
Vol 6 Chapter 119: Forced marriage

Chapter 119 Forced Marriage

Emperor Xuanzang looked at this scene in amazement, his eyes looked weird.

What monster was that? By the way, the last time Zhongshan broke the veins of Sirius Island, the monster appeared once, the last time was just a ghost, but this time, the entity was condensed?

The power just now, the eight-tailed fantasy world, dancing the ripples of space, destroying everything in the Quartet, within 300,000 miles, the soul is broken. What is this ability?

Emperor Xuanzang can do the same, but what does Zhongshan do now? How can he do that? That can only be done by Tianji Realm!

How did that monster sneak into Zhongshan's body?

Also, Zhongshan's Xiu Wei, Huang Jijing, is tenth?

Rising five times?

Emperor Xuanzang smoked again on his face. This is hard work? This speed is more terrifying than the superior, the best root bones. Is this still the bad root bones?

Emperor Xuanzang's doubts were full of excitement. The stronger Zhongshan was, the better the wolf's future.

Below, Zhongshan stood in mid-air, and after folding up the Eight-pole Tianwei, looked at the damage caused by Eight-pole Tianwei for a moment.

Instead of looking for Emperor Xuanzang, Zhongshan looked into the distance, and the red lotus powdered in the eyebrows, once again passed a red-green energy into Zhongshan's eyes.

Suddenly, the world in Zhongshan's eyes suddenly changed, endless, and the endless world rules were everywhere.

The regular patterns of these heavens and the earth are gray.

Suddenly, Zhong Shan's eyes brightened, and Zhong Shan saw a special pattern.

Red, a red texture?

Looking at the red lines for a moment, Zhongshan suddenly felt a surging fire rushing into his head, shaking his mind for a while, stronger than all the rules. A special red line.

However, the red lines disappeared suddenly only in a moment.

The shock in Zhongshan's heart was beyond words, was that?

The gray and white regular lines are just being seen. They can't affect his mind at all, but a red line just now made his heart jump.

what is that?


That is not a regular pattern, it is a regular pattern!

The law of heaven and earth, the source of true strength!

Is that a rule?

Zhongshan's heart is full of endless excitement. The rule, you must know that in the small thousand worlds, only the strongest in the celestial realm can touch a trace of the law. Just touch a trace of the law and you can start your own 'sky'. .

Emperor Jijing can only feel the rules at most, but it is impossible to experience the comprehensiveness, but in front of Zhongshan, there are real regular patterns, and even Tianjijing cannot see such obvious regular patterns. Even Zhongshan can occasionally see a bunch of regular patterns.

The source of strength, the law, what Zhongshan just saw was a law of fire.


Not far away, a blue line suddenly appeared, flashed from the side of Zhong Shan to the distance, disappeared. A surging force of the water system rushed towards Zhongshan.

Zhongshan is a spirit. Law of the water system?

The horror and surprise in Zhongshan's heart has reached an infinite height.

You know, the average celestial powerhouse can only explore a trace of rules in one category, but the rules in Zhongshan's eyes do not have ***?

Close your eyes quickly.

Zhongshan took a deep breath and calmed himself down.

Hung Hom Tian Jing, seventh! Overwhelmed!

It ’s too scary, so terrible, even the rules can be seen blinking?

"What's wrong?" Di Xuanzhang asked, flying down.

Zhongshan was still in her heart, slowly opened her already calm eyes, and shook her head, "Nothing, let's go back to Sirius Island!"

Emperor Xuanzang had thousands of words to ask, but look at Zhong Shan, and finally took a deep breath and forced it down.

Do not understand, then wait to witness the strength of Zhongshan in person in the future!

A year and a half later. Qingzhou, Yi Yan House.

A group of counselors stood in front of Yi Yan. These are the talents who came from the Imperial Examination during the decades of the imperial dynasty. They were distributed in all directions, and a group of them were assigned to the Yi Yan account.

What wise men like Yi Yan, naturally disdain to suppress young people, as long as they can show their virtues and wisdom, they can be reused by Yi Yan.

Tiexue stood in front of this group of people, looking at Yi Yan together, waiting for Yi Yan to speak.

Yi Yan clutched a letter in his hand, looked at it, a smile on his face appeared.

"Sir, what good news has your Majesty brought?" Tiexue asked.

Tie Xue naturally called Yi Yan as 'Mr.' because of Yi Yiyan's study of learning and power.

"There are two good news. One is that the Daoist Dynasty added two more legions, the seventh army commander, Yan Chongzhi! The eighth army commander, Zhao Suoxiang!" Yi Yan laughed.

"Two more? Where did Your Majesty come from? Can you compare with Mr.?" Tiexue pouted, unconvinced.

"Your Majesty's vision is naturally not wrong, Tie Xie Xiu nonsense!" Yi Yan's face was right.

"Yes!" Iron Blood resigned.

Seeing the stubbornness of iron blood, Yi Yan shook his head and smiled.

"Marshal, what about the second good news?" Another asked.

