
Vol 7 Chapter 8: Heaven

Chapter Eight

The battle in the celestial realm can only be described as fast and strong, and most people can't capture their traces, except for the shadow-like sword marks drawn by the killing fairy sword, and the paused figure when they collided.

The battle of Ye Qingcheng can not be described by gorgeousness. It can only be described by tearing the sky. Powerful battles, the blood of the battle, the sea and the air are shattered, and the surrounding space is turbulent. This level of battle is for everyone I was ashamed when I saw it.

The terrible battle has been fought for three days and three nights. After all, fighting with yourself is not so easy. From three days ago, the space body seems to be controlled everywhere.

Obviously an opponent like himself, but was strangely suppressed by Ye Qingcheng.

Did Ye Qingcheng find his flaws? And attack yourself everywhere? People do n’t understand, just seeing that the space body is losing ground and there are more and more scars on the body.

"呲 ~"

Ye Qingcheng's sword penetrated the body of the space body, and the battle was over.

Ye Qingcheng won.

After the Yexian sword hole penetrated the opponent ’s body, Ye Qingcheng closed his eyes slightly. After three breaths, his eyes slowly opened. At this moment, the eyes are no longer as bright as before, but return to normal and ordinary.

Ye Qingcheng's state of mind has broken! Ye Qingcheng will be even more powerful!

The space corpses on the Sword of Swords dissipate slowly, like never before.

Ye Qingcheng looked calm, but the fragmented space around it showed the fierce fighting just now.

Not the old world, the strength is as strong as Ruos.

Gradually, the Quartet's space gradually calmed down, and everything recovered, once again returning to the previous confrontation scene.

It was only that Nangong won the right fingertip at this time, and it was no longer a white **** but a black one.

"Breaking the battle? Ye Jiezhu, so talented!" Nangong said.

"Thank you for your completeness, but this time the book of the Lao World is bound to be obtained. Do n’t blame Nangong God! Thirty-fifth son, I do n’t think Nangong God is here to end, right?" Ye Qingcheng stared at Nangong victory.

Ye Qingcheng has just broken through his state of mind, and his strength has risen again. At this time, Ye Qingcheng needs an opponent. The stronger the better, the Nangong victory is naturally the best choice.

"Of course not, there are thirty-six sons, Ye Jiezhu can pick it up!" Nangong Sheng stared at Ye Qingcheng with a smile.

The thirty-sixth son? When Zhong Shan and others heard this, they all frowned, and there was a stronger formation than before?

Ye Qingcheng is extremely dignified. Others just see that Ye Qingcheng has personal experience. This Yitianxian array is too strong. Every time a child is dropped, the trend of large-scale attack suddenly changes. There is no idea at all. Every time it falls, it is several times stronger. , But I rely on killing the fairy sword, this strength, you can face the ordinary fairy without losing, even worse.

But this game of Tianxian array is extremely powerful. After passing the level, I will reach the thirty-fifth child, but I have almost passed. The thirty-fifth child, self? I was really scared just now, but that was a fairy sword, and it was actually simulated?

And thirty-sixth son? Ye Qingcheng didn't dare to take the slightest care, waiting for Nangong to win the son.

Nangong Sheng looked at Ye Qingcheng and smiled slightly. The black **** in his hand fell slightly in the void.

Void reappeared the previous phantom, a weird chessboard, with black chess falling.


After the sound of a falling child, the entire sea of ​​sinking and floating blood surged up again, countless islands sank again, countless islands floated out again, the surrounding structure suddenly changed, and the original red sky suddenly disappeared.

In return, it is a depressive atmosphere. It is extremely depressing, which makes people have a feeling of being unable to breathe. This feels very dull. Even in the distance, such as Zhong Shan, they feel the dull depression. Step back.

Fairy? Is this immortal power?

Ye Qingcheng was extremely vigilant, staring, and searching the Quartet.

Suddenly a strong wind blew across the Quartet, and a ray of cool Ye Qingcheng's hair grew.

A huge coercion, from the sky!

Ye Qingcheng looked up fiercely, looking at the sky.

At a glance, Ye Qingcheng opened his mouth suddenly.

The thirty-sixth son? No way?

Above the sky, endless dark clouds emerged out of thin air. The dark clouds became thicker and thicker, and more and more accumulated. Countless shining thunderbolts swallowed in the black clouds, and an overwhelming coercion from heaven.

"Here, what is this?" Ye Qingcheng felt the horrible threat and shouted with horror in his heart.

Nangong Sheng glanced confidently at Ye Qingcheng and smiled lightly: "Yi Tianxian Zhen, the thirty-sixth son, Tianjie!"

The thirty-sixth son, God of Hell?

Nangong Sheng's voice was not loud, but spread throughout the audience, and even in all directions. Nangong Sheng was a warning. He deliberately disclosed the news so that people outside would not dare to disturb him easily.


What concept? Nangong Sheng uses the formation method to draw out the sky calamity, and uses the sky calamity to split Ye Qingcheng?

