
Vol 5 Chapter 18: Building the Xiaoxiao Palace

Chapter 18—Building the Ling Xiao Palace

"Your Majesty, have you ever imagined that there is such a huge city, it is not built on the earth, but on the clouds and clouds, above the sky, and it is overtaken by the heavens and the world, and overtakes the heavens and the earth, the Lingxiao fairy city Lu Jianping said slightly excited.

Can Lu Jianping not be excited? He can float in the air, and there are only floating islands, and floating islands have all kinds of restrictions, not flying high, no big deal, a fairy city that is above the sky and the first city in the world. If it can really be built in its own hands, what other city can there be?

"Lingxiao Baodian?" Zhongshan pupil narrowed.

"Eh? Right, the strongest treasure hall above Jiuxiao." Lu Jianping said immediately.

Others in the study also stared at the landing, their eyes were full of wonder.

"Slam" Zhongshan shot a book case.

"Jian ~~~" Zhongshan said excitedly.

"Yes!" Lu Jianping immediately said excitedly.

"But, Your Majesty, this consumable ..." Lu Jian frowned.

"Construction, no matter how much it costs, materials are needed? Let Prince Edward be transported from the land of Shenzhou!" Zhongshan affirmed.

"Yes! It's just on the land of Divine Land. It may be difficult to find. It may take some time to start construction." Lu Jianping shook his head.

"Oh?" Zhong Shan stared at the landing to see.

"The Lingxiao Fairy City, above the Jiuxiao, only the sun, the moon and the stars, if you want to build the Lingxiao Fairy City, you must use the stars in the sky, that is to say, at least some meteorites fall from the sky!" Lu Jianping thought and thought.

"Meteorite?" Zhong Shan smiled slightly unexpectedly.

Speaking of which, Zhongshan just happened to have some meteorite here. It was the time when Hao beautiful cursed Wu'an in the past, and cursed it. The meteorites fell to Wu'an and was collected by Zhongshan.

"Don't have to wait, I just have some meteorite. Now I will give it to you. From now on, you will coordinate the construction. As for the subsequent meteorite, let Prince Edward collect it in the land of China." Zhongshan laughed. And stretched out his arms.

"Eh? Yes!" Lu Jianping stepped forward excitedly, facing the storage bracelet to the Zhongshan storage bracelet.

As soon as it was passed, he entered Lu Jianping Storage Bracelet.

"Your Majesty, are there so many?" Lu Jianping said excitedly after looking at his storage bracelet.

"Go!" Zhongshan said.

"Yes!" Lu Jianping immediately went out.

When Lu Jianping left, Yi Yan suddenly said, "Your Majesty!"

"Huh?" Zhong Shan looked at Yi Yan in doubt.

"Your Majesty, Chen found a very strange thing." Yi Yan frowned.

"Oh?" Zhong Shan looked at Yi Yan.

"It stands to reason that the Dalai dynasty was just established. We shouldn't take so much luck. I feel that I'm just a line away from the position of heaven and earth. In other words, the speed of spiritual practice has doubled. Many, before Chen went to the Emperor Daewoo, and stayed in a dynasty, at that time the same status as now, but there is far less luck than now? Why? "Yi Yan frowned.

Princess Qianyou and Mr. Corpse also looked at Zhongshan. Because the two also found the dynasty's special.

Why doesn't Zhongshan know? After being promoted, the speed of their own practice increased even more horrible than everyone else. The imperial dynasty is coming, the emperor should be a soft body, three times the speed of practice, but he has increased five times, plus the Luo dynasty's vitality, he is 13 times faster than ordinary times. .

Zhong Shan is also studying these days, and it is not recorded in "Forging the Heaven". In the end, it can only be attributed to the red ball above Fang Tianyuxi, who took himself through the red ball here. Only it is unknown.

"Isn't this better?" Zhong Shan smiled and avoided answering.

"Yes!" Yi Yan nodded and no longer asked.

"After ten days, I'm going back to the land of China." Zhong Shan said.

Zhong Shan said that everyone was weird for a while. After all, Zhongshan's two bodies are too difficult for people to accept, but they have to accept them.

"Aunt Grandpa, I'll go with you!" Ying Lan called immediately.

"No, I'm here. In the future, Yinglan, you will be responsible for collecting all the small cities that are still independent. I do n’t necessarily have time to accompany you every day when I go to Divine Land. In Sirius Island, you can still See me every day. "Zhong Shan immediately advised.

With a small mouth, Ying Lan said helplessly: "Okay!"

"Lin Xiao, Mr. Corpse, accompany me back to the land of China." Zhong Shan said.

"Yes!" The two responded immediately.

"You go out first, Ying Lan, you can call Hao Meimei!" Zhong Shan said.

"Hmm!" Ying Lan responded immediately, and everyone retreated.

"Are we going?" Baoer asked, looking at Zhongshan with Qianyou.

"Hao Meimei is too arrogant, has a weird temperament, and is pampered. You are here. I'm afraid she might hurt you while talking. After all, her mouth is too powerful. Go out first. I will tell you what happened. .

"Huh!" The second girl nodded.

