
Vol 6 Chapter 46: Worm Eats the World

Chapter 46: The Worm Eats the World

Liuhe City! A few days ago, a man in grey clothes suddenly came. The man in grey clothes was wearing a cape, and his face was hidden inside the blinds of the cape.

However, after the Grey Man appeared, he took out a golden token.

Liu He Cheng Cheng immediately respectfully stood.

Admission token, see orders like the cold aurora!

Suddenly, the gray-clad man took over Liuhe City.

Mr. Zom came with a huge army of zombies, all over the mountains, all zombies were in the shape of a zombie, full of curse. Liuhe was dead outside the city.

There was a commotion on the tower, the terrible zombie army came, and the strong zombie army came.

As for the Zhongshan Legions, all people are most afraid of the Zombie Legion, slaughtering the city? Some people can abandon life and death, but they can't abandon this zombie.

In the face of death, it was okay to be killed for nothing, but it was made into this kind of corpse, this kind of zombies that saw and bite, and countless people felt a chill in their hearts.

You can see the soaring death from a long distance. The soldiers on the tower were all fears.

"Mr. Worm, what, what to do?" The original city owner looked at the man in gray and feared.

Mr. Worm, it was the trump card that was transferred by the cold aurora.

"What a panic!" Mr. Zeng said coldly. A cold chill pounced on the city owner.

"Yes, yes!" There was fear in the heart of the city owner.

Mr. Zeng looked at the zombies in the mountains and smiled coldly, without the timidity of others, more excited.

"Some of you stay, everyone else goes!" Mr. Zhe said.

"Yes!" The owner answered immediately.

With a wave of hands, all the soldiers left the tower. Only the Lord of the City remains, and there are two guards of the Lord of the City.

The three did not know why, but Mr. Zeng came to the three in an instant.

"嘭 ~~"

Mr. Zhi killed one of the two guards with one hand.

"Mr. Worm, here, is this?" The city owner exclaimed.

"I need a corpse!" Mr. Zuk only said a word.

Upon hearing Mr. Zhe's words, the city owner was suddenly shocked and stood aside immediately, afraid to intervene any more, just killing the two with the corpse? This worm is terrible.

Mr. Zent stretched out his hand gently, and the city owner found that a dozen black little bugs suddenly flew out of Mr. Zin's cuff.

This, bug? Is the bug hiding in Mr. Z's sleeve?

When the Lord of the City was surprised, the dozen or so black insects suddenly rushed to the two corpses on the ground. The Lord of the City saw clearly that the insect bite a hole in the corpse's face and got into the skin. Get inside the corpse?

Seeing this scene, the city owner was suddenly surprised, what, what kind of bug?

While waiting, the corps in the distance was getting closer. The city owner became more and more alarmed.

After a joss stick. The city horror found that the two bodies on the ground seemed to move suddenly. It was on the skin, bumps and swam quickly.

"Come out!" Cried Mr. Worm.

"嘭 ~~"

The skin of both corpses exploded. However, all the internal flesh and blood was gone, leaving only Sensen bones. Inside, the inside is full of black little bugs, and there are only a dozen when they go in. In a blink of an eye, it becomes tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions.

The city owner stepped back in fear.

So, these dozens of bugs split so much after eating the corpse? What kind of bug? It's too scary, it's too scary.

Suddenly, the skin of the corpse also disappeared, leaving only a pile of white bones, just a pile of white bones.

The city owner looked at the endless black bugs, and the shock was more terrifying than the zombies in the mountains.

What the **** is this?

The main body of the city was numb for a while.

Mr. Zushi was a wave of hands. Millions of black bugs suddenly rushed to the army of zombies in the distance.

Endless corpses, endless bugs.

The two armies fought.

Zombie Corps vs Bug Corps!

The battle of infinite terror has begun.

The black-pressed bugs were scattered and immediately inconspicuous. Only the city owner knew that this inconspicuous bug, as long as it encountered a zombies, the corpse would continue to fission, continue to split, and split up endless bugs.

The corpse stood at the rear, and was accompanied by a large whistle detective, who continued to gather information from the front to Zhongshan in the rear.

Below Liuhe City, Mr. Zou looked at the city in the distance and did not find the scattered little bugs.

Until, until the army was only five miles away from Liuhe City, the mutation occurred.

At the front, the front row of zombies suddenly became completely black, as if the body turned into black water. It kept flowing, not black water, but bugs, and the zombie was covered with endless bugs.

The horrible bugs ate all the flesh and blood of the zombies, and suddenly they exploded and rushed towards more zombies.

The front zombie suddenly turned into a pile of bones and fell to the ground.

"Well?" A sentry exclaimed suddenly.

Mr. Corpse also looked tight.

With a move, more than a dozen bugs were summoned in the distance.

One of the bugs crawled onto a sentry.

"Ah!" The detective yelled.

The bug actually bit his skin, and when the sentry's face became angry, Zhenyuan shuddered and killed the bug.

"Ghoul?" Mr. Zom surprised.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Above the tower, Mr. Zhe laughed cheerfully.

Because in the battlefield, the front-row zombies were turned into bones, all swallowed up, and more and more horrible bugs were seen in the sky.

