Immortality begins with Becoming an Alchemy Grandmaster

Chapter 233: A word to reassure the devil

With the retreat of Shengongmen and Geng's family, it was completely announced that Danxia Peak had a new owner.

From then on, those casual cultivators had to find another spiritual place.

And in Danxia Peak, the monks of Luo Tianhui also started to get busy.

Min Longyu led a group of people and began to explore the whole mountain, trying to set up a large formation and reproduce the glory of the Min family's formation back then.

The medicine hall headed by Grandma Yuan and Yuan Dongsheng's grandson became busy on the mountain.

The original Danxia Peak has hundreds of first-order spiritual fields, which are excellent for planting medicinal herbs and spiritual rice.

It's a pity that no one has taken care of it for a hundred years, and it has been caused by casual cultivators.

The number of first-order spiritual fields has dropped sharply to more than one hundred yuan.

Even with these more than one hundred pieces of spiritual fields, there is still a danger of insufficient spiritual energy and the danger of falling down.

After investigating, I really felt sorry for Granny Yuan.


She led a group of monks from the medicine hall to walk in those spiritual fields.

There are also high-grade ones, pull out all the plants, and plant many common spiritual herbs that Luo Tianhui often uses.

Granny Yuan didn't give up on fields where those grades fell into ordinary fertile soil.

First of all, he used Binghuo to burn the barren technique, and burned many chopped green pine trees into ashes, and buried the ashes in the field.

Then she asked Sima Huiniang to apply for a thousand spirit stones, and made a special trip to Tianlan Immortal City.

Bought a spiritual grass seed called Skyworm Cloud Bean.

After returning, sprinkle these seeds on the ordinary fertile soil.

"It only needs to be planted in turn for three years, and supplemented with Guishui composting."

"With this three-pronged approach, after three years, these spiritual fields can be restored to the first-order quality again."

"In the past, such a good spiritual field was really wasted!"

"Most casual cultivators don't manage spiritual fields for a long time. But basically all sects will wantonly open up spiritual fields and cultivate spiritual plants. These, seemingly insignificant, are important resources that can be used as the foundation of the sect."

She was talking to Luo Chen.

Seeing that Luo Chen was curious, he specially explained it carefully.

After listening to Luo Chen, he couldn't help feeling that Ling Zhifu was also so profound.

"The ashes from the burning of the Qinggang wood can actually provide soil fertility?"

"In the future, if Dantang produces a large amount of ashes from Qinggang wood, it can be used as waste."

Luo Chen thought for a while.

His gaze fell on Granny Yuan, who bent her back and looked kindly at Yuan Dongsheng who was busy in the field.

He used to be hale and hearty, but after so many years, he is already very old.

Especially during the period from Taishanfang to Tianlan Xiancheng, after a fight, he became even more old.

His hair was gray and his body was stooped.

Standing there, like a candle in the wind.

I don't know how many more years I can live.

It seemed that he had sensed Luo Chen's pitiful gaze.

Granny Yuan said slowly: "Master President, are you curious about Shouyuan?"

Luo Chen hummed lightly, wondering why the other party knew his thoughts.

Granny Yuan showed a kind smile, "In recent years, you are not the only one who has asked me this question. The child Dongsheng has always asked me to rest, saying that he is in charge of these things."

"But how can I rest assured!"

Turning around, he looked up at Luo Chen.

"To tell you the truth, I have at most a year or two to live."

Even though he had expected it, Luo Chen was still taken aback.

"Since that's the case, don't bother with these things, and enjoy your life!"

However, Granny Yuan shook her head.

"No, I've already had enough rest after living such an old age."

"I just want to pass on all I have learned to that child Dongsheng."

"He has almost learned it now, what is lacking is experience. Those spells that Ling Zhifu will use, except for the second-level Binghuo burning barren technique and grass shaving Gengjin technique, are also proficient."


"President, can you promise me one thing?"

In the rambling words, Yuan Dongsheng was praised or scolded, which contained ardent hope.

Suddenly, she begged Luo Chen.

Luo Chen's face turned serious, "But it's okay to say, as long as I can do it, I will do my best!"

This is not some high-sounding coping.

