
Vol 7 Chapter 30: Details of Tianjia

Chapter Thirty

I learned that the powerful immortal Nangong Sheng has become the subordinate of the grandmother. The pride in Yin Luori's heart is completely gone. Although he has unified the underworld tiger family, has endless power, and is also a strong man in the heavenly realm, what about? The immortals are all courtiers, and they themselves are dragging a fart?

With no words, Yin Sunset temporarily lived in the Dalai Emperor.

Emperor Zhongshan? Yin Luori never saw him as the emperor's extreme realm, and the Wu clan who could not fight himself were killed by Zhongshan. Is this still emperor's extreme realm?

In recent years, with the contact with Zhong Shan, Yin Sunset has gradually agreed with Zhong Shan. Of course, Zhong Shan deliberately led to account for a lot of reasons.

The three came to the study and looked at Zhongshan in doubt.

"Your Majesty, why are we here?" Nangong Sheng asked.

"About Tianjia!" Zhongshan solemnly said.

"Oh?" The three of them fainted slightly, especially the old man with wine, and frowned deeply.

"What do you ask Tianjia to do?" The old man asked immediately.

"One of my relatives was caught by the Tianjia family for 'Jingbochi'. You used to be the Tian family, do you know?" Zhongshan asked.

Hearing the Jingbochi, the old man's face changed greatly, and then his face was bitter. He thought for a while, "Your Majesty, now we can't mess with Heaven, really."

"Oh?" There was a stubborn look on Zhong Shan's face.

"I'll tell your Majesty what's happening in the Heavens!" The old man thought for a while.


"Tianjia, is located in the **** of thousands, every day there are tens of millions of ghosts coming from the Quartet. Those ghosts have no wisdom, as if they knew it instinctively, only to be able to reincarnate and reincarnate against Huangquan Road into Yangyang, but How can it be possible to walk Huangquan Road in the opposite direction? It can only fly away on the way, and some wise ghost king will be born. The ghost king will leave. "The old man of wine described Hell Road.


"The heavenly family lives in a place where the spirits are vertical and horizontal. It faces endless ghosts every day. It does not fall for tens of thousands of years. The heavenly family has five pulses, and each pulse is centered on a peak. Your majesty, which five pulses do you know? "The old man smiled bitterly.

"Which five veins?" Zhongshan frowned.

"Life pulse, Yun pulse, Feng Shui pulse, Jiyin virtue pulse, Gong Ming pulse!" The old man said.

"One life, two games, three Fengshui, four accumulations, five virtues, five virtues? Tianjia is a big tone." Lin Xiao was surprised.

"The five peaks correspond to Mingfeng, Yunfeng, Fengshui Peak, Jiyin Defeng, and Gongming Peak. The master of the Mingfeng is the homeowner! The current Tianjia homeowner is a natural machine," said the old man.

"Oh? God of nature?"

"The owner was originally named Tianji. After becoming the owner, according to family rules, add a 'child'," said the old man.

Heavenly machine? Zhong Shan's brow froze, Zhong Shan's master, Tian Xingzi, is the owner of the heavenly family in the Yangjian?

"You're repairing, isn't it that you were the Tianjia children of Yunmai before?" Zhongshan frowned.

"Yes, the ancestor of my ability to repair is the owner of Yunmai Feng." The old man said.

"What about others?" Zhong Shan became more dignified.

"Dead!" The old man said.


"My roots are not good. Otherwise, why does Tianjizi want me to pass the method of repair to other children? You must know that repair can only be learned by one person. If I spread it, I will die. I am a gift. It ’s not high, but I ca n’t sit and wait for death. The ancestor passed me the ability, I should be the new peak master, just because my roots are bad, then I will kill the peak master? Just kill the world? ”The old man said. With that, his face became red.

"Master Wufengfeng, are you very strong?" Zhong Shan asked.

"I have only seen the owner of Mingfeng. I haven't seen others. However, it should be very strong, because the ancestor who passed me on to repair was Tianjijing, and the other five peaks should be Tianjijing!" The old man thought. Thought.

"Five pulses? Yunmai is Xiuyun, what about the other four pulses?"

"Except for the lifeline being controlled by the owner, the other three veins are naturally different." The old man said.

"Cultivate them all? That is to say, cultivate Feng Shui, cultivate yin and morals, and practice all the names?" Lin Xiao was surprised.


"No, Xiu Feng Shui and Xiu Ji Yin are okay to say, what about the name of Xiong Gong?" Lin Xiao disapproved immediately.

"Tianjia secretly controlled several imperial dynasties, and luck came naturally!" The old man in disapproval said.

"Tianjia has such a big appetite, so deep inside!" Yin sunset amazed.

"Oh!" The old man smiled with a disdain.

"Huh?" Yin sunset frowned.

"This is just the superficial strength of the Tianjia." The old man shook his head.

"Surface power?" Yin sunset was incredible.

"Tianjia, the real strongest force should be the so-called 'static wave pool'. I don't know what's in the static wave pool, but the ancestors who pass me on for repairs often reveal their yearning for it. It is said that fifty thousand years ago When the Tianjia family encountered the catastrophic disaster, the three heavens of the underworld came to an end, and at the critical moment, an old ancestor of the Tianjia came out of the static wave pool, and the three heavenly disasters were calmed down at one stroke.