Soon, there was only Zhong Shan alone in the study, and Hao Meimei pushed the door with Xiao Jinlong and walked in.

"Zhongshan, do you finally think of me?" Hao Meimei was dissatisfied.

"Sorry, these days are too busy," Zhong Shan said.

"Yeah, the dynasty was promoted, thanks to me?" Hao Meimei was very polite to take credit for herself.

Zhong Shan smiled and smiled, indeed, speaking of it, if Hao is not beautiful, and he is not his own today, "Forging the Heaven" was originally given to Hao, but in the end it was obtained by himself, so no matter how beautiful Hao is, Not angry at all.

"Say, these days, you have been following me, what do you want to get? Or, what do you want me to help you with?" Zhong Shan said.

"Oh? Will you help me?" Hao Mei's eyes brightened.

"At least you have to speak and listen. You let me wipe my neck to commit suicide, I can't listen to you, too." Zhong Shan smiled bitterly.

"Well, okay, I won't go round the corner anymore. I asked the old man to find the monument of immortality. The old man only found one piece. The rest came from you, and I tried it by myself. I got it from the ghostly sky. I found you. Finding the monument of immortality is very powerful, it is more than a dozen when you find it. ”Hao Meili said.

"Uh, that's an immortal monument in the Da Luotian dynasty, I can naturally ask for it." Zhong Shan shook his head and smiled.

"I don't care. The monument to immortality is very important to me. You have seen so many monuments to prove that you have a relationship with the monument. The Dragon King once told me that those who have a chance can see more, so I want you to leave for me. Take the immortal monument below. "Hao Meili said.

With a slight smile, Zhong Shan said, "I don't know where the remaining monumental monument is?"

"I know!" Haomei said.

"Oh?" Zhong Shan looked at Xiang Hao beautiful.

"There are forty-four immortal monuments left, there are eleven each in the Pure Land of Pure Land, the Longevity Realm, the Great Litian Dynasty, and the Taisui Dynasty. You fetch it for me!" Haolimei said.

Hao Meili looked at Zhongshan every time he said a place, because these four places are the most powerful forces in the land of Divine Land, two holy places, and two heavens. Who dares to pick them up?

"Do my best!" Zhong Shan nodded unexpectedly.

"Eh?" Haomei was speechless for a while, wondering why Zhong Shan agreed so directly. It shouldn't be, this guy is so stingy, it's impossible to agree so easily!

"Thank you for saving Yinglan. Although these places you mentioned are a little more difficult, I will try my best to make it impossible to see the providence." Zhongshan took a deep breath.

"Just for that girl? Don't hit me!" Hao Meimei was still a little unbelieving.

"Shenzhou earth, who dares to strike you? You are the body of all evils, and you can't lie to you to cheat the world." Zhong Shan laughed. On the one hand, it is for Yinglan, and on the other hand, it is for the love of casting Heaven.

"Well, too!" Hao Mei thought and laughed. Rarely goes so smoothly.

"You've been out for so long, aren't senior West drug emperors worried about you?" Zhong Shan asked.

"What can I be worried about? Who dares to deal with me? But speaking, the old man asked me to go back and look for something, and I will leave tomorrow." Hao Meili thought for a moment.

"Okay, I'm here anyway. If you want to find me, just come to the Dalai dynasty." Zhong Shan said.


In the next ten days, Zhongshan threw away all political affairs and accompanied Bao'er exclusively. Although Qianyou had some taste, he did not lose his temper, and knew that the time on Sirius Island where Zhongshan was located was decreasing.

Although there are two bodies, it is only the body that has a close relationship with the queen. Although the hidden body is also Zhongshan thought, it is only holding hands to convey the love in the heart at most.

After four and a half months. On the other hand, Zhongshan, Princess Qianyou, Lin Xiao, and Mr. Corpse returned to the land of Divine Land, and returned to the ancient holy capital of the Da Luotian Dynasty.

Looking at the prosperous ancient capital of the bustling scenery, Lin Xiao, like Zhongshan in the past, was dazzled for a while, while Mr. Corpse looked at the prosperous capital of the ancient holy capital, but seemed dismissive.

For a year and a half, Zhongshan left Qianguo for a year and a half with Qianyou. There is still half a year left for Zhongshan's leave.

The four entered the ancient holy capital and flew directly to the Oriental House!

"Master! Princess!" The Blazing Wolf in front of the Oriental House will run out first and be excited.

"Princess, sir!" Ada and Aer also flew out of Dongfangfu quickly.

"Master! Princess!" Shui Wuzhen and Liu Wushuang, who followed, immediately worshiped.

Everyone kept looking at Lin Xiao and Mr. Shi, and Lin Xiao also looked at everyone.

"Speak inside!" Zhong Shan introduced everyone into the Oriental Palace and flew directly to the Oriental Palace on the floating island.

In the hall, Zhong Shan looked at the water without a trace: "This is Lin Xiao, I invited back, without trace, you will learn more from him in the future!"

There was no trace of the water, and he was slightly puzzled. He looked at Lin Xiao with dissatisfaction, but still said, "Yes!"

"This is Mr. Corpse! It will be fine in the future, don't disturb him."

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