
Vol 2 Chapter 22: Terrible Bell Mountain

Chapter 22 The Terrible Zhongshan

"噗嗤 ~~"

Tian Linger didn't hold back, and was laughed at by Zhong Shan's words. Although Zhao Suoxiang didn't laugh, the muscle twitch on his face can be seen, it was also forbearing.

Although the ancestors of the four major families below were angry, they were old and mature, but they forbeared it and took a look at the two beside Zhongshan together.

The woman in red, although everyone didn't know, but this time also got the news that Zhongshan brought a woman from the outside, is it Zhongshan's wife and concubine? The other, four ancestors stared at him.

During the day, it was rumored that someone came to visit. At that time, I thought it was Zhong Shan who was recruited to help, but what was unexpected was Zhao Suxiang?

In the Song Dynasty, Zhao Xiangxiang may not be known by the four lords, but the four ancestors all have a little memory, and even the Zhao ancestors also know Zhao Suxiang. All surnamed Zhao.

"Zhao Danchen, don't come without a fool?" Zhao Suo looked at Zhao Danchen with his gun, a sneer on his face.

"Iron gun gate, where Zhao is heading?" The ancestor of the Zhao family glared with a little flash of surprise in his eyes. Sure enough, this Zhongshan is not simple. The day after tomorrow is okay. It will be innate. After more than a year, they will make friends. Got this person.

"Do you still know me? Well, the battlefield in the past, killing my uncle, bereavement, and I will report it today." Zhao Suo said coldly to both eyes.

"Zhao Xiangxiang, today's matter, we only need Zhongshan's life, you have nothing to do with it, quickly retreat, we do not embarrass you." Zhao Danchen said coldly.

"Distressed? Hahaha, joke, I'll let you out if not invited?" Zhong Shan suddenly laughed.

"Old Zhao, there is no need to talk nonsense with him, kill Zhongshan, we have to go." Qian family ancestor said.

"Okay." Zhao Danchen answered.

At this moment, Zhong Shan smiled faintly. There was a flash of light in his eyes, Zhong Shan was waiting, waiting for the other party to attack first, because Zhong Shan had arranged early.

Looking at Zhongshan's expression, Zhao Danchen frowned, feeling a bit wrong in his heart, but there were only three people in the attic, all around quietly, and no one could ambush here. So many strong people on their own, as long as one person dragged Zhao Xiangxiang, killing Zhongshan is not difficult.

"Up ~~" Zhao Danchen roared loudly, and led everyone to leap towards the loft.

Each of them held a long sword and jumped into the air. It only took two jumps to reach Zhongshan.

However, at this moment, a strange smile appeared in the corner of Zhong Shan's mouth.

"Put ~~"

In the distance, across a few courtyards, suddenly a clear voice came.

far away? Hearing the voices in the distance, the vacant people did not know.

Sure enough, with the crisp sounds falling.

"Hoo ~~"

A burst of empty sounds, arrows? Is there an ambush?

However, even the arrows are too far apart. Shooting here across several courtyards is weak. Moreover, even if the arrows are near, there is a threat to the four masters. However, for the four, The old ancestors did not work at all.

However, when all the people who had risen in the air could clearly see what was coming, they all showed a panic expression, and something bad happened.

Arrows are arrows, not arrows, but crossbows, siege equipment, and eight-bow crossbow bow beds.

The so-called eight-bow crossbow means that eight cows need to pull their bows at the same time to pull them apart. It is not an exaggeration. To open this crossbow requires at least thirty people. The wall of the city shot from a crossbow, and even shot through it, showing its power.

Although separated by several courtyards, it did not affect its strength at all.

Forty, forty large arrows like spears, fired extremely accurately into the air.

If it is on the ground, the congenital masters may be able to avoid it, but in this mid-air, there is no way to take advantage of it, and it is only a little side to hide.

"Uh, uh ..."

The sound of a series of impacts, blood spilled into the sky, was terrible. Even the owner Li was in the air, his head was shot by a large arrow, and his brain burst.

Of the four masters, three died on the spot, leaving only the Sun family owner to escape by chance, very lucky. Zhao Jiazhu and Qian Jiazhu shot through the chest on the spot, and the big arrow passed by. It was unexpected that Zhongshan was solved in such a whimper.

The four old ancestors were fast in shape, but only three were worthy to escape. The old ancestors of the Sun family were extremely sad. The long sword cut open two large arrows. However, immediately after, the three large arrows shot directly. The body, strong explosive power, nailed the Sun family ancestors directly onto a thick wall in the distance and died.

Zhao Danchen was quicker to hide from the other two ancestors. Although he couldn't resist it, he released the big arrows by relying on the release of the real Yuan. Only the old ancestor of Qian family was unfortunately rubbed by the big arrows to his body and left arm. Blood blew.

"Bai" the fearful ones fell down with apprehension.

Zhong Shan, Zhao Suoxiang and Tian Linger quickly jumped out of the attic and stopped in front of the crowd.

