
Vol 13 Chapter 85: Great River Court, Blue!

Chapter 85—The Great River Holy Court, Blue!


The gauze fan went to the purple cave every day. The embroidered pattern in the gauze fan was moving for a moment, and turned into a rolling black river rolling back towards the road that day.

"what is this?"

As Zidongtian's face changed, the hand moved the power of heaven, and the four sides suddenly burst into purple light, and purple light pierced Heihe like an infinite sword.


Heihe was rolling, despite the waves, but still quickly wrapped up to heaven.


Heihe rushed to the sky and was blocked outside, but did not disappear. Instead, he went up against the current and rolled up to the sky. Everywhere he went, the sky was wrapped in it.

"No, not ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Inside the Heihe parcel, there was a cry from Zidongtian.


The black river scoured, and the heavens collapsed and opened, and the purple cave sky was submerged in the black river and disappeared!


With a wave of the fan, Heihe rushed back into the fan again.

The Quartet, a moment of silence. died?

Dazzling ancestors, powerful diamond weather, so suddenly died? Almost everyone had a chill in their hearts. It was too direct, but that was the ancestor!

"Ming River? Is that a Ming River?" Someone cried in the distance.

"Diamond is dead, run away!"





As soon as Zidongtian died, his subordinates fled in shock and thunder.

Holding the screen fan in one hand and pinching the fine needle in one hand, Wei Taizhong's eyes crossed: "If you don't stay, just kill everything!"

"Yes!" A crowd of Shura came to his rescue.

"Ah!" "Help!"





There were killings and crying everywhere.

Wei Taizhong glanced at the screen fan, stabbed the top with a stab, and pulled it out from the other side. The delicate movement seemed to be really embroidery.

The ghost king looked aside, but found that among the fans of Heihe, there seemed to be thousands of evil spirits toss.

"Om!" The Ghost King was shocked.

"Wu that little ghost!" Wei Taizhong said lightly.

"Yes, here, little here!" Ghost King said in a horror.

Imp? If anyone used to say this about himself, the Ghost King would have made him dead. Now, if I have seen the ghost king of Wei Taizhong's means, how dare he say nothing? Didn't you see the arrogant ancestors just now? Rush to a big river!

"What's going on with Yan Luodian?" Wei Taizhong said lightly.

"I just wrote, and I haven't had time to report to you!"


"Yan Luodian, all around the black robes, the major ghosts will be run away, and the black and white impermanence will be killed. The group seems to be the witch tribe." Said the ghost king.

"and then?"

"Then, then I don't know. My ghost can't come near at all, oh, oh, oh, yes, a little ghost said earlier, seeing people passing by again, some people wore the same official clothes as those who were before. "The Ghost King immediately knew everything.

"Oh? Dayong Tianting?" Wei Taizhong's eyes were slightly bright.

"Maybe, no, it must be!"

Wei Taizhong stood up and turned to look to the north, where Yan Luodian was located.

"Explore again!" Wei Taizhong said in a deep voice.

"Yes, yes, I'll send ghosts!"


The sun, the four major continents, the proud country!

"Jin Peng, you stay here to take care of them." Zhong Shan looked at Brother Fei and Zhugan.

"Ah?" Jin Peng's face suddenly collapsed.

Take care of two people? These two magpies want me to take care of them?

"Emperor Zhong, are you going out again? Where do you want us to help?" Zhugan stepped forward immediately.

"No, we are going to visit Yan Luodian!" Zhong Shan shook his head and did not hide.

"Yin Cao Di Fu?"

"Yan Luodian?"

Brother Fei and bamboo poles turned black.

"What?" Zhongshan asked.

"That place is so nasty. We went there last time. It's all ghosts, scary!" Fat brother looked ugly.

While Jin Peng rolled her eyes, it was scary? I think those ghosts are scared by you.

"Anyway, stay here for now!" Zhong Shan said.

"Yeah, yeah!" The two responded immediately.

"Go!" Zhong Shan said to Zhong Tian, ​​Ying Huo.



Yan Luodian!

There were a lot of witches in black robes walking around, stopping, the crutches in their hands knocked on the ground, shaking their heads to continue walking.

The Wu tribe are conducting a carpet-like search in all directions of Yan Luodian.

Around Yan Luodian, there is a small **** in the heart of Shiliu.

There are all kinds of ghosts and a lot of palaces in the small heart of hell. A large number of witches also wandered.

"Roar ~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

One of them was a huge blue ball of light in the little hell.

Among the spheres of light, a man exudes his hair, constantly impacting the blue sphere of light, and wants to break through, but no matter how the impact is, it cannot break through.

Some ghost officials around looked at the blue light ball in a panic, and were at a loss.

At this moment, on a high mountain outside this small heart of hell. Twenty-eight people stood on top of it.

For the first one, an emperor dragon robe followed by a white man with a blurred face, and the others respectfully stood behind them.

