Immortality begins with Becoming an Alchemy Grandmaster

Chapter 689: Transformed into a demon, a monster, and also into a human

"The remnants of the snake: like snakes and horses, covered in scales and armor, with four legs on their belly. There are twelve big tendons and ninety-six small tendons, which is the number of the small Zhoutian..."

"The Horned Demon Tribe: shaped like a human, with towering horns. A single horn can withstand the power of wind and thunder, and is incredibly brave..."

"The Strange-Eyed Clan: A one-eyed brow with the power to turn stone, forbid the sky, and capture souls. They are also called the Strange-Eyed Clan. According to legend, they are the descendants of Zhulong, one of the three ancient demons in the demon world. They were born weak and had only one eye. Do not look directly at it. A total of one thousand or eight acupoints are blocked all over the body. When all the acupoints are opened, the demon body will be opened and the demon eyes will be opened..."

"Poro clan..."

As Luo Chen expected, in addition to information on various medicinal materials, the bamboo slips in the study at the third level also recorded a large amount of information about the races in the demon world.

There are even comparisons of pictures on some bamboo slips!

Although there are only a few strokes, the painter is almost mystical, making one look like a demon before his eyes.

In fact, not only the painters, but also the calligraphy on these bamboo slips are extremely superb and contain special power. Even if Luo Chen doesn't recognize the calligraphy, he can understand the true meaning just by looking at it.

If these bamboo slips were all written by the Heavenly Demon King himself, then the power contained in them would be truly astonishing.

Back to topic.

By reading the bamboo slips, in half a year, Luo Chen gained a deeper understanding of the demonic world that he had never seen before.

Thousands of strange races, incredible abilities, ugly or beautiful looks... and extremely complex body structures!

Thousands of races gather in one realm, and their physical differences make the elixirs used by each race different.

"When I first saw the third-level test questions, I was overjoyed. I thought it was just a body-refining elixir that I could easily capture."

"Now that I understand the distribution of races in the demon world and the structure of most demon bodies, I realize that there is something extraordinary in this simplicity!"

It can make Luo Chen feel troublesome, which shows the problem.

The third level of assessment is indeed about refining the simplest body-refining elixir, but it requires refining an elixir with strong "universal applicability".

Breaking the boundaries of the demon clan will allow most demon clan to use such elixirs to enhance their body refining realm and lay a solid foundation to pursue the realm of true demons that countless demon clans dream of.

In this case, it is not simple.

The more common the elixir is, the more extreme it is.

"I got a little carried away and underestimated the Dan Realm inheritance assessment."

While muttering, Luo Chen put down the bamboo slips and walked slowly in the study.

He has many inspirations in his mind, but at the moment, none of them seem to be suitable.

Or it's too biased and only suitable for one or two races. Either it has strong universal applicability but low potency, and may not be able to meet the assessment requirements at this level. If you spend a lot of effort to refine it, but you can only get a poor evaluation result, then the gain outweighs the loss.

At this moment, Luo Chen sniffed lightly with his nose.

A vague smell of burning smell came from a distance.

He looked from a distance and saw the door of the alchemy room opened, and a puff of black smoke floated out.

Then, Haijiao Tianmu's disgraced figure appeared in the field of vision.

Failed again!

The corners of Luo Chen's mouth curled up slightly.

This is the first time in half a year that the other party has failed?

Seventy times? Eighty times? Or did it happen hundreds of times without me noticing?

How could Haijiao Tianlao not notice his gloating about his misfortune, and her face darkened.


Seeing that the other party was about to get into the alchemy room again, Luo Chen spoke quickly.

"Fellow Taoist, one person is short-term and two people are long-term. Why don't you take out the prescription you deduced and discuss it."

Haijiao Tianlao smiled, "Then I still have to thank you for your kindness?"

Luo Chen waved his hand first. "No need to thank you. People who share the same path should help each other!"

Then he pointed at himself with a proud look on his face, "With my alchemy attainment, which I have passed twice in a row, I think it won't be a problem for me to give you a few pointers."

Haijiao Tianmu's face darkened.

She said coldly: "Didn't anyone teach you to respect the old and love the young? Even if you don't understand etiquette, you should understand the truth that the wise come first! When you are older than me, don't tell me what to do!"


After saying that, she snorted coldly and got into the alchemy room again.

After she left, the smile on Luo Chen's face gradually faded.


I also want to see the other party’s research results so that I can avoid the pitfalls of failure.

However, under such verbal pressure, and at the time when the other party failed, I think it will leave a big psychological shadow on Haijiao Tianmu's heart!

As long as it has some impact.

"Next, I should cut out the complex and simplify it, and research the basic elixir that is most suitable for most demons to refine their body."