"Heavenly? Is this true or false?" Xianxian said in horror.

"Really!" Yin sunset horrified.

"False!" Gu Qianyou shook his head and analyzed.

Not only the Zhongshan group, but also countless powerful people in the periphery are also discussing this topic. Is this true or false?

Ye Qingcheng looked at the sky with suspicion.

Really? fake? The thirty-sixth son, God of Hell?

Ye Qingcheng has already thought of this formation method very high, but every son of Nangong Sheng overthrows his own idea and pushes up the power of the formation method infinitely. Now, even more, he also moved out of Tianjie?

Ye Qingcheng's eyes were full of surprise, and his expression kept changing, as if thinking about something.

Ye Qingcheng had mixed feelings in his heart, but Tianjie could not wait for him.

"Boom ~~"

A super loud noise, in the dark cloud, spewed a thick purple thunderbolt like a purple dragon, coming down from the sky and hitting Ye Qingcheng fiercely. The purple thunder dragon passed by all the way, bringing out a large number of The turbulent space oscillated, forming dark traces around the purple thunderbolt.

"Boom ~"

Killing the sword with a sword soaring into the sky and crashing together with the purple thunder dragon, a strong collision will sink Ye Qingcheng Baizhang, and the purple thunder sword can only die with hatred under the fairy sword.

A huge black hole is left in the air, constantly absorbing the surrounding space to fill it.

Everyone on the periphery felt the power of this ‘Heavenly Calamity’, opening their mouths one by one, and their hearts were full of horror.

"Ye Qingcheng lost!" Zhong Shan said lightly.

"Uh?" Everyone was slightly puzzled.

"Nangong God, offended, Bu Laojie stop!" Ye Qingcheng closed his mouth and spoke to Nangong Sheng.

Uh? Almost everyone was stunned. Nangong Sheng just didn't show defeat. Why did he stop?

Nangong Sheng looked at Ye Qingcheng, smiled slightly on his face, and finally nodded, the sleeves fluttered, and the sky thundercloud suddenly disappeared. At this moment, everyone knows that this is just a formation method, not a real heist, otherwise, The sky is coming, even the fairy can't get involved.

"How did Ye Qingcheng admit defeat?" Xianxian frowned.

"Ye Qingcheng had to admit defeat!" Gu Qianyou said.


"This day ’s calamity, I ’d like to say two things. If it ’s a real sky calamity, Ye Qingcheng definitely does n’t want to go through this time, although he has the ability to go through it, but after passing through, he will become an immortal. Ye Qiancheng ca n’t spend much time, Ye Qingcheng does n’t want to use his mind for a moment, forcing himself out of Xiao Qian World. In Xiao Qian World, he certainly has a lot of things to do. So in the face of the real disaster, Ye Qingcheng will definitely give in! Qian You explained.

"Isn't this a fake scourge?" Xianxian wondered.

"Fake? Maybe it is fake. If it is a fake Sky Calamity, then the simulation of Nangong Sheng is absolutely strong enough. Ye Qingcheng should be able to survive it. However, once he passes this highly simulated Sky Calamity, Ye Qingcheng has to go all out. To go, even let out the breath of life and fight with the "Heavenly Calamity", the unrestrained breath hits the sky, it is likely to bring in the real Heavenly Calamity, and you will have to go in time. This is in the world of Xiao Qian. Before the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the general celestial realm definitely did not want to cross the calamity. "Gu Qianyou explained.

"Huh!" Everyone nodded, understanding the meaning of Gu Qianyou.

In the distance, Ye Qingcheng looked at Nangong Sheng, with a very strange facial expression, and looked at it again and said: "Nangong God, today Ye Qingcheng confessed that he had lost, and he will fight against Nangong God in the future!"

"Waiting at any time!" Nangong Sheng laughed.

Yitianxianzhen, thirty-six sons, won the world.

Countless people on the periphery showed horror. Is this Nangong victory really powerful? Realm master, lost?

"No old people, go ~"

Ye Qingcheng didn't drag the mud, with the orders, tens of thousands of elders from the sky flew up to Ye Qingcheng, and with Ye Qingcheng, the vastness flew to the north. No one dared to stop passing by!

Dignity, one of the two holy places in the underworld, ended in failure. Is it possible for other small forces?

It is needless to say that Nangong Sheng is powerful. From the beginning to the end, Nangong Sheng did not take the shot himself. He just set up a Yitianxian array. Can the huge array of law even bring Tianjie to death? Who dares to rush?

This is the thirty-sixth son. Is there any thirty-seventh son? Thirty-eight children?

Everyone looked in awe at Nangong Sheng on the central island. Nangong Sheng smiled a little. They didn't care about the outer powerhouses. After the previous war, these people should not make trouble anymore.

Nangong Keng waved his hand, and suddenly, in the whole sea of ​​blood, endless blood mist was rising, and the huge blood mist was growing more and more. Shi could not detect it.

Nangong Sheng used the formation method to cover everything.

"Why didn't Nangong Sheng leave here?" Xianxian asked Zhongshan curiously.

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