
Vol 12 Chapter 142: Toast to invite to see Tu Sheng

Chapter 142 Raising a Toast and Inviting to See Tu Sheng

"Hime Gong Ni, what do you want to do?" Mi Tian's face throbbed.

Around the side of Ji Gong Ni, a black fierce flame soared into the sky, through the sea of ​​clouds and clouds, straight into the depths of the starry sky, and everyone saw that the black fiery flame erupted in the starry sky, surrounded by thousands of stars.

"嘭!" "嘭!" "嘭!" ……………………

Several stars were detonated by the fierce flames of Ji Gong Ni.

Suppressed for hundreds of years, Ji Gongnie no longer needs to be suppressed.

Ji Gong Ni stared at Mi Tian, ​​and did not answer, but took out a memory crystal!

Gently open the memory crystal, a light suddenly burst into the sky.

In the light curtain is a battle scene.

Although the people in Beizhou can't hear the sound, they can see the image.

"Is that the son-in-law world? I remember, I was there!"

"Nvwa world? The sage of the heavens made the soldiers, seduced the seductive charms, the four ghosts lined up, and killed Ma Gu?"

"What aunt, that's 褒 姒, the first beauty in the world, 褒 姒!"




The insider immediately announced what he knew, who was he? In addition to the first beauty in the past, there is another identity, Queen Zhou!

At that time, Zhou Youwang smiled for Bo Yi, and it was even more fierce! The woman who Zhou You Wang Ji Gongni cares about.

Was made into a ‘charm’ by Mi Tian Lian?

Ji Gong Nigui was the emperor, knowing that he was dead, naturally took a lot of time to thoroughly check through, and there were countless bystanders that day, and naturally someone recorded it.

In front of the Palace of Eternal Life, Mi Tian looked ugly at the picture.


"I know I ca n’t survive today, and I have n’t thought about it, Mitten, you wait. Someone will take revenge for me. Today you will make me into a puppet. In the next day, someone will make you a puppet! Wait, wait! "



"I'll wait for you, and you'll become puppet!" Puppet's expression has faded.



"He will avenge me!"


In the projection of the memory crystal, Ma Gu was eventually killed by the sage of the heaven. This memory crystal was seen by Ji Gong Nie more than 10,000 times. Each time he looked, Ji Gong Nie was congested.

"Slap!" Ji Gong Ni shattered the memory crystal.

"What? You know what I'm going to do now!" Ji Gong Nie looked at Mi Tian with a murderous look.

Mi Tian's face was gloomy for a while! The hairs on the back erected for a while, because Mi Tian felt an unforgettable hatred and murderous intention. Looking at Zhongshan, there was a gleam of coldness in Mitian's eyes: "Zhongshan, are you a misfortune?"

"Bad waters from the east? The saint of the heavens, from the day you killed the cricket, you should be able to think of today, you can rest assured that you and Da Zhou's grievances will never intervene. Even, I can help you clear the small night sneak attack, There is no one, no one outside Da Zhou will intervene! "Zhong Shan Shen said.

After Zhong Shan said, Taiyi, Ji, Tian Daozi, Emperor Xuanzhang, and others had no sockets, as if they had defaulted Ji Gong Ni and Mi Tian to resolve their grievances.

The scene changed for a while. Although no sound could be heard, the people in Beizhou all held their breath.

Because everyone can see that there is something wrong between Ji Gong Ni and the saint.

The sky is north.

In a mountain forest. Standing in the mountain forest were seven or eight people, the first two of whom were a black robe and a green robe.

"Lingxiao heaven court, today focused on a great cause and effect!" Qingpao frowned.

"The general situation in the world changes due to today. Qing Emperor, except for the order of the Jade Emperor, you must not intervene!" Heipao people said lightly.

"You don't need to say, God of Plague, the details of Zhongshan, do you have more detailed information? Where did he come from?" Qingdi said lightly.

"I don't know, but the previous information is not enough?"

"Not enough, far from enough. This Zhongshan is too cunning. He gave up Mi Tian to Ji Gong Ni, and this big cause and effect was also left to Ji Gong Ni. Is he intentional or unintentional?" Qingdi frowned.

"What can you do intentionally, what can you do without intention? If Mi Tianru does not run away, today is doomed to die, in whose hands is it not death?" The plague **** said lightly.

The Qing emperor looked at the God of Plague, and finally shook his head and said, "Different, very different. He is a very special person and has little influence on life, but once he dies, there will be more involvement."

"Oh?" God of Plague looked at Qingdi unexpectedly.

"You will know later!" Qingdi shook his head.

Ling Xiao Tian Ting, the west, a land of mountains and forests.

In the mountains and forests, a large number of strong men were stationed.

At the mouth of Daying, Mr. Zhe quietly looked in the direction of Ling Xiao Tian Ting, and Jin Peng stood behind.

"Mr. Corpse, why are you out?" Jin Peng asked.

Mr. Qi took a deep breath and said, "General Jin Peng, are you ready?"

"Everyone is ready, and the Holy King even distributed a large number of ancestral artifacts, shouldn't there be a problem?" Jin Peng said.

