
Vol 6 Chapter 34: Zombie Legion

Chapter 34 Zombie Legion

All six army commanders are naturally elites.

Ten years, enough people to do a lot of things.

At least the dynasty around it has been deterred by everyone.

When Lin Xiao's soldiers arrived at the first city in the northwest, the gates of the city opened wide, and all the way forward, even the emperor bowed his head.

Yi Yan is even more so. A top master of strategy, the far-sightedness of the vision is beyond ordinary people's eyes. The army rushed forward without delay. The gates of the frightened city opened naturally. The cities without fright were attacked with the power of the frightened city. The soldiers brought by Yi Yan did not need to participate in the battle, as if they came to inspect.

So is Mr. Water Mirror. Just like Yi Yan, shake the fan, and the ash fly dies.

They are not necessarily peerless warriors, but their wicked wisdom is not weaker than peerless warriors.

The strategy of no trace of water was slowly developed by Zhongshan et al. Although it is not as evil as Yi Yan, Water Mirror, Lin Xiao, etc., it can be regarded as flawless and satisfactory.

True peerlessness is based on stability and stability. Water has no such potential.

As for Zhong Lan, who is most concerned about Yinglan, wisdom is naturally not weak, after breaking through the dynasty of deterrence. Began to set up an eight-door golden lock array.

How powerful is an eight-door golden lock array of two million people?

Overwhelming, the sand is full of screams, like a desert devouring everything in the world.

City, city high? The sandstorm was higher, soaring into the sky, breaking through the castle, and invincible.

Divine top formation, eight-door golden lock formation.

As for Mr. Zombie, it is even more weird.

Twenty skeletons carried the banner, and fifty zombies carried a dark palace. When Mr. Zu sat in the palace with his knees crossed and reached the enemy's city, Mr. Zou grabbed an enemy general.

Take a small bottle and pour the black liquid from the bottle into its mouth. Then, the young general was released back.

The young general was unknown, so at night, Mr. Suddenly took out a bell in his hand and shook it gently.

"Jingle Bell!"

A series of sounds were heard. In the enemy's camp, an extremely terrifying incident suddenly occurred. During the day, the little general suddenly turned red, and then seemed to lose his sense of reason. When he caught someone, he bite. .

When the general found anomalies, he quickly stopped the general and found that the crazy general had only half his strength. When he caught someone, he bit, and his face became extremely horrible with gray and dark circles. The rotting carcasses were average.

The young general is not afraid of pain at all. Even if he is cut with a knife, he has no consciousness. If he bites, he only needs to bite.

"Stop him!" The general cried immediately.

"Boom!" The general's head was bombed. Fell to the ground.

"What the **** is going on?" The general frowned.

"Roar ~" A terrifying roar came from the general.

The general wanted to stop, but it was too late, and another person bit his own neck.

Another person was mad. The person was the one who had been bitten by the general before. As long as he was bitten by the general, he seemed to have been invaded by demons and attacked this normal human like crazy.

Bite, bite, bite! One pass ten, ten pass one hundred, one hundred pass ten thousand!

That night, there were thunderous shouts throughout the barracks.

In the middle of the night, many soldiers fled in fear. The entire barracks became a purgatory on earth. As long as the bitten people turned into walking dead, it was too scary. As long as they were bitten, they got a little drool Or poisonous juice, then it is assimilated.


Mr. Zombie This is making a zombie!

The scream of one night made everyone in the barracks almost dead. All turned into zombies.

Mr. Zong rang a bell, and all the zombies in the barracks came out, surrounded by skulls and zombies, guarding Mr. Zombie.

The Corps of Zombies, pulling their arms one by one, were dead, and under the control of Mr. Zombie's bell, they pressed forward.

Two months later, sentinels from all sides quickly passed the frontline military information to the dynasties.

The eight royal dynasties, all the royal families listened to the report and all their hearts sank to the bottom.

Dasao Dynasty, Emperor Zhongshan!

Zhongshan character Zhongshan? In the past, the Da Luotian Dynasty was the first-class Oriental Bell Mountain? How many years has this been? Has he founded a dynasty? Almost everyone has heard of the name Zhongshan, and at the same time there was a worry in my heart.

However, after all, it is just a dynasty. If you want to eat the chaos, don't even think about it.

The eyes of the emperors all focused on the front line.

A dynasty emperor in the East is in a tight heart.

Zhong Jiajun? Zhong Jiajun, who resounds all over the world, is actually coming towards himself? Why did you choose me? Am I bullying so well? Face the strongest team at me?

The emperor's eyes were full of anger, and Zhong Jiajun's name resounded all over the world. Now Shui Wuzhen is leading the former Zhong Jiajun in the process of cleaning up one dynasty. Such a powerful team, all come to themselves?

Is it necessary to defeat each one, the first choice is himself?

Of course, what the emperor didn't know was that, of all the army legions, perhaps the path led by Shui Wuchen was the weakest.

A dynasty northeast.

