
Vol 4 Chapter 91: See you again

Chapter 91

"Condensing‘ root consciousness ’?” Zhong Shan frowned and wondered.

"You are not capable of condensing the root consciousness right now. It is my cultivation during the fit period that is enough to begin to slowly condensate the root consciousness. The root consciousness is based on the common consciousness. I have just I feel a little bit of magic. "Princess Qianyou laughed.

"What relationship does that consciousness have with Jingshi Xuelian?" Zhongshan wondered.

"The root consciousness can be formed by slowly condensing your own consciousness. Another way is to choose some super natural treasures and condense them with high mana as the root consciousness. However, there is that great mana that can refine the heavens. For those who are precious, those kinds of people have long revealed their spiritual knowledge with their spiritual knowledge, so there are very few such people. "Princess Qianyou said.

"Jingshi Xuelian can?" Zhongshan was surprised.

"Yes, Jingshi Xuelian is one of the few treasures in the heavens and the earth that can purify the heavens and earth treasures and transform them into roots." Princess Qianyou said.

"It actually has such a magical effect?" Zhong Shan was surprised.

At the same time, Zhongshan can also analyze the meaning of the princess Qianyou's words and root knowledge, usually self-reunion after the fit period, but with the Pure World Snow Lotus, isn't it only during the Jindan period? I came out a few realms early to cultivate my ‘root consciousness’, and needless to say that I knew it was a big deal.

"Yes, but if it does not exceed the treasures of Jingshi Xuelian, it is best not to use its purification as the root god, because once purified, Jingshi Xuelian will also decline, so it is better to directly refine Jingshi Xuelian as the 'root' "God knows." Princess Qianyou said.

"Well," Zhong Shan nodded.

"Qian You just has a method of purification here, which I had no intention of seeing in an ancient book. Give it to Mr." Princess Qian You laughed.

"Thank you Princess." Zhong Shan said immediately.

Then, Princess Qianyou explained something for Zhongshan, and Zhongshan remembered it. For the image of the root god, Zhongshan also began to ponder. Wait again.

Ten days later, above a white cloud, Princess Qianyou was wearing a male robe and holding a paper fan in her hand, like a handsome man, driving in the clouds and carrying Zhongshan in one direction.

"Sir, in front of it is 'Fengling City'. After meeting with Ada and Aer, we will return to Da Luo Tianchao." Princess Qianyou patted her fan and said.

"Well, I finally humiliated the mission and brought the princess intact." Zhong Shan nodded and smiled.

"Yes, thanks to Mr., now, the name of Mr. has passed into the ears of countless people all over the world." Princess Qianyou said.

"I'd rather not have this reputation." Zhong Shan smiled bitterly.

"Oh?" Princess Qianyou frowned suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Zhongshan wondered.

"Nianyou!" Princess Qianyou flew Bai Yun to a mountain not far away and stopped.

Following Princess Qianyou's instructions, Zhongshan also saw the valley in the distance.

Nianyo, it really is nianyou, Nianyou is no longer a golden clothes, but a dark robe, embroidered with some of the most minimalist flowers on the robe, very beautiful, black clothes wrapped her proud body, more Gives a mysterious beauty.

Above the palm of Nianyouyou is a long black whip, one of which is grasped in one hand, while the other is tied to a man in a yellow robe. The man in yellow robe fell, and Nianyouyou stepped on one of his feet. Like a queen, it shows a fundamentally different temperament from the last time. Wildness, yes, is the beauty of wildness.

The man in the yellow robe was panicked, but Nianyou was looking at Zhongshan and Princess Qianyou on the mountain not far while subduing the man.

It turned out that when Princess Qianyou found Nianyou, Nianyou also found Princess Qianyou and Zhongshan.

Stepping on the man in the yellow robe, Nianyou smiled charmingly at Zhong Shan.

Seeing this scene, Zhong Shan's eccentric heart was tense, and she was staring at me again? And her temperament changed quickly. It seemed as if someone had changed in a blink of an eye. If it wasn't for the same appearance and a smile at himself, Zhong Shan would have thought she was another person.

Weak, sexy, naughty, wild, how can a woman have so many qualities?

"Sir, Nianyouyou came after you?" Princess Qianyou asked with a smile at Zhongshan. However, in that tone, I don't know why there is a hint of sourness.

"No, maybe Julu King's heart is not dead? He wants to catch us. After all, she came from Julu King's palace." Zhong Shan grinned with a grin on his nose.

"King of the deer? Mr. knew that she could not be restrained by the king of deer." Princess Qianyou said, obviously blaming Zhongshan for perseverance.

But what can Zhongshan do? Nianyouyou smiled at herself, never thinking of it before.

And just then, the man who was **** with a leather whip by Nianyou over there had to take something out of the storage bracelet.

Seeing that thing, Zhong Shan and Princess Qianyou looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

Feng Shui Fish? Another Feng Shui fish? Like Xiao Qiushui's last capture, the yellow feng shui fish is like a New Year's painting.

