
Vol 9 Chapter 125: The enchanting circulated in Zhongshan's hands

Chapter 125: The Enchanting Enchantment Appearing in Zhongshan's Hands

God willing? Thinking of the Providence, the original excitement of the Lord Xiaoxiao suddenly became cold. Over the past few months, the leader of Zixiao has been afraid of the will of God, and is doomed by bad luck. Would it be a good thing to smash this enchantment? Is it doom again?

The leader of Zixiao looked at the Quartet with a dread, and sure enough, countless strong people in the Quartet flashed the greed in his eyes, one by one looking at the Master of Zixiao fiercely!

Master Zixiao: "@ # ¥% …… & *!"

The prince of Zixiao was in a hurry, and wanted to say that he was just coming to see it, but at this moment, if God would not let him speak, the enchantment would fall into the hands of the prince of Xiaoxiao.

It seems that the leader of Zixiao used the secret method, and the detective sucked to attract the enchanting.

That hate in the heart of the Xiaoxiao leader, enchanting, this is a life sign!


The prince of Zixiao suddenly had the idea of ​​escaping. As long as he escaped, others wouldn't think he was robbing himself of enchantment.

The body suddenly jumps!

It ’s okay if the Xiaoxiao leader is standing there. After all, there are many jealous people, but most of them are taboo with each other. But when the Xiaoxiao leader flew, it was as if he had stolen a horse honeycomb, and everyone became nervous with him!

"He's going to grab enchanting!"

"court death!"

"Kill him!"




There were crazy sounds in all directions, so excited.

In an instant, hundreds of powerful magic weapons rushed away, Daxian and Guxian shot one after another, and even a Huangpao ancestor couldn't wait to send out a force of heaven.

As soon as the priest Zixiao flew up, he knew that he had made a big taboo, and he had no chance to justify it.

"My life is off ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The priest of the Xiaoxiao groaned and was drowned in endless roar.

In the distance, a cold sweat came from Zhongshan's forehead. This Zixiao leader is also unlucky!

The dignified Zixiao leader died so unknowingly?

The strong men who moved around in all directions, scoured away in all directions, recruiting enchanting, it was *** again.

The sky in the distance was suddenly shrouded in countless figures, countless magic weapons, and countless gorgeous spells. For a while, the sound of scramble was endless.

Enchanting! It is a scourge at all!

On the way back, Zhong Shan thought of the countless corpses on the road, and sighed in his heart, I don't know how many people would die because of enchanting, that is, he encountered encounters. It was only a moment of tranquillity that the forces overwhelmed the crowd.

However, I have already got the enchanting enchantment. Why should I discard it?

In the distance, some untouched forces frowned slightly, and looked at Zhong Shan again, then seemed to have ordered something.

The leaders of the forces went straight to the center.

Ma Gu flew on a big green snake, and Xuemei's ancestors stepped forward.

Zuxian, Zuxian are involved.

Suddenly, that direction was full of light, and it was impossible to see what was going on inside.

"Holy King, what shall we do?" Luo Xingchen frowned.

This situation is too exaggerated, is it?

"Go!" Zhong Shan said.

With the falling star dust, Zhong Shan turned away from here and robbed the enchanting, which was purely death-seeking.

However, just after Zhongshan flew not far away, a group of white robe men chased after him and blocked Zhongshan on a mountain peak.

"Xuemei's disciple? What else do you want to do? Can't afford to lose?" Zhong Shan chuckled coldly.

One of them suddenly said, "The ancestor said, it's very likely that the enchantress will pass your hand, so we must look at you!"

Said one of the evil men.

Indeed, one or two people can't deal with Zhongshan, but there are nearly a hundred people here, and they are still afraid of Zhongshan?

Zhong Shan stared at the evil man opposite.

The wicked man looked at Zhong Shan without fear, as if to overpower Zhong Shan in momentum.

Taking a deep breath, Zhongshan shook his head and said, "Xuemei's ancestors are really good at calculating!"

Everyone looked at Zhongshan Kua Xuemei's ancestors, showing a smile of satisfaction.

"Good!" Zhong Shan said suddenly.

Not bad? A group of Xuemei ancestors looked at Zhongshan strangely. What's so good?

"The enchantment is indeed here!" Zhong Shan said again.

"@ # %% …… & *!"

A group of Xuemei ancestors' disciples have a confused mind?

"What the hell? Brother, what did you just hear?"

"He said he was enchanting in his hands!"

"Zhongshan is he crazy?"

"Yeah, he's crazy. In Zhongshan's hands, what is Master fighting with a group of ancestors?"




Zhongshan was scorned by a group of people.

And just as the crowd fell on Zhongshan, there was suddenly a giant beak in Zhongshan's right palm. The giant beast had thirteen colors. Isn't this the trick to enchant the monster?

