
Vol 14 Chapter 15: Dayong

"The Emperor has a purpose and sends troops ~~~~~~!"

"Roar ~~~~~~~. ~~. ~~~~!"

The army of Daxu swarmed towards the capital of Yongwang.

"The emperor has a purpose, the surrender does not kill, captures the rebels, and sacrifice his power!" The general rushed to the front.

For a while, the King of Yong was chaotic.

Some people are prepared to sacrifice bravely regardless of life and death, but more people have already surrendered.


The Da'ao army had not arrived, and the violent fighting had erupted inside the Dayong army.

Above the sky.

"Hahaha!" Gu Zheng laughed for a while.


Eight ancestors shot at the same time. At this moment, Gu Zheng suddenly withdrew his heavenly path and let the eight mighty powers strike him.

"Be careful!" Wang Jingwen exclaimed.

Wang Jingwen is still waiting for revenge.

In the distance, the eight ancestors also changed their faces. Originally thought that Gu Zheng would resist stubbornly for a while, and then seized it, and Wang Jingwen had explained previously that he must catch it, he must live.

It's a pity that no one thought that Gu Zheng was so determined to die!

Without the slightest resistance, let the eight ancestors strike together.

The eight ancestors wanted to recover their power, but everything was too late.

Gu Zhengyi was shrouded in eight devastating shocks. In the end, Gu Zhengyi looked in the direction of Zhongshan and looked at the huge floating island. Gu Zhengyi showed a complex smile.

"Boom. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Gu Zhengyi was drowned in the energy of destruction.

"No!" Wang Jingwen flew frantically.

Unfortunately, everything is late.

Above the dragon chair, Zhong Shan looked at Gu Zhengyi who committed suicide in the distance.

There was no accident on Zhong Shan's face, it was as if he had already expected this ending, and finally sighed a little: "After all, you are still Gu Zhengyi!"



In the capital of the King of Yong, a large number of loyal officials bowed down, crying and sending Gu Zhengyi away.

At this moment, the king is defeated, and no one can complain!

Gu Zheng died one by one, and Dayong completely fell apart. It was more and more smooth for the Dalai army to conquer Yongdu.

Some stubborn resistance elements, under the big hoof iron hoof, can't move at all.

Wang Taowen flew near and searched for Gu Zhengyi's remains, but after searching for a long time, he only found a piece of clothing corner, no more, the body was broken, the body and spirit were destroyed, and nothing was left.

"Gu Zhengyi, you **** ~~~~~~. ~~~~~~!"

Holding the only piece of clothing, Wang Jingwen was sorrowful, not for Gu Zhengyi's death, but for failing to kill himself.

"Master!" The eight ancestors sighed slightly.

The eight ancestors could not be blamed for this. Gu Zheng was trying to die one by one and couldn't stop it. At this time, he could only persuade Wang Jingwen not to be too sad.

On the other side, two saints.

Wang Skull took a team of ancestors, and Luo Xingchen took a team of ancestors, constantly besieging two saints.

The two saints have been severely damaged by Zhong Shan. Each saint faces thirty ancestors. Even the saints can't afford it, especially among the thirty saints.

Such as Wang Skull!

A saint, overdrawn to mobilize the power of heaven and earth.

One palm collided with the twenty ancestors, and the other palm greeted the king skull.

Behind Wang Skull, nine skeletons of a strong family charged for it.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~!"

The figure of the saint shook.

"Oh!" A blood spurted out.

The arm on the palm of Wang Skull was smashed to the extreme. Blood suddenly burst above the arm, and the bone was broken. The arm of Wang Skull was also broken.

"Wounded magical power!" Wang Kui groaned.

The broken skeleton of the king skull suddenly recovered.

"Bronze Throne!"

The throne of the Skull and Clan came down from the sky, pressing heavily on the saint.

Suddenly a huge sickle appeared in the hands of Wang Skull.


As the bronze throne fell, a huge sickle severed one of the saint's arms.

Sage with broken arm? The thirty ancestors became more and more prosperous-floating astronomy-and worked hard again.


The fierce impact caused the saint to lose ground. The whole body was blood, and the power of mobilizing the power of the heavens and the earth seemed to have reached the limit. After all, the time for each mobilization was limited, otherwise the load was too large and it was easy to collapse.

With each passing day, the harder the saint's strength is, the more fierce Wang Wang's group becomes.

On the other side, the same is true of Stardust.

Thirty ancestors! Together, the power is shocking.

There is no way to heaven, and a large group of ancestors are surrounded, and they will not give you a chance to escape.

The two saints became more and more eager to fight, knowing that going on like this is only a matter of time.


The saint who fought against the falling star dust suddenly burst into an extremely powerful force and broke free from the ancestors, apparently using some kind of spine-floating astronomy-to stimulate his own secret method, but the sky has been sealed and he fled at all. Can't fall?


Turning his head, the saint rushed into a huge black hole below.

Nine Halls of the City Hall has not been opened!

"You are crazy!" Exclaimed the saint who fought with King Skeleton.

"That's it!" Said the saint bitterly.

"not good!"

Luo Xingchen's face changed, and chased quickly.

"Time is forbidden!" Shouted Luo Xingchen.