Nianyouyou held it in his hands with satisfaction, and with a whip in his hand, the man was flung out.

The man was relieved, and he flew away in a panic, and disappeared in front of everyone.

Nianyouyou got Feng Shui fish, grabbed it in the hand and trembled slightly, as if it had been completely refined, closed it in the hands, and then closed it with a long whip, wound into several circles, and returned to Nianyouyou palm.

Leaping in shape, Nianyouyou left an afterimage and flew to Zhongshan and Qianyou Princess.

"Eight million Daewoo soldiers were hunted down. You actually came out of Daewoo with a group of old, weak, and sick? So master, you are so good!" Nianyouyou smiled and said immediately.

the host? Every move of Nianyouyou has an indescribable taste. Even in the moment when he called ‘Master’, Zhongshan did n’t feel his bones crisp.

"Do you mean me who is old, weak, sick?" Princess Qianyou slaps a fan in her hand and pats it against her palm.

Hearing Princess Qianyou's interruption, Nianyou turned to look at Qianyou Princess dressed in men's clothing. Touching the leather whip in his hand, Nianyou smiled slightly: "Da Luo Tianchao, Princess Qianyou, I speak to Zhongshan, you better not interrupt."

"He's my man, why can't I interrupt? It's you, as a slave woman of Zhongshan, when will it be big or small?" Princess Qianyou said with a finger on the fan.

"Oh, Zhongshan, are you her?" Nianyouyou suddenly took out a memory crystal and smiled at Zhongshan.

Seeing Nianyouyou's movement, Zhong Shan frowned.

"Nianyouyou girl, what do you want?" Zhongshan stared at Nianyouyou.

"Uh, I don't like this. Zhongshan, don't follow this girl anymore, what about being my gangster?" Nianyouyou suddenly smiled.

Hearing Nianyouyou's words, Princess Qianyou frowned, not angry, but she showed a strange look.

Zhong Shan stared at you, as if thinking something, but not quite sure.

"Nianyouyou, when have you met me? How did you know me?" Zhong Shan asked with a hint.

Nianyouyou grasped the whip in one hand and wiped the whip with one hand and said, "Don't you just hit Dayu Julu Wangfu last time, don't you know?"

"I mean, how do you know who I am?" Zhong Shan stared at Nianyou.

"As long as you say that you like to read Yoyo, I will tell you immediately." Nyoyo said with a smile. At the same time, the memory crystal was in his hands, as if to record the moving scene.

Looking at Nianyouyou's movement, Zhongshan's heart was slightly weird. Perhaps, another man couldn't resist Nianyou's words with charm. But Zhongshan is different. The red lotus powder and lotus form. All the psychedelic spells and drugs in the world are flying ash.

At this moment, the princess Qianyou suddenly waved at the sky, a purple light shot directly from the princess into the sky, and suddenly turned into a huge purple orchid in the sky.

"What are you doing?" Nianyouyou stared at Princess Qianyou suddenly.

"You said that you like Zhongshan, I'll tell you." Princess Qianyou danced a fan, and said the same words in homage to Yoyo, but at the moment the tone of naughtiness was revealed. In front of Zhongshan with a bitter smile.

"Just say, it's not a big deal, I just like strange men like Zhongshan, why?" Nianyou smiled charmingly and came over to Zhongshan.

Seeing Nianyouyou so direct, Princess Qianyou was slightly surprised. It's too difficult to deal with this idea.

At the moment, however, Zhongshan converged on the smile before him, and a tenderness flashed in his eyes: "How is Qingsi doing now?"

How is Qing Si doing?

Hearing the suddenly abrupt sentence of Zhongshan, the two daughters were both a little meal, and the princess Qianyou suddenly looked at Zhongshan in surprise. Zhongshan's words were full of endless tenderness, blue silk, blue silk. Who? The gentleman can only say this when he mentions his wife. Who is this young woman?

When Nianyouyou heard Zhong Shan's words, she looked slightly flustered, but still said, "Green silk? Who is blue silk?"

Seeing Nianyouyou's expression, Zhong Shan suddenly smiled slightly: "I'm relieved to see you. Qing Si is now living well, at least, so good that it makes you jealous."

"Huh, Zhongshan, what do you mean?" Nianyouyou looked like a cat suddenly stepping on his tail, and his expression suddenly changed, and the memory crystal in his hand suddenly closed.

"Well, no matter what, you brought me the news of Qingsi, thank you, you can go." Zhongshan took a deep breath.

"Leave? Why should I leave?" Nianyouyou smiled again charmingly.

"You will go!" Princess Qianyou folded her fan and smiled softly.

When you were thinking about Yuyou staring at Princess Qianyou, Nianyou suddenly changed her expression, turned her head to look into the distance, two black dots suddenly flew in the distance, and suddenly came near. Ah, Ah.

Ah Da and Ah Er excitedly blasted from a distance, and in a short time came near, fell on top of the mountain, and stood beside Zhongshan and Qianyou Princess.

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