Everyone suddenly listened to the old man's words. Is it true or false?

"So, Your Majesty's desire to break into the sky is absolutely impossible." The old man shook his head.

"Then you know the heavenly house in the middle of the sun?" Zhong Shan asked.

"Is there a celestial home in the middle of the sun?" The old man of wine showed a hint of surprise.

Zhong Shan was depressed for a while, and originally wanted to ask the Master about the use of the ‘Tian Ling’, but now it seems unnecessary to ask. The old man must not know.

"Perhaps there is a family!" The old man thought for a while.

"Uh?" Zhongshan was weird for a while. What does it mean?

"Because of my mission in the heavens!" The old man thought for a while.

"What makes a mission happen?" Zhong Shan frowned.

"The ancestors who passed on my repair ability once said that the mission of Tianjia is to protect this Xiaoqian world, saying that I can betray Tianjia in the future, but I ca n’t betray this Xiaoqian world. Even if I leave Tianjia, Concerned about the general situation of the world, within our ability to get rid of thousands of visitors from the world, with this weird ancestral teaching, this weird mission, maybe there is a heaven in the world! "The old man thought for a while.

"Mission? Guarding the world of Xiaoqian?" Zhong Shan was slightly strange.

Whose mission is this? Let a family persist to this day?

"It's not just Tianjia!" Nangong Sheng suddenly said.


"It is our duty to protect this world, in addition to the Tianjia, there is a party!" Nangong Sheng thought for a while.

"and also?"

"The creation shrine!" Nangong Sheng affirmed.

"One of the three holy places in the sun, the Genesis Temple?" Zhong Shan was surprised.

"Yes, it ’s the strangest one of the creation shrine, the sun, and the holy places. No one knows where the creation shrine is, and it has never disappeared, perhaps because there is a creation shrine watching in the sun. Tianjia just disappeared. And when I was in the sun, I haven't seen anyone else in the Genesis Shrine except Xuanyuan, as if there is only one person per generation in the Genesis Shrine. "Nangong Sheng said.

"There is only one person? How can it be a sanctuary?" Lin Xiao was surprised.

"I don't know. It seems that where the master of the creation palace is, the place where the creation palace is located!" Nangong thought for a while.

"Stop talking about the creation shrine, let's talk about the Tianjia! I'm going to go to the Tianjia, Nangong Sheng, how is your strength now recovering?" Zhongshan asked.

"Not counting the formation ability, only the strength during the fit period!" Nangong Sheng smiled bitterly.

"Well, forget it, you're going to heal yourself in Dasao!" Zhong Shan thought for a while.

"Your Majesty!" Nangong Sheng nodded.

"Extreme Yin, would you like to go with me?" Zhong Shan asked.

"Naturally, I will follow you!" Yin sunset smiled cheerfully.

Yin Luori, full of warfare, was naturally full of expectations for Zhong Shan to provoke Tianjia.

"Your Majesty, you have to remind His Majesty about something!" Nangong Sheng frowned.


"In this little thousand world, the strongest is not our immortal, but the celestial realm is twelve! As the ancient magical powers of the past, he is the strongest person."


"Whether it was before I was injured or the three witches, as long as they are in this thousand worlds, they are limited by the thousand worlds. Like me, the displayed strength is at most eleventh, and the Witch tribe that defeated me is considered the eleventh, and so please be careful, and don't underestimate it. "Nangong Sheng solemnly said.

"Well, I will!" Zhong Shan nodded.

Indeed, even if Zhongshan opened the cycle of reincarnation, he only defeated that low-powered witch, and Zhongshan was still weak for a few days. Wanting to fight against the level of ancient magical power is simply death. However, Zhong Shan's greatest advantage is that he wants to escape, no one can stop, no one can stop, no one can stop.

"Your Majesty, I ..." the old man frowned.

"Relax, you don't have to go!" Zhong Shan affirmed.

"Your Majesty!" The old man sighed.

"Mr. Corpse, you follow me!" Zhong Shan said.

"Yes!" Mr. Corpse nodded silently.

Mr. Zom himself is from Daqian World. Xiaoqian World is even more powerful and powerful. Daqian World has seen it, so even after listening to the powerful family of Tianjia, Mr. Zuk was not surprised.

"Your Majesty, bring your old slave!" Wei Taizhong called immediately.

"You?" Zhongshan frowned.

"The old slave's strength is not good, but she will never interfere with her Majesty. Even if she hides in the distance and waits for news, her Majesty will bring her old slave. The old slave just wants to see Yinglan as soon as possible!" Wei Taizhong looked forward with anticipation.

"Good!" Zhongshan took a deep breath and nodded. Can't bear to reject Wei Taizhong.

"Just wait for four people and leave in three days!" Zhong Shan said firmly.

"Yes!" The other three answered immediately.

The four people who went to Manzhang Hell were formally established, Zhong Shan, Mr. Corpse, Yin Luori, and Wei Taizhong.

Three days later, Zhongshan and his team of four formally went to the center of the underworld, the place of hell.

In the middle of the sun, in a valley, a white-haired man with white clothes sat with his eyes closed. This man was the head of the Genesis Palace, Xuan Yuan. Suddenly, Xuan Yuan opened his eyes, revealing a pair of silver pupils. Suddenly shot a kind of suffocation like Jianguang.

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