
Vol 14 Chapter 10: Army Depression

Daqin Tianting, Chaodu Square!

I look up and look down!

"It's Mozi, resigned from the holy place!" Guiguzi sank.

"Resign from the throne?" Frowned.

"The news came from Mozi Dojo. Mozi's clan and core disciples have disappeared. Mozi Dojo is in a mess now!" Guiguzi said.

"Send someone to keep an eye on, and find out what forces are concerned about Mozi Dojo, forget it, they are the only ones who are concerned about Mozi Dojo, and the people over there can withdraw!" Dan Dandao said.


"What's up with Auntie?" Xu Shen said.

"Yangjian is fully collecting Tianzhou and Xizhou, and is slowly infiltrating Xuanzhou. Hell, is collecting Yinzhou and Xizhou! In a hundred years, it will do its best!" Guiguzi solemnly said.

"Oh, he's so open and close!" Mi Dan smiled.

"Zhongshan has very good luck, and Xizhou Jigong Nirvana slumped. Dizhou was originally the home of Emperor Xuanyuan and Yinghao. The collection is very smooth!" Guiguzi nodded.

"Well! Withdraw the troops from Nanzhou and Xuanzhou and take Huangzhou to the full!" Shen Shen said.


"Netherworld, it's been a long time since it's time to move!" Shen Shen said.



Hades, Xizhou! Dayong Tianting Chaodu! Gu Zhengyi Study!

"Oh!" Gu Zheng shot his palms on the desk one by one, his eyes full of anger.

"Lost four territories? This is already the sixth territory!" Gu Zheng angrily said.

"Heaven Emperor is the ancestor, one of our ancestors, betrayed!" Said an official with an ugly face.

"Betrayal, why do you want to betray them? How could they betray them?" Gu Zheng angrily said.

"The report from the front line is the coach Wang Jingwen, who seized the love of the ancestor and forced him to betray him!"

"For a woman?" Gu Zheng stared.

"No, the betrayed ancestor was a woman, and Wang Jingwen detained his man!"

Gu Zhengyi: "………………!"

"Despicable Wang Jingwen!" Another official scolded angrily.

"Report!" There was an urgent report outside the study.

The ministers lined up and looked at a guard who rushed in.

The Emperor of Heaven held a meeting without a major emergency report.

"what's up?"

"From the front line, head coach Wang Jingwen, hosted a banquet in Yanping mouth, banqueted our army coach, our army coach went to the banquet, gambled during the banquet, our army bet on two territories." The guard quickly said.

"What? Jerk, gambling war? Gambling lost two territories?" Gu Zheng stared at him with a wink.

"Yes!" The guard trembled.

"Go!" Gu Zheng exclaimed.

"Yes, yes!" The guard retreated tremblingly.

The study returned to silence again.

"Heaven, it seems that it should be a trap set by Wang Jingwen, who deliberately deceived our army coach into it." On the one hand, Jun Tianxia took a deep breath.

"Wang Jingwen, again Wang Jingwen!" Gu Zheng gritted his teeth.

"Tiandi, you can ask for help from the headquarters of the Aragu family. At this moment, eight territories have been taken away by the grandma. The Aragua family should be able to intervene!" Jun Tianxia asked.

"No!" Gu Zheng insisted.

Jun Tianxia looked at Gu Zhengyi and finally sighed a little and said nothing.

Because the king sees Gu Zhengyi's mind.

Dayong Heavenly Court, in fact, had been separated from the Fanggu family at the beginning of its establishment. It was not an industry of the Fanggu family, but it was owned by Gu Zheng.

Previously, it was only cooperation with Jiudian, just cooperation.

But once they asked for help from the Aragu family, they rejoined the Aragu family in disguise, and Gu Zhengyi once again surrendered the Aragua family.

"Give me all the information of Wang Jingwen and get it out!" Gu Zhengyi took a deep breath.


North of Xizhou.

The big camp commander camp is located on top of a mountain.

Wang Jingwen was sitting on a high mountain platform, playing the Guqin gently and continuously.

"Ding Ding Dong ...............!"

Guqin's voice was very rapid. The sound of the piano sounded like a mighty army of horses and horses, and it made some subordinates behind Wang Jingwen out of breath.

The sound of the piano sounded like a heart. Now Wang Jingwen's momentum is like this. Morale is rainbow, undefeated teacher.


The piano sounded. Wang Jingwen stopped.

Standing up, a maid immediately handed over a hot towel.

Gently wiped his hands, Wang Jingwen looked at the falling star dust on one side.

"Master Wang, what kind of song is this? It sounds like a breathless feeling." Luo Xingchen asked in surprise.

"The title of the song is 'Ten Faces Big Net'!" Wang Jingwen laughed with a spirited expression.

"Ten-faced big net? Just like your layout of Lord Wang, ten-faced big net, sprinkled to Dayong Tianting?" Luo Xingchen admired.

Wang Jingwen smiled slightly and didn't say much.

"Master Wang, in fact, as a coach, you can stay in Changjing completely. You can learn about the results of the Quartet through the mouse, and then continue to direct. Why do you want to be in danger and go to the battlefield?" Luo Xingchen did not understand.