"The emperor, saint of reincarnation, and small **** in the heart of Shiliu, have now been completely controlled by the Wu clan. The Wu clan is searching for the vicinity of the Yan Luo Temple!" A subordinate respectfully said.

Reincarnation of the saints, the emperor is naturally Zhengzheng.

"It seems that it is not too late!" Gu Zheng said lightly.

"Others, it will take a while to arrive, Tiandi, are we going to meet the head of this witch tribe?" Jun Tianxia asked.

"Let's go!" Gu Zheng nodded.

Stepping, a group of people flew towards Yan Luodian in the distance.

"Who is it?" He yelled.


Several Wu clan flew up to block Gu Zheng's line.


A subordinate waved his hands and waved away the several Wu clan, Gu Zheng and his team continued to shoot inside.






One by one, the Wu clan rushed out one after another. Although the Wu clan is strong, these are just little witches. Under the path of the ancestors and saints, they can't stop Gu Zheng from walking!

The group flew directly to the square in front of Yan Luodian.


The door of Yan Luodian opened suddenly.

From the inside, slowly come out a dozen people! Mostly covered in black robes, unable to see his face clearly.

For the first place, a blue robe. Slowly, the whole body exuded a gorgeous nobility. His face was full of anger, and he was full of imperial energy.

"Who am I? It turned out to be the 'blue' of Dahe Shengting!" Gu Zheng suddenly said lightly.

"Holy King, I waited for my guilt, I couldn't stop it!" Several Wu clan worshiped the emperor who stepped out of Yan Luodian.

"Come on!" Said Emperor Lan indifferently.

"Yes!" The witches retreated.

blue! In Dongzhou, the reputation is not obvious, but everyone who knows Daqin knows that when he was in his big birthday, he invited four guests, namely Bodhi ancestor, Rulai, Zhongshan, and one was blue!

Being able to be invited as a guest of honor is bound to be extraordinary.

Lan looked at Gu Zhengyi and looked at Jun Tian, ​​and smiled slightly: "Gu Zhengyi? You have arrived. I don't know how many temples will come in this time?"

"How many temples? It's not your turn to understand, since you know it's me, then step back!" Gu Zheng sank in a deep voice.

"Retreat?" Lan suddenly smiled strangely. There was a slight disdain in the laughter!

Obviously, it is not easy to get Lan back.

At this time, the monarch said, "The Witch clan has not yet unified. Is the Blue Saint King reaching for his hand too far?"

Lan looked to Jun Tianxia, ​​looked for a while, shook his head and said, "It's a pity!"

"What a pity?" Jun Tian sank.

"I don't know why you are doing this, but I know that your power over the world is above Gu Zhengyi, but because of your bloodline, you are willing to be under the control of others, so I am sorry. It is a pity for you!"

"Hmm, I can't take care of you yet!"

"Yeah, it's not my turn to take care of your affairs, likewise, it's not my turn to take care of you!" Blue face sank.

"The Lord of the Little Court, who has a vein of witches, thought you were invincible?" Jun Tianxia said coldly.

"My holy king is now the Lord of the Holy Trinity, but it is only a matter of time to become the Lord of the Holy Trinity. What does it look like in your family, the Heavenly Emperor, the Heavenly Emperor, I do not know how to come ........." The next black clan in disguise disdain.

That black-robed witch sentence is straightforward and equally difficult to hear.

"Lan, is this your subordinate? I don't understand any rules!" Gu Zheng said coldly.

"My people are like this, you can't listen if you can't stand it!" Lan smiled slightly and didn't let it go.

"Huh!" Jun Tian cried aloud.

This is in cooperation with Gu Zhengyi. Gu Zhengyi is uncomfortable. As a courtier, Jun Tianxia must be a villain and furious.

Detective hand, Jun Tian grabbed the palm facing the Wu clan who had just intervened.

Lan Wei didn't move, just staring at Gu Zhengyi, as if he was arrested by Jun Tian.

"Good time!" The black-robed witch cried loudly.

As soon as he stepped, he punched at the palm of the king.

With one punch, the vast water suddenly appeared all around, and the large water stabilized the space. The punch of this punch came to a fierce collision with the palm of the king.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The water filled the Quartet, leaving the Quartet's space unbroken, and the fists met. The huge impact immediately caused countless floods to hit the Quartet, and Yan Luodian Quartet burst into a huge rainstorm.


The fists are divided, and the world of Jun actually takes a slight step back.

This witch clenched a saint?

Of course, Juntianxia is a saint after all. Although the black-robed witch clan did not step back, the hat was still lifted by the wind of Juntianxia.

As soon as the hat fell, the face of the Wu people was exposed, the hair was combed back, and the face was vigorous, with a strong war in his eyes.

"Work together?" Jun Tianxia's pupils shrank in surprise.

ps: Seek ***!

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