
Vol 8 Chapter 1: Ancient magical calculations

Chapter 1 Calculation of Ancient Magical Powers

Three points in the world, Dasao and Taisui each got three, Daqin got four.

Of course, there are several imperial dynasties and some imperial dynasties. These dynasties are mixed in the middle of the three major dynasties, and they are in the buffer to ease the relationship between the three dynasties.

The world knows that this fragmented Xiaoyun dynasty has no future, waiting only for the fate of being swallowed up by the three major dynasties. Now that they have not been moved, it is not that they can resist, but that they are a kind of indifference.

Dasao, Daqin, and Tai Sui stand on three feet, and it is not yet time for the fish to die, which is why these little transport dynasties can still survive.

The day of the Great Yong Dynasty perishes, the world is settled again, and Shenzhou enters the years of peace again!

Looking at the general situation of the world, Da Qin has the strongest strength, Tai Sui Tian Chao is the second, and finally Da Dai Emperor Chao.

However, everyone knows that the greatest potential lies in this dynasty emperor. The imperial dynasty, just one imperial dynasty, is beyond the days of the past. Once promoted, what kind of success will it be?

Countless talents are constantly bringing together the three major dynasties.

In the past, the dynasties of Tianchao were partial and peaceful, but the layout of the current dynasty and the Dachao Dynasty is infinitely enlarged. As long as people with a little knowledge can see it, the leaders of the three major dynasties are all kinds of difficult Meet the ambitions! All thinking of dominating the world!

Who will win the world last? After this calm, it must be a towering tsunami-like battle.

Thirty years after three minutes.

Great Emperor Dynasty, Changsheng Hall.

Zhong Shan sat on the throne and listened to the reports of the civil and military ministers.

"His Majesty, Confucianism and Taoism are becoming more and more numerous, and 314 were found in the territory of my great Emperor." Shui Jing said.

"Confucianism and Taoism are avenues, unfortunately ...!" Zhong Shan frowned.

"What a pity?" Shui Jing asked.

"It is a pity that it cannot be used by me. There are 314 Confucian and Taoist academies. All of them are monitored. Anyone who is in trouble will be cut!" Zhong Shan ordered.

"Yes!" Water Mirror nodded immediately.

"Your Majesty, Zhao Suo returned to General Zhao to see him!" Said a **** outside the door.

"Oh? Pass ~~!"

"It is said that Zhao Xunxiang, the eighth army commander, entered the hall ~!"

The **** opened his throat and shouted.

Soon, Zhao Suoxiang stepped into the hall, and the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty looked at Zhao Suoxiang.

"Meet your Majesty!" Zhao Suo respectfully said.

"How is things going?" Zhongshan asked.

"The" Da Luo Zhou Tianxing Star Formation "has been captured by the minister, but the minister has a new rumor!" Zhao Suoxiang frowned.


"Since the formation of the ancient magical" Da Luo Zhou Tian Xing Da Zhen "suddenly came out a year and a half ago, countless powerhouses in the world have vie for it, and the officials have won the battle, and finally won the map. However, in winning After the map, I actually heard that there was a map of "Da Luo Zhou Tianxing Da Zhen". It seemed that at one time, there were hundreds of sets of maps in the land of Shenzhou. The minister immediately went to the next place and regained a picture. It's exactly the same as before, "Zhao Suoxiang frowned.

"Exactly the same?" Zhong Shan frowned.

"Yes, Chen thinks that this may have been deliberately done by someone, and there may be some kind of conspiracy inside, so please ask His Majesty to decide!" Zhao Suoxiang bowed.

"What about the picture?" Zhongshan asked.

Zhao Suo turned his hands and took out two books. Gently unfold one of them.

Suddenly, a huge projection spewed out from the scroll. Inside, endless stars revolved around a weird trajectory. Looking at it, my mind was intoxicated.

Zhongshan was so refreshed and sober, and some ministers seemed to be immersed in this mystery.

When Zhong Suo was awake to see Zhongshan, he immediately rolled it up, and then the ministers came awake.

"Good mysterious star map, it should not be fake!" Shui Jing frowned.

"One pair was left for Xun, the other was sent to Yi Tianjian, Nangong victory, let Nangong win the crack!" Zhong Shan ordered.

"Yes!" Zhao Suoxiang answered immediately.

After the dynasty meeting, Zhong Shan took a map and retreat alone to realize.

In a secret room hall, Zhongshan sits alone on a futon, in front of him a star map of "Da Luo Zhou Tianxing Da Zhen". As soon as the projection came out, the endless stars circled and the trajectory was extremely mysterious, and the arrangement of all the stars formed a natural array of strangeness.

Ancient magical powers are indeed amazing talents, how can they realize this?

It's strange that a picture of Shenzhou has been produced. Why is there suddenly a hundred pictures? Hundred maps must have conspiracy, but what is it?

For a moment, Zhongshan couldn't understand, perhaps he could know what the plot was from the map.

Looking at the map, Zhong Shan's mind gradually sink into it.

