
Vol 13 Chapter 130: The blood of the first generation, Emperor Xuanzang!

Above the moon!

Emperor Shitian, Emperor Xuanzhang, and the collapsed flesh suddenly appeared.

The cold moon, the bitter cold, and the flesh instantly frozen into an ice sculpture, leaving only two spirits bathed in the moonlight. [bsp; There is no coldness, but even sponges encounter water, so enjoy!


The moon trembled, making a roar of ferocious beasts.

The endless power of Yuehua instills the spirits of both, as well as the collapsed flesh.

The body seems to be slowly covered by Yuehua.

The spirits of Emperor Xuanzhang and Emperor Shi Tian have become brighter and brighter!

"Wolf ancestor transformation?" Emperor Xuanzang frowned.

The will of the early wolf ancestors helped them transform themselves.

"Is this going to be transformed in the first generation?" Di Xuanzhang was surprised.

While talking, Emperor Xuanzang bathed in the moonlight, feeling a sleepy feeling!


One hundred and eight dynasties of the golden wheel suddenly appeared, and surrounded the emperor Xuanzang's soul.

Strangely, the moon seemed to help temper the golden wheel of the world.

During the metamorphosis, he couldn't help himself. Emperor Xuanzhang slowly closed his eyes and fell into a coma.

"Zhongshan, **** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The roar of Di Shitian came from a distance.

At this moment, Di Shitian is also the same, being favored by the moon, he is doing the first metamorphosis, but Di Shitian is faintly bluish.

Light of Zhongshan's fierce pupil, light of doom?

The moon's gift arrived at Emperor Shitian's whole body, but it was strange that most of it could not be inserted into the body. It's as if he has rejected the gift.

"Only 30%? Hell!"

Emperor Shi Tian was angry, but he was helpless. If in the heyday, the light of doom could not be approached at all, the detective could wipe it out with one finger. But how do you get rid of it now?

No, you can only restrain this doom with great will.

Even so, the 70% of the gifts of the moon cannot be incorporated into the body.

"Miscellaneous, miscellaneous!" Di Shitian was so angry that he went into a coma.

Gradually, three light cocoons appeared on the moon, the flesh body, the Emperor Xuanzhang spirit, and the Emperor's release heaven spirit.

Three light cocoons passed an hour!

"嘭!" "嘭!" "”! "

The light cocoons exploded and the moon's gifts stopped, and the entire moon seemed to be dim again.

Emperor Xuanzhang's body is silver and magnificent, his eyes are opened, his eyes reveal fierce air.

"Is the will of the first ancestors dissipated?" Emperor Xuanzang frowned.

"Huh!" Emperor Xuanzang turned his head and looked into the distance.

In the distance is Emperor Shitian.

Di Shitian's whole body is also a silver masterpiece, but the light is not as strong as Di Xuanzhang! There was also a hint of blue light flickering.

He turned to look at Emperor Xuanzhang.

Two wolves look at each other!

Emperor Xuanzhang looked murderous, but Di Shitian frowned.

"Huh!" Emperor Shitian suddenly pounced on the flesh.

At this moment, with the gift of the moon, the collapsed flesh has returned to its normal state, and the whole body's silver light is much larger than before.

Di Shitian wants to grab the flesh?

"Hum!" Emperor Xuanyuan sighed coldly.


Several times faster than the Emperor Shitian, rushed forward. A loud noise knocked Di Shitian out of the air.

"How is that possible?" Di Shitian shouted in disbelief.


Emperor Xuanzhang got into the body.

"Roar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Emperor Xuanzhang roared loudly.

Under the roar of the wolf, it spread all over the world.

At least, all wolf clan in the world suddenly heard the roar of Emperor Xuanzang.

A wolf roar drew hundreds of millions of wolf clan to look up at the moon.

"Ahhh!" "Ahhh!" ...............

The world's swarms of wolves counted for months. It seems like a surrender to Emperor Xuanzhang.


Wolf-shaped Emperor Xuanzang turned his head and looked at Emperor Shitian fiercely.

As Dewclaws stepped on, a fierce intimidation forced Emperor Shitian.

The spirit of Di Shitian retreated slightly.

"Di Xuanzhang, what do you want to do?" Di Shitian looked ugly.

"In these years of integration, I understand everything about you, Tianwaitian battlefield? You have cut countless demons, been rewarded by heaven and earth, and blessed the world, proud of the wolf tribe. I should worship you, but unfortunately you should not Yeah, you hit your idea on Xianxian's head. I don't care how much you do. If you want to harm Xianxian, you have to die! "Emperor Xuanzang said in a cold voice.

"Miscellaneous account, if it were not Zhongshan's last doom, you wouldn't have been so proud!" Di Shitian said coldly.

"Oh, you're right, but that doesn't matter. The king is defeated! Now, I am better than you!" Emperor Xuanzhen came step by step.

Emperor Xuanzhang walked step by step, and behind him the golden wheel flew, and he was fierce, directing the emperor to release the **** spirit.

After all, Emperor Shitian has only the spirits left, and the moon gift is only 30%. At this moment, the scenes are suddenly reversed. Emperor Xuanzang strongly suppressed Emperor Shitian.

