
Vol 13 Chapter 95: Poison

Chapter 95: Poisonous Tactics

Dongzhou line Miyajima.

Gu Shentong slowly walked out of the area of ​​Dudian with a cane.

Looking up at the area of ​​Duidian, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly, the figures counted in the distance and flew in all directions, two of them coming straight towards their own direction. One entered the area of ​​Duidian, and the other flew towards himself.

"Senior! I can see you here, great!" The man respected.

"Oh? What's wrong?" Gu Shenlou said slightly.

"Foreigners, please see the Lord of the Temple of Dian, Gu Qianyou!"

"Find Gu Qianyou? What are you doing here?" Gu Shenlou said with a strange look.

"No, it wasn't intended to alarm the temples, but the caller himself called 'Zhongshan'." The man respected.

"Zhongshan?" Gu Shenlou frowned.

"Yes, because it's Emperor Taiji, I'll wait to spread the four halls," said the man.

"Zhongshan? Hiss, go, take me to see!" Gu Shenlou suddenly called.



Duandian Alchemy Hall.

Lord of the Dian Dian, Gu Ze looked at Nu Qinghui in Jiu Ding Ding. A look of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

"Dear Lord, urgent report!" A voice of respect came from outside the hall.

Gu Ze raised a brow and went out.

As soon as Guze stepped out of the hall, Nu Qinghui's body shook slightly, her eyes slowly opened, her hair was soaked with sweat, Nu Qinghui slowly raised her head, facing the place where Gu Ze left, cold A cold look.


Nu Qinghui shuddered again. Then he closed his eyes again and curled up in the tripod.

Outside the alchemy hall.

"Daiyu heaven, Zhongshan? Looking for ancient Qianyou?" Gu Ze frowned.

"Yes!" Come respectfully.

Gu Ze frowned.

"Dear Lord, this Zhongshan is strange. Would you like to go ...?" A subordinate respectfully said.

"No need, what did you do? She is Gu Qianyou's man. However, this is interesting. Ancient myths will certainly not give up, and send someone to stare at me!" Gu Ze sneered.


After that, Gu Ze stepped back to the alchemy hall, after all, there are more important tasks in the alchemy hall.


Dry hall area.

The ancient myth of a golden robe came back with a group of subordinates, and the ancient myth was hard to look at.

Back to the main hall, just sat down.


Ancient myths flew the tea set on the table to show the anger at the moment.

The four subordinates trembled and did not dare to say more.

"Reluctant to see me again? Huh, Gu Qianyou!" The ancient myth turned grim.

"Why do the temple masters cling to the ancient Qianyou? There are countless wonderful people in the world ..." A subordinate advised.

"You know how far, Lao Tzu likes her like this, but fortunately, it's too easy to get it, I'm not rare!" The ancient myth revealed a hint of evil smile.

"Even though Gu Qianyou is not exposed to the mountains, but to be honest, she is extremely perfect. Every time the owner arranges tasks, she is extremely perfect. Her wisdom is not small, and the master wants to get her favor More difficult! "Said the subordinate again.

"Well, it's mainly Zhongshan, she certainly hasn't forgotten Zhongshan, otherwise she wouldn't jeer me!" Said the ancient myth.

"I don't think so!" The subordinate shook his head.

"Huh?" Asked the ancient myth.

For the staff who advised themselves, ancient mythology never angered them with words. This is why his staff can speak freely.

"Gu Qianyou is different from other women. Her subjective will is extremely strong. In the words of the palace master, she has a strong personality, so even without Zhongshan, it is not so easy to move!" Said the aide.

"Anyway, Zhongshan must account for a lot of reasons!" The ancient myth shook his head.

"Report!" Came a shout from outside the temple.

"Come in!" Cried the ancient myth.

Soon, a subordinate of the high court entered with the messenger.

"The Lord of Qidian Temple, someone from the outside world is looking for him!" Said the messenger.

"Uh? Looking for Gu Qianyou? Are you in the wrong place?" The ancient myth was strange.

"Yes, the visitor is unusual, so I wait for the messenger." The messenger said.

"Oh? Who?"

"He calls himself 'Zhongshan'," said the messenger.

"Zhongshan?" The ancient myth glared, and stood up with anger.

"Yes, yes ...!" The messenger said in astonishment.

Ancient myths were about to rush out, and suddenly, they stepped.

"You go down!" The ancient myth whispered.

"Yes!" The messenger immediately went out.

The messenger went away, but the ancient myth suddenly became anxious and walked back and forth in the hall.

"Zhongshan is here?" The ancient myth frowned deeply.

For ancient Qianyou, ancient mythology is bound to be obtained, plus the last time the wolf tribe's holy land was ‘abused 'by Zhongshan. So hate Zhongshan the most. Now that Zhongshan is here, ancient myths can't go to kill Zhongshan right away, but they are restrained.

"You guys, what do you do in front of you? Zhong Shan is looking for Gu Qianyou. When the couple meets, they will definitely be burning fire. Isn't it worse?"

"Then break them up!" Said an aide.

"Remove? How do we?" Asked the ancient myth.

"With Gu Qianyou's wisdom, the physical dismantling is absolutely not possible. Only the spiritual disassembly makes Gu Qianyou disappointed with Zhongshan. We strive to create some" incompetence "of Zhongshan. Dear Lord, you have a chance! "Said an aide.

"How do you dismantle it then?" The ancient myth groaned.

"This, Zhongshan can become the emperor, it must be very talented, and ordinary people cannot. It is not easy to find weaknesses. This requires a long-term discussion, I will discuss it later," said the staff member.

