
Vol 8 Chapter 80: Last battle

Chapter 80—The Last Battle

Forty years later, hell. Changjing!

"Sheng Qilu, the last city in the north, was formally won last night at 18:00, and since then, the underworld has been unified, and all belong to the Dacheng heaven!" Excited excitement appeared on Shui Jing's face.

The underworld is unified. Forty years later, the world of the underworld is completely reduced to the Dacheng heaven?

"Long live Holy! Long live Long Live ~~!"

Ministers congratulate.

There is no such thing in the history of the underworld. At least it is not known in history. There are major forces in the underworld. For 100,000 years, no one can rule the world.

But Da'er did it, and the Da'er dynasty in the holy kingdom did it, and it was only a few hundred years. As the autumn wind sweeps the fallen leaves, it sweeps the world of the underworld, dominates the world, and dominates the underworld.

The first day of eternity!

The underworld is unified, and immeasurable luck comes from the Quartet.

"Ang ~~~!"

"Ang ~~!"

For nine consecutive days, dragons continued to chant on the clouds of air, and the sound of the dragon was trembling. Countless small air transport golden dragons were excited and excited. A large number of air transports gathered, resulting in countless small air transport golden dragons. Where, two extremely faint shadows of the dragon head emerged.

This is the main vein of the Dachao Dynasty to transport golden dragons, but two have never appeared in ancient times. Two identical Golden Dragons. Howling to heaven.

It's exactly the same, but one of the lucky golden dragon's foreheads, the red cinnabar mark is getting richer. There is a faint flicker of the power of devotion.

Unification of the underworld!

The sun.

In the past 40 years, the Yangjian Dachao Dynasty and Taisui Tianchao completely divided up the original Daqin land.

Now, Dasao and Taisui formally confront each other.

Ling Xiao heaven. Zhongshan study.

"Holy, for fifty years, it has been 50 years since Kong Xuan devoured Huangquan Road. Kong Xuan has not appeared. Is it really a century to recover? If this is the case, can we leave the remaining 50? During the year, Taisui Tianchao was destroyed at all costs, and then turned to deal with the longevity world? "Asked Yi Yan Shen Sheng.

"Hundred years? Under normal circumstances, it should be a hundred years, but it is definitely an exception that swallowed Huangquan Road, and his injury may have been better!" Zhongshan affirmed.


"Perhaps because I have taught you the" natural power Dafa "that Kong Xuan can't calculate you, so Kong Xuan is afraid to move for the time being. The last purple giant coffin incident has already been a lesson, and he must have been more cautious this time!" Zhong Shan affirmed Road.

"When did Kong Xuan shoot?"

"Kong Xuan is waiting for an opportunity and will not let it go. Once it is shot, it will be thunderous. Therefore, you must always run the Tianji Dafa at all times, so that Kong Xuan cannot detect the truth and reality." Zhong Shan Shen said.

"Yes!" The ministers answered.

"What is the battlefield in the north now?" Zhong Shan asked.

"Tai Sui Tian Chao, after all, is a long-established dynasty. The heritage is still full, capable, and the two dynasties are at war. Although we have an advantage, it is not obvious. We are at war. Open up territories, "Yi Yan said.

"Just!" Zhong Shan nodded.

"Four-phase battles will occur, and we will be invincible. There are 50 years left. I am too old. How do I respond?" Zhao Suoxiang thought for a while.

"No, although the four-phase array is strong, Taisui Tianchao will certainly have a solution. However, according to the calculation of the minister, within four years, the four-phase array will definitely shine brightly. May encounter the most powerful resistance of Tai Sui Tian Chao! "Yi Yan Shen said.

"Liangjiekou? The hole in the big hole made by Kong Xuantun Huang Quan?" Shui Wuzhen frowned slightly.

"Yes, that place is a fortress. If that fortress is unsustainable, the Taishou Tianchao army will break ten million miles, and at least 300 cities will be lost. Therefore, the battle between the two realms will be very important in ten years!" Yi Yan affirmed.

Ten years later, Yi Yan actually deduced the war to the situation ten years later. Among the various ministers, several of them showed their astonishment.

Expected to be thousands of miles away, what is this? Yi Yan is expected to be an enemy ten years later.

"An important battle? More than that!" Zhong Shan shook his head.

"Uh?" Yi Yan looked at Zhongshan in doubt.

Zhong Shan pondered deeply for a while, and there was a flash of affirmation in his eyes: "The battle between the two realms after ten years may even be the last battle of the world of Xiao Qian, the last battle!"



The ministers showed their doubts, only Yi Yan suddenly opened his eyes.

"Holy, do you want to ...?" Yi Yan showed a horror.

"Yes, I want to deduce this war. In this battle, we have to fight the world, destroy the Taisui, and destroy the eternal life!" Zhong Shan said in a voice.

"But Kong Xuan him .........!"

