
Vol 14 Chapter 58: Zhan Taiyi, Di Jun

One hundred thousand terracotta warriors and horses, the Daqin crossbow army? The first appearance, completely shocked the demon. Fierce army, fierce army!

All arrows are not terrible. The terrible thing is that all arrows are shooters shoot out of the floating astronomy net, and they all use crossbow bows of the ancestral level, and more importantly, extremely strict military management. []

Killing eighty ancestors in a single shot is infinitely fierce! Suddenly countless monsters!

Emperor Jun looked coldly at the 100,000 terracotta warriors outside the Daqin city opposite.

New Army Corps?


Under the cold hum, the following demons immediately understood the meaning of Di Jun, and when they waved their hands, the legions flew out again.

This legion was extremely strange, as if almost transparent, with a faint green light.

"Ghost Corps?" I sneered.

The Million Ghost Corps quickly fired in the direction of Daqin City.

"Shoo!" The commander of the Piao Astronomy Network Central yelled.

"Oh!" Again, a torrential bronze arrow shot out of the Astronomical Network.

"Oh ..."! "The bronze arrows shot through the bodies of the ghosts without hurting them.

It seems that the ghost does not have a physical body, even if it penetrates, as long as the trace of ‘spirit’ hidden in the body floating astronomy network is immortal, it can recover strangely.

The ghost roared, and the crossbow lost its target.

"Okay!" The cheering voice of the strong monsters came from the Quartet.

"Stop the arrow!" The terra-cotta warrior general commanded by the Central Committee of the Piaotian Literature Network roared.

"Ka!" The 100,000 Terracotta Army stopped shooting at the crossbow.

"The soul is coming, bite. ~~ ... ~~~!" The Terracotta Army general yelled.

"Yes!" One hundred thousand terracotta warriors sang in unison.

The Million Ghost Legion is getting closer and closer, and with a huge wave of astronomical network, their eyes turn red, and they are utterly smashed.

"Roar ~~~~. ~~~~~~~~. ~!"

One hundred thousand terracotta warriors drank together.

Drinking together, it seems to form a powerful, sun-drenched voice, with a huge sound, more like ghosts and nemesis. With a roar, the Million Ghost Corps suddenly shivered and stopped.

"Suck ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!" One hundred thousand terracotta warriors sniffed for a while.




The ghost army exclaimed for a while, but it couldn't stop the inhalation of the terracotta warriors. Millions of ghosts turned into a strong wind and were sucked into the mouth by the 100,000 terracotta warriors and devoured.

The Quartet Demon tribe that had been applauded for a while suddenly stopped suddenly.

"Fuck, are you kidding me?"

"Eat? What kind of monsters are those bronze terracotta warriors that swallowed up a million ghosts?"

The Quartet demon clan exclaimed.

Di Jun's face grew ugly.

"Heaven, these terracotta warriors and horses are extremely evil, ordinary military formations are simply unbearable. They are ordinary ancestors and cannot be approached. However, once they are close, these terracotta warriors and horses will be vulnerable, so let ’s wait for them! Emperor Jun Jun said.

Obviously, this is the superior demon **** of the demon heaven, and also the strongest among the ancestors.

Ordinary practitioners are afraid, but these higher demon gods are not afraid. However, this kind of big demon **** cannot be too many among the demon tribe.

Dijun took a deep breath and shook his head, "You shot, and I'm sure you won't sit and watch!"

"But, how can they be allowed to continue their arrogance?" The big demon God looked ugly.

"Win has already declared war to me in the name of Da Qin. This is his death. Why should he spend that big chapter? This is the home of the uncle. How much strength can he use?" Di Jun said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" A group of great demon gods answered suddenly.

Emperor Jun understands that it is not impossible for the Demon Army to destroy 100,000 terracotta warriors and horses. After all, there are only 100,000 in that number. However, the combat power displayed by terracotta warriors has explained everything. The sudden emergence of arms is not specifically targeted Restraint of the army, even if the use of human tactics, then the demon heaven court will suffer heavy losses.

"Oh!" Di Jun said in a deep voice.

Win from a distance to see Dijun.

"Well, accept your challenge!" Dijun rose to the sky.

Win a look at Di Jun, and smiled lightly: "Challenge? Oh, you worry too much!"

Between words, the win also flew out.

The crossbow of the terracotta army was suspended, and the army of the monster clan waited aside.

This is the battle of kings against kings. Once started, no one is eligible to intervene because there is too much involved in it.

The territory of King Shura.

The gates of the heavens at the mercy of the Eastern Emperor's Bell are within the array.


Taiyi incarnates Jinwu, wielding the power of destroying the heavens and the earth, and the void is blown countlessly. Zhongshan didn't hit it for a while, but quickly escaped from his body.

"Zhongshan, don't hide if you have the ability!" Tai Yi growled.

Gein made a few shots without encountering a trace of sweat from Zhong Shan. What's so powerful?

"You are crazy, speed is my advantage, do not have advantages, fight my disadvantage with you? Hiding? Oh, I am not hiding from you, but waiting for you!" Zhongshan sneered.

"Wait for me?" Tai's face sank, as if she felt something wrong with Zhong Shan's tone.