On the court, the court officials discussed the front line. The sentinel who returned from the front line kneeled in the hall to report the front line.

"What? You say it again?" The emperor glared at the news.

"Under the commander, the legions that have rushed towards me have found out that the Marshal of the Legion is 'Yi Yan'," said the sentinel.

"Yi Yan?" The emperor resisted the urge to stand up, grabbed the dragon chair and stared at the whistle below. His eyes were startled.

When the court officials heard Yi Yan's name, they started to talk.

Because this Yi Yan is too famous, Mr. Yi Yan, the great emperor of Dayu, the Dinghai God needle of the once great emperor! Looking at the land of Shenzhou, no matter which emperor dynasty he entered, he can become a powerful figure like a **** of the sea. Is he not dead? He leads?

Will it be the same name! All the ministers looked forward to the detective.

"Yes, Your Majesty, it is Yi Yan. In the past, Dayu Emperor was the governor of the three armed forces, Mr. Yi Yan!" The sentry said respectfully.

"Huh!" The emperor stood up from the dragon chair.

"Yi Yan?"

"How could it be him?"

"But he is easy to change. How could he condescend to a dynasty? Or a dynasty just starting?"

There was a lot of talk on the court, and one's eyes were full of unbelief.

Yi Yan, what kind of existence it is, everyone knows it. At the beginning, I heard that the dynasty dynasty dared to provoke the eight dynasties. Everyone was funny because no one believed it would succeed. However, with the loss of the frontline dynasty, It kept coming, and the ministers knew that things might be serious. Hearing that the Emperor Taizhang was actually Zhongshan, everyone held their breath, and found that the marshal was easy to change to the army that came all the way, and everyone was shocked with three corpses.

Zhengxi, a dynasty!

"Water mirror? The water mirror of the former Da Luotian Dynasty? So fast? Already captured three dynasties?" The emperor was a little shocked.

"Yes, Your Majesty, the first dynasty took the initiative to surrender, the second dynasty was won when the first dynasty struggled for almost two defeats, and the third dynasty was just struck, but it is in the process of finishing. Maybe slower, "said a sentry.

"Even if it's slow, this water mirror leader is too strong. Even if I ask myself, the speed of capturing a dynasty is not as fast as he is. No, it is half as fast as he is!" A minister said immediately.

northwest. A dynasty chapel.

"Your Majesty, it's too scary. The legion that came to us is too scary." A minister exclaimed after hearing the whistle.

"Your Majesty, how long has Zhongshan just established the Dalai dynasty dynasty? How could there be such a powerful legion? The sky is full of mad sand? What legion is that?" Another minister disapproved.

"Eight Doors, Your Majesty, Eight Doors!" A conspirator immediately thought of something.

"Eight-door golden lock?" The emperor was startled.

"Yes, it is the eight-door golden lock array. In the past, Da Li Tian Chao's first formation method, Da Li Tian Chao's formation method, but after Da Li Tian Chao's death, it was passed on to his disciples Tai Xuzi, who suddenly disappeared. The eight-door golden lock has also become a legend in Shenzhou. This is the eight-door golden lock array. Your Majesty, ......... "said the conspirator with shock.

The eight-door golden lock array, when referring to the eight-door golden lock array, the emperor also thought of all kinds of legends. Eight-door golden lock array?

The emperor was extremely dignified.

As for the last way, the south.

A dynasty in the south, above the chapel, was dead.

The emperor and all the ministers listened to the news from the kneeling spies.

"Your Majesty, the army of the Great Emperor Dynasty passed by, all turned into purgatory, zombies, more and more zombies, as soon as they were bitten, they became zombies. The zombies were moving towards me step by step. Too scary Now! "Said the detective in horror.

Think about it, it ’s so horrible that the zombies are overwhelmingly walking towards you. It ’s only half the strength of normal zombies, but there are too many zombies, and there are endless supplies. As long as they are bitten by zombies, they suddenly increase A zombie is born, and if the enemy dies and falls to the ground and is bitten by a zombie, he can stand up and become a zombie, as long as his head is not destroyed, the zombie will not die!

Some timid people even fought a cold war.

"Zombies?" The emperor seemed a little unbelievable. How could there be such a legion?

"Your Majesty, the minister just brought one back! It is outside the hall," said the detective.

"Bring in!" The emperor ordered.

I saw a few zombies who came in carrying a bundled corpse and walked in. The zombies were unconscious.

"Woohoo" the zombies struggled with ropes.

"嘭 ~~"

The moment the zombies were carried into the hall, the zombies broke free from the ropes, rushed out violently, and bite on the shoulder of the man who carried him.


The whistle sent a sword to cut off the head of the zombie. Destroy the zombie head.

The ministers were horrified for a while, but the zombies were dead, but the toxin was left, the person who had just been bitten, and suddenly his eyes were red.

"Roar ~"

With a roar of fury, he rushed to Long Ting, towards the emperor.


The emperor killed the newly transformed zombie with one palm. But there was still silence in the hall. Quiet, full of thriller.

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