
Vol 4 Chapter 194: Yin and yang

Chapter 194 The Two Realms of Yin and Yang

"Underworld?" Zhong Shan frowned, without asking further.

Squinting his eyes and looking at Zhongshan, Tian Lao faintly said, "Gu Xuan said, you have a strong ability to lead soldiers?"

"The prince is too famous!" Zhong Shan said for a moment, and immediately returned.

"Then, next, let you lead the soldiers of Da Luo Tian Chao, and fight with the corpse soldiers and ghost soldiers in the runner hall!" Tian Lao Dandan said.

"Uh, seniors, juniors don't understand what it means." Zhong Shan shook his head.

"This is the Temple of Youfu, and the Feng Shui Master across the street was born. It was able to communicate between the two circles of Yin and Yang, and spawned the Temple of Here. If you want to break this Feng Shui formation, you must break it out!" Tian Lao Said.

"Break through?" I wondered.

"Yes, you two girls are optimistic, how much you can learn, depending on your understanding." Tian Lao Shen said.

"Yes!" The second daughter answered immediately.

I glanced at Qian You, because from the tone of Tian Lao, you can tell who Tian Lao finally accepted as a disciple, but also depends on who has a better understanding. This time, I will use this to evaluate the second daughter.

Tian Lao looked at the runner hall shrouded in ghosts in the distance, his eyes narrowed. Slightly under your feet.

"嘭 ~~~"

There was a ripple on the ground. The ghosts and zombies within a hundred meters of the surrounding area disappeared as if they had turned into a cloud of smoke.

Between the hands, a flat compass rose in Tian's hands. Above the compass, many laps slowly rotate, revealing a strange atmosphere.

As soon as the hand was loose, the compass fell to the ground, but the moment it fell, the compass sank to the ground and disappeared.

At the same time, infinite golden light sprayed out from the feet of everyone, more and more, just a little effort, the ground below became golden yellow.

On the golden ground, a large number of evil spirits and zombies howled in pain. Then it turned into a burst of smoke and all dissipated.

The compass sank into the ground, and Tian Lao took up the crutches in his hands with a look of disappointment, but slowly stood up straight, his body seemed to be dancing very flexibly, stepping on the steps of mystery, and rotating his hand according to some law.

"Ang ~~~"

From behind the crowd, a dragon yin suddenly came, and a huge golden dragon phantom rushed towards the face, not just from the rear, but from all directions.

I do not know when, on this golden land, there are suddenly countless mountains and rivers. Among them, huge golden dragons are flying in luck, and they pounce on the sky.


There are nine golden dragons in luck, and they pounce on Tian Lao in a state of arrogance. At this moment, Tian Lao suddenly stood upright, with a solemn expression, and with his hands, he suddenly had a golden crown. !!

The veteran hand held Pingtian Crown and put it on his head little by little. On the occasion of wearing the crown, the Jiuqi Qiyun Jinlong rushed into Tian's body.

"Is this the crown of heaven?" He said in surprise.

"In the heavenly dynasty, only the elders are qualified to take the holy things." Princess Qianyou sighed.

Little by little, Pingtian Guan was put on Tianlao's head, and the nine golden dragons all rushed into Tianlao's body.

At this moment, I do not know where to start, suddenly a round of Hao Ri slowly rising to the sky.

The elder temperament seems to have suddenly changed. The original mystery and weirdness suddenly turned into a vast and powerful one! A breath of absolute power, the spirit of the emperor?

After Hao Ri lifted off, the surrounding environment changed abruptly, with a large number of mountains and rivers rising from the ground, and floating islands soared into the sky. The old figure has disappeared in front of the three.

"Here, this is the ancient capital of the Sacred Kingdom?"

Archaic Holy Capital?

Zhongshan took a closer look, and the surrounding environment changed greatly. In the north, under a bright moon, the corpses and ghosts were standing side by side. And in the south where Zhongshan is located, under a round of hazy sun, luck is tumbling and shrouded in a vast holy capital. Archaic Holy Capital?

Everything in the surrounding environment looks no different from Taikoo Sanctuary. The magnificent building is vast and huge, but it lacks all kinds of people in Taikoo Sanctuary.

"The ancient capital of the ancient times, I am an ancient magical power!" In the distance, there was an elder prestige in the palace.

"Yufu Runner Hall, I'm the Runner King!" The voice of another Feng Shui master came from the palaces in the north. The sound is slightly hoarse.

The two Feng Shui masters finally talked!

Ancient magical power? The name of Da Luotian pilgrimage. Tian always set out the derivative world and created the realm of the ancient holy capital, while he himself simulated the holy of the ancient holy capital.

"Roller King of the Ten Halls of Yan Luo? The Hall of Rotary Halls, outside the dreary fertile stone, is facing east to the five turbid places in the world. The runner king? A big tone! "Tian Lao's voice swayed from the palace and rushed in all directions. Tianwei is mighty. Deterrent the world.

"The tone is not big, just try it out!" Feng Feng Shui, who was opposite, also said with a husky voice.

