
Vol 8 Chapter 19: Storm the old world

Chapter 19: Attacking the Old World

South of the underworld, in a city.

The goddess of the underworld is sitting cross-legged, with eight gold wires attached to her fingers, and the gold wires are floating in the air, as if connected to eight different directions through space. It seems that with these eight gold wires, you can control everything in all directions.

Suddenly, one of the gold wires jumped slightly, and the woman's heavenly eyes opened and her brows raised slightly.

At this time, on the tower of a city in Daxu, a male from the sky looked at the mountain that collapsed in the distance.

Standing next to Yi Yan.

"How old is it?" Yi Yan asked lightly.

"Sure enough, I wasn't sure at first. After all, this is the ancient secret method of Tianjia. Even I wasn't sure about it before, but now I'm sure. The Basilica Tiandazhen. I can't think of the feng shui veins in the underworld that are more inherited than the previous yang. Many. "Tian Lao nodded and sighed.

"Maybe broken?" Yi Yan asked.

"The eight screens are a huge array. Now I can break naturally. There are three ways to break, resulting in three different patterns." Tian Lao said.

"Oh? Then tell me more!" Yi Yan said slightly unexpectedly.

Underworld, southwest, a land of boundless mountains and forests.

This is the place where Hao Mei used to visit in the old days.

The mountain that was destroyed by Hao Meimei with the ‘Apocalyptic Doom’ has been fully restored at this moment, but Hao Mei ’s curse is too severe. The vegetation on this area has not slowly grown and looks bare.

There are a lot of formations all around. The periphery was once again occupied by the practitioner.

A valley.

"Find it?" Zhong Shan asked.

"Well, no matter how the terrain is destroyed, the direction of the mountains, the direction of the dragon veins will never change, I have reversed the direction of the mountains, and it will start immediately!" Mud Bodhisattva said.

"Huh!" Zhong Shan nodded. The others nodded as well.

In the eyes of Mud Bodhisattva, he took out a white light ball in his hand and hit the ground gently.

"Booming ~~!"

The mountain peaks around them suddenly became turbulent. The mountain peaks were undulating, and there were rises and falls, and the earth became choppy and turbulent.

"Well, what's going on?"


"Mountains moving?"

"Not good, hurry up, tell the elders, hurry up!"

Outside the old world, he suddenly became panic-stricken, and the sudden changes made all the guards outside be shocked.

"Boom ~!"

In the distance, an extremely open place suddenly heard a loud noise. Everyone looked away.

The place did not collapse, but suddenly a mountain appeared, as if the mountain that had been invisible before appeared suddenly, and then collapsed.

"That is?"

"Where's that mountain?"

"There are many palaces above!"

At this moment, a palace in the center of the "Netherlands" suddenly flew out.

That was a woman. She should be a person with a higher status in the elders. The moment she came out, she felt the surrounding world swayed and the ground turned, and there was a loud noise in the distance.

Seeing the collapsed mountains, the woman's face changed greatly.

"Yinyang Road collapses? Not good, a thief is coming!" The woman said in surprise.

"Elder!" Several monks flew in immediately.

"Quick, enter the elders, inform all the elders, and the elders are too high, there are thieves coming, fast, fast, fast!" The woman exclaimed.

"Yes!" Everyone quickly flew into the Buddhism.

"Thief? You say I'm a thief?" A girl suddenly appeared in the air.

The woman turned her head and looked.

"Hao beautiful?"

"Boom ~~!"

As the woman yelled angrily and the sky blew a thunder, the woman's 'Sky' suddenly resisted the curse from the world.

At this moment, it was just night, the moon stars were thin, and suddenly the sky was full of stars, and the endless stars fell from the sky.

Among them, 361 stars are extremely bright. For a moment, from the height of the sky, weird starlight was strange. Starlight is like a net, but it is strange and unpredictable. Everything that is covered by the net-like starlight is imprisoned.

"Da Luo Zhou Tianxing array?" The female elder exclaimed again.

The elder wants to step back.

"Boom ~~!"

The palace in Bulatjie was smashed into powder by a blast. Exposing a huge circular entrance. The entrance radiates a lot of golden light, which is extremely dazzling.

The elder was suddenly unable to move.

"Boom ~~!"

The female elder seemed to urge the secret method, a spurt of reverse blood spewed, the surrounding space was broken in a small area, the body was able to move, and quickly rushed into the interior of the Laojie.

"Go!" Zhong Shan ordered.

Hao Meili, Yin Luori, and others quickly followed Zhongshan into the elder world.