Luo Chen waved his sleeves to brush away the pungent burnt smell in the air, and then closed the study door.

"Failed again!"

"How could it fail?"

"Obviously, demons and demons all have something in common in refining their bodies, so why do my elixir recipes fail again and again?"

In the alchemy room, Haijiao Tianmu kept asking herself, with a look of confusion on her face.

She didn't think it was a problem with her alchemy skills.

With her strength as an alchemy master, facing the elixirs she studied at home, they were still relatively low-level basic elixirs, and successfully refining them was just the simplest thing.

Therefore, the problem must be with Danfang itself!

"Is it because the power of Shen Yuan's herbal medicine is too overbearing?"

Twisting a ball of black ash between her fingers, Haijiao Tianmu fell into deep thought.

After thinking for a long time, she decided to go back to the study and take another look at the bamboo slips.

The answer must be contained in it!


The door of the study was pushed open, and Haijiao Tianmu, who was worried, only took a glance and her pupils shrank slightly.

Unlike the previous six months, this time the human cultivator named Qingyang Demon Lord no longer wandered between the bookshelves, but sat at the desk and was writing furiously.

This scene made her feel heavy-hearted.

"So fast?"

"The knowledge recorded in the bamboo slips here is not only as vast as the sea of ​​​​smoke, but also as good as a mountain of books. He only took half a year to read it all. Even... he has reached the stage of writing a pill formula!"

Thinking of the strong confidence revealed in the other party's previous words, and the record of crushing and breaking through two levels, the old woman clenched her fists imperceptibly.

"I can't tell what level this person is in. He is neither humble nor arrogant when facing me. I think he is also a real person."

"But his attainments in alchemy must be very profound, especially in creating alchemy formulas... Could it be that he is the ancestor of the Yuanying Upper Sect, or even a direct descendant from the Holy Land of the Transformation God?"

"If that's the case, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me."

The old woman wandered among the bookshelves, and her eyes occasionally fell on the man who was writing on the desk by the window.

Thoughts were up and down in her mind, and she had many distractions.

When it comes to alchemy, the human race is definitely above the demon race.

Although she, Haijiao Tianmu, came from the Haijiao clan, which is good at identifying spiritual medicines, she is still not good enough in terms of alchemy inheritance.

In the early years, in order to improve the alchemy, she hunted a large number of immortal cultivators and obtained alchemy books. She even risked her life to go deep into the heart of the human race, participate in the alchemy event, and discuss with those powerful alchemists.

It is with a little bit of effort that she has achieved what she has today.

But if she really wants to compare with those holy places of the upper sects that have been passed down for thousands of years, she is still far behind in terms of foundation.

If the Qingyang Demon Lord really comes from behind and breaks through the third level in advance, then this trip will be in vain.

Thinking of this, the old woman's expression became more gloomy.

"It's all the fault of the Mermaid Emperor Liujun. If he was willing to give me the alchemy books he got from the Yuan Demon Sect, how could I be so difficult to move forward now."

"If I get the alchemy inheritance this time, it will be fine. If I fail, then the friendship between my Haijiao clan and the Mermaid clan..."

Thinking about it, Haijiao Tianmu was suddenly stunned.

"What's wrong with me?"

Just at this moment, she looked at the window, and the handsome young man was looking up and looking at her quietly.

The two looked at each other, and then staggered away silently.

Haijiao Tianmu seemed to understand something and cursed in a low voice.



No matter how despicable the intention is, no matter how despicable the means are, it does not affect the attainment of the skills.

The so-called pure heart and sincere way, in Luo Chen's view, is just the degree of investment in a certain way, which has nothing to do with good or evil.

Countless times of action, countless successes, uninterrupted reading, over hundreds of years, even if it does not contain the strengths of hundreds of schools, it has laid a solid foundation for him to build a strong alchemy.

This foundation played a great role in the assessment of the three levels of the alchemy world, which is to create a self-made pill formula!

Regarding the demon clan's body refining pills, Luo Chen spent a year and a half to write dozens of pill formulas.

Later, he realized that the demon clan's body refining was similar to the changes in the blood and qi of the human race, and the spirit tempering of the demon clan was similar, and it was closer to the physical polishing of wild beasts.

However, in this process, some body refining concepts of the two races of humans and demons were also mixed.

Focusing on the body, supplemented by the qi, taking the extreme and domineering way!

After realizing this, he suddenly understood.

If you want to refine pills for this kind of people, you should present the medicinal power of the pills with the momentum of a torrent without being bound by mud and sand!

Simply put, the auxiliary materials must be strong, and the main materials must be stronger. In this way, the refined pills will have terrifying medicinal power.

The physique of the demons is born stronger than that of the human and demon races, and the medicinal power they can carry is naturally stronger.