"It's impossible, eight cow crossbow bow beds. You can't have it in Zhongfu. How come, forty? Forty? If there are so many eight crossbow bow beds, I can't help but know." The Sun family master who fortunately avoided it. Roared, because the old ancestor of the Sun family died in the round of arrow rain just now. Why is this so, impossible, impossible?

"The person who wrote to you said no, that's because he didn't know, hum, I said, I'll let you guys come and go." Zhong Shanhan whispered.

"You killed the old ancestors, you killed the old ancestors. The old ancestors of my Sun family Jindan period knew that they would definitely wash your bell house in blood." The Sun family's main voice shouted vigorously.

Looking at the owner of the Sun, Zhong Shan smiled lightly: "Since you entered Zhong Fu, Zhong Shan and the four families have been dead forever, Jin Danqi? What about Jin Danqi? As long as he dares to come, I will let him There is no return. "

For Zhongshan, the country will be more and more enemies as soon as the country is established. As long as there is a dispute over interests, even the strongest in the infant period will have to face it, let alone the Jindan period?

"The arrow is poisonous." Qian's ancestor shook his arm, suddenly horrified, turned his hand and took out a capsule of elixir into his mouth.

"Money is old, are you okay?" The owner of the Sun immediately panicked.

"It's okay. After I adjust my breath, I can force the poison out. It's so strong that even my avoiding poison can't get rid of it all at once." Qian Qian, the old ancestor known as Qian Lao, was horrified.

Looking at Qian Lao's face a little purple, the owner of the Sun family looked at Zhongshan in an incredible way: "Zhongshan, you are so vicious."

"Vicious? Are you kind to call me kind? Huh." Zhong Shan sneered, sniffing at the words of Sun's homeowner, facing each other's life and death, and talking about He Rendao.

"Go" Zhao Danchen called immediately.

"Where to go?" Zhao Suo pointed at the spear and killed Zhao Danchen.

Tian Ling'er immediately danced to the red pupa, which had not fully recovered, and stood in front of the old ancestors of the Li family.

As for Zhongshan, it was pointed at Qian's ancestors.

At this moment, although the Sun family owner felt resentment in his heart, he also felt the horror of Zhong Shan. He glanced at the old ancestor who had been nailed to the wall without hesitation. The Sun family owner turned and ran away. Zhongshan is still so terrible, no, it is even more terrible.

"Kill ~~~"

When Zhong Shan roared, Dadao's nightmare fell to Qian's ancestors, and the body inside his clothes suddenly skyrocketed.

Spell-hardened Dafa! First!

Try to split Tianshan!

"Boom ~~"

With a loud noise, Zhongshan's sword was chopped over Qian's ancestor's long sword.

Under the old foot of Qian, it seemed as if there was a burst of air ripples, and the bricks and stones under his foot were all turned into powder by great force. Qian Lao is very toxic and his strength is greatly discounted. However, in the face of Zhongshan, the fourth-born inborn, even if Zhongshan has doubled his strength, he is still not at a disadvantage. When a sword is blocked, you will retreat.

How could Zhongshan make him wish, and Dadao nightmare chased away quickly.

In another place, Zhao Suo pointed at the spear and stabbed directly at Zhao Danchen. One shot stabbed, bringing out a large amount of true spirit, and a gunman shot from it, shot at Zhao Danchen. Zhao Danchen also greeted with a sword and saw The gun came, and it was a shock in his heart. He waved his hand, and a sword gas shot at Zhao Suoxiang, avoiding Zhao Suoxiang's spear and stabbing himself.

Although Tian Ling'er's red owl has not recovered, it has been able to make ordinary attacks. Moreover, when Tian Xingzi came out, he gave Tian Linger a life-saving thing, just like the last jade charm fire phoenix. The power is infinite. Linger was tenth innate, and congenital limit was reached. Zhongshan was naturally assured of Tianlinger's safety.

The Sun family ran away at that time, and his heart was full of fear. Eight people, eight congenitals, if in the past it was absolutely perfect, it was easy to go to the palace to harvest the emperor's head, but now what is going on? In the past, Sun's homeowner felt Zhongshan was horrible, but now he discovered that he used to underestimate him.

There was an ambush in Zhongfu, and Zhongshan had been prepared for a long time, and Sun's owner ran away naturally, but when he jumped out of Zhongfu, Sun's owner found out that no one came after him? Was Zhongshan all bluffing?

"呲 ~~"

Suddenly, when the owner of the Sun family was in doubt, a purple thin sword appeared all over his chest.

The owner of the Sun family widened his eyes, and there was an extremely incredible flash in his eyes. He was attacked by himself? And he didn't even notice it, and was penetrated through his heart.

Zhongshan wasn't unprepared, but he had already been prepared. Zhongshan was terrible!

Before the death, looking at the purple sword on the chest, the last sentence of the Sun family left a difficult sentence: "Dark Night Hall, Dark Emperor?"

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