The deeper he sank into it, the more horrified Zhong Shan's heart was. This array of laws actually covers all the stars in the sky?

Da Luo Sunday? Zhou Tianda Luo, sure enough, this array is powerful enough to contain the entire starry sky. Ancient magical powers are indeed the first person in the last generation of Divine Land. With this array, no one can compare. Such a map can only be drawn so carefully by Gu Shentong himself.


Suddenly, Zhong Shan was horrified.

For a moment, Zhongshan understood what the conspiracy was, and why there was a map.

This is an ancient magical conspiracy, a conspiracy against yourself. Zhongshan's heart was full of horror, ancient magic? Perverted ancient magical powers, deep calculations. He counted to this day before he died?

Zhongshan concentrated his mind, but how could he not withdraw from this big Luo Zhoutian star formation.

The mind was completely absorbed. No, Zhongshan suddenly felt another thought, a powerful thought. An idea like Tianwei.

Ancient magical power is ancient magical power!

Zhongshan immediately distinguished it, which was the spirit of ancient magical powers of the past. Is he in his body?

Zhong Shan only felt a thrill on his back.

The idea of ​​ancient magical powers suddenly diffused and amplified.

Outside, the "Da Luo Zhou Tian Xing Da Zhen" star map pulls Zhongshan's mind, and the ancient supernatural powers continually crowd out Zhongshan's mind, making Zhongshan immobile.

At this moment, Zhongshan can feel everything on the body surface, can feel the cold sweat flowing from his forehead, can feel the back wet with sweat, but he can't control the body. I can't control it at all.

That consciousness was that Nu Qinghui broke into Zhongshan's body in the past. Yes, at that time, it was dormant to this day.

The ancient magical conspiracy, he deliberately, calculated this time deliberately, let people sprinkle the array of layouts he personally set to the world, one hundred pairs, the most top group of people in China, will definitely get a picture, and can be The person he lives in is certainly one of the top group of people. Can he use it to win?

So far-reaching calculations. Zhongshan's heart was full of horror!

However, now I can only feel the body, but I can't control it at all.

Forcing himself to calm down, Zhong Shan quickly felt himself. Zhong Shan felt that the ancient magical powers were not strong, but they had a secret method to hold themselves and make their ‘mind and mind’ immovable.

What is he going to do? Going on like this, ancient magical powers can't take away their own.

"Come out, ancient magical power, come out!" Zhong Shan roared with thoughts.

"It's you, Zhongshan?"

Suddenly an idea went straight to Zhongshan's idea. It was the ancient magical power, the sound of ancient magical power. Two people can communicate with each other through the thought.

"It's me. Are you ancient magic?"

"I thought it was Gu Zhengyi. I didn't expect to live in you, but unfortunately, I didn't even think of the ontology!"

"Failure is inevitable, because the ancient magical power still left you, leaving a trace of the back road, open the sky, absolutely can not stay the back road, you must break the boat and go forward, you can only open the sky to succeed, stay It's you, the last flaw in Kaitian! "Zhong Shan said.

Seeing that this idea could not be forced to seize the house, Zhong Shan also chatted with him, and was also thinking about how to force it out of the body.

"I'm an ancient magical power!" The thought sank.

"You are not an ancient magical power. The ancient magical power is dead!" Zhong Shan said in a deep voice.

"No, I still left this idea, and copied all my memory and character, the body died, I am the ancient magic!"

"You are not, you are just an idea. The memory of the ancient magical power is stored inside, just like a memory crystal. Can you say who the memory crystal is? It is like the ancient magical power passes through the sky. Do you have a reserve?" Shouted coldly.

"Oh, really one of the people I fancy at first, Zhongshan, you are very good, but unfortunately, you are meeting me, and you want to use words to make me lose your mind, you are still too tender!" A slight smile.

Apparently, Zhong Shan's strategy failed this time.

"Then you are ancient magical power?" Zhong Shan continued.

"Haha, this trick is not useful to me. Is it important that I am ancient? I can be or not, I am me, as long as I lose you, I will have *** personality again. You are enough! "Gu Shentong's idea came from the channel.

"You can't win me, you can't win me. In my body, you can't even control my body, and you can't even feel my senses." Zhong Shan said coldly.

"It doesn't matter now, it can be done in the future. Now I just need to hook up the map of 'Da Luo Zhou Tian Xing Da Zhen', and it's enough to imprison you."

"Enough? Are you taking time with me? Haha ...!" Zhong Shan showed a slight disdain.

"So what?" The ancient magical thoughts calmly said.

"Are you going to take that away? It's absolutely impossible."

"When I first explained Nu Qinghui, I have counted to this day. I asked Nu Qinghui to choose from six people. Gu Zheng ranked first, and you ranked sixth. I never thought that Nu Qinghui finally chose you. I have studied all your information! For today's scene, I have also made the most accurate calculations, and you can't escape. "Gu Shentong said lightly.

Hearing the words of ancient magical power, Zhong Shan felt a cold heart, and this ancient magical power was indeed a terrible character. Does he count today?

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