
Vol 4 Chapter 21: Between offense and defense

Chapter Twenty-First Between Attack and Defense

"How about letting Mr. Ada do the sparring?" Said Princess Qianyou looking at Zhongshan.

"Thank you princess." Zhong Shan said immediately.

"Ada, next time I will practice with Mr. Qin," said Princess Qianyou.

"Yes, Princess." Ada respectfully.

These days, I have admiration for Zhong Shan because of a series of operations by Zhong Shan, Ada can see it with his own eyes.

North of Wushuang City on a floating island.

Mr. Shui Jing stood beside Gu Lin, and Mo Baili frowned in front of him: "Shizi, sir, I have sent two people to contact the people in Shui Tianya."

"How? What did your people do?" Gulin asked.

"Just let them hear from us." Mo Baili said.

"Listen to our news? Well, let's just plan and release some fake news in the past and create confusion for them." Gulin exclaimed. It seemed as if he had thought of such a brilliant strategy.

Mr. Water Mirror aside shook his head. Look at Gulin's bad mood again. Listening? Listen to what Mobally has to implement his strategy, all three of them take their own ideas, and they will not tell Mobary what they have. At most, when they implement a certain strategy, Mobali is informed, but, At that time, Mo Baili immediately implemented it, and there was nothing to leak.

It's not simple. People behind Princess Qianyou buy the people of Mobai. Obviously, it's not that simple. What are they going to do with them? What use do they have?

"Is there really no other plan?" Mr. Water Mirror frowned.

"I haven't heard," Mo Baili said.

"I haven't heard that, it doesn't mean that there isn't. They don't say it now, maybe they have to wait until the next critical moment to give us a surprise." Mr. Shui Jing frowned.

"Sir, what shall we do?" Mo Baili asked.

"I do n’t know why, then wait and see what happens, but during the voting, everything changes quickly and you ca n’t wait passively. In this case, we will follow them as before. Even if they use your people to do anything, you can also use Their people do the same thing. "Mr. Water Mirror thought for a while.

"Yes, sir." Mo Baili immediately respected.

The small courtyard where Zhongshan is located.

"Boom, boom, boom ..."

Zhongshan raised his knife to Ada fiercely. A big fist fisted out, this time blocking the sword.

"Drink" Zhongshan sang loudly.

Another fifteen-foot-long knife stabbed fiercely at Ada. Ah Da's fists staggered and he pushed upwards.

"Boom ~~~"

The staggered boxing fist slammed into the sword, and when it hit, the sword was broken, but Zhong Shan smiled strangely at the moment.

"Boom ~~~"

A thunderbolt fell from the sky as the blade was scattered, slamming heavily on A's head.

A big suffocation in Ada ’s eyes, his whole body burst out of his body quickly, forming a thick hood on top of his head. The thunderbolt rushed directly to Ada's head.

"嘭 ~~~"

Ada's hair exploded into a chicken's nest head, his face was fierce, and he rushed.

"Roar ~~~"

With a huge roar, Zhong Shan just felt that an illusive tiger suddenly appeared in front of him. Slammed **** himself.

"Boom ~~~"

Under the full protection of Zhongshan, he was hit and flew out. A big tree was broken.

"噗 ~~"

Zhongshan spit out blood and played big.

"Sir, I'm sorry. I reacted instinctively just now." Ah Da ran over anxiously.

Zhong Shan wiped the blood from his mouth, looked at the head of Ada's henhouse, and a bitter smile appeared on his face: "I'm fine, I react instinctively, I know. I don't blame you!"

"Sir forgive me." Ada worried again.

"It's not hurt than fighting. It's better than fighting. It's better. Don't worry. It's okay." Zhong Shan stood up gently.

"Mr. Xie," Ada said immediately.

"Well, let's fix your hair." Zhong Shan laughed.

Touching the explosive hair, Ada worshipped Zhongshan a little awkwardly, and quickly flew away to sort it out.

"Sir, all right." Princess Qianyou asked at the stone table not far away.

"It's okay, the princess is here, and I didn't notice it just now." Zhong Shan walked slowly.

Princess Qianyou sat at the stone table, and Er Er and Shui Tianya stood behind.

"Mr. practicing hard, really hard work." Princess Qianyou handed out a cup of tea ceremony with nourishment.

"Thank you, Princess." Zhongshan sat down and drank.

Taking a sip, I just felt that the injury caused by Ada's instinctual response was much better.

