
Vol 8 Chapter 101: Heaven and Earth Oven Smelting Giant Treasure

Chapter 101: Heaven and Earth Furnace Smells Giant Treasure

Zhongshan continued to counter the eyes of the sky.

Zhongshan's confusion is extremely seductive. Bring to the Thousand Worlds? Is that possible? Is that realistic?

"You have no choice. Otherwise, it will disappear into the smoke, or you will be with me. You are too weak now. Xiao Qian Shi can't bring you anything at all. Only I can bring you stronger power. I am The strongest person in this world, only I have this qualification, I have 'sky'. After opening the sky, I will have my 'world'. You can enter my 'world' and leave this world with me! "Zhongshan Continued temptation.

Zhongshan stopped for about two hours before the eyes of the sky.

In these two hours, no one knows what Zhongshan is doing, and no one knows what crazy the eyes of the sky are pumping. Two forces that should be absolutely hostile, in these two hours, but ambiguously attached to everything, seemingly full of incredible.

People can't see the Holy See, and Emperor Xuanzhang and others are increasingly seeing the Holy See, not knowing what the Holy See is doing.

Two hours later, Zhongshan fell from high altitude. Stand again at the two circles.

The eye of the sky still stopped in the sky, but it did not attack Zhongshan.

Emperor Xuanzhang and others looked at Zhongshan strangely. Is it really what Kong Xuan described Zhongshan as in the past, Zhongshan's most powerful is not the strength, but the mouth? Already defeated the eyes of the sky with that mouth?

The ministers looked at this scene sternly.

"Hey, what's going on? Why am I getting harder and harder to understand?" The old ancestor of Yi Family said a little blankly.

"You can't understand? I haven't understood yet!" Yi Lanyi's eyes flashed a weird one.

Zhao Tiansha from another place, at this moment was also very entangled watching this scene, again and again, as long as there is Zhongshan, everything will not develop as he wants, why is this always the case?

Zhongshan fell at the mouth of the two circles. Focused again. What the **** is God selling?

After seeing Zhongshan fall, he suddenly waved. In front of Zhongshan, there was suddenly a three-dimensional image condensed by spells. The three-dimensional image was filled with various mountains and rivers, and a lot of clouds filled the mountains.

A condensed mountain and river map.

This is true not only in the Yangjian, but also in the Underworld. In front of Zhongshan, the shadow body of the Underworld, there is also a three-dimensional image, a pattern with mountains and water.

"Picture of Shanhe Society?" Di Xuanzhang's pupils in the courtyard of Ling Xiao shrank.

Picture of Shanheshe? On the side of the water mirror, he looked at Emperor Xuanzhang, the magic weapon of the former Nirvana, and the map of Shanhe Society. Among the people here, perhaps only Emperor Xuanzhang has ever seen it. Is this pattern now condensed on the Holy Name the picture of Shanhe Society?

Indeed, the pattern condensed by Zhongshan's spelling is exactly the figure of the Shanhe Society. In the past, Nirvana left the realm of the saint's magical refining method when leaving this realm. However, Zhongshan has not been able to find the materials for refining the map. Therefore, Zhongshan has not been refining. Now, at the moment of opening the sky, is it ready to refining the map of Shanhesha?

"Hoo ~!"

Suddenly, Zhongshan's Quartet was violently windy, flying sand and rocks, and powerful winds radiated. Suddenly, the Quartet was dim, and the horrible radiation radiated hundreds of miles, thousands of miles, billions of miles, and trillions of miles!

The horrible and weird gale seems to sweep the whole world in an instant, and even the four seas are setting off a mighty tide at this moment.

Cover the whole sun? No, the same is true for the underworld, the whole underworld radiates. Involving the whole world, maybe only when the former Zhongshan God had colorful light and infinite ‘qi number’ above his head, and now what is going on? The number of colorful qi in the courtyard of Ling Xiao has not formed at all?

How did you do it?

How did you do it? Zhongshan did it, and in the two hours just now, Zhongshan convinced the eyes of the sky.

The eyes of the sky are mobilizing the spirit of the world of Xiaoqian, and the power of the infinite land of Xiaoqian. Endless forces came together to converge on the ‘Shanhe Club 'picture in front of Zhongshan.

For the general refining of Shanheshe's map, first find the carrier, and then refine the framework of the Shanheshe's map on the carrier, and then continue to refine, but now there is no carrier, Zhongshan only refining the framework from nothing? Making the strongest frame?

The heaven and earth essence was stolen by the eyes of the heavens and made a magic weapon for Zhongshan?

At the same time as the Shanheshe refining map, the two circles, the circular channel connecting the two circles, suddenly appeared a black and white energy inside, rotating around the circular channels of the two circles, and instantly formed a The shape of Taiji Yin Yang fish is slowly turning.

"Tai Chi map?" Mud Buddha looked at the entrance of Nantian Gate of Changjing in the Underworld.

"It is the Taiji map. The Holy Spirit is refining the Taiji map?" Nangong Sheng horrified aside.

