ancestors. They were the Red Top Saint in the Red Top Territory, the Pingsha Lord in the Pingsha Territory, the Wu River Saint King in the Wuhe Territory, and Ziping Territory. The prince of Ziping, the four holy courts, has sent troops to harass my borders many times, and even more confuse the dynasties against me. These little children have to be embarrassed, not to mention the shameless king who is shameless, they want to break my dynasty. Basically, destroying my fortune, my aunt is never afraid of fighting the holy court, and specially invites the Holy King En Zhun to kill the thieves of the four dynasties! "Lin Xiao began.

The four dynasties?

Dasao sent troops, but it was only people talking in private. It was the first time that it was actually put on the bright side. This time Lin Xiao mentioned it. It must be that the Holy King had made a decision. The real Dasao journey started, and the ministers suddenly quiet.

"Just!" Zhong Shan responded with majesty.

A 'quasi' word officially started the origin of the war.

"Chen, Lin Xiao, please!"

"Chan, Zhao Suo Xiang!"

"Shin, please fight without water!"

"Chen, Yi Yan is fighting!"

"Chen, Su Tan, please!"




It seemed as if the rehearsal was good, the big brothers and sisters jumped out to join the battle. The main faction had already received the news. It is natural not to hesitate at this moment, and some people of the main faction did not get the news. Dare to brave the world's inconvenience to stop, can only shrink his neck and stand still.

In the hall of longevity, there were sounds of powerful calls for battle.

"Water mirror!" Zhongshan cried.

"Being there!"

"Writing crusade against you, crusade against the four holy courts!" Cried Zhong Shan.

"Simply obey!"

"Lin Xiao!" Zhongshan cried.

"Being there!"

"For you to be the coach of the East Road, leading the Eastern Army 300 million, through the territory of the East Second, soldiers fell to the Red Top Holy Court!" Zhong Shan ordered.

"The official obeys."

"There is no trace of water, so you are the coach of the South Road, leading the 300 million South Army, and using the Second South Territory, Bingsha Pingsha Holy Court!"

"Zhao Suxiang, looking for you as the coach of the West Road, leading the Western Army 300 million, through the Second West Territory, Bingwu Wuhe Holy See!"

"Su Tan, take you as the coach of the North Road, lead the 300 million Northern Army, and use the North 2 Territory to kill the Ziping Holy Court!"

Su Tan, the former Tanuki Sanctuary, and the younger brother of the owner of Jiuwei County, relied on his extraordinary ability in these years to make his way in Daxi.

"The minister obeys the order!" Said the heads of the army.

At this moment, the ministers who had just learned that the Quartet was suddenly excited, because the sensitive ministers immediately understood the intention of the Holy King. .

The false king fell on the false road. Is the Holy King going to battle the eight territories at the same time? No, what are the four nominal enemies who are playing against the twelve territories at the same time?

A pair of twelve? crazy! Some low-ranking officials suddenly felt confused. Holy King, are you going to fight hard this time?

"Yi Yan!"

"Being there!"

"For you to be the coach of the Fourth Army, deploy the internal army, and support the Fourth Army at any time." Zhong Shan ordered again.

"Simply obey!"

When some courtiers were still a little confused, Zhongshan's monarchy, like the tide, exuded out one by one.

The army of the Dalai Lama moves and conquers the world of Beizhou!


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