"No, Ada, but Yuan Ying's peak cultivation, was actually forced by his husband to lose his temper, and more than once today, he is really not a mortal." Princess Qianyou said sincerely.

"Oh, maybe I'm more special." Zhong Shan smiled.

"Yes, sir is very special." Princess Qianyou also smiled back.

"Master Shui, there are five days left. How is the situation now?" Zhongshan asked.

"Mo Baili has four million tickets, and I now have only 3.1 million tickets. The difference is 900,000." Shui Tianya worried.

"Anyway, aren't there nearly three million tickets? Five days left," Zhong Shan laughed.

"Yes" Shui Tianya nodded.

"These two people you bought Mo Baili these days, did what I ordered?" Zhong Shan looked at Shui Tianya and asked.

"Yes, they did exactly what Mr. said, but are they being so playful and useful to us?" Shui Tianya worried.

"Useless to us, but useful to Mr. Water Mirror. During this time, Mr. Water Mirror must be getting a big head, haha." Zhong Shan smiled brightly.

"Yes, who made Mr. Shui Jing too clever? A lot of small things have to be thought about." Shui Tianya echoed with a smile.

"What's going on with those of you who were bought by them?" Zhong Shan asked again.

"They all listened to me, and they were being bought out of 'Anxiety'. As long as the husband gave an order, they went to the fire and dance." Shui Tianya affirmed.

"Well, this is the best. However, I don't want them to do anything now, but I'm going to reveal something." Zhong Shan laughed.

"Sir, please." Shui Tianya said seriously.

"You told that Mobley cousin that on the last day of the election, the day you went to the city's capital, let him ambush with a broken arrow." Zhong Shan said.

"Ambush? Ambush Mobai?" Shui Tianya was surprised.

"No, ambush you!" Zhong Shan pointed at Shui Tianya earnestly.

Pointed at Zhongshan, Shui Tianya's fur was erected, staring at Zhongshan with wide eyes, worried.

"Don't worry, just pretend to shoot you, then you must miss the shot. Besides, with so many guards, it is impossible to shoot at you." Zhong Shan immediately laughed.

After hearing from Zhong Shan, Shui Tianya breathed a long breath. Calm down, Shui Tianya immediately thought of something.

"Sir, are you trying to plant mobli? Make everyone think that mobli is going to assassinate me for the sake of running?" Shui Tianya asked immediately.

"No!" Shui Tianya continued to wonder.

"How?" Zhong Shan smiled at Shui Tianya.

"Sir, cousin Mo Baili, although we bought it, but according to Mr. Mo Baili, it should still be Mo Baili, how could we listen to us then?" Shui Tianya worried.

Looking at Shui Tianya, Zhong Shan smiled slightly: "He will definitely do what we say, and he will stand at the place I specify. As for shooting, it is not important."

"Why?" Shui Tianya wondered.

"Because Mr. Water Mirror will let him go, and your people, those who have been" purchased "will certainly be invited to the same, pretending to shoot Mo Baili with a broken arrow. Let your people obediently They said to do it. "Zhongshan said.

"Mr. Ke, why is this?" Shui Tianya did not understand.

"Just do it, then you will know why." Zhong Shan shook his head and obviously had to sell something.

"Yes, sir." Shui Tianya could only answer with doubt.

Then, Princess Qianyou sent Shui Tianya away.

"Mr. Are you ready to start?" Princess Qianyou said excitedly.

"Yes, the traps have been set up, only to wait for Mr. Water Mirror to jump down." Zhongshan said incomparably.

"Mr. Is that sure?" Princess Qianyou asked.

"70% certainty," Zhong Shan said from himself.

"Why is Mr. So confident?" Princess Qianyou asked.

"Mr. Water Mirror is beyond doubt, but Mr. Water Mirror did something wrong this time, or he did it on purpose." Zhong Shan said.

"Oh? Would you like to hear the details?" Princess Qianyou said.

"Mr. Water Mirror, this time, the main guard, always the guard, I am attacking, long guard will lose." Zhong Shan said from his own channel.

"Jiu Shou must lose?" Princess Qianyou frowned.

"Yes, I can feel that Mr. Water Mirror is not only the case, but this time, he has remained the same, just kept on, never thought of confronting me, but just kept on resolving, resolving, maybe he originally He did n’t try his best for Mo Baili. He kept solving this way, and indeed solved a lot of the stagnation I set. However, while I set the stagnation again and again, he also pushed the environment he controlled more and more. Narrow, unavoidable now, it will be a mortal situation, and it can no longer be reduced. It is too late.

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