
Vol 4 Chapter 175: Heartbroken

Chapter 175: Heart Lost

Sky City, a restaurant in a remote corner.

"Do you know, the city of the sky, and other cities of Daewoo, and the economy collapsed at the same time?" Said a drunk man.

"Che, who doesn't know this?"

"No, I mean, there is a black hand that disrupts the market of Daewoo Emperor. Do you know who it is?" Drunk Han said.

"Black hand? Who?"

"Who can sweep the entire Daewoo Emperor at one time, who else, Da Luo Tianchao!" The drunk man laughed.

"Yeah yeah!"

"But with most of the governors present, they will soon be calm."

"This is only part of the story. Do you know how many spirit stones and sumestones Da Luo swept through the Dayu Emperor this time?" Said the drunk.

"Now the people in the city have walked nearly 30%. Everyone knows that it is a terrible figure."

"Yeah, how much money these black hands took away. If they are caught, they will definitely draw their souls and frustrate them!"

"Spirit stone can be taken away, but Xumi Stone cannot be taken away!" Said the drunk.


"What do you mean?"

"To take away the sume stone silently, it must be made into a storage bracelet. However, the cost is too great. Once it is made, it will be destroyed and restored later. Who wants to? "The drunk shook his head.

"What do you mean?"

"Xumi Shi, is still in the dynasty of Daewoo!" The drunk man pointed at hand.

"What? Still in Daewoo Dynasty?"

"Yes, it is said that the endless sumistones are buried in some parts of the world of Daewoo. But there are endless quantities. After getting the sumistones, you will never have to worry about it again. Even if the land is king It is not difficult to set up a small dynasty. "The drunk man looked forward with a look.

Everyone in the restaurant looked at each other, and then turned their eyes to the drunk.

"Treasure? Oh, this buddy said and laughed. Will Da Luo Tian Chao bury Xu Mi Shi in the territory of Emperor Da Yu? Even if they make storage bracelets, they will be taken away, even if only half of the space is left. It will not be buried in the Daewoo Emperor. "

"Do you think I can't lie to you? Do you know what the number is? Do n’t say that Emperor Daewoo is facing 150 cities, just the city of the sky, and there are dozens of high mountains of Sumeite taken out, how many Do you know? Da Luo Tianchao was buried in a place no one knew because of his self-confidence. He would pick it up later and take it all away! "The drunk man looked angrily.

"Oh, I don't believe it!"

"Do you know the Zhao family who opened the Stork House in the city?" The drunk man was anxious.

"That knows, the eldest son of the Zhao family is a captain in Chengnan."

"Haha, it's good to know, do you know the Zhao family? The Zhao family found one of the treasures, and a large number of sumistones were transported back to the city of the sky. Now they are being sold outside. You go and see. How much! "The drunk laughed.

"The Zhao family found a treasure?"

"You thought I lied to you! See for yourself, and ask for yourself, the truth!" The drunk man said, and fell.

Everyone in the restaurant looked at each other. Then, after a while, the restaurant was noisy just now, and it was gone.

At this moment, the drunk man ‘woke up’, looked at the shopkeeper who was a little dazed, and stepped out.

The city of the sky is boiling.

The family of Zhaoquelou Zhao found a treasure, and Emperor Daewoo turned to Sumeshi who had been deceived by economic means. Found in the "Damo Canyon" three million miles outside the city of the sky.

It stands to reason that this treasure is even the Zhao family.

After the Zhao family retrieved it, it was sold at the market price and sold out instantly.

20 million, sold 20 million top-quality spirit stones.

The amount of terror, in the millennium, the Zhao family is a constant loser and can't be defeated.

Although the number of Xumi stones is only one-eighth of the former city of the sky, even one-eighth is too scary.

20 million spirit stones!

Anyone who heard the news swallowed.

This is one-eighth of the city of the sky, and what about the other seven-eighths? No, not just the sky city, other cities. How many cities are there in 150 cities?

Many people's eyes are red. News spread across the city. Almost everyone is asking how they found it. Is there any treasure?

At the same time, the owner of the Zhao family was summoned by the governor.

In the palace and the main hall, Yi Yan anxiously waited, and the courtiers anxiously waited. Nalanda frowned and waited.

Wait until the end, or wait for the bad news in Yi Yan's heart. coming! finally come!

The Zhao family found that there was nothing wrong with the treasure. In the hall, all courtiers also considered it reasonable.

"Zhao, how did you discover this treasure?" Yi Yan looked at Zhao, the middle-aged, seriously.

"I was walking in the mountains that day, and when I saw the two corpses in the valley, I was suspicious, so I went to check. I just saw one of them holding a map of sheepskin in my hand. And that place happened to be known to me. Later, I took someone to investigate and found these Xu Mi Shi on the bottom of a sea! "Said Zhao Family Master.

