
Vol 13 Chapter 14: Can town

Chapter Fourteen

With a ‘OK’, Zhongshan should win the battle and decide the victory!

Looking at Zhou Yi in the hands of Ji Gong Ni, Zhong Shan was dignified for a while. Zhou Yi started at Ji Chang in Ji's family. Ji Chang devoted his heart and soul. After creating Zhou Yi, he exhausted his heart and stunned. There is the gossip in the day after tomorrow. Ji Jiazhongbao And Ji Gong Ni is regarded as the strongest magic weapon.

The map of Shanhe Society, such a heavy treasure was suppressed by Zhou Yi in Ji Gong Ni's heart, showing Zhou Yi's strength.

The battle is determined?

Zhong Shan counted his magic weapon once again, but unfortunately, it has been too short to just become the Emperor of Heaven, and it is not so easy to win absolutely.

"Zhongshan! It's started!" Ji Gong Nien said in a deep voice.

There was a slight urging of the round jade in the hand.

Suddenly, the runes on the jade platform began to spin, and rushed out in all directions.

A large number of runes popped up, as if a small starry sky were filled up in an instant. The vast runes were unintelligible, but some of the fonts in these runes were all known by Zhong Shan.

Gan, Kun, Small Animals, Tun, Mongolia, Need, Litigation, Division, Zhen ………………………….

Runes are mixed with small print, and these small prints are known by Zhongshan.

"Eighty-eight, sixty-four hexagrams?" Zhong Shan looked at more and more runes in a deep voice.

The huge Yutai seems to fade, and slowly merge into this vast rune sea.

Rune is not so imposing, but it is not imposing, making Zhongshan more dignified.

Ji Gong Ni stood at the center of this rune sea, waved his hand, the rune sea saw the momentum rise again, and suddenly radiated a vast range. For a time, the starry sky on that side was filled up.

Everything seems to be just the beginning.

Finally, when Zhongshan was dignified, the rune sea changed, and countless runes slowly gathered a pile of pillars floating from the rune sea.

Numerous runes condensed three thousand pillars of various shapes.

Three thousand?

Counting the number of rune pillars, Zhong Shan suddenly felt a little ill.

Sure enough, as the pillars became clearer, the rune sea below seemed to be shrouded in countless green smoke, and the connecting three thousand pillars were also shrouded in green smoke, hazy, as if forming a blue smoke world.

In the green smoke world, Zhongshan saw the earth, saw the mountains and rivers, saw countless figures, countless creatures, and various wars evolved in it.

It looks like the world of a thousand.

"Thousands of days? Evolution of the world of thousands?" Zhongshan's face changed.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

With a loud noise, most of the green smoke dispersed, the runes disappeared, and a condensed version of Daqian World appeared in front of Zhongshan.

In the world, there are people who are old, sick and dead, and some are reborn, as if this is a real world.

"Rise!" Ji Gong Ni shouted loudly.

The world of Zhouyi suddenly expanded and rose towards Zhongshan. It passed all the way and incorporated a large number of stars. As soon as the stars entered the world of Zhouyi, they suddenly became the stars of the world of Zhouyi. It was also instantaneous. After being inhaled, the stars of the fox world suddenly aged, entered the star decay, and finally turned into starry dust.

"This is it?" Su Tan horrified in the distance.

"That is the world of Zhouyi. I have heard that the world of Zhouyi has evolved sentient beings, such as the shrinking Daqian world, and used it to deduct the world, but it is also a magic weapon of terror. Once a person enters it, he will become a person of Zhouyi World. Now! "Qi Mei Qi Sheng frowned slightly.

"What do you mean? Become a person in Zhouyi World?" Su Tan didn't understand.

"Yes, once entering the world of Zhouyi, it is impossible to tell whether it is real or illusory, and it is controlled by the laws of the world of Zhouyi. The mortal enters, and the sick and old die instantly. The monk enters and soon runs out of life. The magic weapon is extremely powerful! Magic weapon, it's not as magical as it is. "Qi Mei Qi Sheng frowned.

"What to do then?" Su Tan anxiously.

"What magic weapon does Zhongshan have?" Asked Qi Mei Qi Sheng.

"Longevity sword, immortal sword, imperial seal, Fengshenbang, emperor chart, I don't know anything else!" Su Tan said immediately.

"Should not be enough!"

In the distance, the battle between Su Meiniang and Wu also stopped, and the two women looked at the battle between the two men in the distance together.

"Zhouyi World? Three thousand days of evolution?" Su Meiniang worried a little.

"Zhouyi world is not true or false. Da Zhou is the strongest magic weapon. With this treasure, the husband has been recognized by Hongjun and his mother Fenghuang. Zhongshan is invincible!" Wu said.

"No, no matter how strong the magic weapon is!" Su Mei Niang shook her head.

"Da Zhou Shengren lost, under this treasure, it only supported the time of five breaths!" Tong sneered.

"Five breaths? The saint can only hold five breaths under this treasure?" Su Mei Niang surprised.

"Yeah, I don't think my husband is so serious about Zhong Shan. Unless Zhong Shan turns his head now and flees, otherwise ......... Hehe shook his head and continued.

"Zhongshan will definitely win!" Su Meiniang stubbornly said.

"Look at it!" I sneered.

Above the stars. Zhong Shan looked at the Zhouyi World that came up.

From the appearance, there is no great momentum at all, but the red lotus powder in Zhongshan's eyebrow suddenly turned into a dark blue color, a great omen?

Big fierce?

