
Vol 4 Chapter 122: Blossom on all sides

Chapter 122: Flowers on All Sides

Zhongshan and Ada first landed on the floating island.

Wu'an also quickly flew over the floating island. The moment he landed on the floating island, Wu'an carefully checked the floating island with his sense of God, from the inside to the outside, meticulously to every grass, every stone, every soil. .

No problem, this floating island is the lowest floating island, with a 'floating array', a small house above it, and a flag array, and the power of that flag array is also weak.

"General Wu'an, it's been a long time!" Zhong Shan laughed.

"Mr. Zhongshan, it's been a long time!" Wu An also laughed.

Watching Zhongshan Naixiu, Wu An really has an awkward feeling, Jin Danqi? In this regard, Jin Danqi actually reached the point where he was on an equal footing with him. No, the emperor behind him, and even became his bodyguard, this person is unusual.

"It's been a few years since the city of the sky. In the shabby room, there is tea ready. Please join the army to taste and talk about personal matters." Zhong Shan said.

"Please!" Wu An responded immediately.

For everything in it, Wu'an Shenzhi had ‘looked’ clearly, and naturally had no opinion.

Inside are two long tables facing each other. Zhongshan and Wu'an each sit down and Ada pours tea for the two. After pouring the tea, Ada stood behind Zhong Shan.

Zhongshan deliberately looked at the outside, especially the first battalion of the Daxuan Army behind him. Then he frowned slightly: "General Wu'an, look, can we not let outsiders know about our conversation?"

"Of course it can." Wu An nodded immediately, looking at Zhongshan with excitement. Is Zhongshan really ready to surrender?

Zhongshan gave Ada a look, and Ada waved his hands and opened the outside flag array. Suddenly, a large amount of black gas was sprayed from the outside, covering the house on the floating island, and at the same time isolated the sound and isolated God. Recognize.

Wu An could not find out, Wu An felt a little uneasy in his mind, but this was only a low-level formation, and Wu An could only suppress the anxiety into his heart.

"Mr. Zhongshan, on behalf of Daewoo Emperor, I sincerely invite you to join," Wu An said immediately.

Zhong Shan frowned slightly and frowned.

"What's wrong?" Wu'an immediately wondered.

"But, the King of the Deer ..." Zhong Shan was embarrassed.

"Oh, Mr. Zhongshan can rest assured that Lord Ye has already wanted to open. In the past, he searched for Mr. He was just worried that the post of Dadu Governor was first obtained by Mr. Wang, and now Lord Wang himself is a Dadu Governor. "Wu An laughed.

"Oh? Lord Wang has become the governor? Or one?" Zhongshan wondered.

"Yes, this time the Dalu Emperor conquered, the Dayu emperor set up two governors, one conquered the deer king of the north and one governor of the country. So Mr. Zhongshan can rest assured." Wu An said.

However, Zhongshan did a slight meal. What did Nalan do? Two governors?

From Wu'an's discourse, Zhongshan heard a lot of things, and at least paid a visit to two governors. This is very important and certainly has deep meaning.

"But, I am deeply impressed by the princess, this ...?" Zhong Shan continued to talk.

"If you win the Da Luo Tianchao, the princess is Mr. Zhong Shan. Besides, this Ada followed the princess before, does he not follow Mr. Zhong Shan now?" Wu An laughed.


Zhongshan and Wu'an continued to pull the skin, but in the south of the city, it was another scene.

Shui Wuzhen sent a large number of sentry, and suddenly saw the black gas rolling north of the city. It was issued by the flag array on the floating island where Zhongshan is located, which shields outsiders' consciousness, and it is also a signal to the water.

The signal from the whistle passed to the waterless mark.

There were already a dozen people standing in front of the water.

"General, it's been an hour, and we only have 24 hours in total. We still have to deduct siege and deduct Daewoo's army. There isn't much time left. Order it quickly," one said anxiously.

The water without trace is just a black light signal from a distant whistle.

"Okay, then don't drag it on, but you all need to be upset, and with a little hesitation, all in vain, open the gate, remember that your task is to open the gate." Shui Wuzhen said.

"Yes, General, rest assured!" Everyone excited, and then quickly flew to the Quartet.

Above the towers of the south. The defender is Mo Baili. The man who once competed with Shui Tianya for the Master of Wushuang City.

"No, sir." A general said to Mo Baili.

"What's wrong?" Mo Baili wondered.

"Just now, I just saw someone in that direction, but now, why is it suddenly gone? It's strange, it's strange!" General said.

"Then you send a sentry detective?" Mo Baili said.

"Looked, but found no one after going. Am I dazzled?" The General frowned.

"Relax, you don't know the defense of Wushuang City. It's okay." Mo Baili said.

"Well," General nodded.

