
Vol 12 Chapter 132: Ancestral Seventh Heaven

Chapter 132 The Seventh Heaven of Zuxian

Tianzhou, Tianjia Tianmai Temple!

Tian Daozi sits on the main seat, wearing a black and white **** crown, fingers around the black cripple, listening to the old parents in front of him.

"Owner, Beizhou has entered a melee phase. Zhongshan has bewildered the people by the number of days, and has also pulled out the nail of Zhuangzi. The other forces in Beizhou are even more scattered, and the army's war intentions are getting higher and higher. It seems that unified Beizhou is not enough. How long! "Said an elder.

"Homeowner, how are we going to deal with it? I have been informed that Tianzhou Zuxian will not be allowed to retreat for a long time in three hundred years!" Another elder Shen said.

"This Zhongshan is too deep with my heavenly family. Once he really asks the world, my heavenly family will be hard to shake easily." Another elder said.

At this time, outside the temple suddenly came to the saint heaven curse.

The crowd stopped talking.

"Homeowner, please see the messenger from Zhongshan, Beizhou!" Tian Zhouzi solemnly said.

"See? Not asking? This Zhongshan really is a generation of heroes? Only two thousand years old doll!" Said an elder.

"Let him in!" Tian Taozi said lightly.

"Yes!" Tian Zhouzi nodded.

Soon, a Jinyiwei came in.

When they saw the official house on Jin Yiwei, everyone saw his identity, Qianhu? A thousand households? The original idea that everyone would press him down with power was gone, and once these thousand households were ashamed, they would be even more ashamed. After all, what identity do they have, the superior ancestors, saints, and embarrassed a thousand households? Just like the emperor threatened a beggar, no one could pull his face to do it.

"Dayi Shengting Jinyiwei, I've seen the owner of Tianjia, and I've seen the saint of heaven curse!" Chihu said.

"Oh? What did Zhongshan send you to do?" Tian Daozi said in a deep voice.

After the Tianjia ancestor and the exchange of beasts, Tian Daozi no longer underestimates Zhongshan.

"The Holy King's 2,000-year-old birthday is imminent, and the special villain sent an invitation to invite Tian Daozi and Tian Mang to dinner!" Chihu said.

Only two thousand years old and still alive? This sentence made a lot of elders unclear, but in the end, he still didn't say it, and looked at Qianhu with a strange look.

Tian Daozi took the invitation and opened it gently for a while. His eyes narrowed, and he handed them to Tian Mang.

Tian Manchu looked at it, and his face was grotesquely weird. Eventually everyone stared at Qianhu together.

Without oppression, Qianhu is also more calm.

"Can there be a limit on the number of people?" Tian Zhouzi sank.

"The Holy King explained that on the day of longevity, if you can come, you will be a distinguished guest. I will welcome you as well!" Qianhu said.

Heaven spell for a while, what's the situation? How many people do I take? I want to take a large group of ancestors over, can your aunt be able to take it down?

"Oh, interesting! You go back and tell Zhong Shan, two thousand years old? We are here as promised, and then we will bring him a gift!" Tian Daozi flashed in his eyes.

"Yes!" Chihu nodded.

Thousands of families left, leaving everyone in the Temple of Heaven silent for a while, this is more complicated!


Nanzhou, the demon heaven. Palace of the Gods.

Taiyi sits on the main seat. On both sides stood the important members of the demon heaven. The first in the left column is the pressure of a saint who is carrying a tall gourd.

"Father? That Dajin Jinyiwei Qianhu just now ... is that true?" Lu Ya's vague complexion showed a strange look.

Taiyi tapped the armrest of Jinwu Shenzuo gently.

Lu Ya said again and again: "The enemies who cut off the flying sword of the fairy must report to the children. Those who had planned to surprise the grandmother unexpectedly, unexpectedly Zhongshan sent invitations, father, if you don't go, the children go!"

"Who said I wouldn't go?" Tai flashed in his eyes.

"God emperor, no, Nanzhou has just been unified. We are still ready to sort out Nanzhou and expand ourselves before we can point the world!" A counselor on the side said immediately.

"Nanzhou, I have the strength of Emperor Jun, I must go on the trip to North Island, no need to say any more!"

"Exalted officials, willing to go north with the emperor!"

"A ghost car, willing to go north with the emperor!"




The ministers followed suit.

Taiyi didn't speak, but tapped the arm of the chair with his finger and looked at the second person to the right, a man wrapped in a black robe.

"Mr. Nether, how about you?" Too deep.

The ministers were silent for a while, but all looked curiously at the Heipao people.

"The subordinates will stay to assist the Emperor!" The man in black robe said in a deep voice.

Tai Yi glanced deeply at Mr. Nether, and finally smiled meaningfully: "No, you will follow me northward, and then go north to the holy court."

"Yes!" Mr. Nether nodded.

Lu Ya stared at Mr. Nether with a complex look.

-------------------------------------------------- ----------------

Dongzhou, Daqin Tianting! Holy capital of Xianyang.

