
Vol 2 Chapter 15: Heaven

Chapter fifteen

"Forging Heaven"

This article, titled Casting Heaven, is not a practice practice like Dayang Divine Gong, nor is it a supplementary practice practice like the Heavenly Demon Body Dafa. It even says that this article is not an exercise at all, but it is better than all the exercises law.

Immortality, immortality, but who can become immortal? There are countless practice methods, but in the whole world, there are only a handful of people who can become immortals. Even in history, there are only a handful of people who can become immortals from ancient times to the present.

It is difficult to be immortal, it is difficult to die forever, and immortal. After all, it is still a person. If it is a person, there is a limit on life. There are big limits coming.

In the limited life, it is too difficult to cultivate into an immortal. Unless the person with the highest understanding and deep roots, it is difficult to break through before the limit comes. Because, in the course of spiritual practice, human life is too short. The congenital period is 200 years, and the Jindan period is only 400 years. If the 400-year-old does not break into the Yuan infant period, it is only death.

Root bones like Zhongshan, needless to say, will sooner or later become a loess of loess.

Because a person has a lot of karma, such as poor roots, low perception, or being disturbed by foreign objects, entangled with foreign affairs. These are all karma, and there are many karma. Double, triple, or even five times more effort can achieve the same results as those with fewer karma.

Just like Zhongshan, it takes several times the effort of others to achieve the same speed as others. Even at some huge levels, such as the day after tomorrow, the innate promotion of Jin Dan, the innate promotion of Jin Dan in the future, is more difficult than others, and it is much more difficult, so in the past, Zhongshan urgently needed to break the ban.

In the future, with Zhongshan's root bones, it will still be so.

This is the karma. The karma is so many and thick that it makes Zhongshan practice so miserable.

And this cast heaven. However, it is a method through which you can eliminate your karma, and your karma is obvious, so that you can practice nature and be a lot faster than others.

That is to say, it needs to gather a large amount of air transport, use the air transport to scour the industry barriers, and use the air transport to form the power to break the opening barriers, so that it can benefit itself and practice quickly.

When air transport gathers to a certain degree, a certain heaven and earth position can be formed, which must be acknowledged by heaven and earth.

This article mentions three heaven and earth industry levels, from low to high, which are soft, middle and upper.

Those who practiced Buddhism named it another place and called it the fruit position.

The soft position is Luo Han Guo.

The median is the bodhisattva fruit.

The superior is the Buddha fruit.

Obtaining different professions, the cultivation speed is naturally different. Reaching the soft position, the cultivation speed will be three times and three times the usual, which is equivalent to doubling the time to cultivate. In the middle position, the cultivation speed is ten times that of the ordinary, while in the upper position, the cultivation speed will be a hundred times that of the past.

Hundred times the speed of cultivation, this, how terrible is the speed of cultivation? If so, why are Zhongshan's roots bad? A hundred times, a hundred times in the past, if two hundred years of congenital life is born, it is equivalent to one's 20,000 years of longevity. Even if you are a fool, you can also practice Jindan period. What about Zhongshan?

Zhongshan is overwhelmingly happy, and the job position must be ascended to the heaven and earth position to gather gas transportation and weather transportation.

However, Zhongshan also knows how difficult it is to gather air fortune, very, very difficult, but how difficult is it? Zhongshan has a long life and is naturally not afraid of trouble. Moreover, Zhongshan has an advantage that others do not have.

Zhong Shan's two bodies, one body is practiced as usual, and the other body is in accordance with this "Forging Heaven".

The casting of the heaven is to create a country called the country, or the Yun Dynasty, to gather the air transportation of the world. The national, heaven, and ground transportation must be gathered. When the country prospered to a certain degree, the dynasty was formed. The mountain will have a soft position. When the emperor dynasty is formed, it will have a median position. When the tian dynasty is formed, the position at that time will be superior. The speed of cultivation will also be a hundred times higher.

However, this process is too difficult, too difficult and too difficult, that is, the soft dynasty is extremely difficult.

However, in order not to die, Zhong Shan decided without hesitation.

Moreover, a nation ’s luck is not only earned by the emperor alone. If a courtier in China receives the emperor ’s ensignment, he will also gain luck or even a position. After that, there will also be a median position. Therefore, the establishment of a country is not a matter of one person.

Heaven and earth industry.

Zhong Shan's eyes gradually became firm. In this case, the hidden body just happened to establish the Yun Dynasty.

I looked at this "Forging Heaven" and looked at it. After I made a note of it, I put it in a peach box again, and then put it into a storage bracelet.

Establishing Yun Chao?

Thinking for a while, Zhong Shan suddenly thought of a person, Prince Tiantian? Prince Rikuten who killed his wife, Kwai.

Crown Prince? At first I just thought he was a person's name. Now it seems that he is really a prince of the Yun Dynasty, but it is not clear whether this Yun Dynasty is a dynasty or an imperial dynasty or a heavenly dynasty?