"The southern part of the city is the strongest, so it is enough to use only 200,000 troops here. And now that you are all dispatched, what else is there to worry about?" Mo Baili said.

"Master said." General said.

As soon as the general finished speaking, a guard standing next to him shouted, "No, enemy attack!"

Mo Baili turned his head and looked at it, and Mo Baili's eyes widened to reveal the incredible, distant, no, it should be not far away, densely packed, and suddenly there were countless people.

how come? How could so many people suddenly appear? Falling from the sky? Impossible, why are there so many soldiers all of a sudden?

It takes only half an day for the organization to gather so many.

"Sir, they dug the tunnel, ah, there, the mountains over there were hollowed out. They were hiding in there before. I didn't have dazzling. It wasn't my dazzling. Someone was really nearby." The general shouted.

"Fast, fast, inform the coach that there is an enemy attack, and you, quickly resist, quickly defend." Mo Baili called immediately.

After speaking, Mo Baili turned around and ran, and governed. Mo Baili was a connoisseur, fighting, and still not participating.

"Ah ~~~"

"Ah ~~~"

The monstrous shouts, in an instant, the south of the city was densely packed.

"Arrow, arrow ..." the armies shouted anxiously.

In the sprint, some people died soon, but in the crowd of people, it was like a small wave in the sea. How big a storm can't be upheld at all.

In a blink of an eye, approaching, the flying quickly gathered together, and quickly flew towards the city.

"Shoot, shoot, shoot, don't shoot below, shoot those that fly." The general shouted.

How could this be, how could this be? How many people?

Looking at this black-eyed human head, the general felt a kind of scalp numbness, one million, two million, three million, oh no! There are almost four million people here.

Why are there so many people suddenly?

what is this? Da Luotian Dynasty reinforcements?

No, it's not reinforcements, it's the people, the most inferior people, what's crazy about them? What's this for? are you crazy? Don't you die?

What kind of medicine did the other coach Zhongshan give them? How could these people be like crazy cows and rushed.

"Shoo, shoot, shoot!" The general shouted.

However, there are too many people, and those who can fly still gather together to fly, and the people outside the area use Bao to block the broken arrow, until they fly to almost as high as the tower, they give up the defense and fall into the city together.

"Shoot, shoot, shoot!" The general kept shouting.

"Ah, ah, ah ..."

Successive screams, the war is cruel, even with such a good plan, it is still cruel, and many people died in the blink of an eye, but after all, someone fell to the ground.

"Not good, someone is coming into town!" A teenager shouted.

"One battalion, two battalion, kill me!" The general shouted.

At the bottom, it is not realistic to want to shoot with a broken arrow again, because as long as you fall into the city, you will no longer be bound by the large sky array and can cast spells. Can continue to resist the arrows.

The first and second battalions went down to deal with the civilians who entered the city. There were fewer archers on the tower, and more people flew in.

The first thing to fly in was to rush to the gate, open the gate, and you won.

The missions of the 1st Battalion and the 2nd Battalion also have guarding the gates, and the systematic army is powerful, but how powerful is it, more and more people come in, they will fly, they will fly in, they will not fly, in one The flying imperial air was pulled down, bringing a large number of people who could not fly, and then thrown into the city and quickly dropped into the city.

As more and more people entered the city, the general's heart was full of worries.

"Break the city gate!" The people who rushed into the city shouted towards the gate.

At the gate, there are only one battalion and two battalions, and only 20,000 soldiers. However, the number of people entering the city is increasing. Although there were a lot of beheaded, people still rushed to the city gate, getting closer and closer, just open it.

The general on the tower was anxious. It was too fast. It was too fast. So much change happened in the blink of an eye. Why didn't these people fear death? Why aren't they afraid? Reinforcement, I want to reinforce it.


A large number of troops also appeared at the East Gate and the West Gate. The 450,000 troops with no traces of water all sent 150,000 troops. These armies were only soldiers holding two towers.

East Gate Watchtower.

"The newspaper, a large number of people attacked the city in the South Tower, and General Ma asked for quick support." The soldier who came to ask the army kneeled.

"Miscellaneous people, siege of the people? We are a siege of the regular army. We haven't requested support yet. What's the matter with General Ma?" The city general glared.

Half an hour later, at the north gate.

"The newspaper, a large number of people attacked the city in the South Tower, and General Ma asked for quick support." The soldier who came to ask the army kneeled.

The generals on the tower looked at each other.

"The coach is still negotiating on the floating island, the people are attacking the city?" A general frowned.

"Not good, it's Zhongshan's scheme, we're in the scheme." A general said.

"You quickly bring 200,000 troops to support, and we leave 400,000 troops to resist the 200,000 troops ahead." The general immediately ordered.

"Yes!" The situation was urgent, and the man immediately responded.

"Notify the coach soon," said the General anxiously.

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