"Treasure map?" The courtiers looked at each other. This Zhao master is too lucky?

Only Yi Yan, suddenly looked up, a helpless state of depression. Oops! Oops!

"Yi Yan, what's wrong?" Nalan blew bloodily.

"The sky is falling!" Yi Yan said with a bitter smile.

"Treasure Map?"

People in the whole city heard the strange news from the Zhao family. The Zhao family owner was too lucky!

Two thousand top-quality spirit stones, you know when you walk in the mountains?

While the people in the city were still surprised, suddenly, the Zhou Family in Tongrenlou was wiped out. When the people were paying attention, a sublime person walked out in a daunting moment. The only remaining survivor of the Zhou family.

This subordinate revealed an explosive news to the city of the sky.

The owner of the Zhou family also happened to get a treasure map of sheepskin, but the news leaked, he was killed and the map was taken away.


Everyone's spirit is one.

However, before people had time to think of any strategy, the robbers who slaughtered the Zhou family were caught there, but the treasure map was snatched again.

In whose hands?

Outside the city of the sky, a team of twenty people flew towards the west.

"Brother, this is the treasure map? Twenty million top-quality spirits, we will send them out when we get them, and we can practice with peace of mind in the future."

"Twenty million? Who knows how much this treasure map has, maybe 40 million, ha ha ha!"


A group of excited people sprinted quickly with the grabbed map.

The Zhou family treasure map was robbed by them, but there is also the Zhou family treasure map in the city of the sky.

No, in the city of the sky, there are countless treasure maps of the Zhou family.

Exactly the same!

Unified style, unified map.

The map that was crazy about it before, now people are right, they don't know if it is true or not.

In addition to this set of maps, there are hundreds of different versions of treasure maps. Hundreds of treasure maps sprang up like bamboo shoots after a rain?

Treasure maps are flooding, but people are becoming increasingly unbelievable.

The scope of the treasure map is very small, that is, it is very hidden. Even if you have a treasure map, you only know one place, or two places.

Before long, the treasure map became a joke!

However, ten days later, when the previous twenty people returned with a few big mountain-like sumistones, everyone was dumbfounded.

Treasure? Where did this treasure come from?

Although there are only a few large mountain sumi stones, only ten million top-grade spirit stones have been exchanged.

Enough, ten million, really enough.

When everyone inquired about the location of the treasure, they looked at the maps of the past and saw that it was on top.

crazy! The whole city is crazy.

Why am I so stupid that I don't want to get a treasure? Let others get it? Ten million spirit stones.

This is a real treasure. Many people slap themselves hard!

What about the other maps?

Regardless of the strength of people, have gone out, out of town! Flocked out of town.

As everyone knows, ten days ago, Yi Yan sent a large number of reliable troops to understand the place pointed by the map.

Not every map is true, but at least one third is true. Enough. One third is enough for countless people to go crazy.

This is true of the city in the sky, and so are other cities of Emperor Daewoo.

Yi Yan sat in his house a little bit stunned, and the city of the sky had time to be suppressed, but what about Daeu ’s more than 150 cities?

Madness, Emperor Daewoo went crazy all over the city.

People are going out of the city, treasures, treasures in the sky, each person has hundreds of different treasure maps, there is always truth. Because every time someone comes back with a treasure! This is not deceiving. The treasure brought back is true.

The people disturbed the city, and out of the city, we want to leave the city!

Similarly, if the people are people, aren't the military people? In all the cities, the captains of the school looked at a Sumishi Mountain, and looked at the treasure map in their hands.

"Fuck, brethren, follow me. I know this place. Take it back and we'll send it!" Said a general.

"General, most of them are strict orders. Forbid us ..." said a vice general.

"Your kid's head was kicked by a donkey? 20 million spirit stones, holding 20 million spirit stones, what can't you do? Fuck, you don't go, let's go!" The general scolded.

"General, I didn't say I can't go!" The deputy called immediately.

This is just a scene of a city. Daewoo emperor is facing so many cities, and greed everywhere.

Treasures, there are a lot of treasures, each person has hundreds of copies, one third is real, enough, as long as you find one, it is enough.

Daewoo Emperor is crazy! The heart is frustrated!

Once the heart is frustrated, it is difficult to recover.

After nearly half a year's catalysis, the Daewoo Emperor has reached a very high level of desire for Xumi and Lingshi, from the city owner to the people!

When the desire reached the highest level, suddenly a sharp knife of 'treasure' made a cut, and countless people lost their hearts, and once they lost their hearts.

What is even more lucid is that Xumi stone and spirit stone, these two things that are in short supply, are exactly interpreted in the form of Xumi stone. It is a sign of wealth. Zhongshan didn't share it equally with everyone, but trended with the treasure situation.

This is the second sky of Tian Bing, the hearts of the people are chaotic, the city is scattered, the oil is exhausted!

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