He took Gui Guzi, Li Si, Lu Buwei, Bai Qi and others to stand outside the hall of Chaohui, and looked at a man in a yellow robe in front of him.

"Zhong Tian, ​​I've seen Emperor Qin Tian, ​​Mr. Guigu!" Said the sage Zhong Tian.

"Zhongshan wants you to come?" Dan Dan said indifferently, as if knowing that Zhong Tian would come.

"Yes, my father asked me to send you and Mr. Guigu an invitation card, inviting you to the father's 2,000-year-old birthday party!" Zhong Tian handed out the invitation card.

I took the invitation lightly and sighed slightly: "Shouban feast? Now is Zhongshan Shouban?"

Open the invitation lightly. When I saw the contents, I narrowed my pupils, and finally took a deep breath and laughed: "Hahahaha, Nine Saints in the World? Okay, go back to Jizhong Mountain, and say that I and Mr. Guigu are on time Feast! "

"Yes, if you do, I will bring it to my father, then I will say goodbye!" Zhong Tian smiled.

Stepping, Zhong Tian disappeared in front of everyone.

It wasn't until Zhongtian's departure that his expression returned to his dignity, his brows frowned slightly, and the invitation was handed to Guiguzi.

Guiguzi took a closer look and passed it to others.

"This Zhongshan is growing too fast!" Li Si frowned.

"Yeah, if it wasn't for Wang Ye to go for protection, Da Ye would have died out, and now, now ..." Lu Buwei frowned.

"Isn't that even more interesting? Nine Saints in the world! Zhongshan is really a battle against the water! But then it will die, and then it will win the world!" Wu said in a complicated tone.


Mozi dojo.

Mozi sent away a large brocade Jinyiwei, holding an invitation in his hand.

"Master, there is no one in Zhongshan's eyes. How did Master help him back then? He actually sent only one Jinyiwei thousand households!" Mo Zi's disciple shouted.

"I have no mercy with Dasao. I assisted Zhongshan that day, but I also offered another kind of friendship. Moreover, I thought about the last thing. Even without me, Zhongshan may not have survived that difficult time. Moreover, In the later period, I have been embarrassed about Zhongshan many times, Qianhu? Oh ......... "Mo Zi looked dignified.

"Will that go when Master arrives?"

"It's not right, it's not right to go. The humanity of the Fanggu family has made the teacher a little embarrassed. However, when Jiusheng is here, I have to go!" Mo Zi sighed.


Cheng Hou Dojo!

"Zhongshan Longevity?" Cheng Hou stared deadly at a Jinyiwei hundred households.

"Yes!" Baihu nodded.

Looking at the invitation, Cheng Hou's eyes narrowed, remembering the scenes of Zhong Shan, and finally said coldly: "Go back and tell Zhong Shan, I will go and give him a gift!"

"Yes, I must bring it to the Holy King!" Baihu nodded.


Great Hall of Justice.

Zhongshan Practicing Hall.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

With a loud noise, there was a great tremor in the Zhongshan Practicing Hall, and the outside world also heard the roar of a thunder.

Zhong Shan, sitting cross-legged in the hall, opened his eyes gently, exhaling a long breath.

"The Seventh Heaven of Zuxian? The five saints of Zhuangzi Xiaoqian World and thousands of sacred corpses, plus the four local books brought by Jian Ao, finally broke through again, and Jian Ao came really timely!" Smiled slightly.

Feeling his own strength again, Zhong Shan stood up, patted the dust on his body, and stepped out of the practice hall!

Soon, Zhongshan came to a gazebo.

"How?" Jian Ao in the gazebo asked while drinking plum tea.

Sit down gently and nodded: "Four local books, these years, you have been running around!"

"In the past, Niuzhou Hezhou, you sent me Lingshan. I promised to return you ten saint magic weapons, six of them were offered, and four will be returned to you later!" Jian Ao smirked with tea.

"I have learned a lot with these four items!" Zhong Shan said.

"Your longevity, but the big scene, all enemies and friends are here!" Jian Ao asked.

"Beijing unification is imminent, so let's not lose anything. Instead of coming here to make troubles, let them stop for a while and let me win this most critical moment!" Zhong Shan said with a smile.

"But your longevity, that's no small matter!"

"It should come, after all, instead of being hidden in the dark by them, it would be better if I was placed in the light, so holy talents can be picked up easily!" Zhong Shan laughed.

"Sacred Saints, point to the Heavenly Court of the Holy Slaughter, and I will accompany you crazy once!" Jian Ao toasted.

"The heroes come together, I know you won't miss it!" Zhong Shan also raised his tea cup.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" The two laughed refreshingly and drank all the tea.


Underworld, Changjing.

Shadow body Zhongshan sat in the practice room.


Zhong Shan trembled all over his body. Then he slowly opened his eyes and sighed slightly: "The ancestors are seventh heaven? Oh, if there is no physical restraint, I don't know how far this shadow can rise!"

ps: The grand event is coming, please ***!

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