
Vol 4 Chapter 25: Here is our root!

Chapter 25 This is our root!

Of course it wasn't Morey's forgetting. The specially made sky blue bow and arrow were also grasped in the hands of Morey Forget.

However, the arrow that hits Shui Tianya is exactly the same as the arrow in Morey Wang's hand, at least in the same style. This is an arrow shot from the forest of gas behind Morey Wang, and an arrow shot by Ada.

Ada's archery is extremely accurate. As far as it was not discovered by Morey, it was because Zhongshan lent him a magic weapon, which is only available in Tongwushuangcheng.

The barrier fog covers the **** array!

When Zhongshan first entered Wushuang City, he saw the flag array in a flag array shop with Nanba Tianshui Wujin, the one that competed with Mo Yanbing.

Bewildered by the consciousness, the consciousness is unaware of it. How can Morey forget to find Ada under his own conceit?

When an arrow shot at Shui Tianya, Shui Tianya was waving his hand to the nearly 10,000 people who were leaving behind. Although it seemed to focus on the rear, in fact, Shui Tianya's mind had been paying attention to the side, and the consciousness had been released early, without any trace Slack.

Inquiring into Morey Wang in the distance, Shui Tianya was in a tight heart when he saw Morey Wang jumping up, but the long-awaited arrow suddenly shot.

In an instant, he was in front of him.

In fact, this arrow can only hurt the Jindan period, but the speed is a little faster because of the strong bow. But, faster than the consciousness of his own infancy?

According to the direction of that arrow, Shui Tianya's figure was slightly adjusted to let it penetrate itself without hurting himself. At the same time, the mana in his body covered his whole body and he defended himself with all his strength. There was absolutely no danger.


On the deliberately weakened mask, the broken arrow directly penetrated the mask, but the force has slowed a lot, but it still directly penetrates his body according to the design of Shui Tianya.

"噗 ~~~"

A blood bag in the mouth was bitten immediately. Shui Tianya with a faint smile, the arrows, vomiting blood, the body slowly fell down.

"Protection of adults ~~~"

A shout came from behind.

"Daddy ~~~"

Shui Wuchen also screamed in pain, his body leaped onto the head of the big tiger standing in Shui Tianya and hugged Shui Tianya who was about to fall.

"Catch the assassin ~~~"

An official suddenly yelled.

"I didn't shoot it!" Morey yelled in the air.

However, who would believe that there is no one at all, no one, only him, and he has a long arrow exactly the same as the long arrow on the chest of Shui Tianya, not who you are?

At this moment, it seemed as if rehearsing for a long time, dozens of masters quickly flew up, quickly surrounded Morey, and all of them became red eyes, as if to kill Morey anytime.

"Put down your weapon and catch it," an official yelled.

Then, somewhere suddenly there were dozens of people who broke the darts and pulled the bows together, all pointing to Morey forgetting.

Facing this scene, Morey can still do this? I can only catch it. I hope my cousin can win. It will not be difficult to save myself at that time. Moreover, I am indeed wronged.

"I didn't shoot arrows! I didn't." While dropping the bow and arrow at hand, Morey shouted, Morey forgot to land slowly, but dozens of bows and arrows never loosened the string until Morey forgot to be subdued.

At the same time, that big tiger was above his head. The eyes were red with no trace of water, as if the whole person was crazy.

"Hurry, send my dad back, and ask someone of the genus Dan to save my father, hurry, hurry." Shui Wuzhen yelled.

The giant black tiger seemed to know the situation and quickly headed towards the place where he was heading towards the same place in Nancheng.

It turned out that the environment was extremely bad. After the tigers left, the city defense stopped Morey forgetting, and all the heavy supporters of Shui Tianya rushed forward, taking out the flying swords one by one, flying around the sky, one by one, as if they were to forget Morey's broken body.

The original city defense stopped Morey from forgetting, and suddenly it became the city defense to protect Morey from forgetting.

Flying across the sky, the flying sword had no less than 300 handles, flying swords and flying spurs, and the scenes were stretched out.

"Kill him, he killed Lord Shui."

"He's Morey Forgotten, Mobley's cousin."

"Mo Baili assassinated Master Shui and killed him for the vote."


Under the call of "Trust", all people became excited and shouted. And Morey could only shrink, with a look of fear.

The abrupt scene can be said to be a one-of-a-kind scene. Somehow, someone recorded it with a memory crystal.

Everyone sent farewell to Master Shui, and Master Shui beckoned to say goodbye. Morey forgot to shoot through the heart and shot Master Shui.

