
Vol 12 Chapter 75: Funeral grievances

Chapter 75—The Funeral of the Funeral

"The court family's affairs collided with the Queen's plan, and the Holy King forgave him!" Mr. Zhe said with sorrow.

"Anyway, although the leader of the Central Committee is strong, it is still in our plan. Since she is already in the set, it doesn't matter!" Zhong Shan said in a voice.

Opposite, Xuan Lao and Huang Lao looked slightly gloomily towards Mr. Zhe.

Gu Shenming asked the two to catch Mr. Zombie, and they both wanted to know the identity of Mr. Zombie.

"Mr. Corpse, who the **** are you?" Xuan Lao Leng yelled.

Mr. Dead looked up at Xuan and Huang, who had high toes. A sad smile appeared.

Stepped out slightly and took a deep breath. And everyone seemed to be waiting for Mr. Zombie.

"Xuan funeral, Huang funeral? I am a funeral family, but you are not bad, do you actually betray the funeral family?" Mr. Zhe bit his teeth.

My funeral?

The eyes of Xuan Lao and Huang Lao were narrowed. Sure enough, Mr. Zombie was a funeral?

After getting this information, the two jumped unconsciously.

"Who are you from the funeral? Why haven't we ever met?" Xuan Lao Shen said.

"I want to know when you have betrayed the funeral home, and when!" Mr. Corpse suddenly exclaimed.

As soon as the corpse drank, the two did not know why. Suddenly his heart was empty, and Huang Lao's eyes glared, "I ask who you are!"

"Are you the young master? Impossible, the young master has been crucified by my own hands!" Xuan Lao guessed.

crucify? There was a flash of sigh in Mr. Corpse's eyes, and an extreme hatred stared at Xuan Lao. At the same time, a black token suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Young Master Token? He couldn't find it after his death. You are not Young Master, you are the young master's waiter? It is impossible. In one year, you cannot learn the funeral secret! channel.

Looking at the token, there was a tear in his eyes that no one could understand.

"Funny ..." Mr. Zushi's sad tone shook a little.

"Do you still know that he is your young master?" Mr. Corpse said in a cold tone.

"You really are the waiter, the soul is transferred? Is it the young master? Your soul has finally been transferred?" Xuan Lao exclaimed.

"Soul shift? Xuan Lao, are you sure he is the little beast?" Huang Lao said with a doubt.

"Little beast? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" The corpse smiled suddenly suddenly.

This smile suddenly made everyone feel confused, and Xuan Lao and Huang Lao stared at Mr. Corpse deadly. Isn't he a young master?

"Sin Barrier, Sin Barrier!" Mr. Corpse cried with tears in his heart, and the tears in his eyes couldn't stop flowing.

Seeing Mr. Zhe's tears, Zhong Shan looked tense, but this is the first time that Mr. Zhe has seen such a strong person, even one day of tears? With a slight sigh, Zhong Shan looked even colder in the eyes of the two of them.

Xuan Lao and Huang Lao frowned. What did Mr. Zhe mean?

Gently stroking the black token in his hand, Mr. Zhe said sadly: "Poor son, it is not good for the father. He brought back two evil barriers for them to eat and live, for them to practice, to devote their efforts to teach them knowledge, but also to Mystery and Huang funeral were handed over to them, and let them assist you, unexpectedly hurt my burial family, hurt the pity child! I could not protect you for my father! "

"Yeah!" Xuan Lao's figure flickered, and he took two steps in fear, and a magic weapon he held in his hand fell down.

"Hello!" Huang Lao also took a few steps backwards in fear, slamming a gas.


Who is Mr. Corpse? That tone!

Xuan Lao and Huang Lao Meng's excitement. This is the tone of the old homeowner.

"Impossible, impossible, my hometown ... he has been killed by the Gu family, he is already dead!" Huang Lao shouted in horror.

"You, who are you?" Xuan Lao stared at Mr. Corpse trembling for a while.

Not only Xuan Lao and Huang Lao, Jin Peng and others aside also stared at them. What's the situation? Mr. He is the owner of the funeral home? Not a heir to the funeral?

Funeral homeowner?

Shaking his head, Mr. Corpse took a heartbreak and said, "The ancient ruins of the ancient family? The ancient ruins of the ancient family were strong. The ancient array created by Pangu in the past, but my funeral was not so easy to kill. The funeral 'first-line vitality' Dafa, even if it ca n’t retreat from the whole body, it can also generate another body. In my trip, only two of you and the few knew it, so I turned into a waiter, and I went back to the funeral to find out What a murder! "

"Unexpected, unexpected ........." Mr. Corpse's eyes widened.

"You two wolf-hearted and extorted things with the ancient family to exterminate my family. My brother and I trusted you and gave you the matter of Daxuan Huangzong. It was a long time ago that you colluded with the ancient family until that day. When the ancient families of Zhu Qiang approached the door, I knew that it turned out that the original Xuanzang Huangzong's surname was actually ancient! The ancient god! "Mr. Corpse said with extreme hatred.

At this moment, it seems that there is a horrible grievance stuck in Mr. Zhe's chest, and Mr. Zhe will scold him and vent it.

"I hate, hate, two evil barriers, you two evil barriers, my uncles and elders, they are almost done. You do n’t even let them go, and you even bring the ancient people and destroy all the funerals. Children, I hate it, why did you raise your two evil barriers at that time! "Mr. Shi shouted.