The Taiji figure, the former Nether Heavenly Treasure, inherited the method of refining, but it was lost in the generation of Nangong Sheng. After the rebirth of Jian Ao, the memory of previous lives made Jian Ao reproduce the method of refining again.

Before Jian Ao soared, he gave Zhongshan the method of refining Taiji when he was talking with Zhongshan Meihua about brewing wine.

What is Zhongshan doing now? Refining Tai Chi?

Taiji maps are the same as those of the Shanhe Society. They all need a carrier, but now there is no carrier, but the frame was first refined by Zhongshan?

Carrier? What is the carrier of the two magic weapons?

The eyes of the sky are now continually consolidating the strongest mountain and river community map and the strongest Taiji map of Zhongshan.

Refining the power of the entire thousand world?

After an hour of numbness, it seems that the refining is almost the same. Zhongshan of the Yangtze moved the frame of the Shanheshe to the yangyu of Taiji, and the **** to the yinyu of Taiji.

With the power of the whole world, the two frameworks are merged with each other.

Combine two into one?

Almost everyone who saw this scene was in a daze for a while, but the mud bodhisattva, Nangong Sheng, Emperor Xuanzhang, etc. were all drawn.

Fusion of Taiji and Shanheshe? May I?

Yes, in the past hundreds of years, Zhongshan has been continuously calculating that Zhongshan has the most complete magic fusion method. Now it can be combined into one with the help of the melting pot of Tiandi.

Use the power of heaven and earth to make magic? Perhaps only Zhongshan is so lucky.

The frame of the Shanhe Society's map is slowly integrated into the Taiji map.

The framework fits perfectly together. What about the carrier? It's like a picture, at least it needs paper to carry it, otherwise it will fade away sooner or later.

Where is the carrier? Zhongshan had long thought about it.

"Boom ~!"

"Boom ~~!"

Tiandi Jingqi was used to refine the Zhongshan magic weapon. The mountains and rivers of the world were depleted, the mountains collapsed, and natural disasters continued. This immediately caused the world's alertness, and soon found the culprit, the eyes of the sky.

The sky's eyes are actually destroying this world? Actually helping outsiders to extract energy from this world?

Suddenly, the traitor of Cangtian Eye was exposed, the world roared, the sky was angry, and was rebelled? Anyone who is certain of this news will be angry, let alone heaven.

The powerful sound of explosions, infinite thunder and lightning first hit the eyes of the sky from the four sides, wind, fire, ground, water, thunder, etc., all kinds of horrible energies came from all directions, wanting to break the eyes of the sky in an instant .

The eyes of the heavens betrayed, and they could only be destroyed immediately.

For a time, the sky above the two circles was colorful and the impact of endless energy rays suddenly made the high-altitude space shattered and clean, and the army of the troops retreated, because the whole world was shaking.

The Lingxiao Heavenly Court in the Yangtze River and Changjing in the Underworld are both retreating. It is too weird for the world in the world to swiftly move towards the rear.

The red clouds around the eyes of the sky are rapidly dissipating, less and less.

The huge eyes of the sky are full of panic at the moment, and the sky will destroy you, you have to die!

The horror scour came, and the eyes of the heavens retreated, quickly becoming smaller and smaller, hoping that becoming smaller will ease the scour and allow infinite power to wash the overflowing energy.

But the fierce prestige of the heavens and the earth was too great, one wave after another, and it didn't take long for the eyes of the sky to be as big as ten feet.

"Hey ~!"

In the despair of the eyes of the sky, a purple light suddenly blocked the invasion of the Quartet energy. Around the eyes of the sky, there was a sudden purple expanse.

God, God accepted the eyes of the sky again?

No, this is not the original sky, this is Zhongshan's 'sky', a purple sky, a sky with thunder.

The 'spirit' of the eye of the sky and the remaining power are encircled by the 'sky' of Zhongshan. Suddenly, the heaven and earth outside could not feel the eyes of the sky, and the original shock suddenly disappeared.

However, in Zhongshan's 'Sky', the eyes of the sky are still shrinking, getting smaller and smaller, as if out of the original world, it is impossible to survive.

"Become my" Heaven "and merge with my" Heaven ", otherwise, you must dissipate!" Zhongshan solemnly said.

The "sky" of Zhongshan? The eyes of Cangtian took a deep look at Zhongshan, and his eyes were full of helplessness, because the eyes of Cangtian knew that once it melted into Zhongshan's sky, it would completely lose ***, and it would always be part of Zhongshan's 'sky' !!

"Do you have any other choice?" Zhong Shan said in a deep voice.

A deep glance at Zhongshan again, helpless eyes narrowed to the size of a thousand feet, blood red eyes can only slowly paste into the purple sky, slowly integrated into it.

The original blood-red pupil, after reintegration, the color slowly turns to purple, an eye with a purple pupil.

"I'm crazy in the sky, and I'll leave it to you to schedule it. From today on, you're called 'day punishment.'" Zhongshan solemnly said.

After the purple eye of heaven punishment was completely integrated into Zhongshan's ‘sky’, it was only a hundred feet in size, and then seemed to be very weak, closing its eyes slowly into the infinite purple sky and purple clouds.

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