"The grave is trapped by the Shura tribe, the gates of heaven are trapped by me, and the ten demon gods and two saints cooperate with you to ambush me? Oh, do you think you are already a cricket? You know, you are the cricket!" Zhong Shan shook his head and said. "What?" Tai Chen sank.

"Don't you feel the difference in Tsukano's battle?" Zhong Shan asked lightly.

Speaking of this, Tai Yi suddenly sank and felt himself.

"Lost? The power of killing blood gathered by the masses of Tsukamichi is disappearing?" Tai's face changed.

Zhong Shan smiled slightly.

"Lost? I remembered that Renzu said that part of the large array was laid out by the nether creatures? How could his Feng Shui technique be better than Renzu?" Tai Yi changed his face.

"Is the Feng Shui technique of human respect strong?" Zhong Shan dismissed.

At the same time, the deities entered the ‘mound, the large array, in order to avoid the pursuit of Zusura.

Falling on top of a mountain, Ren Zun frowned suddenly.

A Shura tribe, at this moment, the tribe is dead.

"How come? Is Shura here dead? But there is no body?" Renzun frowned.

Suddenly, a Shura came out with a big swing, slightly weak, but without the slightest confusion.

"No, no!" Renzun said in surprise.

At the same time, the human beings constantly manipulated the large array and realized the large array.

"How can this be the case? This is not the big battle of Tsukazano? Is this the formation of the old ancestors of the Minghe River?" Humanity vaguely recognized the Feng Shui formation.

"If it's that array, wouldn't the God Emperor go." ...? "Ren Zun's face suddenly changed.

"No, no!" The horror soared into the sky.

"Catch him!" Below, the roar of Shura tribe suddenly came.

With a loud roar, a large block of Shura soared into the sky, and came straight to the respect.

"Stop, don't stand, the old floating astronomy net has split you alive!" Shouted a powerful Shura.

And outside. Inside the gate of heaven.

Too pale and gloomy.

"Zhongshan!" Taiyi's voice was cold and bitter.

"The power of swelling has disappeared? And it has also drawn you two layers of power!" Zhong Shan sneered.

"Kacha!" Taiyi held up the hard feathers.

"It's my turn now!" Zhong Shan chuckled coldly.


The immortal sword waved, and suddenly, the endless sky demon flew around, one sword was cut out, like a world of sky demon, straight into the big heart p.


One sword, one world!

The world of Zhongshan is the world of the demon.

Countless days of magic appeared, and Taiyi devoured it.

"One sword and one world, your sword skills have reached this level?" Tai Yi was surprised.

"Magic bite!" Zhong Shan snorted.

Hundreds of thousands of demons flew too fast.


Tai suddenly spit out a golden glittering bead. The bead erupted into the hundreds of millions of real fires of the sun. The powerful heat burst all around, burned all the demons, and shattered the world generated by the immortal sword.


The Jinwu was shouting, and the golden beads above his head showed a mighty spirit.

"Good baby!" Zhong Shan said in a deep voice.

"This treasure comes from the center of the sun. It is the essence of the true fire of the sun. The sun **** of fire. For hundreds of millions of years, there is only one such a sun! To die under this treasure, you should be content!" Zhongshan flew.

"Abyss!" Zhongshan explored a move.


In front of me, a huge black hole suddenly appeared.

The ‘world’ abyss of the shadow body Zhongshan! In the past, he killed the ancestors of the Minghe River. Zhongshan believes that it can also destroy Taiyi.

"Your world? No one in the world can stop my Sun God Fireball, I don't know if I live or die!" Too loudly. On the face of the fire **** of the sun, between the fan wings, into the world of Zhongshan, into the abyss.

Looking at this scene strangely, Zhong Shan said slightly: "I'm too confident, I just jumped in without a look? I don't know if you live or die!"

With a slight sigh, Zhongshan stepped into the abyss.

Abyss, this is Zhongshan's largest home.

"Burning!" Too loudly.

Hundreds of fires erupted from the sun god's fireball. However, the ‘world’ that Tai Yi imagined, the explosion did not happen, but the fire that was emitted, was strangely devoured, and devoured cleanly.

"How?" Taiyi realized the weirdness.

At the same time, Tai Yi quickly reflected and knew that he was too impulsive. However, Taiyi still believes that this world can be broken.

In the distance, a light spot the size of a rice grain is emitting a ray of gray energy.

Gray energy is not overwhelming, as harmless as ordinary water, but there is always a strange feeling in Tai Yi.


A blast of flames pounced on the grey energy.

Without the slightest explosion, the flame only suddenly touched the gray energy and disappeared suddenly.

"What is it?" Tai's face sank.

At the same time, the Quartet's gray energy is increasing, as if gradually surrounding Taiyi.

"This time, I have to admire your courage!" Zhong Shan suddenly appeared, looking at Taiyi with a strange look.

"What?" Too deep.

"At that time, the ancestors of Minghe did not have the courage to enter my world. You broke in without even a glance? You have courage than Minghe!" Zhongshan queerly said.

Although it was a word of praise, but Zhongshan did not have the slightest praise in his eyes, but a look of disappointment.

When speaking, Zhong Shan waved his hands, countless gray energies from all directions, as if the waves were rushing towards Tai Yi.

(To be continued)

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