For a while, the memory crystal was copied innumerable copies and quickly flowed into major business districts. Each commercial district received a large number of such memory crystals. Countless people began to watch the thrilling scene.

Wushuang City was in an uproar, and there was an uproar. On the other side, when Mo Baili was riding a tiger, he shouted so few people that only his ‘care’ was left.

In the same part of the North City, Mr. Shui Jing sat in the hall, his brows narrowed, listening to the shouts of the outside world, and there was a hint of bad feeling in his heart.

"Bad, bad, sir, sir. Morey has forgotten to use the five-pin bow and arrow to shoot at the end of the water." Mo Yanbing rushed in from the outside with a look of fear.

"Huh" Mr. Water Mirror suddenly stood up.

"What did you say?" Mr. Water Mirror stared in surprise.

"Sir, this is a memory crystal. Wushuang City is now spreading. I do n’t know how to pass it so fast. Just an hour ago, Wushuang City is full of this memory crystal." Mo Yanbing said immediately.

Mr. Shui Jing grabbed it, Zhenyuan spit it out, and looked up carefully.

Looking at the internal scene, suddenly, Mr. Shuijing narrowed his eyes, because he saw a trace of fault, the arrow speed was not as fast as the fifth grade arrow, and even if Shui Tianya waved his hand, it should not be unresponsive, let that arrow shoot into the body ? And why his mask is so weak.

After looking at everything, Mr. Water Mirror closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and sighed.

"Sir, Shui Tianya is dead? Is that my father won?" Mo Yanbing suddenly thought of something ordinary, and the original fear suddenly turned into excitement.

"Shui Tianya hasn't died, he's alive and well, but your father is completely defeated this time." Mr. Shui Jing still closed his eyes and sighed.

"Sir, you said that Shui Tianya was deliberate? He pretended? He deceived all Wushuangcheng people?" Mo Yanbing's face was worried again.

"Yes, defeated, defeated, and defeated completely." Mr. Shui Jing sighed.

"Sir, then, we bought someone before and let him shoot my father." Mo Yanbing called immediately.

"It's useless, even if you shoot your dad to death, you won't win again." Mr. Water Mirror opened his eyes.

"No, no, why, why?" Mo Yanbing said in fear.

Mr. Shui Jing shook his head and walked out of the hall gently, but at this moment Mr. Shui Jing's brow had been loosened, a rare smile appeared on his face, a smile that met a confidant-like smile, a very expectant smile, stepped on his feet, and walked towards the city master House flew away.

"No, no, no, I have to stop them." Mo Yanbing chuckled. But how to stop it?

While Mo Yanbing was worried, suddenly, there was a sound outside. It is the sound of water without trace. Water without trace uses magic weapon to introduce sound to everywhere in the city, so that people everywhere can hear his voice.

"Everyone, my water is no trace. My father is Shui Tianya. My dad was assassinated. My dad is awake and faint now. Let me say a few words on behalf of my dad. The bow and arrow of the strong during the opening and closing period, the blue bow and arrow, we all saw that arrow at that moment, but that arrow was too fast, there was no time to stop it, and the broken arrow directly shot through the mask and then penetrated The outer armour, and the inner armour that penetrated, shot directly from the chest, and penetrated my father's body. My father was unconscious on the spot.

At that time, there were 10,000 people behind us. They all supported my father and supported my father's "crisis of war." I was born in Wushuang City. I know Wushuang City and fought the Dayu Emperor for thousands of years. How many people have died, is my father's worry wrong? At the time, there were 10,000 people who saw off my father. They all loved Wushuang City like my father. They were always worried about Wushuang City. They supported my father. I saw that they also wanted to save my father. But, that One arrow came too fast.

I do n’t know where my father is worried about Wushuang City. I just know that without the worries of our predecessors, Wushuang City has long been lost. Why, why do some people always destroy this kind of worry?

The Dan teacher of the city Dan belongs to my dad. The long arrow belongs to the frozen type arrow, and it is directly frozen to the Purple House. Fortunately, the Dan teacher was rescued in time. Almost, it was almost ...

Dad toured ten business districts, and there were sixty-two remaining. There was no chance to cruise again. Danshi said that if Dad can be fully awake, it must be until today, and the rest of the time, my dad can no longer draw votes. Maybe I have lost the qualification to compete for the city owner, but I know my father's determination, even if he still has a breath, even if it is only a gatekeeper in the future, he also vowed to defend Wushuang City. Because here is our root. "

After the words without water were finished, after the words without water were finished, the whole city was suddenly quiet.

"Support Lord Shui! Defend Wushuang City!" Somewhere suddenly a shout came.

"Support Master Shui! Defend Wushuang City!"

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