Immortality begins with Becoming an Alchemy Grandmaster

Chapter 595: The Ten Thousand Immortals Association that does not live up to its name?

The first and only thing Luo Chen asked was about star-level demon hunters.

"According to the monks in Shenyuan City and even areas north of Beihai, star-level demon hunters have a great reputation. Why have I rarely heard of this... profession in other places?"

Zhang Jiadi was stunned at first. He didn't expect that the question Luo Chen wanted to ask would be so simple.

After a slight hesitation, he explained: "It may be related to the fact that the establishment of the star-level demon hunter system was too short. In fact, this matter only started in the past hundred years. In addition, casual cultivators are unwilling to participate in the war between good and evil in Beihai for fear of avoiding the evil. It’s not as good as that. Therefore, star-level demon hunters rarely travel around. It’s normal for monks in other places not to know about this profession.”

Luo Chen nodded, this explanation was reasonable.

The North Sea is vast, with clear separation between land and sea, and its territory is larger than that of other large states.

A merchant ship like the Langya that goes straight to a clear destination will take a whole year to arrive at the Giant Whale Port.

For ordinary casual cultivators to go from the Ten Thousand Immortals Association to other places, the time required would be even longer.

The teleportation array is fast, but as far as he knows, the teleportation arrays in some big cities are extremely expensive. Each use costs millions of spirit stones, and casual cultivators cannot afford that.

"The Yuan Demon has been destroyed, and a hundred years have passed, but a lot of new things have appeared!"

Luo Chen sighed with emotion.

Zhang Jiadi nodded in agreement. Monster hunters were actually very common in the past, but they were just a profession that made a living by hunting monsters.

But the star demon hunter of the Ten Thousand Immortals Society obviously gives him something different.

"Okay, let's get down to business. Please tell me carefully, what are the benefits of becoming a star-level demon hunter?"

Zhang Jiadi looked solemn and replied seriously: "Of course there are many benefits, the first of which is the change in identity."

"Once you become a star-level demon hunter, you are no longer an ordinary casual cultivator. In the Ten Thousand Immortals Association, your status is automatically higher than that of ordinary casual cultivators. And if you leave the Ten Thousand Immortals Association and go to other places, you will also receive preferential treatment. For example, the most common ones, some You need to pay a fee to enter a large fairy city, and there are also expenses for staying for a long time, and these can be erased directly."

"Secondly, star-level demon hunters will be treated with courtesy by the three major forces. Isn't it true that the war between good and evil is in full swing today? If you accidentally get involved in a certain war and show your star-level demon hunter's badge, both the good and the devil will look at the situation. Release."

When saying this, Zhang Jiadi showed Luo Chen his belt.

A black waistband, surrounded by blood clouds, with a crescent moon hanging at the top.

And between the blood cloud and the crescent moon, there are two white five-pointed stars.

"Two-star demon hunter?" Luo Chen glanced at Zhang Jiadi. Even if the opponent's cultivation in the late stage of foundation building was hidden, he couldn't hide it from him.

He frowned. According to his understanding, the star-level demon hunters of the Ten Thousand Immortals Association are divided into nine stars, corresponding to the third stage of foundation building, the third stage of golden elixir, and those who are outstanding in each realm.

Especially the seven, eight, and nine stars at the back, which only a powerful monk can obtain.

In other words, the superficial realm of a monk is often lower than the star level.

But this A-level was reversed, and his realm was actually higher than his star rating.

Doesn't this mean that his strength is not enough to support him to achieve a higher, or even relatively normal, status as a three-star monster hunter?

Something's wrong!

The strong blood evil energy in his body does not look like a weak person.

Luo Chen glanced at him, and Zhang Jiadi lowered his head unnaturally.

He pursed his lips and said: "The courtesy is more than that. According to the discussion of some high-level monks of the Ten Thousand Immortals Association, after the war between good and evil is over in the future. No matter who wins, the star demon hunters in the Ten Thousand Immortals Association will not be defeated. Later liquidation.”