Regardless, the revenge of the Crown Prince must be reported, but he is still far away from him, and it is not a very high time. At this time, he should be steady and keep moving.

Establish Yunchao.

Establishing the Yun Dynasty is not easy, but it is not difficult for Zhongshan. It is not a rush. You need to make a good plan.

Then, that night, Zhongshan was constantly planning the future, so that he didn't fall asleep all night.

The next day, Tian Linger woke up early, and came to Zhongshan early to take her to go shopping. As for Qing Qingsi, she didn't step out of the door for a moment, maybe it was a little embarrassing with Zhongshan.

After thinking about it all night, Zhongshan needed to relax, and went out with Tian Linger.

After playing for a day, he came back with a tired Tian Linger, and Zhong Shan was tired enough. Tian Linger returned to his room to rest, but Zhong Shan took a bath and his body was comfortable.

In the courtyard, sitting in the courtyard pavilion, drinking wine to the moon, looking at the bright moon, unconsciously thought of the two wives of the past, Kwai Er, Baoer.

Although many years have passed, Zhongshan did not forget it for a moment.

Holding a glass of wine and looking at the big moon, Zhong Shan sighed lightly, a flash of helplessness and a sigh flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, Zhongshan suddenly saw that on the roof of a house in the distance, at this moment, there was also a figure, sitting on the roof with his knees, and looking at the moon, revealing a weak and deceitful, lonely Xiaosuo a feeling of.

Sad blue silk?

Zhong Shan frowned at the roof of the house in the distance, and sad blue silk also sat on the roof and looked at Mingyue, as if he was remembering something.

Looking at the sad blue silk, Zhong Shan thought for a while, holding one plate of food on the table in one hand, holding the jug and two cups in the other, and headed towards the roof where sad blue silk was located, a few vertical jumps. Zhongshan came to the roof.

Maybe Qing Qingsi was too involved, or maybe Qing Qingsi knew that it was from Zhongshan and did not look at Zhongshan, but just sat and watched the moon.

Gently, walked to Bei Qingsi, put down the food and wine, Zhongshan looked at Bei Qingsi, but found that at the moment, there were two tear marks on the cheek of Bei Qingsi.

Zhong Shan sat beside the sad blue silk. Waiting quietly.

Finally, after a scent of incense, Bei Qingsi blinked, and the tears on her face suddenly disappeared, then she turned to look at Zhong Shan.

"I know that day, why didn't I kill you?" Bei Qingsi said softly.

Hearing the sad Qingsi said, Zhong Shan frowned, and knew that it was the last hot spring incident. Zhongshan himself was puzzled about what happened then.

"Please enlighten me," Zhong Shan asked, staring at Bei Qingsi.

Seeing Zhong Shan's stare, Bei Qingsi's unconscious body became hot, as if returning to the day of frank confrontation. His face was slightly red, but when he saw Zhong Shan's pure eyes, the puppet in the sadness of Qing Si slowly receded.

"My body has never been seen by a man, no matter who it is, even if it is unintentional, I will fight him to death. But, Zhongshan, it made me embarrassed." There was a hint of self-deprecation on Bei Qingsi's face Smile.

"Because of that piece of jade?" Zhong Shan looked at Bei Qingsi calmly.

"Yes, that is the piece of jade." Bei Qingsi said.

"What's in Yujian? May I know?" Zhong Shan asked, staring at Bei Qingsi.

"Oh, speaking, you may not understand or understand." Bei Qingsi's helpless smile appeared on her face.

"Since I don't understand, just talk about it. Anyway, speak it out, maybe you will feel better in your heart." Zhong Shan looked at Bei Qingsi, because Zhong Shan can see from the tears of sad Qing Si just now, sad Qing Si's heart should be very miserable.

As if persuaded by Zhong Shan, Bei Qingsi gently said, "There are three heavens in this world. Heavenly kingdom, my father, once a three-ranking member of heavenly kingdom, is in a soft position, gathers heaven and earth, and has a bright future. Unlimited. "

Zhongshan frowned and listened carefully. There is three? This is very important information.

"My father has a very high reputation in the field, but he didn't want to be framed by an adulterer. I have a family of 312, except for me and those who gave you Jade Jane. They were all slaughtered. The whole door was copied and cut. "Bei Qingsi said sadly, at the same time, two lines of tears shed again in her eyes.

Zhongshan frowned and listened carefully.

"The person who sent you Yujian was a servant of my house, and my father was old with Kaiyang Zong. Therefore, I was young and was accepted by Kaiyang Zong. My father was innocent, and my father was a long time ago. I had a bad feeling, so I collected a lot of evidence early and hid it in three different places without telling anyone, until the servant got the piece of jade slip, among the jade slips, I recorded three treacherous people. Evidence and father's innocence. I will die no matter what, family revenge must be reported, father's grievances must be washed, because you, my father can have the opportunity to wash grievances, so I did not kill you. It's time to see. "There was a trace of sadness on Bei Qingsi's face.

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