
Vol 12 Chapter 109: Peak Battle of the Three Heroes

Chapter 109 Peak Battle of the Three Heroes

Tian Linger is in a small world!

The aura of chaos has turned into the ancestor of the Tianjia family, where hundreds of millions of Chaos Sword Qi directly hits the center.

During the roar, the ancestors of the Tian family tried their best.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

After all, the ancestor of the Tianjia family is the ancestral immortal, plus his fierceness from ancient times, and suddenly opened up hundreds of millions of chaos swords, but Kwai Er is the most powerful among the queens. This wave of chaos Even if Jianqi did not kill the ancestor of the Tianjia, he was hit hard.

Under the loud noise, the Chaos Sword burst into flames, and there was a lot of damage on the clothes of the ancestor of the Tianjia family, and the corners of his mouth were overflowing with blood.

Turning his head, his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked at the girls fiercely.

Tian Linger was afraid to step back slightly.

"Ancestral God Beast? What an Ancestral God Beast, what a Zhongshan! Death!"

Probed, the ancestor of the Tian family made a palmprint to the direction of Nianyou.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh since I ..."

"Look for death!" Kuier yelled, hundreds of millions of chaotic sword qi reappeared, and shot towards the ancestor of the Tian family.

But at this moment, the thoughts of Yanyou are shrinking the pupils, and then the pupils are opened and turned into gold.

Gold pupils emerged, and a golden light spewed in the direction of the ancestor of the Tian Family.

"Om ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Everything that Jinguang has passed has turned into gold, including the huge palm print of the ancestor of the Tianjia family, including the billions of chaos swords emitted by Kui'er.

In an instant, all turned into gold. The big handprints of the ancestors of Tianjia actually turned into a golden palm and fell down. The chaos sword energy also turned into a sword of gold and shot at the ancestors of Tianjia. More importantly, The ancestors of Tianjia were instantly goldenized. Into a golden sculpture.

All the girls, including the strongest Kwai Er, were at a loss at this moment. What kind of pupil surgery?

Looking at Nianyouyou in unison, Nianyouyou seemed to use all his strength just now, and his whole body suddenly collapsed.


Suddenly a figure appeared around Nianyouyou, Zhongshan!

Zhongshan suddenly appeared, gently raised Nianyou.

"I'm fine!" Nianyouyou laughed.

"Master!" Kuier called immediately.

"Zhongshan!" The girls were very happy to see Zhongshan.

"Kuier, take everyone out first, and leave it to me here!" Zhong Shan laughed.

"Kaka Kaka!"

In the distance, the ancestor of the Tianjia who was turned into a golden sculpture struggled for a while, and a lot of cracks appeared on the sculpture, just like breaking open the evolutionary body at any time.

"But ........." Kui Er was worried.

"Yeah, we stay to help you!" Hao Meimei also cried.

"Kuier sister Zuxian's strength is tenfold, we can stay there without problem!" Tian Linger shook his head.

Sadly Qingsi also looked forward to Zhongshan.

"If it ’s another time, you just stay here, but he ’s different. His magical powers are too weird. I managed to exchange the Xuaner Bureau back. If he exchanged you, would he let me hold it later? A bald man sleeps? "Zhong Shan shook his head.

The daughters couldn't stop crying and laughing. On such a serious occasion, Zhong Shan was still joking.

"Oh .........!" The ancestral beast shouted proudly.

"Xiao Qing said, gave him a name in the dream, called bald pill, he is going to drive crazy!" Nianyouyou translated.

"Bald pill?" Zhong Shan looked weird for a while.

Take a look at the golden age of the ancestors of the Tian family in the distance. Indeed, no matter which high-weight emperor is named by the name of "bald pill", he will spit blood!

"Smart!" Zhong Shan praised.

"Well!" Xiao Maoqiu rejoiced.

And the girls laughed endlessly.

"Well, let's go out, but go out carefully, and it's not smooth outside!" Zhong Shan said.

"Huh!" The girls nodded. Then he left quickly with a reluctance.

Of course, the girls did not worry about Zhongshan's safety at all, especially the safety of the shadow body.

"嘭 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !!"

There was a loud noise in the distance, and the ancestor of the Tianjia opened the golden touch brought by Jintong, and looked at the leaving girls with surprise.

However, he was quickly attracted by Zhongshan not far away.

"Zhongshan!" The ancestor of the Tian family said deeply.

"Remember what I said?" Zhong Shan said lightly.

What Zhong Shan said to the ancestors of the Tian family, that is the last sentence in the world, the king is defeated, you are defeated!

"Ha, ha ha ha ha ........." The ancestor of Tianjia laughed for a while. There was a bit of bitterness in the laughter.

"Is it the Jade Jane who the Heaven Curse used to exchange with you that day to see the Son of God?"

"You know it's too late! This small world was created for you!" Zhong Shan shook his head.

"Come out!" The ancestor of the Tian family sang loudly.

Beside the ancestor of the Tianjia family, a small vortex suddenly emerged from the inside with a vast amount of golden luck, qi, and a white energy.

"嘭 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !!"