Luo Chen hummed. After all, he was resisting the demon invasion head-on and had made great contributions to the human race.

"Go on."

Seeing that Luo Chen didn't ask him about the star rating, Zhang Jiadi was obviously relieved.

He raised his head, organized his words, and said bit by bit: "Finally, there is the well-known treatment of monster hunters. After becoming a star monster hunter, you can ask for support from the Ten Thousand Immortals Association when you encounter bottlenecks. What star? There are detailed regulations on what level of support corresponds to what level. Generally speaking, we will save opportunities for breakthroughs in big realms, such as foundation building, elixir formation, or what golden elixir monks like you, seniors, are most concerned about. Ningying!”

"Of course, this is just an overview. In fact, there is still a lot that the outside world doesn't know about the last one."

"For example, we enjoy some resource exchange discounts within the Ten Thousand Immortals Club."

Luo Chen listened carefully, especially the last one.

As a qualified listener, he added in a timely manner.

"What resources?"

"Many, all-encompassing!" Zhang Jiadi perked up and introduced all the treasures to Luo Chen.

The resources provided by Wanxianhui are indeed of various types.

Magical weapons, elixirs, talismans, formation compasses, secret techniques, spiritual pets, spiritual plants, fine wines and delicacies, cauldrons and maids... Everything a monk needs, from ordinary people to the fourth level, is almost everything.

Luo Chen was amazed when he heard this, but he was also confused.

"Can Ten Thousand Immortals be able to support such a complicated supply of resources? Where do those things come from?"

Zhang Jiadi smiled and said, "Sir Luo, I don't know something. Our Ten Thousand Immortals Association is known as the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, a holy land for casual cultivators. Naturally, we have abundant resources of all kinds. After all, there are talents among casual cultivators, especially It’s those casual cultivators who have cultivated to the foundation building and golden elixir stages. If they don’t have any skills, it’s impossible for them to reach the corresponding state.”

"There are many people in our Ten Thousand Immortals Guild such as powerful Talisman Makers, Forgers, Formation Masters, and even Physicians and Spiritual Chefs."

"As for those high-level resources, many of them are provided by real people above. They are useless to them, but they are quite useful to us."

"In addition, because it is close to Shenyuan City, the Tianyuan Merchant Alliance also has business relationships with the Ten Thousand Immortals Association, so there is no shortage of high-end resources."

I see!

Zhang Jiadi spoke in detail, but Luo Chen's thinking was divergent. From this pattern, he noticed a sense of familiarity.


Luo Tianhui!

Isn't this the Luo Tianhui model that was established when he was refining his Qi and building his foundation?

Recruit casual cultivators from all walks of life so that all kinds of talents can be put to good use. At the same time, he should establish good relations with other major forces and feed back to Luo some resources that the major forces disdain, as well as resources that he will no longer need when he reaches a high level. God will.

However, Luo Tianhui belongs to the low-profile version of the Ten Thousand Immortals Club.

And because his bond with Luo Tianhui became deeper and deeper, later on, he simply went to Hui Jianzong and established Luo Tianzong, leaving behind his legacy.

Thinking of this, Luo Chen had some sense of identification with the three Sanren who established the Ten Thousand Immortals Association, even though they had never met.

They have all walked on the same road and can be regarded as "people of the same path."

Having talked about the major advantages, the rest are the disadvantages.

Or, change the term.

What we talked about earlier was the rights and interests we enjoyed, and then we should talk about the "obligations" that star-level demon hunters have to fulfill to the Ten Thousand Immortals Association.

When talking about this aspect, Zhang Jiadi looked quite serious.

"First of all, once you pass the assessment and become a star demon hunter of the Ten Thousand Immortals Association, the first rule is that you must kill the remnants of the Yuan Mo Sect when you encounter them!"


When the city government of Yiluochen heard this rule, they couldn't help but be stunned and didn't react for a long time.