So, just let it go!

Adhering to this idea, Luo Chen screened out most of the pill recipes, leaving only nine.

Among the nine pill recipes, the skin, flesh and bones are the main ones, and the blood acupoints only occupy one or two.

Then, he went to the pill world to collect spiritual medicines and brought them back for grinding.

In the process of personally contacting these medicinal materials, six pill recipes were eliminated, leaving only the three most rough ones.

Then the integrity was confirmed through system identification.

At this point, everything is ready, just waiting to be refined!

During this process, Haijiao Tianmu has been watching coldly.

She could see that the herbs Luo Chen had collected were all of the powerful ones.

As a result, she was full of questions and a little bit sneered.

"Not distinguishing between the host and the guest, not knowing the combination of strength and weakness, could it be that I overestimated him?"

In doubt, Haijiao Tianmu herself did not stop her hands and feet.

It took her three years to break through the gap between immortals and mortals in the first level, and only one year to cleanse the demon soul in the second level. Now it has taken her three years to forge the foundation of the demon body!

It is time to test the results.

This time, she is very sure!

The third level of the alchemy room has always been used by her, and Qingyang Demon Lord has never stepped into it.

In the past three years, there have been countless failures, and success may be the next time.

The old woman started to make pills again.

Three months later.

The old woman's eyes were red, staring at the red-hot alchemy furnace, and the feeling in her heart that was about to burst out became stronger and stronger.

This time, I will definitely succeed, I will definitely pass!

And the kid who lived outside and made pills will be left behind by her again.

"He has only started making pills for three months, and a lot of trial and error is just the beginning. For me, the gap is too big!"

"I was fooled by this kid before, which confused me. This time I am ahead of him, and he should be in a mess."

Thinking of this, Haijiao Tianmu showed a happy smile on her face.

However, before this smile was fully bloomed, a weak voice rumbled from the air.

[Stone Skin Pill, the pill is a third-level lower grade, which can help low-level demons temper their skin and flesh. ]

[Thunder Bone Pill, the pill is a third-level lower grade, which can help low-level demons temper their bone marrow fluid. ]

[Mercury Blood Pill, the pill is a third-level lower grade, which can help low-level demons temper their blood. ]

[Assessment result, excellent, passed! ]


In the pill room, the medicine furnace exploded.

The old woman didn't care about giving up halfway, she waved her sleeves, opened the door, and rushed out directly.

In the sight, a bright light enveloped the red-robed Taoist, and the space seemed to be twisted and collapsed.

The Taoist looked at the old woman with white hair and red eyes and nodded slightly.

"Daoyou, I will go first."

After the words fell, the light column dissipated, and the Taoist figure had completely disappeared.

Looking at this dreamlike scene, the old woman trembled all over, with an unbelievable look on her face.

"How is it possible?"

"How could he refine the correct elixir in such a short time."

"Level 3! With such a high grade, the medicinal power must be terrifying. How can the low-level demons withstand it?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

The old woman's murmur gradually became louder, like shouting.

However, this time, no one responded to her.

Luo Chen left with a calm and peaceful look, as if he didn't regard her as an opponent for the inheritance of the alchemy.

Ignoring is the greatest contempt!

Haijiao Tianmu, the mentality is a little unbalanced.

The sun and the moon rotate, and a new day comes.

Luo Chen absorbed the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and felt the golden elixir in his body leaping.

Sure enough, after the three levels, there is still a fourth level, as if it is endless.

But he understands that the test of the alchemy inheritance of a generation of Lianxu Zhenjun will not be so simple.

And all he has to do is to go step by step no matter how many levels are behind.

Previously, in the third level, he had an advantage over Haijiao Tianmu, the master of alchemy!

Relying on years of experience in body refining, he solved the problem faster, and the selection of elixir formulas was faster with the help of the system. The specific alchemy process also took only three months to get started and refine the first furnace of elixir because of the use of achievement points.

Such a thundering momentum must have shocked the old woman!

However, Luo Chen could sense that the other party was getting closer and closer to success, and his little tricks might not stop the other party for long.

Next, he had to work harder.

With a slight smile, Luo Chen's eyes suddenly condensed.

A voice came into his mind, like a huge bell, echoing endlessly.

"Demons envy the variability of monsters, monsters admire the intelligence of humans, and humans covet the purity of demons. The spirits of heaven and earth each have their own strengths. We, the alchemists, enter the Dao with alchemy, and we should break the limits of the three races of demons, monsters, and humans."

"Please refine three pills for demon transformation, monster transformation, and human transformation."

"The pill formula is as follows..."

For a moment, Luo Chen stood still on the spot, lost in thought.

This level does not test the basic understanding of alchemy, but tests the specific alchemy skills?

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