The falling stardust rushed straight down, the falling stardust was amazingly powerful, and it was necessary to catch up with the saint, but the saint was the holy population mm


The stardust fell and fell on one palm, and the whole person ‘grunted and shot into the black hole in the earth.


It disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Falling stardust followed.


The falling star dust that just flew in flew out instantly, his whole body was blood, and his eyes were horrified.

"Don't go in!" Luo Xingchen yelled.

The other ancestors suddenly stopped.

At the sight of the saint who battled with Wang Skull, his shape suddenly rushed down.

But just then.

"Harvesting in the last days!" Wang Kui shouted and swelled tenfold.


The giant sickle blasted the saint in half.

The saint turned unbelievably.


The huge bronze throne smashed his head and smashed his heaven and earth altar.

The smashed smashed like a rush into Wang Shou's body--the floating astronomy--in general.

This is the evidence of the sacrifices of the saints. The ancestors of the world are keen on the sacrifices of the saints, just for this saint's habit, because it can prove that you have sacrificed the saints. Will be the biggest.

"Congratulations!" Congratulated the ancestors.

"Congratulations to the king!" A group of skeletons exclaimed.

saint? Skulls may also appear saints? Could the skeleton ancestor not be excited?

Wang Skull is also a joy in itself. After all, if he can be sanctified, he will be in a higher status. It is more valued by Emperor Tiandi.

"Boom ~~~~~~~. ~~. ~~~~!"

There was a loud noise from heaven and earth. Then, above the sky, there was a sudden cloud of blood, a large amount of blood rain fell, the earth blew blood mist, and the blood fell from the sky.

On the other side, although Xing Chen also came to congratulate Wang Skull, but his face could not help but feel lost. After all, the saint who had besieged himself escaped?

Looking at the entrance of the City Hall, Luo Xingchen's face was extremely complex.

On the other side, Zhong Shan also saw the battlefield.

The two saints are also Zhongshan's concession to kill his own subjects, because there is no real saint in Dahe Ningxia. Only by sacrificing the saint can he be more sanctified.

Now one is dead, and the other has run away?

"Mud Bodhisattva!" Zhong Shan said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Mud Buddha stepped forward immediately.

"What about that saint?" Zhong Shan asked in a deep voice.

Mud Boss closed his eyes, held the runner's temple seal in his hands, and was full of dark energy.


Black gas converged. Mud Buddha opened his eyes.

"Heaven Emperor, that saint is trapped in the ten hall!" Mu Bo said.

"Oh? Ten Halls?"

"Yes, Minghe Shidian is a huge array of Feng Shui arranged by the ancestors of Minghe that year. Rumors cover the fifteen continents of the yin and yang. The world within the array is trapped in it and will be crushed by the Shidian big array until Completely annihilate! "Mud Bodhisattva solemnly said.

"There can be a way to rescue it!" Zhong Shan Shen Sheng asked.

"The minister can't do it!" Mud Bodhisattva solemnly said.

At this moment, not only the mud bodhisattva felt the ten halls, but also the other hall masters of the ten halls also had their own feelings.

Song Emperor Hall! Temple Master Blue!

Blue is also the holy king of the river court.

At this moment, Lan was sitting in the Emperor Song Dynasty, sitting cross-legged, and Abijian was placed on both knees.

Lan could feel the ten halls opening soon. During this period, Lan did not run around, but presided over his own Emperor Song Emperor's Palace, and even his Dahe Shengting did not take care of him for a while.


The Emperor Song of the Emperor Song Dynasty trembled suddenly.

"Huh?" Blue's face changed.

"Sage?" Blue looked strange.

Out of the Emperor Song Emperor's Palace, Lan felt another moment.

"Abi Minghe!" Lan Yi waved Abi sword.

Suddenly, a billowing Heihe fell with the sword from the sky.


Above the earth, a huge hole slammed into it, and the huge hole was extremely deep. Filled with Heihe.


Heihe exploded and burst out, and a figure suddenly emerged from Heihe.

One is blood, and the whole body is dislocated, causing extreme injuries.

"Not the City Hall, ha, ha ha, ha ha ha!"

The figure that emerged for a while-floating astronomy-burst out laughing, it was the saint who entered the entrance of the city hall.

Lan looked at a **** sage with a strange look.

"I'm not going to find it, but I delivered it to myself?" Lan Dandan said.


As the saint laughed, a black light appeared.


It was so fast that the injured saint had no time to escape and was pierced through his chest by a nose sword.

"You, what!" The saint said inconceivably.

"I have had the power to slaughter Sheng, but I have n’t had time. Since you have come to the door in person, I do n’t ask who you are! Remember, I screamed‘ blue ’in blue.


In the capital of Yongwang, Zhong Shan looked up at the sky, and there was another loud noise. The blood and rain in the sky became more and more huge, and there was a layer of blood on the ground.

"Emperor Emperor Tian, ​​the Emperor Song Emperor's Hall of the Tenth Hall, was opened a mouth, and the saint burst out, as if killed!" Mu Bo respectfully said.

"Song of the Emperor Song? Blue? How did he do that?" Zhong Shan asked in a deep voice.

"A nose sword!"

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