"Wait a minute, you clearly said before that the Ten Thousand Immortals are related to the three major forces. When encountering an irresistible beast tide, the three major forces will also support you. Even after the war between good and evil in the future, no matter who wins, Whoever loses, the star-level demon hunter will also receive preferential treatment."

"Well, this junior said so."

"Then you can explain to me that among the three major forces, the Mara-ryu has a large number of remnants of the Yuanmo Sect entrenched in it. As you said, isn't this contradictory? Could it be that the remnants of the Yuanmo Sect of the Mara-liu are Are you a fool? You give me food and drink, and you let me manipulate you?"

In response to this, Zhang Jiadi couldn't help scratching the back of his head, feeling a little confused.

"I don't know, junior, but the rules are just like this. Maybe there will be flexibility in implementation due to the difference in strength between the enemy and ourselves, but in short, the Ten Thousand Immortals Association and the remnants of Yuan Mo Sect are incompatible with each other."

Speaking of this, Zhang Jiadi whispered: "This rule should be related to the three Sanren who founded the Ten Thousand Immortals Association. It is said that they all have enmity with Yuan Mo Sect. When Yuan Mo Sect was still there, they Hug together to keep warm and resist the Yuan Mo Sect’s pursuit.”

Luo Chen frowned. He really didn't know this gossip.

However, the three major Sanren people are quite famous, and I already know that from afar on Lengguang Island.

Those three people, when they were in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, claimed that they were not afraid of the great monks of the Yuan Empress.

Now that I think about it, there are not many great monks from the Yuan Dynasty in the world of Beihai Immortal Cultivation. How did they come up with such rumors?

He must have fought against the great monk of the Empress Yuan Dynasty and successfully survived, so he had such a record that was passed down.

A hundred years ago, most of the empress Yuan monks in Beihai were hoarded in the Holy Land Yuan Mo Sect.

Maybe, there really is a grudge?

Shaking his head, Luo Chen no longer pursued the ambiguous legend between these real people.



Zhang Jiadi immediately said the second rule.

This time, Luo Chen was not too surprised.

The second rule is nothing more than that when encountering a tide of beasts, the star demon hunters of the Ten Thousand Immortals Society are recruited and must go into battle.

Ordinary casual cultivators, on the other hand, are subject to much fewer restrictions and often go to the battlefield only once every few times.

"Any more?"

"There is one last thing." Zhang Jiadi said vaguely: "The monster hunting income of star-level monster hunters must be sold through the Ten Thousand Immortals Association and cannot be sold outside."

Luo Chen understood.

This is similar to Luo Tianhui's model back then, so there's nothing strange about it.

The income from Luo Tianhui's original casual cultivators, whether it was from Duan Feng's casting, or from the alchemy of the alchemists below, or even the income from cultivation by the spiritual planters in the guild, all had to be turned over to the guild and sold through Jintang Gu Caiyi. , and finally after earning spiritual stones, they will be settled to the people below according to the proportion and salary.


Luo Chenruo looked at Zhang Jiadi for a while, looking at him until his scalp went numb.

The monks of Luo Tianhui only turn over the income from production, and mostly handle other windfalls for themselves.

But the Ten Thousand Immortals Association's side was obtained from monster hunting, and it was forcibly stipulated that the Ten Thousand Immortals Association must handle it.

As for the monster resource business... there is really too much room for maneuver.

The interests involved may amount to thousands or even tens of thousands of spiritual stones.

For casual practitioners, this is not a small amount.

Luo Chen had experienced the hardships of living as a casual cultivator. He spent every day planning carefully for a few spiritual stones and had to shop around when buying and selling things.

He couldn't bear to let him be shortchanged by middlemen.

This A-number obviously has good cultivation and strong evil aura, but its star rating is not high. What does it mean?

as expected!

After Luo Chen asked how to become a star-level demon hunter and how to advance to a star level, he understood the real reason for the other party's nervousness.

This junior doesn't follow the rules!

Privately sell the proceeds from monster hunting through relationships outside of the Ten Thousand Immortals Association.

Under Luo Chen's half-smiling gaze, Zhang Jia trembled for the second time, broke out in cold sweat, and almost knelt down.