It was Luo Chen's words from the bottom of his heart.

Although Granny Yuan was not his close friend, since Luo Tianhui was established, she has been silently supporting him.

From the original alchemy hall to the medicine hall.

Even now that Danxia Peak is here, it is dissipating the residual heat and reorganizing all the spiritual fields of Danxia Peak.

If three years later, the grand occasion of a hundred years ago can really be restored.

Well, among other things, those hundreds of pieces of spiritual fields alone can become a foundation of Luo Tianhui!

The other party really did their best.

Granny Yuan smiled and shook her head, "It doesn't require the president to do his best, it's actually a very simple matter."

She pointed to Yuan Dongsheng who was busy in the field.

"That child, although he doesn't usually talk about it, has always been determined to spy on the Dao."

"But he is not too young, and in terms of aptitude, he is really not very good."

"So, I think the president must find a marriage for him when he is sixty years old and has not yet established his foundation."

"The incense of the Yuan family cannot be broken!"

Luo Chen opened his mouth.

He never expected that the other party's solemn request was so simple.

Facing those earnest gazes, Luo Chen took a deep breath and nodded heavily.

"Don't worry, I will definitely remember this!"

"That's good, that's good. Old man, thank you, president."

Seeing that the other party was about to bow, Luo Chen quickly held the old man's hand.

He can't bear such a big gift.

It doesn't matter whether the realm is high or low.


Luo Tian will be busy, not just Min Longyu, Granny Yuan and others.

Pill Hall, Qi Hall, Jin Tang, and Zhan Hall all have their own missions.

Under the leadership of Sima Xian, the battle hall was built on Danxia Peak.

Either tear down the original buildings, or fill in those chaotically dug mountain caves.

Then, under the command of Murong Qinglian, a new building was rebuilt.

The overall building complex is mainly distributed on the sunny front of Danxia Peak.

Row upon row from bottom to top.

Although the whole picture can't be seen in a short time, Luo Chen has seen the construction drawings, and if it is completed, Luo Tian will become something of himself.

It is no longer a casual cultivator force who fights in small ways.

It's the appearance of a well-organized gang sect.

On Dantang's side, it's very simple.

Luo Chen had the idea of ​​training Qu Lingjun.

Let him take monk Dantang to collect those earth fire caves at the bottom of Danxia Peak.

The plans of Shengongmen and Geng's family in the past were too sloppy. They were purely for earning Lingshi and coping with things.

What Luo Chen needs is a new earth fire alchemy room that can provide him with the greatest assistance in alchemy for Luo Tianhui.

The test of Qu Lingjun also lies in this aspect.

For this reason, Tang Quan, Mi Li and other juniors were also assigned to Qu Lingjun by him, and he fully mobilized them.

If there is a shortage of manpower, you can still apply to Sima Huiniang.

There is only one mission for Qitang and Jintang!

Reorganize Biyou Valley!

Long before entering Danxia Peak, Luo Chen and Sima Huiniang came to check it out.

At that time, they could see clearly.

In Biyou Valley, there is actually a prototype of a small market.

And the flow of people is not small.

If Biyou Valley can be rearranged, then Luo Tianhui may be able to open up a new source of income.

Not only that.

Luo Chen also gave Gu Caiyi what was left on him, the last batch of high-grade chalcedony pills.

"Selling pills is second!"

Luo Chen looked at the woman who was becoming more and more beautiful, and said solemnly:

"Your task is to find out the market price of Chalcedony Pill in Tianlan Immortal City!"

"This market is not only price, popularity, but also competitors."

Gu Caiyi asked curiously: "Competitor? The Qi Yang Pill from the Spirit Medicine Pavilion?"

Luo Chen shook his head, "It's not just these!"

Gu Caiyi was startled, and soon, as smart as she was, she figured out what Luo Chen meant.

It is different from the situation where only the Lingyao Pavilion sells pills in Dahefang.

In Tianlan Immortal City, there are too many forces involved in the pill business!

When it gets bigger, there is the Lingyao Pavilion and Qingdan Valley.

At a young age, there are still many immortal cultivating families.

In the middle, there are many gang forces, and some unique medicines are also involved.