A group of Xuemei ancestor disciples are stunned!

what's going on? Everyone saw it clearly, exactly the same as the one just thrown, but wasn't it contested by the ancestors and the ancient immortals?

How come suddenly Zhongshan?

The eyelids of Xuemei's ancestor disciples kept beating. Too evil!

How could this happen?

A group of Xuemei ancestors' disciples stared at Zhongshan, but for a long time they didn't know what to say.

Or the evil man first said, "Impossible, the enchantment is being scrambled by a group of ancestors. How could it be in your hands? Are all the ancestors' eyes blind?"

"Well, this is the difference between you and Xuemei's ancestors!" Zhong Shan shook his head and regretted.

A group of Xuemei ancestors' disciples were speechless for a while.

"Xuemei's ancestors can count it, and you obviously can't count it yet. This is the number of days. Even the saints can't be rebellious. You say that all ancestors can compare with the number of days? The number of days should let the enchanting demon to me What can I do in my hands? "Zhong Shan took it for granted.

Everyone: "@ # ¥% …… & * @!"

This number of days is too ridiculous, but how can the number of days reach Zhongshan? Zhongshan first saw it?

"It's true and false, I know at a glance, and give me the tricky enchanter!" Said the evil man.

"If I don't give it?" Zhong Shan sneered.

"Xuemei Sword Formation!" The evil man shouted.

"嘭 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

A group of Xuemei ancestors and disciples posed a powerful array. Waiting one by one, the war is about to start!

"Well, I'll give it!" Zhong Shan said suddenly.

A group of Xuemei ancestors discouraged on the spot were about to vomit blood. They had just set out a fighting heart, and in a blink of an eye they were swept away by Zhong Shan.

Despicable man stretched out his hand in depression, and Zhongshan threw his hand over!

"Really entrusted to us?" Xuemei's ancestors' disciples were incredible.

Everyone looked at each other! For a while weird, but still look at the evil man together.

"Four brothers, is this true?" One asked.

The evil-looking man explored, but did not detect anything, frowned, and knew that the saint's magic weapon could not be penetrated immediately by himself.

"It seems to be true?" The evil man still feels like dreaming.

"Really?" Everyone was excited.

And Zhong Shan suddenly gave Luo Xingchen a wink.

Falling Stardust suddenly shouted: "Return me to enchantment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Luo Xingchen yelled, and the scared crowd of Xuemei ancestors jumped in their hearts, shouting!

But when everyone came back to God, they all knew that the major events were not good, and the eyes of a large number of powerful men gathered in all directions.


"Why is the enchantress there?"

"Is it really enchanting?"

"Better believe it!"




A large number of strong people gathered around.

"Four brothers, hurry up, hurry ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

One of them exclaimed.

The evil spirit man was also driven by this roar, and he became nervous and fled? Come without escaping Zuxian!

Make a U-turn, take the three younger brothers, and fled away, grabbing the enchanting enchanter.

He doesn't run away, others don't quite believe it. As soon as he runs away, things come.

"Really enchanting?"


"Master, recruit enchanting here!"





A large number of strong men chased the four senior Xuemei ancestors!

All Xuemei ancestors and disciples flashed anxiety in their eyes and flashed an excitement at the same time.

"Well, don't stop me now, I'll give you all the tricks!" Zhong Shan said lightly.

"No, Master has orders. Be sure to follow you."

"But I have given you all the enchanting, what else do you want?"

"Perhaps, perhaps because of the number of days, will the enchantment still appear in your hands?" One of them said in a rather unreasonable tone.

Staring at the man, Zhong Shan looked at it diligently. Like the four older brothers, the man looked at Zhong Shan with jealousy.

"Okay!" Zhong Shan suddenly felt discouraged again.

Ok? Okay?

"The enchantment is indeed here!" Zhong Shan said again.

"@ # ¥% …… & * @!" A bunch of Xuemei ancestors' disciples tangled and said nothing. Zhongshan is he crazy?

And this clock mountain also poked out the palm, and suddenly there was an enchantment like the one just now!

"@ # ¥% …… & * @!"

A bunch of Xuemei ancestors and disciples are completely crazy, how can they be one?

"Isn't the enchantment to Brother Four? How could it still be with you?" One cried, unknown.

"This is the number of days. When you four brothers just left, you forgot to take away!"


"Is it true or false? I knew it at a glance and handed me the trick!" The man cried.

"What if I don't give it?"

"Xuemei Sword Formation!"

"嘭 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

"Okay, I give it!"

Zhong Shan handed out the tricks again!

"It seems true?" The man said.

"Also I am enchanting!" Luo Xingchen yelled again!

The man holding the enchanting man stiffened and looked at Zhongshan inconceivably.

At this time, a large group of powerful people gathered.

***:begging***! Is n’t it very powerless to watch chess every time? sweat!

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