"Dangerous by yourself? Haha, it is not dangerous. I can only experience Gu Zhengyi's feelings by going to the battlefield. I want Gu Zhengyi to be destroyed in despair. I want to enjoy this process. I want to see him. Despair! "Wang Jingwen's eyes were filled with hatred.

"This Gu Zhengyi really seems to be angry and resentful."

"Gu Zhengyi, huh, you don't understand! My wife, my daughter, my sister, my entire family, huh, too much hatred, from now until Gu Zhengyi dies, I will let him live through the nightmare every day "Wang Jingwen chilled.



Gu Zhengyi Study.

"Wang Jingwen again, Wang Jingwen again? Mixed account!" Gu Zheng angrily rebuked.

"Ten days, ten years, we have lost twelve territories, and one third of Xizhou has been taken by Daxu. Yangjian is losing ground and he has been rushed back to Hades!" Jun Tian sinked.

Gu Zheng was already bloodshot in his eyes, staring at Jun Tian, ​​his eyes flushed, and a moment of resentment.

"Tiandi, you can't wait any longer. Notify the Arugu family headquarters and let them support!" Jun Tianxia said sincerely.

Gu Zheng's face was complex and reluctant, but he felt helpless again.


A guard rushed into the study.

"What's the matter?" Gu Zheng stared.

"There is something wrong in the north!" The guard looked sad.

"What? What is it? Is it Wang Jingwen again?" Gu Zhengyi said irritably.

"My army coach, was killed by Wang Jingwen's vomiting blood!" The guard said painfully.

"What? The coach is dead?" Exclaimed a number of officials.

"Furious?" Jun Tian said in shock.

If he is killed in a war or a sneak attack, the king of the world can still accept it, can he be mad? This, how much indebtedness can this effect be!

"Yes, several ancestors checked, the coach was indeed mad! And the spirits, because of resentment, shock and chaos, were not saved!" The guard said painfully.

"Wang Jingwen is Wang Jingwen again. What exactly is his origin, a wise man in a large world? Impossible, what is his origin?" Gu Zhengyi was extremely irritable.

"Come on!" Jun Tianxia said to the trembling guard.

"Yes!" The guard stepped back immediately.

"Tiandi, the frontline coach was furious. The frontline will surely fall behind in large areas. Let's call for help from the Aragu family!" Jun Tianxia said again.

"Snoring!" Gu Zheng suddenly sat down suddenly.

"Tiandi?" Jun Tianxia looked at Gu Zhengyi.

"Go, ask for help!" Gu Zheng said in a stunned tone.

"Yes!" Jun Tianxia solemnly said.

"You all go out, don't want to be alone!" Gu Zheng said suddenly.

"Yes!" Everyone retreated.


After ten days!

Gu Zhengyi Study!

"Isn't he sending a message with a life card? The new coach hasn't taken control of the overall situation?" Gu Zheng sank in a deep voice.

"It should be Wang Jingwen spreading all kinds of chaotic rumors, and the subordinates of our army's coaches are all in a mood. And Wang Jingwen has already deployed the army to capture the other three territories, and the front line is scattered. This ...!" An official said with an ugly expression.

"A plate of scattered sand? It was Wang Jingwen who broke up, it was him, it was him again. What is the origin of this Wang Jingwen!" Gu Zheng angrily said.


Gu Zhengyi smashed the desk angrily.

Officials trembled and did not dare to say more.

"Heavenly, please see the saints of the king!"

"Come back? Let him in!" Gu Zhengyi said.

Soon, King World entered the study.

In the study, everyone looked at King Tianxia, ​​but the pace of King Tianxia was a little heavy.

"How? What about the people of the Arugu family?" Gu Zhengyi looked forward to Jun Tian with some expectation.

"Heavenly emperor, want to report alone!" Jun Tianxia looked complex.

"Huh?" Gu Zheng changed his face slightly.

"Let's go down!" Gu Zheng joined together.

"Yes!" Officials retreated.

Among the study, only Gu Zhengyi and Jun Tianxia were left.

"What's going on? Are there any problems with the Arugu family?" Gu Zhengyi wondered.

"Yes, the Aragu family refuses to send troops!" Jun Tianxia looked complex.

"Impossible, how could Gu Yongheng not send troops? This is not a life-sign message, but you went there in person!" Gu Zhengyi disbelieved.

"No, Chen did not see the ancient eternity!" Jun Tianxia looked complex.


"Ancient eternity is in retreat. No one has seen it for a long time!" Jun Tianwei said strangely.

"Still retreating? There are so many ancestral immortals in the Aragu family, can you bring it up a bit?" Gu Zhengyi asked.

"No, you are in the same vein. At this moment, it is extremely difficult to speak, and no one wants to come out. You must guard ancient eternity!" Jun Tianxia looked complex.

"You said what happened to us?"

"Speaking, the minister even exaggerated and said that the underworld Xizhou is about to be destroyed, but the ancient family of Fanggu disregarded it, as if the retreat of the ancient eternity is more important than our entire western continent!" Jun Tianxia looked complex.


Gu Zheng sat down suddenly!

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