The magic weapon in Zhongshan's hand is taken out one by one, which is a great omen?


If he changed his opponent, Zhong Shan might have fled his head and fled. However, he is the emperor and cannot escape.

Zhongshan took out the magic weapon again and again, and it became a knife in one hand, and then it became a book. Even the eye of the sky punishment was ready to be used, but it still didn't work.

"Oh!" The red lotus pink lotus suddenly turned pink.

Pink? Pink turned blue and pink instantly, and the two colors kept changing.

Zhongshan unexpectedly looked at the palm, Qian Kunding? Is it Qian Kunding?

Use Qian Kunding? Can Qiankunding bring variables?

Seeing Zhou Yi world getting closer and closer to itself. Zhong Shan's eyes were firm for a while.

"Well, hope it works!" Zhongshan took a deep breath.

"Om ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

As soon as Zhong Shan was urged, Qiankunding actually emitted a vast blue light, and instantly became tens of thousands of times larger.

Have you not sacrificed Qian Kunding? Why is there such a deep self-imprint in it?

Zhong Shan turned to look at Su Mei Niang in the distance.

Su Mei Niang's face flushed, but she still said, "In the past, those things you gave me, as long as they had your mark, I took them out, mixed with my mark and entered the tripod."

In the distance, Zhong Shan suddenly felt warm. In the past, the three of them got Qian Kun Ding together, but Zhong Shan gave Qian Kun Ding to the second daughter. Unexpectedly, when the second female sacrifice Qian Kun Ding, they also helped themselves. Although it is impossible to be familiar with personal refining, but as long as the second female sacrifice has been refining, your own mark will also enter.

At this moment, it is enough that Zhongshan fiddles a little.

Helping people to practice magic weapons is very common in the practice world. The magic weapons sold in stores are the same. As long as they are stamped into their own marks, they can be used quickly. What's more, the second woman did it more thoroughly.

"Good!" Zhong Shan sang confidently.

"Big ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

"Om ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Wanzhang Qiankunding once again magnified 10,000 times, emitting a strong blue light, and once the blue light came out, it illuminated the entire starry sky in an instant, and the mighty power swept over the world of Zhouyi.

"Sage's magic weapon? Hum! The world of Zhouyi is not true or false. You can't touch its boundaries. Entering the world of Zhouyi, everything is the rule of the world of Zhouyi." Ji Gong Nie said coldly.

The two treasures are getting closer.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Qiankunding crashed into the world of Zhouyi, and the starry sky shook violently.

Su Mei Niang and Xun flew towards the fox demon group in an instant, each with a large number of foxes flying away.

Qian Kunding and Zhouyi World collided. Under the loud noise, Ji Gong Ni's pupils shrank suddenly.

"No, the sage magic weapon of the male loser does not touch the borders of the Zhouyi world. How can Qiankunding be possible?" Ji Gong Ni was not convinced.

"Nothing is impossible, this Dingke town can all over the world, give my town ~~~~~~~~!" Zhong Shan yelled.


The world of Zhou Yi shuddered.

"Rise ~~~~~~~~!"

Ji Gong Ni naturally refused to let it go and manipulated the Zhouyi world to rise rapidly. However, Qian Kunding's repressive force is too great.

"How could that be? The son-in-law's Qiankunding, how could it be so strong? Mountains? There are so many mountains!" Ji Gongnie looked at him in surprise.

Above is naturally the vast Qian Kun Ding. Around Qian Kun Ding, weird suddenly appeared the mountains and mountains, the mountains did not enter the Zhou Yi World, but slowly covered the sky above the Zhou Yi Ding, with Qian Kun Ding The immense power made Ji Gong Nier struggling for a while.

"Zhou Yi World, evolved the world, Qian Kun Ding can't block Zhou Yi World, what are you?" Ji Gong Nien sang.

"I'm Qian Kunding, of course, it has another name!" Zhong Shan Shen said.

At this moment, Zhong Shan also felt the horror of Qian Kunding, not only the power of horror, but also the horror of extracting his own power.


"Jiuzhou Gending, can the world!" Zhong Shan said in a deep voice. Then he pushed hard.

"Jiuzhou Gending? Heaven and earth spirits, Jiuzhou Shending?" Ji Gong Ni's face changed.

"Om ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Qian Kunding suddenly issued a super loud sound wave, and then with the full urging of Zhong Shan, he slammed into the Zhouyi World below again.

For a time, Qian Kunding seemed to be integrated with countless unreal mountains in the surroundings. In the eyes of Ji Gong Ni, he turned into a mountain larger than the Zhouyi world, and was severely pressed down.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The Zhouyi world exploded. Thousands of miles of emptiness shattered, and a vast black hole stirred the whole fox world like a violent shaking.

In the distance, Su Meiniang and Xun tried their best to protect the fox family, but the aftermath was too horrible. At least tens of thousands of stars were crushed.


The void was quickly restored, and the void was not filled until half an hour later.

In the distance, Zhongshan held the smaller Qian Kunding, and Ji Gong Nietto held the smaller Zhou Yiyutai. Both of them looked a little bit embarrassed. Obviously, each of them had a lot of wear and tear.

However, on Zhou Yiyutai of Ji Gongnie, a slight crack appeared.

"Good Jiuzhou Gending!" Ji Gong Ni said with a gloomy road.

"Zhou Yi? It ’s better than the ordinary sage magic weapon!" Zhong Shan solemnly said.

"With this Jiuzhou Gending, this battle, you won!" Ji Gongnie took a strong unwillingness.

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