"Mr. Corpse, I want to report the situation to Her Majesty. What do you have to bring?" The detective said immediately.

The sentry also saw the threat. This worm is like a nemesis of the zombies, devouring, crazy devouring, crazy splitting, too scary, too scary. At this speed, the zombies in the front have been swallowed, and the zombies in the rear and rear Sooner or later, because there are more and more bugs.

Moreover, just a bug can be killed by itself, but what about a million? You know, your hard skin was actually bitten by a bug.

How many zombies it eats, and how many bugs it turns into, will be under control all over the world. What kind of disaster will it be once these bugs attack our army? It's too scary, it's too scary. More terrifying than the Corps of Zombies.

"Bring a message to Her Majesty, Liuhe City, I will definitely take it. I ca n’t kill the worms in a short time, and tell Her Majesty that this worm is called a ghoul. I think His Majesty will know." Mr. said.

"Yes!" Said the detective, answering while taking the memory crystal.

With two bugs and memory crystals, the sentry flew back quickly.

Under the control of Mr. Zombie, endless zombies are still walking forward, as if they are not afraid of life and death. Of course, these zombies themselves have died.

No one knows what Mr. Corpse is thinking.

More and more zombies were devoured, and more and more bugs broke out.

Horror, a battle of zombies and bugs was staged outside Liuhe.

The war began, and countless soldiers around Liuhe City were watching.

"Roar ~"

The endless sergeant screamed and excited, and the Zombie Legion was finally restrained and finally met the opponent. The other army was about to stop, and it was finished, hahahaha.

Who can't get excited? Endless bugs, insects eat the world!

The city owner looked at the worms that were full of darkness. The original fear had disappeared, but they were more excited because the endless worms were their own army. With your own army.

Zombies, more and more zombies have disappeared, turned into bones and fallen down, win, win!

The town owner was excited for a while, and the battle continued. The zombies kept walking forward. Mr. Zhuang narrowed his eyes and frowned. what happened? What does Mr. Zombie do from afar?

Countless bugs rushed to Mr. Zombie's place.

Mr. Zom is holding a bell dedicated to controlling zombies. A group of fearful whistle behind him is too scary. Why doesn't Mr. Zom leave? Mr. Zombie turned his hand, and a layer of glass cover appeared around his body.

Countless insects were squatting on the glass cover, but they could not enter the slightest.

The detectives were glad for a while.

In the distance, Mr. Wu looked coldly.

This is the time of four hours.

At four hours, all the zombies had fallen, all turned into sensen bones.

The Zombie Legion lost? Completely defeated?

"Mr. Shenwei!" The city owner complimented immediately.

Yeah, the zombie army that let others smell the wind is so fragile in front of Mr. Zong, Mr. Zong is too powerful.

"Well, I'm going to the Zhongshan military camp. I'll leave you with the corpse collection here!" Said Mr. Zong.

"Mr. rest assured, just leave it here to me!" The city lord patted his breast and promised.

Mr. Nod nodded.

Then, Mr. Zeng's body became dark, and then, along with his clothes, also turned black. At last, the body suddenly turned into countless bugs, flew out, and flew into the army of bugs covering the sky.

The Lord of the City was dumbfounded and looked at the worm that was far away. Can Mr worm turn into a worm? What is this, this, this?

Mr. Worm is integrated into the sky.

Mr. Zombie did not use zombie attacks for this reason. He couldn't attack at all. Which one is Mr. Zombie?

Mr. Bug did not chase after Mr. Zombie. Because in Mr. Worm's view, his task is only to destroy the Zhongshan army, Zhongshan's endless army, and the army to destroy. These leaders are naturally dealt with by the Daguang dynasty.

Overwhelmingly, the true blackness was raging, the endless bugs flew towards the south, and they flew in terror. That momentum is like a locust swarm, no, it is 10,000 times more than a locust swarm, 100 million times more.

Countless bugs rushed to the south and rushed to Zhongshan Army.

In the south of Liuhe City, on the battlefield, only Mr. Zombie and a few sentry in fear, and the bones falling to the ground.

On top of the tower, the town owner was excited.

"Open the door and chase Mr. Zombie!" The city owner roared excitedly.

If you take down Mr. Zombie, how much credit would it be? I have half a million broken arrows. Your Mr. Zombie is in danger.

"Mr. Corpse, we, let's run away!" A sentry feared.

Mr. Corpse was in no hurry, watching the rushing army without a timidity, smiling coldly, and the bell in his hand rang again.

"Dang 啷 啷 ~~"

Watching Mr. Zombie ring the bell, the distant city lord sneered for a while, the zombie army was gone, what's the use of your bell? The whistle beside Mr. Zhe also thought so, what's wrong with Mr. Zhe?

The army rushed madly.

Mr. Corpse was not nervous at all, the bell rang, and a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly, the thriller happened again. Compared to the zombie army, something more horrible than endless bugs happened.

On the earth, countless zombie corpses were eaten up by insects. No, it should be said to be bones, endless bones, and endless bones suddenly all sat up and then stood up.

It is conceivable that all the skeletons in the mountains are alive, how terrible, so gloomy, and how infiltrating.

Zombie Legion, all turned into another legion!

Skeleton Legion!

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