
Vol 2 Chapter 47: Please sword

Chapter 47

Zhong Shanben was about to withdraw from the side, but the middle-aged man in white robe suddenly appeared in front of Zhong Shan, blocking the way. The speed was too fast. As soon as Zhong Shan saw only a trace of afterimage, one more person suddenly appeared.

Zhong Shan's eyes narrowed, revealing a strong dignity in his eyes.

Turning his head, Zhong Shan looked at the boy, because Zhong Shan could see that the boy was the master of the two.

"Under Zhongshan, dare to ask why they stopped me?" Zhongshan asked, eyes fixed on the boy. I didn't know why he stopped himself, but he didn't know him.

"Please Sword" The boy didn't say much, but only two simple words.

To ask for a sword means to be a direct ambassador under the court, but among warriors, it means a kind of war. No matter if the war is not successful, the opponent will attack.

Looking at the teenager, Zhong Shan's pupils shrank, and it was obvious that the middle-aged person had cultivated himself far beyond himself. If there was deep hatred, he could just shoot. However, please ask for a sword. Please respect the opponent for his sword. ? why?

"Not yet?" Zhong Shan asked immediately.

Looking at Zhong Shan, the boy held his hand on the back of the sword and said, "If you don't die, I'll tell you."

"Moaning ~~"

The boy pulled out a dark sword and slowly pointed at Zhongshan.

Watching the long sword pointing at himself, Zhong Shan didn't make a shot, because some things had to be figured out in order to deal with the next emergency.

"I have never met your Excellency, why did you choose me? Or, where have you seen my shots?" Zhong Shan asked as he watched.

Zhong Shan only thought of dealing with the grass soldiers before, but it is better to confirm.

"The last time you beheaded a Jindan period, you just passed by," said the boy softly.

Golden Dan period? In Zhongshan's eyes, a wonderful fairy? Did he see himself betraying the person Miaoxian was looking for?

Shouted the boy.

Taking a look at the middle-aged man next to him, Zhong Shan gently took out the long sword 'Immortal'.

"You don't need to worry about the ninth day. You don't have to intervene in the ninth day. You can let go of the battle, and you don't need to worry. You and I are the fourth in nature." The boy said.

Hearing the young man said, Zhong Shan was slightly safe in his heart, and there was no delusion, but the other person did not seem to be a sinister or shameless person.

Seeing that Zhong Shan took out the sword, not the big knife, the boy frowned slightly, but didn't say much, no one would joke about his own life. Since you take the sword, then the sword!

"Moaning ~~"

The boy's eyes narrowed, and the sword in his hand stabbed towards Zhongshan. The speed is too fast, it is not like the fourth power of the innate. At the point of the sword, there is a flicker of sword awns, as if it turned into a sword blast at any time.

The sword came too fast, Zhong Shan quickly dodged and opened, and the long sword opened the prestige of the boy's sword.


With a brief touch, the two quickly separated, Zhong Shan's eyes narrowed, his sword skills were so strong, and his strength was almost, and he almost flew his sword out of the ordinary.

Zhongshan practiced the sword technique, the hidden sword practiced the sword technique, the sword technique was powerful, and the sword technique did not drop at all. For Zhong Shan, the sword technique was no worse than the sword technique.

Zhongshan rushed forward decisively, and the teenager was also not afraid, and the sword in his hand rushed towards Zhongshan.

The sword cutting pattern has become the instinct. The weakest point of the sword stab has also become the instinct of Zhongshan. Under the rapid speed, the instinct of Zhongshan's long sword thorns the weakest point of the young sword.

If in the past, you must receive magical effects, but the young man seems to find Zhong Shan's intentions with a touch of excitement, the sword at hand slightly turned over, avoiding Zhong Shan's sword, and cut away towards Zhong Shan.


The two swords touched again, Zhongshan returned without power, and rushed again. Zhongshan's fierce character, even reflected in this invisible body, is vividly demonstrated. War, war, and war, stay unattended, full impact, the strongest Passion, one sword is coming out, one sword is passing one sword, and one sword is fiercely crossing one sword.

The sword is in place, the sword is terrifying, it is about to hit the boy, and he will fight fast. Each of Zhongshan's swords is controlled so precisely and precisely.

Juveniles are also born. Under the fast sword and fierce sword of Zhongshan, they can deal with it easily. At the same time, the light of excitement is even greater, as if this is the opponent they want.

The fast attack did not achieve results. Zhong Shan was not impatient, but was steadily fighting. At the same time, facing the teenager, he seemed to be able to sharpen his sword skills.

Slowly, Zhongshan seemed to enjoy this kind of battle. Only with such a lively and invigorating battle can the sword skills increase quickly. Kill, kill, and kill without the slightest reservation or concern for the other side. Only by exerting the greatest potential can we continuously develop our potential, and we can break through the existing imprisonment and continuously improve.