"Kong Xuan? You have to face Kong Xuan sooner or later. It ’s the same in the morning and evening. It ’s better to let go every day. Xuan'er said that Kong Xuan would rest for a hundred years. Although we guessed that he might recover in advance, but this It's just possible. So, we must collide with Kong Xuan in this century, at least this way, we have a certain chance to occupy a big advantage! "Zhong Shan said.


"Between the two realms, the last battle is very important. It requires careful cooperation from various aspects.

Eight years later, Tai Sui Tian Chao! Kong Litian study.

There were three people standing in front of Kong Litian, colorless, forgetful, and respectful.

"Holy, I know that holy suspicion is a minister, but the minister is dedicated to the Tai Sui dynasty. In the past, when I was down, he was besieged by the ten powerful men. Lu Guitian once contained me, and later he was asked to kill me I promised Lu Guitian that he had served the Taisui Heavenly Kingdom for five thousand years, and that it would be three thousand years to five thousand years. During this period, the minister would never have the slightest heart! " Honestly.

"I respect you more, when did I ever suspect you? In my heart, you have always been the best courtier of the age, otherwise this top-secret meeting will let you participate?" Kong Litian appeased.

"Xie Shengsheng!" Renzun immediately thanked him.

"Holy, eight years ago, at the moment when the four-phase array appeared in the Daotian dynasty, it had never been defeated. The four-phase array was immortal, and it was difficult for our army to rise again!" Sekong frowned.

"It's not that simple." Wang Chen frowned.


"As soon as I got the news, Ling Xiao Tian Ting went north, that is, Zhong Shan Yujia pro-conspirator, and, according to my calculations, the ultimate goal is the two circles!" Wang Chen said in a dull way.

"Oh? Liangjiekou Fortress?" Sekong's face changed.

"Yes, I think, when the four-phase array will definitely arrive there, with the strongest impact, it will break through the fortresses at the mouths of the two realms. At that time, our army will be slumped. Even if Zhongshan is in danger, he will Lead the army straight to my too old imperial city! "Wang Chen said affirmatively.

Wang Chen's calculations have never been missed.

"They won't be able to break through the two realms, and I will also be a pro-sign!" Kong Litian cried.

Obviously, Wang Chen had already mentioned with Kong Shitian before, and Kong Shitian had a record in his heart.

"Sacred is impossible. Zhongshan came with the sky from heaven. He can take advantage of the power of the world, but the destination of the Holy Spirit cannot be leveraged, so the Holy Spirit is disadvantaged!" Renzun said immediately.

"Anyway, at that time, I will invite the **** Crow Tao and Kong Xuan, Kong Xuan will go with me, the final battle, the battle will be determined!" Kong Litian Shen said.

Acknowledged by Kong Litian, Renzun's eyes brightened.

"The Holy Lord is wise, and the minister is willing to be a pioneer and to stand up to the four-phase array for the Holy Lord!" Said Ren Zun.

"Oh?" Kong Litian looked at Ren Zun.

"The minister knew for a while, this team and the four-phase team appeared at the same time in ancient times, and this team was used to deal with the four-phase team, but the minister needed a strong pioneer, forget the general, the most suitable." Zun looked at Wang Chen.

"Well, forget the dust and let you break the battle!" Kong Litian laughed. There was a flash of inexplicable light in his eyes.

"Yes! Chen Ding should do his best!" Wang Chen responded immediately.

"Well, go out and prepare!"


The two slowly exited the hall.

In the hall, only the sky and the hole are left.

"Holy, the minister is afraid of Zhongshan, and the minister will not go. The minister stays here, and guards the imperial city for the holy!" Sekong immediately said with a fear of death.

Cowardly, things can be said so frankly and freely, and Kong Litian has only seen it from Sekong, and silently glanced at Sekong: "If you don't go, just forget it, hum!"

"Xie Sheng!" Sekong wiped his forehead coldly.

"Although you are timid, but what you trust most is still you, respect and forget, what do you feel from these two people?"

"For the ministers, they are still not deliverables. The feeling of the ministers tells the ministers to keep the ministers away from them. They have a potential danger to keep the ministers away from them!" Sekong said truthfully.

"Hmm!" Kong Litian nodded.

"Holy, what do you want to do?"

"You go down!" Kong Litian shook his head.

"Yes!" Sekong immediately retreated.

Kong Litian looked at the back of Sekong, his frown slightly, forgetting dust, human respect is still dangerous? This is so for Sekong. After all, in the past, it was impossible for courtiers to live in harmony with each other. It was the way of the emperor, that is, to keep the courtiers too close.

"The battle between the two realms will be given to you at the first stop. Forget the dust. This is the last test for you. Don't you let me down, respect? It is a hidden danger in the end, but letting you fight the front battle, also It's under my surveillance. When Liangjiekou kills Zhongshan, I'll dig out your secrets again! "Kong Litian pondered.

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