Outside the big Luo Zhoutian star array suddenly withdrew, Nangong Sheng also followed.

In the first round, everyone outside was killed and the palace was in ruins. Most of the mountains and rivers collapsed.

But at this moment, a man in blue appeared suddenly in Bu Lao Jie Kou.

"Zhongshan? Is it Zhongshan? Didn't he go to the Black Sea to gamble with the lord? Conspiracy? The lord must notify the lord. No, I must first notify the elders in the Five-color Emperor Dynasty, so that he will be the fastest. Speed ​​to inform the owner. "The man in blue said in horror.

"Hey ~!"

A purple thin sword pierced through the chest of the blue man. With a wave of the purple sword, the man in the blue clothing suddenly cut into two halves, even his soul was cut. The man in blue fell down, exposing the people behind him, the commander-in-chief of the Emperor Chaoying, the Dark Emperor!

The Dark Emperor was only assigned to Zhongshan, and even if the concubine was a dignitary, he only knew this person and hadn't seen him much because he had been living in the dark. Even if he surrounded the old world with Zhongshan this time, it was also for Zhongshan Handle various matters.

Bu Laojie contains eleven sacred mountains, one in the center and ten in the outer circle forming a large circle distributed in all directions!

The eleven holy hills have their own uses, each occupying its place.

One of them, with a remote terrain and a particularly heavy atmosphere, is surrounded by places where the elders are used to hold important prisoners.

Around the sacred mountain is a lotus-like peak, and within each petal is a prison cage.

The sky of the old holy prison is overcast, making the people inside it feel very depressed, as if unable to breathe.

At this moment, outside of one of the petal hills, suddenly a figure emerged, an expensive black robe Zhongshan.

Zhong Shan looked up at the old holy prison in front of him.

"So dense formation!" Zhong Shan smiled coldly.

Outside the immortal holy prison, the infinite array is shrouded, making it an unbreakable fortress. A total of thirty-six petal mountains. The main peak in the center is the sacred mountain.

Zhongshan looked up to the holy mountain, on the top of the holy mountain, there were some houses, and at the highest place, a small piece of merit was gathered, the merit continued to shine, and a golden rose was actually grown below!

Merit rose? The rose radiates a soft light, as if one can see it with peace of mind.

"Another kind of rose?" Zhong Shan smiled slightly.

Then, Zhong Shan's expression calmed, his smile narrowed, and he began to study the 36 petal mountains.

Not old holy prison, there may be a person in need of Zhongshan to rescue inside.

One of the petals inside the mountain.

A dark environment, with a few dead bones around it, looks extraordinarily dark, and in the corner surrounded by this pile of dead bones, there is a stunning woman sitting.

Nianyouyou was in a gold robe, she looked very embarrassed, her hair was broken, her body was leaning against the wall, and her eyes flashed with hatred.

In front of Nianyouyou, a purple-haired man was standing at the moment. This man was in the blood and blood last time. When he was fighting for "The Book of the Earth", Shenxiu arranged a large array of feng shui. He was dragged by Gu Qianyou to the last. The world plan fell short.

"Sister, this is the ban of the lord. Don't think about it. Your mana is impossible to recover. In front of me, you are like a gnat!" The man with purple hair smiled slightly.

"Well, the big thing that broke the world in the past is bad. You have been serving for a hundred years in the old holy prison. Are you okay?" Nianyouyou said coldly.

"Ha ha ha ha, I won't be affected by ***, that is my grandpa is the master of this sacred mountain. As long as I do not leave this sacred mountain too far, no one can control me." The man with purple hair laughed.

"Widowed Daojun is your grandpa?" Nianyou frowned.

"Exactly, so that I can flow unhindered here, how? As long as you promise to be my lover, how about letting Grandpa and Grandpa lift the restraint for you?" Zifa man laughed evilly.

"Unlock my restraint? Hahaha, he dare not!" Nianyou sneered.

"Don't dare? Hehe, maybe, but it will be your doomsday when the lord of the world kills Zhong Shan back from the Black Sea and retrieves the ancestral beast. As long as you are my priest, Grandpa can plead for you!" Continue to deceive.

"What did you say? Who killed?" Nianyouyou's face changed.

"Don't you know? Also, how could you know that you were locked up here, Zhongshan and the lords gambled in the Black Sea to determine the ownership of the ancestral beast and the immortal monument?" The man with purple hair laughed.

"Zhongshan? Zhongshan ........." Nianyou's expression suddenly panicked.

"I said, aren't you .........!" The Zifa man continued.

Nianyouyou looked coldly: "Go, you go for me!"

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