Doesn't even the small sect of Shengongmen, which focuses on repairing magic weapons, claim to have exclusive elixir?

Moreover, there are too many monks in Tianlan Immortal City, maybe there is that kind of casual alchemy master hidden in the vast crowd.

These existences, when added up, involve the practice of pills in the Qi refining period, probably no less than one hand.

In this case, is Chalcedony Dan suitable for sale?

Is it suitable to become Luo Tianhui's main industry?

Everything is still unknown!

"No wonder he gave me so many high-grade chalcedony pills."

"Based on the previous prices, that batch of chalcedony pills would be worth at least 50,000 to 60,000 spirit stones."

These thoughts flashed through Gu Caiyi's mind, and he said immediately: "I will finish this matter as soon as possible, and send you the comprehensive investigation results."

Luo Chen looked at her and nodded slightly.

"You do things, I rest assured."

Gu Caiyi smiled and planned to say goodbye and leave.

The reorganization of Biyou Valley is in full swing. Many casual cultivators who left before are negotiating with Luo Tianhui, wanting to come back and continue their small business.

As the head of the golden hall, she is also in charge of foreign affairs.

It's really hard to get away.

Before she left, Luo Chen suddenly called her to stop.

"Let Duan Feng come over!"



On the mountain trail, there were two figures, one in front and one behind.

As we continue to go up, the mountain wind is getting stronger and stronger, and the clouds and mists lingering nearby are getting denser.

Duan Feng followed behind Luo Chen suspiciously, wondering what the other party asked him to do?

If it's because of Qitang's matter, just speak up, why don't you say a word all the time.


But Luo Chen didn't have this kind of character for the internal monks!

If it was in the past, he might be able to figure out one or two Luo Chen's thoughts.

But now, as Luo Chen built the foundation for a long time, his mind became deeper and deeper.

For a lot of things, if he didn't mention the introduction first, the people below would not be able to guess what he was thinking.

Can't figure it out!

Duan Feng had no choice but to follow Luo Chen up the mountain, step by step.

On the way, with good sightlines, he found several caves opened by the predecessors.

The concentration of aura is quite high, even far better than his unique cave in Xiaohuanshan.

Duan Feng wrote it down one by one, and when the time comes, he will ask Sima Huiniang to accommodate him and see if he can move here.

It is still two or three years away from the Great Consummation of Qi Refining.

If you can get the help of these caves with a high concentration of spiritual energy, maybe you can shorten the time a little bit.


Luo Chen stopped in front of him.

He didn't look back, so Duan Feng couldn't see the hesitation on his face.

In the end, Luo Chen made up his mind.

In Duan Feng's doubts, he shook his hand, and a cloth bag appeared in his palm.

Handed it to Duan Feng.

"your things."

Duan Feng was stunned for a moment, then opened the bag curiously.

"Huanyang Water, Liuli Ointment, Anshenxiang..."

All of them are panaceas that need to be used when breaking through the foundation.

Duan Feng read the names of these resources with surprise on his face.

"You prepared it for me?"

"Keep watching!"

"Yeah." Duan Feng was overjoyed, although he didn't know what Luo Chen meant by doing this, but he was still very happy.

Some people prepared the things needed to build the foundation for themselves in advance.

Whoever it is will be happy.

"Hey, what kind of elixir is this?"

"The first-order spirit pill can help monks quickly purify the spiritual power in their bodies, and shorten the time from the ninth level of refining Qi to Dzogchen."

Luo Chen turned his body sideways, turned his back to the floating clouds outside the mountain, and his eyes fell on Duan Feng.

"With the help of this batch of first-order elf pills, you may be able to step into Qi Refining Dzogchen in less than a year."


Duan Feng took a breath.

He held the bag, only feeling a little heavy.

This gift is really heavy!

In Luo Tianhui, is there anyone else who receives such preferential treatment from Luo Chen?

Or, is it just me?

"Is this too..."

"Keep watching!"

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Duan Feng's eyes fell on a small piece of tuber.

"What's this?"

Just as he was holding the tuber in his hand, Luo Chen's words came faintly.

"Eight hundred years of Heaven and Earth Root can increase the chance of foundation establishment by 20%, and even if the breakthrough fails, it will not cause huge trauma to the body. Its preciousness is no less than that of ordinary foundation establishment pills."