An arm went around his shoulder.

A pair of gentle but tough eyes met Luo Chen's gaze.

"Senior Luo, when I first arrived at the Wanxian Society, I think I am not familiar with many things. Our couple has been deeply involved in the Wanxian Society for decades, and we are quite well-connected. We don't care about trivial matters. We might as well let our couple serve as guides for Luo. Seniors are running around a lot."

It was Wenxiu, Zhang Jiadi's Taoist companion. His level was not high, and he only had the fifth level of foundation building. However, he was extremely courageous, and under Luo Chen's turned gaze, he remained neither humble nor arrogant.

Luo Chen's eyes moved downwards, falling on the opponent's belly, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Finally, he nodded.

"Then I'll bother you, the wise couple."

Half a month later.

"Everyone, Qianxing Island has arrived. This place is already the boundary of the Ten Thousand Immortals Association. If you want to disembark, please report to the steward and leave directly."

"Next, we are going to Longyuan City under the Fulong Mountains in the hinterland of the Wanxianhui. It is estimated to take a day and a half. If you have fellow Taoists who want to go, be prepared in advance!"

"As soon as we reach the shore, we will set sail immediately."

on deck.

Luo Chen looked at the casual cultivators who were hurriedly getting off the boat, and asked without looking back, "Are we going to get off the boat?"

Behind him, Zhang Jiadi and his wife stood respectfully.

Hearing this, the two looked at each other, and Wenxiu said: "That's not necessary. Although there is a demon hunter stronghold on Thousand Stars Island, it only provides registration records for Qi Refining and Foundation Building monks. Masters like Jindan, like our predecessors, , only Longyuan City is qualified to register you and issue assessment tasks."

"Do you have a residence in Longyuan?"

"Yes, it's a small courtyard. Although the place is not big, it can accommodate three or five people."

"Then go directly to Longyuan!"

Standing in front of the guardrail, Luo Chen was in a good mood and quite expectant.

Being able to serve as the main city of a big force, it wouldn't be a bad idea.

Maybe his future place of practice will be in Longyuan City.

Under this expectation, the Gao family's merchant ship moved quickly.

About a day and a half later, at dusk, we arrived at a pier.

As soon as he landed on land, Luo Chen couldn't wait to look at a towering giant city in the distance.

His excellent eyes allowed him to see the huge city clearly even from dozens of miles away.


The first glance made him frown involuntarily.

He turned his head and asked in surprise: "Are you sure this is the main city of the Ten Thousand Immortals Association?"

Looking from a distance, it looks majestic and majestic.

As far as the eye can see, the huge city is in dilapidated condition.

Countless vines were hanging on it, and most of a small wall collapsed.

Even if the other walls are intact, the gray and white colors on them cannot be compared with solemnity and grandeur. They are just like old clothes that have been mended.

Not only that, the monks flying boats coming in and out were in a mess, with no sense of order at all.

Even though there is plenty of spiritual energy in it, and it seems to be very suitable for low-level monks to practice, the overall impression is not even as shocking as Luo Chen's first sight of Tianlan Immortal City.

Zhang Jiadi gave a wry smile and said, "The Holy Land for Loose Cultivators, that's what it is."

Luo Chen took a deep breath, waved to Tianxuan, and then flew Fayun towards Longyuan City.

Tianxuan released a burst of magic power, rolled up Zhang Jiadi and his wife, and followed quickly.

As he got closer and closer to Longyuan City, Luo Chen's heart couldn't stop sinking.

When he walked to the dilapidated city gate, before he entered the city, his scattered consciousness noticed the distribution of spiritual energy inside.

Although the spiritual energy within it is abundant, it is extremely scattered.

The strongest one is located deep in the city, and its intensity is as high as level four!

But in other places, the highest level is only the second level of high-grade.

This is not suitable for Jindan monks to practice!

"Could it be that I'm in the wrong place?"

For a moment, Luo Chen, standing at the gate of the city, even doubted his life.

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