At this moment, someone rushed in and saw Zhongshan fighting with a person inside. After just staying there, he was kicked out by Jiu Jiuyi.

The kicked person flew upside down and did not return to God for a long time, but never dared to enter again.

The person who entered was the Golden Dan period, and he could be kicked out without being aware of it. This shows that the strength of the ninth day is strong, but it has been determined that there is no soul in the interior, so find another door to enter.

However, the man flew upside down from the inside and attracted a lot of people's attention. I saw the man rush in, and then flew out, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, patted his **** and ran to the other door.

This, this is not reasonable.

Some curious people also followed in, but the next moment was still the same, flew out, patted **** and turned around.

Therefore, that place also formed a weird scene, a speechless scene, which caused a lot of people's curiosity. After rushing in one after another, all wounded and flew out, leaving with a strange look. The people who saw the Quartet did not enter for a while.

The ninth day is to create an absolute environment for the two, naturally it is not allowed to disturb.

The boy and Zhongshan fought for a long time, and suddenly his eyes narrowed, and the sword skills suddenly sharpened. Obviously the boy was very serious at this moment.

Seeing the young man like this, Zhong Shan was startled, this person still has power?

The two swords were connected, and Zhong Shan was on one side of the figure. At this time, the young sword appeared strangely at the place where Zhong Shan was withdrawn.

Yu Li was not ordinary Yu Li. Zhong Shan was shocked in his heart, and he was about to lose. Zhong Shan bit his teeth, stopped his figure, and stopped strangely. It was the opposite of the boy and the ninth day that showed an incredible expression.

Stop? how is this possible? It is as if an object falling from the sky suddenly stopped in mid-air, and did not fall down, even flying to the sky. This is unreasonable.

"When ~~"

Zhongshan avoided the boy's sword dangerously, stopped strangely and moved in the opposite direction, like ghosts. If ordinary people cultivate here, it is absolutely impossible, and only the hidden body of Zhongshan is really hidden. Like ghosts, stop and stop, and leave, completely overturning inertia.

"Dang, when, when ..."

This time, I changed the boy's attack, and the boy's sword was extremely fast. After fighting hard just now, it was faster than once, and even with Zhongshan's eyesight, he actually felt a sense of uncertainty.

Zhongshan felt the blizzards brought by the juvenile sword. A few times, it's dangerous and dangerous. There are such people in the world? Innate fourth? Is this the fourth inborn?

too strong!

You need to know that although the hidden body does not quench the body of the demon, but the hidden body has his wonderfulness, weird, misty, ghostly, and light, these special features make the hidden body more effective than the body. Not bad. Except for the perverted place of the Red Sutra, if the main body and the hidden body are fighting, it is really difficult to win or lose.

The heart of Zhongshan's battle was frightening, and the young man was equally surprised at the battle. Is this Zhongshan still a human? Is that action a man can do? Can the arm be twisted outside to swing the sword? And that wrist, how can you swing a sword if you break it?

Zhongshan can turn danger into danger every time, because of the hidden body, the boy is extremely awkward.

However, the juvenile also had a good birth. After a hard time, his eyes exploded and his strength skyrocketed, as if the speed of swinging a sword was almost half faster.

One sword is about to come out, and one sword is more than one sword. Zhong Shan can't stop it. Zhongshan knows that teenagers also use secret methods to stimulate cultivation, but what can they do?

To lose? Zhong Shan suddenly flashed this thought in his mind, because the young man's sword was too unstoppable.

defeat? This is not a contest, but a sword, defeat, death!

Zhongshan didn't want to die. Zhongshan had escape means and quickly turned into a shadow and left. However, Zhongshan didn't want to because there was a junior high school next to him.

Defeat, how can it be, at most two losses.

Zhong Shan's eyes were fierce. You have the secret method to promote great strength. I don't have it, but I have what you don't have. I'm fierce than you.

Zhong Shan's eyes glared at the sword stabbed again by the boy, but he couldn't avoid it, letting a sword stab his chest.

"呲 ~~"

The juvenile long sword directly pierced Zhong Shan's left shoulder, blood burst, and a sword penetrated it. As long as the cross sword was cut, Zhong Shan's arm could be removed.

There was a surprise in the young man's eyes, because Zhongshan could definitely be blocked by that sword, why didn't he block it.

"呲 ~~"

In Zhong Shan's grim eyes, an immortal sword, a sword pierced the young man's left shoulder, all together?

A large amount of blood burst out from the wound, and the teenager really did not expect that Zhong Shan would choose to lose both.

In the next moment, only two people need to wave their hands to cut each other's arms.

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