"Now, we are all the first generation. Wolf ancestors transformed with our last will. I won't fight the idea of ​​Emperor Xianxian, and I don't need it!" Emperor Shitian frowned.

Emperor Xuanzang smiled, his eyes were cold.

"The first generation? It's just that your spirit is the first generation. The world's wolf clan is the first generation with only immortals and me!" Emperor Xuanyuan sneered.

"So what do you want?" Di Shitian said coldly.

"Oh!" Emperor Xuanzhen stepped in step by step, his eyes were extremely cold.

"Well, I'll go back to Heaven and Earth again, and dedicate myself to Daqian World, Daqian World Wolves, you commander in chief, I leave!" Di Shitian Shen said.

"Late, heaven and sky, I will go sooner or later. I can't rest assured of your promise. Moreover, I will save Xianxian!" Emperor Xuanyuan said coldly.

"Save the Emperor Xianxian?" Di Shitian's pupils shrank!

"I don't know how Zhongshan rescued Xianxian. You must know that Xianxian has been destroyed by the spirits you destroyed. However, I believe what Zhongshan said. Since he said to save, it must be saved. There is your magical power in Xianxian. If you want to save Xianxian, you can only wipe out your consciousness. After refining and purifying, you can make a supplement to Xianxian! Xianxian can recover and master your magical power. Hehe! Here! "Emperor Xuanyuan said coldly.

"No, shit!" Di Shitian screamed.

Exhausted the means, racked his brains, and wanted to get the body of Emperor Xianxian. In the end, will it turn into a tonic for Emperor Xianxian? Who can accept this gap?

"If it doesn't work, you have to ask for it, you can find it in the world ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!


The war on the moon begins!

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The five parties are in the same team!

"嘭, 嘭, 嘭 ..................!"

In the dark foggy world, Zhongshan Changsheng sword came out, and countless swordsmanship seemed to form a storm, crazily rolling inside. Kill countless black gas.

The Changsheng sword brought a great force from the sword, and in a sudden, all the little demons were killed.

The more you cut, the faster you cut!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! .........!"

A thousand little demons, just a moment of effort, disappeared in the storm of sword air!

"Huh?" Bai Di exclaimed.

"A group of dead things!" Zhong Shan disdain.

When the Changsheng knife was closed, the black gas was cleared.

"Zhongshan, don't be proud, it's just a big demon!" Baidi resentfully said.


In the distance, a demon black air mass that was a hundred times the size of the previous little devil suddenly appeared.

There is faint blue light in the eyes of this demon!


A lot of blue light emerged from the demon's eyes and rushed towards Zhongshan.

"Light of doom?" Zhong Shan looked moved.

"Ji Tong, open!" Zhong Shan drank softly.


Ji Tong's red light collided with the blue doom light, and then disappeared strangely.

"Well ...............!"

The big demon rushed towards Zhongshan.

"Ang ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

In the body of Zhongshan, a sudden dragon yelled.

Tenjo! One Hundred Thousand Waves!

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

With a single cut, the big demon exploded and opened, and dispersed.

"Unbearable!" Zhong Shan showed a slight disdain.

"Huh, you only cut two, we have 50,000, I see how you cut!" Baidi yelled.

"Five thousand? Oh, but you only have five!" Zhong Shan sneered.

"What do you mean?" Baidi moved.

"Huh!" Zhongshan shot suddenly in one direction, and instantly shot into the depths of the black mist environment. In a blink of an eye out of everyone's sight.

"Zhongshan, Zhongshan came to me, how did he know I was here?" Chidi exclaimed.

The five emperors could feel Zhongshan's location through the large array, so they were ready to slowly consume Zhongshan with the large array, but they never thought that Zhongshan was in the large array, not a headless fly, as if they also knew the large array. how is this possible?

"Red Emperor, change direction!" Huang Di cried.


There was a tumultuous burst.

"No, no, Zhongshan knows I'm here, changed direction, and he's coming towards me!" Chidi exclaimed.

Zhongshan didn't know where the Red Emperor was, but the red-breasted pink lotus was able to guide.

Facing one direction, a pond of red lotus powder lotus has turned red, a good sign!

With such ferocious predictions, what more should Zhongshan think about? Go straight to Daji.

"What the **** is it? Is it the Five-Party God?" Zhong Shan shot speculatively at Chidi.


A large number of big demon rushed towards Zhongshan.

"Huh, the five parties are in a big fight together? But so!" Zhong Shan dismissed.

"Sky bar, 100,000 heavy waves!" Zhong Shan yelled.


The powerful sword gas storm, along with Zhong Shan, washed away towards the Red Emperor. Wherever he passed, the black gas was scattered. Although the big devil was powerful, Zhong Shan did not aim at killing the big devil.

The sword gas storm is just to drive the big devil and open a way to the Red Emperor.

"Near, close, he's getting closer and closer to me!" Chidi Shen said.

Although there are many big demons, they can't stop the road of Zhongshan at all, and they will soon encounter the Red Emperor.


Suddenly, an axe storm appeared, and a huge axe chopped down towards Zhongshan.

"Pangu axe?" Zhong Shan's expression changed.

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