"The second good news is that my dynasty dynasty is about to be promoted to the imperial dynasty!" Yi Yan said.

Sure enough, after hearing this news, almost everyone was rejoicing, not only rejoicing the strength of the Dalai dynasty, but more importantly, the official position of the people was also raised again.

Although the official position remains unchanged, the position of heaven and earth has changed greatly. By that time, the emperor's luck received by the emperor will be much more than before.

"Marshal, what are we going to do?" The man immediately asked excitedly.

"Beginning preparations, the imperial dynasty is not so easy to advance. In the next period, you will do as I tell you. Every time you do something, you will add a mark to your merit book." Yi Yan said .

"Yes!" There was a strong joy on everyone's faces.

"I will arrange the tasks for you in a proper amount, and you will definitely be able to complete them. In the next time, you must give me enough energy, and you will not get the slightest omission. If anyone is in trouble at this critical time, I will never show mercy! Yi Yan's face was right.

Frightened by Yi Yanyizheng's complexion, everyone was shocked, and the original strong joy was diluted a lot. Of course, at this time, everyone was calmer, and everything that follows will be more careful. Let this promotion make a trace of flaws.

Except on Yi Yan House.

Water on the markless house! Water mirror house! After receiving letters from Zhongshan, Qingzhou officially began to be busy for the promotion of the imperial dynasty.

Sirius Island!

After the dynasty meeting, Zhong Shan met Emperor Xuanzang again in the Changsheng Hall!

"I'm going to trouble you again this time!" Zhong Shan said in a deep voice to Emperor Xuanzang.

"Rest assured, I will get things done for Dasao's promotion and for my wolf tribe!" Emperor Xuanyuan nodded earnestly.

"Trouble!" Zhong Shan said solemnly again.

You know, although Emperor Xuanzang is for the wolf tribe, Emperor Xuanzang has such a powerful cultivation practice that he can obey his own arrangements at such a high status in Shenzhou. It is absolutely unprecedented. In theory, Zhongshan did not move him. But Emperor Xuanzang was very cooperative. Zhongshan voted for his favor, and naturally he was very polite.

Emperor Xuanzang nodded, then suddenly looked outside the hall.

"You're busy, I'm leaving!" Di Xuanyu said. After speaking, Emperor Xuanzang flickered and disappeared in front of Zhong Shan.

Zhong Shan nodded, then looked out of the hall with some doubts.

Outside the hall, it's Boa!

A white man followed behind Bao'er. Bao'er's face seemed to have a hint of resentment, and he entered the hall very silent.

"What's wrong?" Zhong Shan said to Bao'er.

"I'm looking for you!" Baoer said with a pout.

"Longevity world, sad Qingyan has seen Emperor Zhong!" The man in white faced Zhongshan Road respectfully.

Longevity World? Sadness but not smoke? Sadness?

"Uh, are you?" Zhong Shan looked at the sad blue smoke, and there was a strange flash in his eyes.

"Mei Qingsi is a distant cousin of mine. In the past, Mei Qingsi's father left the Longevity World and joined the Yun Dynasty. Our Bei family expressed their regret. Fortunately, Beiqing Silk finally returned to the Eternal Life!" Bei Qingyan said.

"A sad family?" Zhong Shan frowned slightly.

"Exactly!" Said Qing Qingyan.

"What are you looking for?" Zhongshan wondered.

"Cousin is sad, let me send you a letter, and let me give it to you by name!" Said Bei Qingyan.


Sad Qingyan handed a letter!

The moment he opened the letter, Zhong Shan found a piece of blue silk inside. This is also the secret code that Zhong Shan and Bei Qingsi once said.

Looking at the length of this green silk, Zhong Shan knew immediately that the letter had only four words!

Open the letter and it really only has four words!

"Come and save me!"

Come and save me? The moment he saw these four words, Zhongshan was shocked. Although Qing Qingsi seems tender, Zhong Shan knows that she is very arrogant, lonely and esteemed, and never bows her head. A girl who is soft and stubborn outside, but stubborn.

But even such a girl, even in the face of great difficulties, will not bow to people, or ask for help, but will only bear it silently.

But right now? Come and save me?

The four-character words have done sad Qingsi's attachment and dependence on Zhongshan, which also shows that a big event happened at the sad Qingsi.

"What happened to Qingsi?" Zhong Shan immediately asked.

"Cousin was forced to marry!" Bei Qingyan said immediately, as if she wanted Zhongshan to rescue her.

"Forcing marriage? Who?" Zhong Shan's eyes were cold.

"Bingxuan Zhenjun!" Said the sad Qingyan.

Bingxuan? In Zhongshan's mind, he quickly jumped out of Bingxuan he saw in the past. The blue-haired evil charm man was extremely handsome. When he was on his way to Dalitianchao, he encountered the sad blue silk. , Bei Qingsi called his uncle, but he kept pursuing the man of sad Qing Si.

"Is he? Impossible, he cannot be Qingsi's opponent!" Zhong Shan sank in his heart.

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