The quantity is too huge, as if it is endless. In a blink of an eye, immeasurable luck and qi number cover all directions, and the huge area is full of golden rich luck.

Too much, to a horrifying point, more than the sum of the yin and yang circles of the Dalai Shengting.

The huge fortune surrounds the ancestor of Tianjia, and in front of him, white energy quickly covers his body.

"This is half the strength of the seal of that year. Originally, Tian Lingzi's body had the best absorption effect, because the blood in her body was the same as that of the year, but it does not mean that others cannot absorb it. This body can only absorb one. Success, all the remaining 90% will be wasted, but only 10% is enough for me to defeat the victory! "The ancestor of the Tian family said coldly.

The endless luck is so strong that it is in the form of an entity. It is blocked by the ancestors of the Tianjia family, with their arms open and violently absorbing white energy.

Zhongshan didn't come forward. Zhongshan seemed to be the same regardless of the strength of the ancestor of the Tian family. Zhongshan only waited for all the air transport in the vortex to come out, because Zhongshan understood that although the vortex was open, the contents inside it might not be able to be taken out by himself.

"Ka ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The ancestor of Tianjia suddenly changed his face.

"How is this happening? My body ..." said the ancestor of the Tian family in horror.

The process of absorbing white energy came to an abrupt end. The ancestor of the Tianjia family seemed to be suddenly unable to move, maintaining the posture of open arms.

Sudden surprise changed Zhong Shan's eyes for a moment.


Not far away, there was a sudden twist in the space, and Tian Daozi, wearing an armour and wearing a crested hair, suddenly appeared.

Tiandaozi stood above the void and stood high, with an indifference to the meaning of life in his eyes.

"Tian Dao Zi, is it you? Did you make a fuss about this body?" The ancestor of the Tian family said in a frown.

"I said that the world has undergone earth-shaking changes. It is no longer what you looked like in the past. Heaven, it is enough for me to be the only one. Survival of the fittest, you ca n’t even tell me how to do it, and it is useless to give you a continent. "Tao Daozi said lightly.

"Tian Dao Zi!" Said the ancestor of the Tian family, Moran.

"With your half power, I can also take the opportunity to break through the bottleneck for a long time! And this immeasurable luck and count!" Tian Taozi said lightly.

"No one can take my things!" The ancestor of the Tian family yelled.

As Tianjia's ancestor was about to make another shot, Tian Daozi shot first.

"Om!" The ancestor of the Tian family seemed to become a sculpture in an instant. Can't even talk.

"Useless, what I want, I can never get it! Your body has been the strongest method of shaking my body. Unless you return to that year, I will never break my restraint. "Tao Daozi said coldly.

The ancestor of Tianjia was controlled by Tiandaozi, and the situation suddenly changed.

Probe, Tian Daozi rushed to the white energy.

"嘭 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !!"

With a loud noise, a dark shadow suddenly appeared on the side of Tiandaozi. It was Zhongshan, who attacked Tiandaozi with one palm.

The two men fought in one battle and the void exploded, destroying Tian Dao Zi's ability to continue absorbing white energy.

"Zhongshan, you really have a lot of hands, Xiyang Tian was actually deceived by you!" Tian Daozi said on the cold face.

"Xi Yangtian is at least wiser than you." Zhong Shan said in a deep voice.

"Oh?" Tian Daozi narrowed his eyes.

"It shouldn't be yours, it can't be yours!" Zhong Shan said coldly.

"Ha, is that yours?" Tian Daozi dismissed.

"Then give it a try!" Zhong Shan was indifferent.

"It's up to you? It's a long way off!" Tian Taozi dismissed.

After saying that, Tian Daozi shot out suddenly. This time, Tian Daozi shot with one palm, but it was black and white. Two forces, two forces suddenly transformed into the appearance of Tian Daozi rushing towards Zhongshan.

The speed of Zhongshan is fast, and the streamers may not be comparable. However, the black and white energy of Tiandaozi seems to merge with this small world. It strangely cuts through the void and suddenly appears on the side of Zhongshan.


A very overbearing moment sealed Zhongshan inside. Form a sphere of tai chi.


In the Taiji ball, Zhongshan constantly hits the Taiji ball, but the Taiji ball is too domineering, and it is the same as the domineering.

"Huh!" Tian Daozi looked at Zhong Shan who was banned by himself, and sneered.

Then, Tian Daozi snatched his hand, grabbed the white energy, forcibly pulled the white energy, and used the air transportation around him to absorb it violently.

Even if the body of Tiandaozi is a projection, it can be very different from the projection of a saint, because the projection can actually absorb energy. In other words, this projection is actually connected to the ontology at all times. After the projection is absorbed, the energy is rapidly transmitted to the orientation of the ontology.

"The power of the soul, you really sealed a good thing then!"

Tian Dao Zi is enjoying the white energy with great satisfaction. It seems that he has become the biggest winner.

What Tian Daozi did not find was that the ancestor of Tianjia who kept his arms open was facing the direction of Tian Daozi at this moment. As Tian Daozi continued to absorb white energy, the corner of the ancestor of Tianjiazi unconsciously evoked an arc.

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