"Equal to nonsense!" Said the ancient myth.

"Say, what else is there?" The ancient myth once again said.

For a while, the crowd could not help but look at the staff with a moustache.

"Mustache, you have the most ideas, think of it?" Asked the ancient myth.

"The master, the method, there is one under his control, but it's just a little poisonous! I don't know if the master can afford it!" The aide called Moustache thought for a while.

"Oh? Come on!" Cried the ancient myth.

The moustache pinched his beard and said, "Isn't the master of the palace a miraculous" emotional "?"

"Eh? Yes, but the nine palaces have their own rules and must not cast spells on each other? Otherwise, I will have the ancient Qianyou!" Ancient myth Shen said.

The moustache narrowed his eyes and said, "The master of the palace can cast spells on Zhongshan?"

"Zhongshan? That bastard?" Said the ancient myth.

"Yes, Zhongshan is not an ancient family. Gu Qianyou is in the heart of Zhongshan. If Zhongshan likes the master of the palace, then Gu Qianyou is not, hey, hey, hey ...!

The other staff members took a deep breath. Let's take a look at the mustache. This mustache's strategy is really poisonous, not only poisonous, but also the taste is very heavy!

The ancient mythology didn't take it seriously. After thinking about it, I nodded in the end: "Nice, a mustache, I find I like you more and more!"

Hearing the words of the ancient myth, the moustache shook unknowingly, and Douda's sweat beads exclaimed: "The master of the palace is too good, the villain can't afford it, it can't afford it!"

Obviously, the moustache is not that good.

"Hahahaha!" The ancient myth laughed.


Temple Hall area.

In a garden, Gu Qianyou fell to the chessboard and finally sighed.

"Lord of Kailuan!"

"Huh? Why are you back again?" Gu Qianyou wondered.

"Lord of the temple, a letter from outside the island, some people claim to be 'Zhongshan', please see him!"


Gu Qianyou stood up and immediately overturned the Go table and stool.

"Quick, quick, lead the way!" Gu Qianyou cried immediately.


"Wait, wait!" Gu Qianyou stopped immediately.

"Huh!" A mirror suddenly appeared in front of him.

Gu Qianyou looked at the mirror in front of him and immediately corrected his hair.

"Am I pretty now?" Gu Qianyou said to the subordinate.

"Pretty, never before!" The subordinate complimented immediately.

"Let's go!" Gu Qianyou said joyfully as he closed the mirror.


A crowd flew out of the island.

-------------------------------------------------- ----

Dongzhou line outside Miyajima.

Zhong Shan patiently stood on the beach, waiting for Gu Qianyou.

Gu Qianyou, thinking of seeing Gu Qianyou, Zhong Shan was also excited. Although my husband and wife are old, but I haven't seen them for many years, this thought is even more intense.

After thinking about it, Detective, Detective Zhongshan took out a flower field.

The beach was covered, and then the sea was covered with countless flowers.

It's all orchids. More and more, dazzling at the sight of one.

Zhong Shan was holding a flower of 'Purple Heart Sky Orchid'. This is Gu Qianyou's favorite flower.

A group of disciples of the arrogant family had a strange look.

"Is he Zhongshan?"

"Isn't that cold and ruthless, murder?"

"Yeah, what is this? Flowers? Orchids? By the way, it seems that the master of the palace of the palace likes orchids best.

"There are so many!"




Everyone talked.

Zhong Shan was holding 'Zi Xin Tian Lan' and looked at the exit. Waiting with joy for a while, hoping that Gu Qianyou appeared first, and then gave her a surprise.

Finally, there was a surge of cloud at the exit and someone came out.


Wearing a gray robe, half a person tall, the ancient God Tower full of wrinkles and old spots stepped out.

Not to mention Zhongshan, it was the twitching face on the face of the people who saw Gu Shenlou. It's a terrible sight.

Zhongshan's heart full of joy, suddenly fell to the bottom. The drop is too big.

"Da'ao Tianting, Zhongshan?" Gu Shenlou cried in a husky voice that stopped the baby crying that night.

Zhong Shan looked ugly: "Trouble, let it be!"

"Uh?" Gu Shenlou frowned.

Gu Shenlou believes that his status is not inferior to Zhongshan, but what attitude does Zhongshan have?

"I said, please give it up, don't block the exit," Zhong Shan said again.

Gu Shenlou: "...............!"

Ignored, completely ignored by Zhongshan?

Originally, the Ancient God Tower just came out to take a look, and by the way, saw what kind of people Zhongshan was in, but Zhongshan was too shameless in front of him.

"Do you know who I am?" Gu Shenlou said darkly.

"I said, don't get in the way!" Zhong Shan was also unhappy.

Good mood was ruined by this old goddess, but I didn't find you. What are you doing out there?

"I am so mad, ignorant child, arrogant, arrogant!" Gu Shenlou was extremely angry.

Suddenly, there was a huge force behind him, and Gu Shenlou's face changed. Thought someone was attacking himself. He turned around and found a slap coming.


Gu Shenlou was lifted out with a slap.

Flying in the air, Gu Shentong saw Gu Qianyou.

Gu Qianyou looked at Zhongshan oppositely with a look of affection, without even a trace of explanation to himself.

At this moment, somehow, Gu Shenlou suddenly felt that he had a superfluous feeling, superfluous? Are you redundant?

ps: Outbreak tomorrow, please ***! Cast it! Definitely broke out!

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