
Vol 4 Chapter 171: Skyfall Plan Launched

Chapter 171 The Skyfall Plan Begins

Sure enough, as Zhongshan expected, the decree arrived in Glorious City four months later!

"It was carried in heaven, and the Holy Lord said, with the general's Hou's" Tianbing Plan ", he will fully play the Dayu Emperor battlefield. Officials at all levels will be relocated, and they will allocate 600 million top-quality spirits. Five years later, they will return ten. Five hundred million top-quality spirits rushed back to the treasury. That's it! "

"Long live Holy! Long live Long live!"

Zhong Shan took the decree from an eunuch. Beside the eunuch, there was another Confucian student.

A man who saw this day in the king's study! Daxuan Wang's first conspirator!

"Congratulations on the East!" The first counselor laughed.

"This is it?" Zhong Shan looked at the first counselor and wondered.

"I want you to be a fan, you can call me a donkey in the East!" The first counselor laughed.

Fan Yipin?

"I've seen Mr. Fan!" Zhong Shan immediately respectfully said.

"Dongfang Hou ’s sky-breaking plan has also been read in the following, a masterpiece of the world, admired! This time, Cheng Sheng and Wang Ye have not given up and are responsible for sending 600 million top-quality spirits to Dongfang Hou. Together, they assist Dongfang Hou to complete this The next day collapse plan! "Fan Yipin said.

Hearing Fan Yipin's words, Zhong Shan's pupils shrank, and Tian Beng planned. Did he read it? Zhongshan knew the value and confidentiality level of the collapsed plan that day. However, he could see, that is to say, he had the trust of King Daxuan, and he had deep trust.

"Mr. Fan is laughing! Little tricks, should not be in the eyes of Mr. Fan!" Zhong Shanke said.

"It's 600 million top-quality spirits. This is a little trick? Dongfang Hou doesn't have to be modest or taboo. Here comes a product that is purely auxiliary, and you should never get involved in any decision, any of Dongfang Hou!" Fan Yipin said.

"Then there is labor!" Zhong Shan nodded and smiled.

"Father-in-law, now that he has declared his purpose, let's go back and report to King Xuanxuan and Shengzhang!" Fan Yipin said to the eunuch.

"Farewell!" The **** immediately turned and flew away.

With only Fan Yipin and Zhong Shan left, Fan Yipin said again: "In addition to bringing 600 million top-quality spirits, this time also brought about 1,500 heads with flexible heads, stable work, and absolutely not betrayal. People, wait for Dongfanghou to dispatch! Complete the Tiancheng Plan together! "

"Good!" Zhong Shan nodded.

1,500 people? It was sent eyeliner, but fortunately, there was no plan to expose Da Rong Chamber of Commerce.

"Oriental Hou can go and see!" Fan Yipin asked.

"That's natural. These 1,500 people will be the main force of the Tianbian Plan, and they will also bring 500 million top-quality spirits to disperse Dayu Emperor's 150 cities. Since Mr. Fan said they would never Betrayal, I will be assured that this money will be distributed! "Zhong Shan laughed.

"Okay! I don't know when I'm going to start?" Fan Yipin asked.

"Training for at least half a year, Skyfall Plan, no mistakes are tolerable. Even people with flexible minds will inevitably make mistakes without professional training. Once they make mistakes, they will lose everything!" Zhong Shan said.

"That's for sure, then look at Dongfang Hou's means." Fan Yipin laughed.

Eight months later!

Glorious City! In a gazebo. There are three people sitting. Zhongshan, Princess Qianyou, Fan Yipin.

"Dongfanghou, when will it start?" Fan Yipin asked.

"Yeah, fierce battle, the war in Daewoo's realm, it has been going on for two months without stopping, how long do you have to wait for the collapse that day?" Princess Qianyou laughed.

"Yi Yan is an old fox. If there is no endless fierce fighting to attract him, his eyes can cover the general situation of the world, focusing on the people's livelihood and small benefits, so he must paralyze him for a while." Zhongshan affirmed.

"Uh, it's been two months, when will it start?" Qian You asked again.

"August 15th, the full moon night begins!" Zhong Shan laughed.

"Uh?" Princess Qianyou suffocated slightly, looking up at the sky.

"Is it now?" Fan Yipin wondered.

"Yes, it is now. Dayu Emperor Dynasty, one hundred and fifty cities, has now begun. Starting from the" liuyan copper ", hoarding goods, hoarding goods, I want to make all the cities, all the refiners need The Liuyan Copper store was extremely out of stock within three days. I want to let most people know that at this moment, Liuyan Copper has become a sought-after product, and everyone is rushing to buy it first. Businessmen are rushing to stock up! "Zhongshan said.

As Zhong Shan said, from the night of August 15th, there were about ten people in each city, and they went to major commercial districts to snap up Liuyan copper.

