
Vol 7 Chapter 90: Depressed Smatic

Chapter 90 Depressed Sima Ze

"Open the world again!"

Sima Ze finished with a **** look, looking at the emperors, wanting to see excitement or should drink from the eyes of the emperors, but the four emperors looked at Sima Ce silently, like this, like a fool Similarly, Sima Ze looked depressed.

Sima Ze never thought that everyone would react like this, that's wrong, it's impossible! Why didn't they react at all? Opening up the world to benefit the world, but not just the people who open the world, almost everyone in the world will benefit. Why do these people look at themselves so strangely? Are they stupid?

Everyone is stupid? How is it possible? I just feel that Sima Ze takes it for granted. How can you understand the mystery of Xiao Qian Shi, a man from afar? Kaitian, all the emperors here, who doesn't want to open the sky, to whom? Who will drive? Is it capable of driving?

Ancient magical incompetence? Only the talents of you from all over the world are so ignorant. Everyone from the eight strong attendees knows the power of ancient magic. You say he is incompetent? Is he incompetent or are you bored?

The silence of the crowd made Sima Ze feel a group of crows flying above him, very boring. The emperor of this small thousand world is practicing silly?

"What do you think?" Sima Ze asked a little speechlessly.

"Not so good!" Kong Litian said lightly.

I didn't speak, and tapped on the dragon chair with a finger, glanced at Sima Ze, and thought about other things.

"Is everyone in the world like you?" Zhongshan asked queerly.

Everyone smiled slightly.

After Zhong Shan said this, Sima Ze had a crazy feeling. This, what a small world, this emperor, the emperor here is not normal!

"I think it works!" Gu Zheng suddenly said lightly.

The sudden voice brightened Sima Ze's eyes and finally encountered a normal one.

Everyone frowned slightly at Gu Zhengyi, but no one accused.

"Feasibility? Well, let's continue!" Sima Ze took a breath.


"Opening up heaven and earth is a feat, and you must be an unimmortal person to open up the sky. The heavenly success of the heavenly development, the direct achievement of the heavenly immortal, and even those with a strong blessing, can go one step further. And the heaven and earth industry level will also directly reach ' The birth position, thousands of times of practice speed, achieve the Holy King, not only the Holy One can ascend, but even the courtiers of the Holy Place will be promoted, the ministers will be promoted to immortality, according to different official positions and original repairs, the achievement of immortality. Different products, and under the universal world of Xiaoqian, no hundreds of people are affected by the decline of Daqian, not only to optimize their physique, but also to give everyone a gift of innate air. This is the advantage of Xiaoqian! Road.

"So what?" Kong Litian asked frowning.

Everyone looked at Sima Ze strangely, don't we know these things? Sima Ze also became more and more irritable in his heart, and it was really hard to communicate with these barbarians.

"I have searched this world for information. Why did Gushentong Kaitian fail?" Sima Ze asked in a deep voice.

"Why is that?" I asked faintly, with a hint of teasing in his tone.

"That's because Da Luo Tian Chao is not strong enough!" Sima Ze said.


"At that time, the Da Luo Tian Chao was only in the east of Divine Land. If Da Luo Tian Chao was the whole world, the ancient magical powers gathered all the power of the world, wouldn't it be easy to open the sky?" Sima Ze affirmed.

"Easy to palm?" A sneer sneered.

Others also looked strangely to Sima Ze.

Sima Ze now feels that communicating with this group of `` barbarians '' is really too strenuous. Every word will provoke their resistance, and they will attract their suspicion. Am I wrong? Are they all dumb?

Sima Ze was weird, but the group sitting there looked at Sima Ze equally strangely. Was the head of the court sent to the court too early? This ridiculous thing is also spoken out?

"What do you want?" Zhongshan frowned.

Zhong Shan felt that he had come to the wrong place this time and came to listen to Sima Ze saying some naive words.

"I think, you four dynasties, merge into one, and then one person can break the ground!" Sima Ze said affirmatively.

Finally, when it came to the point, Sima Ce was slightly excited. However, the four emperors were silent for a while, watching Sima Ce like a fool.

This guy's head was kicked by the donkey? Such words are also spoken.

Sima Ze also looked at everyone in the same way. At this time, everyone should not have this expression. What do they mean? Am I too esoteric?

Everyone was weird, and Sima Ze was also depressed. How can I feel that everything is not smooth today.

Of course, you can't blame both parties for creating this weird atmosphere. Blame Sima Ze for viewing himself too high, and for viewing the 'barbarians' of this small world too low.

If you change these words with a saint, the four emperors will naturally not have this expression, but you can also say this when you have a "celestial meeting" in Tianxian, and it doesn't sound like that, others won't think you are too big. Wisdom will only consider you naive.