"No, this battle is a trivial matter. The holy king responded to the various males, seemingly casual, but very cautious at every step. However, this battle will be wiped out, and after a while, it will win the world!" Mr. Shen said in a loud voice.

"Yes!" Jin Peng was also very solemn.

"Dasao this battle, it can be said to be out of nowhere, we don't have much spare power here, and don't expect any help, so we can only win, we can't defeat!" Said Mr. Zhe.


"Then Mr. Corps will return to the camp to host it!" Jin Peng said.

Shaking his head, Mr. Corpse said, "The real hands-on hasn't started yet. I'm taking this opportunity to collect something that belongs to me!"

"Uh?" Jin Peng said slightly.

Mr. Ke did not explain, but stared at the lingering heavenly court of Jin Guangcan in the distance!

In front of the Palace of Longevity! A black ferocious rushed to the galaxy! After Ji Gong Ni's revenge, he is about to shoot.

Mi Tian stared at Ji Gong Ni, his eyelids leaped wildly, not right, the scene in front of him didn't develop as he wanted, right! Obviously confronted Zhong Shan, but became himself and Ji Gong Ni?

Fight Ji Gong Ni?

Mi Tian may not be afraid of Ji Gong Ni, after all, Ji Gong Ni is not a sage, but everyone else is watching coldly, which makes Mi Tian feel the atmosphere is wrong.

Instinctual anxiety reminds Mi Tian that something bad will happen. Failing to kill Zhongshan, although Mi Tian was unwilling, but compared to the uneasy in his heart, everything was better.

"Well, there is no good feast! Everyone, don't stop there!" Mi Tian suddenly retreated.

Retreat? Although it is very abrupt and even embarrassing, it is the most correct choice, because over time, Mi Tian finds that the focus has shifted from Zhong Shan to himself.

Carrying Zhu Xiong's attention, Mi Tian's heart was even more disturbed, so he quickly stood up and prepared to retreat quickly.

After speaking, Mi Tian didn't answer Ji Gong Ni's words at all, and turned into a streamer to leave.

"Beacon fire all day ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!"

Just then, an old voice suddenly came from the south.

In the south of Ling Xiaotianting, the earth suddenly turned, as if there was something underground to break out.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Endless dirt soars into the sky, and a huge pillar of fire emerges from the soil! The pillar of fire soared to the sky and burned the southern world.


The south looks like a wall of fire that stretches through the sky and stretches into the vast sky.

The sudden appearance of the wall of fire suddenly blocked a figure, and the white sky suddenly stopped.

"Ginger teeth? It's you ~~~~~~!" Mitian's face was gloomy.

"Beacon for two consecutive days ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Another vast wall of fire soared into the sky.

The southern part of Lingxiao Heavenly Court suddenly turned into a world of flames, and the endless earth's fire was drawn out strangely. Blocked the way of the saints.

"Beacon for three days!"

"Flame for four days!"




In addition to Jiang Ziya's voice, a large number of voices of court ambassadors from the Zhou Dynasty were heard in the southern part of Lingxiao Heavenly Court.

"Yin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

In the sea of ​​fire, a huge phoenix fluttered proudly. The southern part of the Lingxiao Heavenly Court has turned into a sea of ​​flames, in all directions, full of vast flames. At a glance, it seemed as if he had reached the heart of the ground.

Ji Gong Ni stepped and flew to the sea of ​​fire in the distance!

"Michiten? Do you still want to go?" Ji Gong Ni said in a deep voice.

"Jie Gong Ni, don't be too aggressive!" Mi Tian said coldly.

"Four Ghosts of Heaven? 阵 Charm? Take it out!" Ji Gong Nier said coldly.

"Jie Gong Ni, you think this can trap me?" Mi Tianhan whispered.

"The flames of the fire locked the sky, which could lead to the endless fire of the earth's heart. That year, I used this array to slaughter a saint in the underworld, and the fire of the earth was even more underworld. I see where you are going today!" Nirvana shouted.

Beacon ten days, beacon eleven days ... ……………………

As the courtiers continued to count down, the fire at the center of the earth was more and more drawn up. Even the earth in the south of the Lingxiao Heavenly Court had been melted into magma, and it was full of flames.

Daodao heat wave rushed and was blocked out of Ling Xiao Heavenly Court Grandma, who still has a heart to eat at this moment? All stared at the world of fire in the southern part of Ling Xiaotianting.

Mi Tian felt the environment of the Quartet, his face was ugly. At the same time there was a sense of cowardice. Is this a trap you've already prepared?

Gravity Fire? It would not have been possible without a long time arrangement. Ji Gong Ni has begun to arrange here long ago? Are you in a trap?

Zhongshan Temple Square, Zhong Shan looked at this scene coldly, then smiled slightly, raised the wine bottle and said: "The battle between the emperor and the holy, I hope you have not disappointed you!"

Seeing Zhongshan still calmly toasting at this time, all the saints took a deep breath.

ps: Don't blame it for being late in the cold! By the way, please find the bottom tomorrow ***, watch the chess catch a cold, and it will break out!

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