On the opposite side, Xuan Lao and Huang Lao's faces were extremely ugly, and their eyes turned red. Although they did not refute, they looked dissatisfied.

"I derived this body. At that time, the strength was weak and could not stop you. You two demons, you are the children you grew up watching, and you actually gave up. I do n’t remember them chasing you and calling Brother Huang and Brother Xuan. ? Every time I give my poor child Lingbao, what time did my child leave a copy for each of you? My son treats you sincerely, and you actually crucified him with a corpse? Crucifixion, that is the cruelest Torture, you, you, evil barriers! "Mr. Corpse shouted in tears.

Xuan Lao and Huang Lao met for a while, but they were still holding on. After a while, Xuan Lao finally couldn't stand it, and shouted, "Brother Xuan? Brother Huang? Xuan funeral and Huang funeral, but it ’s just your funeral. Just a dog. "

With this roar, the two seemed to have found a pillar, and they no longer flinched.

"The funeral? How long can the family abandoned? How long can it persist? How long can the abandonment of the world, the siege of the first family in the world, be continued? The funeral is destined to perish, destined to perish! "Xuan Lao shouted.

"The funeral and the Fanggu family are at war, and my funeral and Huang funeral will certainly be charged and be the first cannon fodder for your funeral. You can't stop the siege of the ancient family, you can't stop it." Huang Lao also shouted .

After yelling at Mr. Corpse, the two became more courageous.

"Small ..., that little beast? That little beast called us Brother Xuan? Brother Huang? Well, that's a good thing, that is if we want to die for him. If we don't align with the ancient family, we will bury you sooner or later!" Road.

"I was crucified by a small animal, so what happened. The small animal was crucified. The ancient family completely accepted us and crucified the small animal. I no longer have to listen to his disgusting words!" Xuanlao's eyes were red. .

"Disgusting? You mean he called you" Xuan Brother "disgusting?" Mr. Zou's eyes were red.

"Yes, it's so sweet on the bright side. Isn't we a dog in our backs? Some magic bullets and magic weapons can send us? Disgusting?" Xuan Lao shouted.

"Ha ha ha ha, disgusting? You actually said that pity is disgusting, in order to urge pity, to encourage him to forge ahead, I gave him a very limited elixir, but at this time, he was still thinking about you, going out to practice, several times because there was not enough Dan, there are not enough magic weapons to almost die. The eight scars on his body were all caused by giving me what I gave him! "

"That's a seven-eight-year-old child, a seven- or eight-year-old child, can there be a city for you?" Mr. Corpse hated.

"Seven or eight years old? But he will grow up, he will grow older!" Xuan Laoqiang insisted.

"Yeah, he will grow up. He is gradually growing to twenty-five and twenty-five years old. He rarely calls you brother Xuan and Huang, but he still believes you so much. This is what he wrote "Future Plan for the Future of the Funeral", you see, this is what he wrote! "Mr. Corpse exploded a large piece of paper and roared loudly.

When the big paper was thrown at the sky, everyone saw the densely printed small letters on it. Distorted, the words are not written well.

"This is the word of the mercy, you must recognize, this is his word, you look at the eighteenth item, look at his plan!" Mr. Corpse shouted.

Everyone looked.

"He understands the situation of the funeral and made this plan. In the plan, you are not my servants of the funeral, but you have been separated, and there is no longer any relationship with the funeral. Give it to you completely, so that you can set up your own sect, build your own! "Mourned the mournfully.

"Poor told me that separating you from the funeral family will make no difference with the funeral family. The Fanggu family came for the funeral, not for you. According to the ancestral teachings of the Fanggu family, they will not If you are too embarrassed, even if it is only a small number of people, you are backed by the Great Xuan Huang Zong, you can be generations to generations, you can inherit it from far away. Nearly half of the power of the funeral house, he gave it to you! .

Tears washed his face, and Mr. Corpse was shaking.

"For this reason, he begged me for a year, a whole year, begged every day, and even closed his body to practice, kneeling in front of my study, hunger strike, meditation practice, and body trembling every day, do n’t you remember? When it rains, he kneels in the rain. When it snows, he kneels in the snow. For one year, you kneel for one year, do n’t you remember? After one year, I promised, I promised pity! "Mr. Corpse said, his voice trembling.

"Poor treats you as your dearest, and hurts you and lives for you. Because of that year's kneeling, he even hurt the practice at all. He could not reach the ancient immortal for life, but after he promised me, he didn't Sorrowful for his own physical trauma, but laughed for a whole month, laughed for a month? The beast, evil barrier! "Mr. Corpse cried.

"Just because I promised him, I never asked Daxuan Huangzong again. You actually used this to collude with the ancient family. You are the beasts!"

"Poor children, when you are the most dear ones, you will never be given a share of selflessly for any good. The funeral is going to decline, but it will give you the greatest protection. Call your brother Xuan and Huang, but you, but you use The crucifixion nailed him to death, the cruelest torture, all the gods, all the gods! Remember the eyes of the mercy dying? Do you remember? After death, you were cursed into small animals by you, you It's a beast, you two beasts! "Mr. Zhe pointed at the two, and the whole man went crazy.

ps: Watching chess will go home tomorrow afternoon, *** Chong, rushed over 400, you can burst out when you go home!

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