Merge once? When you talk together, you get together? Do you think every emperor is a quail? Everyone hold hands to be friends? Although the four emperors here are unanimously facing outwards, but in their hearts, it is you who live and die. All four saints are eager to kill the other three emperors. Do you make them friends in such a sentence? One emperor conquered the world, and other emperors bowed their heads?

The sage has that deterrent, can you?

Of course, there are also reasons for this small thousand world. In many small worlds, Dixian can sweep the world, and here, which of the four emperors is a soft persimmon?

The scene was at an impasse.

Everyone looked at each other. After a year of preparation, there was a period of silence, and Sima Ze was speechless. Sima Ze naturally saw that everyone was not contemplating his own words, but looked at himself with a contemptuous look.

despise? Sima Ze was irritable again.

"After the merger, who will break the ground?" Kong Litian smiled with a smile.

At this moment, the four emperors knew that the discussion of the Heavenly Assembly was broken, or that the so-called Heavenly Assembly was originally a joke.

Finally, there was a reply, Sima Ze didn't feel easy!

"I think, just make another four candidates, Zhongshan, Emperor Jijing, obviously impossible!" Sima Ze said.

Zhongshan was ruled out first. Zhongshan didn't get angry. Instead, he looked at Sima Ce with interest. Zhongshan no longer expected anything from the Tiantian Conference. However, it is still possible for people to study the world.

"That is to choose one of the three. I think that Gu Zhengyi is the most suitable. After all, there were ancestors who used to open the sky, and many things can be used. You can only attach Dayong with Kong Yong, and you must Just open! "Sima Ze said.

The emperors looked at each other!

"Oh? I'll open the sky? What about you?" Gu Zheng asked with narrow eyes.

Everyone looked at Sima Ce. At this moment, the mentality of the emperors has changed. Sima Ze is too arrogant, so arrogant that he can't even correct his position. This is too bad for the people who are focusing on spiritual cultivation. Not enough.

However, from his ultimate purpose, we can see what the holy king of the Taichu court meant.

"I will assist you with all your strength. As long as you open the sky, you can temporarily change the country name to" the beginning ". After opening the day, you open your holy court, and the country name can be changed again! Road.

Everyone: "…………………………."

This is too obvious. This is the beginning of the court's desire to fight for luck. And does Sima Ze really think he is invincible in this world?

Sima Ze confirmed that he was invincible in this world, otherwise he would not say so many words that entangled the four emperors. After all, in Sima Ce's mind, it is a rare thing for a thousand years for the world of Xiaoqian to be able to emerge from the extreme world. There is an ancient magical power, how can there be others? I am invincible, I am not discussing, but I am ordering.

Fighting for luck? The four emperors looked at Sima Ze strangely.

"I have no opinion, as long as you persuade everyone, I will open the sky!" Gu Zheng suddenly laughed.

Such a good thing, Gu Zhengyi naturally agreed, regardless of whether Chengcheng has no loss, Gu Zhengyi will not be the enemy. If your Sima Ze has the ability to deal with everyone, why not do it?

Although Gu Zhengyi felt unrealistic, but you are so active, I have no reason to shirk it!

Seeing Gu Zhengyi's agreement, Sima Ce was quite satisfied, and turned to look at Xun and Kong Litian.

Perhaps, Sima Ze was not prepared to solicit Zhongshan's opinions from the beginning.

"What do you think of the two saints?" Sima Ze asked in a deep voice.

Gu Zheng didn't care, but the others didn't think so, or said Sima Ze's words, he just sneered.

Too early court? Sima Ze, so disappointing everyone!

"Joke is over? Open your world!" Kong Litian said lightly.

Kong Litian is leaving. Kong Ritian also came from the thousands of worlds. He also knew the power of the Taichu court, but why did the Taichu court send such a person this time? Speechless.

Sima Ze looked suffocated when Kong Litian was impatient. The same look on the side. Even that little emperor's extreme situation, is this expression? I am not wrong, right?

No matter why everyone looks like this, Sima Ze knows clearly that this discussion on heaven has completely lost its meaning. A group of savage savages.

Sima Ze's expression gradually turned cold.

"You no longer think about it?" Sima Ze said coldly.

"No, open your‘ world ’. Think for yourself!” Zhong Shan said.

When he looked at Zhongshan fiercely, Sima Ze suddenly smiled coldly: "Since he has entered my world, he wants to leave without toasting and eating?"

Is Sima Ze ready to kill?

If you don't know the details of the emperors, Zhong Shan may still be a little worried, but now Zhong Shan is left with only sadness for Sima Ze. If you are going to kill one by one, you may have a chance. Now you gather the emperors together to prepare for the slaughter?

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