"If you can get the foundation from the runner hall, you may not be an unknown person in your veins. Heaven, earth, people, gods, ghosts, I do n’t know which vein you belong to?" Tian Lao said lightly.

"I don't belong to the five veins you mentioned, Da Luo Tianchao, the ancient capital of the ancient times? Oh!" Said the Feng Shui master opposite.

The dialogue between the two feng shui masters, Zhong Shan both kept in mind. When Tian Lao introduced the runner hall, he seemed to talk to himself and the second daughter specifically.

"Round wheel hall, how much can you derive?" Tian Lao smiled lightly.

"Han Jue, Lord ordered you to lead all the corpses in the runner's hall, Gui Huang, Lord ordered you to lead all the ghost soldiers in the runner's hall, eroding the ancient holy capital, and fighting for luck." The Feng Shui division across the road suddenly ordered.

"Yes!" Suddenly two voices came from the opposite side, one was Prince Hanze and the other was the previous ghost king.

In the place where the corpses and ghosts were standing, the zombies and the evil spirits retreated into the direction of the runner hall and into the place where the moonlight shined.

"Zhongshan, I have appointed you as the president of Taikoo, commanding all the troops of Taikoo ’s holy capital, eroding the runner hall of Youfu, and fighting for the great luck!" The voice of Tian Lao came hoarsely.

"Yes!" Zhong Shan answered immediately.

At the moment of Zhongshan's response, Zhongshan suddenly added a set of golden armor. Fully armed, about ten million gold armored soldiers stood neatly behind him. Endless, without a glance.

As for why Zhong Shan knew that it was 10 million gold armored soldiers, Zhong Shan himself did not know it. It seemed that he suddenly knew it. After putting Jin Chancan's armor on his body, he knew the soldiers behind him, and was able to quickly assemble the thousand soldiers with his heart. Wanjinjiabing.

The position of Zhongshan has changed to the plain. At the center of the two derived worlds, they stand on the side of the derived world, the "sacred capital of the ancient times," and confront the two armies.

The two armies opposite were all zombies, neat and tidy. At the forefront, Prince Han Jue stared at Zhongshan side with a hate.

Xixi was all the former evil spirit, neatly standing behind the former ghost king.

North-South confrontation! A duel?

There was a trace of cold sweat on Zhongshan's forehead. Doesn't God always fight? Put yourself on the plain and fight with each other? What's the role of this general?

The soldiers, the tricks, and at least some special terrain, mountains and the like, so that they can use the soldiers to separate the other side, and then annihilate them! What's going on now? Can't fight the number of people?

Fortunately, the Feng Shui Division on the opposite side is also a mallet in the field of war! Otherwise, the opponent will get some favorable terrain and he will be finished.

Princess Qianyou and Aya have been moved to another place.

Princess Qianyou looked at Zhongshan with some worry.

"Sister Qianyou, Zhong Shan is about to finish this time. The number of people is only half of the other corpses. You cannot deal with zombies against zombies, and you cannot deal with zombies. You said, if the battle is dead, is it true Dead? "Mi looked curiously at Princess Qianyou.

If in the past, such a disturbing discourse, Princess Qianyou ignored it very calmly. However, at this moment involved in Zhongshan, Princess Qianyou was a little flustered, and her hands were tight. Staring at Zhongshan with his eyes dead, praying that he would be fine.

Seeing Princess Qianyou's expression, she smiled with satisfaction. Princess Qianyou's mind shifted to Zhongshan. The old assessment that day will surely win her. Finally, if Zhongshan really died, Qianyou The princess will re-enter the brother's arms.

"Han Jue, your success or failure determines the destiny of Emperor Guangguang!" The voice of a feng shui master came from the wheel hall in the distance.

"Yes, seniors, juniors will do their best!" Prince Han Jue answered immediately.

"Zhongshan, if you lose, you are really dead!" Tian Lao's voice came lightly.

Hearing the words of Tian Lao, Zhong Shan's belly was defamated for a while.

But the beginning of the war can not be distracted.

"Kill ~~~" Prince Han absolutely shouted loudly.

"Kill ~~~" Gui Huang also roared.

On the opposite side, ten million zombies and ten million evil spirits rushed towards Zhongshan Army.

In the middle of the battlefield, there is a dividing line illuminated by moonlight and sunlight, and the two sides correspond to the gloomy environment and the environment of the sun.

As the Zombie Army and the Ghost Army rushed, the dividing line also moved towards the direction of Zhongshan. At the edge, a series of eerie mountains and palaces stood up. It also quickly collapsed, fragmented, and disappeared. Then, that place was quickly replaced by a dark environment, as if two different worlds were competing for the right to live in this space.

The two armies face off, I am the head coach!

Zhongshan is not impatient. Although it is not a place to hide in the forest, Zhongshan is still calm and abnormal. Because this ten million army has one biggest advantage over the previous one, that is, you can control as you want! Everything is born from the heart!

Taking a deep breath, looking at the double armies running in the distance, Zhong Shan waved gently: "Architecture, eight-door golden lock ~~~!"

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