Duan Feng flipped open the tongue-shaped tuber.

Originally, he wanted to take a closer look, but his eyes fell on the small note.

The word "Duan Feng" is impressively written on it.

And the familiar font, like a lightning bolt, exploded in his mind.

"Duan! Do it! Kun!"

After uttering these three words word by word, his face was filled with disbelief for a moment.

Luo Chen patted his shoulder lightly, "I have already untied Duan Qiankun's storage bag, and found these things from inside. They are gathered together, obviously carefully prepared for someone. And this person ,It's you."

Plain words.

In Duan Feng's heart, there was an uproar.

How can it be!

That old dog took away my Foundation Establishment Pill, harmed my mother, and made me lose my place in the Duan family.

How could he prepare all the resources from the ninth level of Qi refining to foundation building for me?

This is impossible!


It seems possible!

A long time ago, he had been sending people to persuade me to go back to Duan's house.

Was it Duan Rui's failure that made him, in despair, pin his hopes on me?

If so, it seems to make sense again.

But, in this way, what am I?

If I lead someone, kill him, and destroy the Duan family, don't I become that wolf-hearted person!

No, I'm not wrong.

I did it for revenge, for my mother, and for myself.


"Duan Feng!!!"

A sharp shout resounded in Duan Feng's ears, mind, and heart like Hong Zhong Dalu.

Duan Feng trembled all over and woke up confused.

Seeing this scene, Luo Chen couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

What he was most afraid of was that Duan Feng suddenly couldn't accept that his enemy turned into a benefactor.

In this way, wouldn't it prove that the things he did before were all wrong?

Under such a major blow, monks are particularly prone to go crazy.

Another unique noun, that is the heart demon!

Just like Luo Chen, when he was in a low realm, a catastrophe of inner demons suddenly came.

At that time, he got away with it.

But Duan Feng's specific situation, he didn't know.

Therefore, he was specially called to a secluded place, and at a critical moment, he was awakened with a deterrent magic.

So far, it seems that nothing bad has happened.

"Luo Chen, I..."

Instead of being called the president as usual, he subconsciously called Luo Chen by his name.

It can be seen that Duan Feng is in confusion at the moment.

He looked at Luo Chen, his body trembling, his eyes confused.

Painful and regretful, firm and persistent, many emotions merged together to form an extremely distorted expression.

Luo Chen took a deep breath and squeezed his shoulders heavily.

"I have hesitated before whether to give this resource to you."

"I know, this will have a big impact on you."

"But after thinking about it, I decided to give it to you, because logically, this is what Duan Qiankun left for you. In terms of profit, this is the spoils of you and Wang Yuan, and you have your share."

"As for how you look at it, I can't give too many opinions. As for Duan Qiankun, I can only say that you did absolutely nothing wrong back then!"

"Don't doubt yourself. On the road of practice, you may make mistakes, or it may backfire. But for the decisions you have made, never regret it, and don't doubt yourself because of the past."

"This resource belongs to you, so you don't need to feel guilty!"

"Did you hear clearly?"

The trembling body gradually returned to calm.

Duan Feng held the cloth bag, feeling that it was not as heavy as a mountain before.

However, there are still ups and downs in my mind.

After a while, he smiled bitterly and said, "I need to be quiet."

"Well, you go! Over there at Qitang, I will ask Su Xiaolin and Bian Zhen to take care of it for you."

Duan Feng turned around and walked down the mountain in a erratic manner.

He paused and said a word without looking back.


After speaking, the figure disappeared into the hazy clouds.

Luo Chen sighed, why are you being polite to me!

However, after dealing with this matter, a big stone fell to the ground in his heart.

With Duan Feng's character, as long as he doesn't fall into a dead end at the beginning, he will adjust back later.

That resource is really valuable and cannot be wasted easily.

Turn around and walk towards the top of the mountain.

"Right now, Luo Tianhui is waiting to be done, but Hui Niang sits in the center for me, so I don't need to pay attention to everything."

"Time has freed up."

"Next, I will push the Qingyuan Miaodan method to the Xiaocheng realm as soon as possible!"

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