Less than two days of effort, the market has become a little nervous about Liuyan Copper. Some smart businessmen saw the benefits and immediately started to stock up. Things are expensive.

The impact of Zhongshan's 500 million spirit stone, it is obviously not enough to buy all Liuyan copper, but those 'smart' merchants also participated. In this way, Liuyan Copper was extremely scarce. This has also led to many refinery shops, lacking inflammable copper to refinery shops, and selling magical treasures, and suddenly there are fewer sales of some popular magical treasures.

The price of Liuyan Copper has risen again and again. When it has reached five times, people have gone crazy. Liuyan Copper that was just shipped from the mine was immediately sold out, while some people quickly rushed to the Quartet City to other The place is stocked.

After more than ten days, for some reason, the price of Yanyan Copper suddenly dropped on the market. It seems that the price is lowered. Suddenly there was a lot of Liuyan copper on the market, but some people still snapped up, most of them were from other cities.

Liuyan copper fluctuated at a time, which made some people earn extra money. However, more people were hoarding goods at high prices, selling at low prices, and losing money. This is just one aspect. On the other hand, those magic stores have lost a lot of customers after this toss. Reputation has plummeted.

The price of Liuyan Copper fell, but at this moment, another thing suddenly became popular.

Willow grass. An alchemy herb. Not very expensive, but there are not many on the market, because it is not too difficult to find this kind of grass in the forest.

The price of willow grass rose, no, it went up sharply. In four days, it rose to eight times in the past four days.

Crazy benefits!

The skyrocketing terror has caused many people to make a fortune.

However, it didn't take long for someone to sell Liu Gucao on the market. Suddenly, many people became homeless and many secretly rejoiced.

Another weird thing is the Daewoo Emperor Dynasty, as if all cities were like this.

The crazy changes in raw materials, refining materials, and refining materials have caused magic stores and elixir stores to become turbulent.

Stores are starting to run out of stock.

One month of turbulence, one after another, one thing went up, or several things went up, and then fell again, and the market went very unstable. Merchants started to feel a little uneasy, but more merchants started to gamble like crazy!

Two months later, the market of Daewoo Emperor became suffocating and more and more crazy. Following this trend, entering the market blindly, regardless of whether things are good or bad, go up, buy, go down, sell! Just stocking and selling!

The market order is beginning to be confusing, but this seems to be only a business area matter. It has nothing to do with the government department. The purpose of the government department is that everyone pays taxes on time. You pay the tax and you buy and sell.

Although the market is turbulent, the frequency of buying and selling has increased, and the taxes collected by government agencies have increased. Officials are naturally smiling. Did not realize the hidden dangers, the horrors, the conspiracy.

The turbulent Daewoo Emperor Dynasty, crazy investment, and early short selling and short selling began to breed.

Three months later, there are more and more so-called gamblers! More and more people are earning a lot of spirit stones in this volatile price change, but more people are losing their homes and losing their wealth. There is no spirit stone, or it ’s hard to cultivate, or borrow, or Leave the city and go out to develop.

Glorious City, Zhong Shan and Fan Yipin played Go. However, neither of them looked at the chessboard and played a blind game. It's like the market of Daewoo Emperor is now confused.

"Dongfang Hou, how does it look now?" Fan Yipin looked at Zhongshan Road.

"I use this glorious city to simulate Daewoo's cities, the same operation. From this glorious city's market, I have already seen how the Daewoo emperor's city market. Three months later, I ca n’t think that the mind of the practitioner is even smarter, It's been only three months. Since the beginning, some people have been preparing to fight back. "Zhongshan took a deep breath.

"Oh?" Fan Yipin looked at Zhongshan Road.

"The main reason we can influence the market is that we have more money, which can drive the market, 500 million, but not much to each city, it doesn't matter much. After three months, we have enough money. However, some big families in the city, some big businessmen, also cleverly united, they gathered less and more, and began to participate in playing chess. From this game, we want to change our rhythm. "Zhongshan pondered.

"Oh? Rhythm, when the rhythm is chaotic, even if the Tianbing plan is invalid, it earns some money at most." Fan Yipin looked to Zhongshan Road, without anxiety in his eyes, just a doubt.

"It doesn't matter, I have considered it, but there are still three days left before my plan. These three days allow them to make more money. Three days later, see how I can make these big consortiums who climb to the position of chess players, all Falling into the bottom. All turned into chess pieces again, "Zhong Shan said affirmatively.

Upon hearing Zhong Shan's words, Fan Yipin's pupils shrank, looking at Zhong Shan's brows slightly frowned, then his brows were loose, and a smile appeared.

"Three days, huh, tianbing plan, the first step is done?" Fan Yipin laughed.

"Yes, the first step is completed, and the following is the real collapse of the sky! The first three months can only be said to be the pavement, and the next is the first major crash of Daewoo Market. After this crash, it will make Daewoo Market "Vitality is bad." Zhong Shan said with great confidence.

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